TABLE OF CONTENTS Passionist International Bulletin The Curia Informs LETTER OF THE SUPERIOR GENERAL FOR WORLD N° 15 - New Series - October 2007 YOUTH DAY: MEETING OF YOUNG PASSIONISTS Fr. Ottaviano D’Egidio, Superior General, C.P.......... p. 3 PILGRIMAGE TO STRADBROKE ISLAND Editor (AUSTRALIA): WORLD YOUTH DAY CROSS & ICON General Curia of the Fr. John Pearce, C.P. (SPIR) ....................................... p. 5 Congregation of the Passion LETTER OF THE SUPERIOR GENERAL FOR WORLD General Consultor for Communications YOUTH DAY TO ALL PROVINCIAL SUPERIORS, VICE Denis Travers, C.P. PROVINCIALS AND REGIONAL VICARS Fr. Ottaviano D’Egidio, Superior General, C.P........... p. 8 Editing and Translation of Texts Stanislao Renzi, C.P. MEETING OF THE GENERAL CURIA WITH THE Lawrence Rywalt, C.P. REGIONAL COORDINATORS....................................p. 9 Arthur Carrillo, C.P. Patricio Manosalvas, C.P. LETTER OF THE SUPERIOR GENERAL Robert Coward, C.P. INTRODUCING THE TEMPLATE FOR GUIDING THE George Stanfield, C.P. PLANNING PROCESS Fr. Ottaviano D’Egidio, Superior General, C.P.......... p. 10 Photographs Lawrence Rywalt, C.P. THE TEMPLATE FOR GUIDING THE PLANNING John Pearce, C.P. PROCESS....................................................................... p. 12 Miguel Ángel Villanueva, C.P. AN INTERVIEW WITH FR. JESÚS MARÍA ARISTÍN, CP (CORI) Address Fr. Mario Melgosa Sáenz de Buruaga, CP (CORI) and Fr. Ufficio Comunicazioni Lawrence Rywalt, CP (PAUL) ................................... p. 14 Curia Generalizia P.za Ss. Giovanni e Paolo, 13 NEW APPOINTMENTS TO THE GENERAL CURIA AND 00184 Roma - ITALIA THE COMMUNITY AT STS. JOHN AND PAUL, Tel. ROME............................................................................ p. 17 Fax: 06.700.84.54 Pagina Web: http://passiochristi.org E-mail: [email protected] Passionist Life Graphics News from the Conferences Marco Pasquali, C.P PASPAC. p. 18 CII . p. 20 Cover Logo CLAP. p. 21 Loretta Lynch IPCM . p. 22 CIPI . p. 23 Cover photo NECP . p. 24 1 July 2007 - The Arrival in Australia Witnesses. p. 25 of the Cross and Icon Passionist Sisters and the Laity. p. 27 for the World Youth Day Professions and Ordinations . p. 28 New Publications. .. p. 30 Obitus. p. 31 Printing Editoriale Eco s.r.l. Località San Gabriele-Colledara 64045 San Gabriele - Teramo THE CURIA INFORMS WWOORRLLDD YYOOUUTTHH DDAAYY -- JJUULLYY 22000088 MMEESSSSAAGGEE OOFF TTHHEE SSUUPPEERRIIOORR GGEENNEERRAALL OFO TF HTEH CE OCNOGNRGERGEAGTAITOINO NO FO TF HTEH PEA S- SPIAOSNSI ON TOHNE T MHEEE MTEINEGTI ONFG YOOFU YNOGU PNAGS- SPIAOSNSIIOSTN IRSETL RIGEILOIGUISO IUNS M INEL MBEOLUBRONUER FNOER FORT HTEH EW WOROLRDL DY OYUOTUHT HD ADYAY Fr. Ottaviano D’Egidio cp Superior General relationships, fraternity, friendships, and communal Dear brothers, experiences of prayer, dialog and sharing. It will be I am writing to request your assistance in refer- directed and facilitated by Passionists from different ence to the plan to organize a meeting of the young parts of the Congregation. religious of our Congregation on the occasion of the A) The young religious who should participate in World Youth Day in Australia, July 2008. In fact in the meeting July 2008, at our monastery of the Holy Cross in Templestowe, Melbourne, the General Council and I I ask that you send at least one member of your would like to meet with the young religious of the Province/Vice-Province/Vicariate to this meeting. Congregation for a period of three days. It will be an For those Provinces/Vice-Provinces/Vicariates who important meeting and it will offer a unique opportu- have more than ten young religious who are less than nity for extensive dialog with our young religious 35 years of age, it is possible to send an additional about the Restructuring process of the Congregation delegate for every 10 young religious. For those and thus address and act upon one of the ten priorities Provinces/Vice-Provinces/Vicariates who do not of the recent General Chapter, i.e. the Preferential have religious who are less than 35 years of age it is Option for Youth. possible to send a representative from among those The General Council has named a who have professed vows or who were ordained