GraceNotes A Monthly Publication of the Congregational Activities of Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church in Newton, NC Volume 220, Number 2 __ ___ _ _ _ ___February 2017 February 11th 9:00 AM @ the Blue Moon, Newton "Connections" Every Thursday Morning 10:30 AM Valentine Dinner - Mexican Taco Bar February 12th 5:00 PM Everyone Invited Pancake Supper February 28th 6:00 PM From the Pastor’s Pen… Dear Grace Family, Peace, mercy and grace be yours from our Lord and Savior, Jesus, the Christ. Amen! What a month January was! The Board Retreat was the most uplifting experience! On behalf of the Board members, I want to thank you, the people of Grace, for your support in making the retreat possible. It was monies and time well spent! Nine individuals came together, most not knowing what to expect, but through prayer and worship, there was wonderful sharing and involvement by each and every member. There was a time of goal setting, a time of sharing and openness, a time of fellowship and bonding as a Board. In the evaluations, the comment made most was that we were all clear on the expectations and the priorities and there is much work that needs to be done. But thanks be to God for the presence of His Holy Spirit that touched us all as we worshiped and prayed together!! There was a wonderful presentation on the Grace Cemetery by Allen Biggerstaff and Reid Lynch as they shared the deep and meaningful history of the cemetery. There is much responsibility that goes with the management of the cemetery and we will be intentional as we address those needs in 2017. The staff at the Catholic Conference Center were perfect hosts and the food was extraordinary! There was also a group of 64 women from Cold Springs UMC in Kannapolis in retreat there at CCC and our meal times were filled with beautiful singing and great fellowship. It is my prayer that each disciple at Grace will become involved with the different Ministry Teams. The Board also approved the beginnings of a new Shepherding Ministry as each Board member will disciple 10-12 households in the congregation. This is for the purpose of communication, as well as caring for one another. So you will be getting a call soon from your Board Member/Shepherd, just to say “Hi” and introduce themselves to you. I know you will welcome that call and will be enthusiastic as you share with your assigned Shepherd. I hope to see you soon or in worship. Until then, be grace-filled with His Holy Spirit. Blessings! Pastor Gil Gilbert 2 WORSHIP ASSISTANTS FOR FEBRUARY Communion Assistants - Michael & Wanda Hall Ushers - Allen Biggerstaff, James Hall, Joe Whisnant, Ted Whisnant Greeter - Debi Pisko Altar Preparation - Debra Hefner, Betty Wilfong Children's Church and Nursery - Emilee Bumgardner, Sheila Drum Offering Tabulators - Mike Pisko, Herb Travis Please be mindful of your commitment to serve. If you are unable to fulfill that commitment, be reminded that it is your responsibility to find someone to serve in your place. FLOWER CHART FOR FEBRUARY 2/05 - OPEN 2/12 - OPEN 2/19 - Bobbie Wright 2/26 - OPEN If you wish to give the flowers for a given Sunday, please list your name on the chart in the narthex. You are responsible for ordering the flowers from a florist of your choice; we do not have a standing order with any florist. The liturgical color of the day is listed to assist you in selecting flowers appropriate for that Sunday. You should contact the Church Office so that the correct information is placed in the bulleting for that Sunday. Please notify the Church Office the Thursday prior to your selected Sunday. You can call the Church Office between 9 AM and Noon each weekday, leave a note on the desk, or send an email to let us know the occasion or memoriam for this wonderful gift of beatification of the worship. ATTENDANCE AND GIVING TO OUR LORD’S WORK FOR DECEMBER 2016/JANUARY 2017 12/24/16 12/25/16 1/01/17 1/08/17 1/15/17 1/22/17 SCS 0 17 35 0 37 34 Worship 106 86 70 0 80 75 General Offering 285.00 3,032.00 4,875.00 SNOW 3,406.00 1,562.00 Learning Hour 0.00 11.00 41.57 0.00 20.00 27.00 Building Fund 0.00 0.00 243.00 0.00 2,608.00 90.00 Christmas Offering Envelope 0.00 647.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Memorial Fund - David Warlick 0.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 40.00 0.00 Local Outreach 0.00 0.00 165.00 0.00 120.00 0.00 National Outreach 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 Fellowship Hall Usage 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 50.00 First Sunday Lunch 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 70.00 0.00 Land Rental 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 0.00 THE FRED T. FOARD SENIORS will meet at Noon on Wednesday, February 1st, at Wesley Chapel. FIRST SUNDAY LUNCH will be held February 5th following Worship. The meal of soup, salad, sandwiches and dessert will be furnished by the Praise and Worship Ministry Team. Suggested freewill offering - $3.00. 3 MEN OF GRACE PRAYER BREAKFAST will be held on Saturday, February 11th, at 9:00 AM at the Blue Moon. We invite all men of Grace to join us for discussion, prayer, and great food. SECOND SUNDAY BREAKFAST will be held Sunday, February 12th, at 9:00 AM. Providing the breakfast are Harvey and Helen Leatherman and Family, and Dan and Tricia Panek. Suggested freewill offering - $3.00. THE GRACE SENIOR/ADULT LUNCHEON GROUP will meet in the Fellowship Hall on Wednesday, February 15th, from noon until 2:00 PM. Baked salmon, salad, corn, rolls, red velvet cake and drinks will be served. Bingo will follow the lunch. Please invite a friend and come join the fun and fellowship! FAYE LANE would like to thank Grace Church for the lovely poinsettia. THE 2017 FLOWER CHART is now posted in the Narthex. Please sign up if you wish to sponsor the flowers for any given Sunday. It is your responsibility to contact a florist of your choice to order flowers or use flowers from your garden or other source to make an arrangement. Please notify the Church Office regarding your dedication no later than noon on the Thursday prior to your sponsorship. "CONNECTIONS" BIBLE STUDY CONTINUES Thursday mornings at 10:30 AM. This study focuses on upcoming lessons for Sunday's worship as well as ideas and interpretations concerning scripture. For us to offer this type of Bible study digging into God's Word seems to be the best way to begin the new year! Come and bring a friend! ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING for the Property/Facilities Ministry Team will be held Monday, February 6th, at 7:00 PM. If you have any interest in serving on this Ministry Team, please plan to attend the meeting or talk with Carl Beam. According to the Bylaws of the Constitution, the Property/Facilities Ministry Team shall, subject to the control of the Board: a. see that the property of the congregation is maintained in good repair. b. supervise the routine maintenance and cleaning of the buildings and grounds. c. review the insurance needs annually with the Finance/Stewardship Ministry Team and make recommendations to the Board. d. make an annual inspection of all the property in the month of April and report any repairs or improvements needed at the May meeting of the Board. e. formulate short and long range property maintenance and building needs. f. review the annual maintenance and repair needs of the congregation and suggest to the Finance/Stewardship Ministry Team an annual spending plan for the use of the Property/Facilities Ministry Team. (CB) VALENTINE DINNER will be held Sunday, February 12th, at 5:00 PM sponsored by the Christian Education/Learning Ministry Team. The menu will be a Mexican Taco Bar. Come and enjoy. Games will be the entertainment. If anyone needs a ride please let Nancy Leonard know. Someone will be glad to pick you up. Also let Nancy know if you have any dietary needs. Everyone is welcome to attend. (NL) 4 NORTH CAROLINA LUTHERANS FOR LIFE will hold their next meeting on Sunday, February 19th, at 2:30 PM at Saint John's Lutheran Church, 2126 Saint Johns Church Road, Conover. The focus of Lutherans For Life is two-fold. First, they desire to say very clearly that death is not an acceptable, God-pleasing way to deal with the problems of life. Second, they desire to say very clearly that there is a better way. They ground both of these in the truth of God’s holy Word. His Word defines what is not acceptable. His Word points to a better way, He who is The Way, Jesus Christ. They deal with issues of abortion, adoption, bioethics, creation, end-of-life, family living, post-abortion healing, fetal development, and sexual purity. For more information contact Pastor Scott Johnson at 828-464- 4071. (KH) SHROVE TUESDAY is February 28th this year. Jodi Martin, Jill Matthews and Jackie Jarrett are organizing this event again this year. Anyone that can assist, please feel free to contact them. This pancake supper will be served at 6:00 PM. Everyone is encouraged to join in this time of fellowship before our Lenten Journey begins.
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