Commission to program this meeting. It is composed within the last ten years. It is my hope and intention of Frs. Paul Francis Spencer (NECP), Enzo del that in addition to the presence of clerical students Brocco (CIPI), Ramiro Ruiz (COPAL), Orven there is also representation from among the Brothers. Gonzaga (PASPAC) and Denis Travers as a represen- In order to assist the international Commission tative of the General Council. For the past six months that is preparing this event, I am asking you to com- the Commission has been preparing and organizing municate the name of the representative or represen- the meeting so that these days will be meaningful for tatives of your Province/Vice-Province/Vicariate to our young religious and for the Congregation. The the Secretary General, Fr. Ramiro Ruiz (segretario- three days of the meeting will begin on the evening of [email protected]) within the next three months, Saturday, July 5th and will conclude on Wednesday however no later than November 21, the Feast of the morning, July 9th. The events will be multi-lingual Presentation of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary in the and there will be opportunity for special liturgies as Temple. Together with the name(s) of the religious well as major presentations on the topics of that you send to Fr. Ramiro I also ask you to send the Passionist charism, presence and missions in today’s following information: world. There will also be specific opportunities for • Name(s) of the young religious dialog with the General Council. The meeting will • E-mail address also have the added dimension of enabling personal • Mailing address • Target language _____________________October 2007 PIB N. 15_____________________ 3 THE CURIA INFORMS to participate should make the request to obtain this B) Cost for the meeting Visa. The request for the Visa is included in the process of Registration for World Youth Day (WYD) The Province of the Holy Spirit (SPIR) will and will automatically be considered by the assume the cost of the organization, the room and Australian Department of Immigration and board and what is needed for the meeting of the Citizenship. Those pilgrims who intend to go to young religious in Melbourne, as well as for the days Australia are asked to register as soon as possible in following attendance at the World Youth Day in order to obtain the necessary Visa; the Visa is gratis. Sydney. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Additional information about the Visa can be the SPIR Province (Australia, New Zealand and obtained in English, Italian, Spanish and French on Papua New Guinea) for their great generosity. the World Youth Day website: www.wyd2008.org. It The Provinces/Vice-Provinces/Vicariates are respon- may seem that July 2008 is still over a year away; sible for the following costs: however the registration and the request for the Visa Travel to and from Australia to enter Australia require time to process. Many have Registration for World Youth Day. already begun the process and therefore I ask for your The General Council is working so that every cooperation so that our young religious may also sector of the Congregation may participate. I have set make their request as soon as possible. aside special funds to assist those areas of the Again I ask you to begin considering and Congregation who have need of assistance in order eventually communicating the name(s) of those for their young religious to participate. Those who young religious who will represent your require financial assistance are asked to contact Fr. Province/Vice-Province/Vicariate at the Passionist Battista Ramponi, the General Econome, to process meeting. The prompt communication of the names the request. I would also like to take this opportunity will greatly facilitate the work that the SPIR Province to ask those Provinces/Vice-Provinces/Vicariates of must now begin in planning the logistics so that this the Congregation who are financially able to kindly event may bear positive fruits for the religious who and generously contribute to this fund so that this participate and for the entire Congregation. event may be accessible to everyone. Rome, 17 August 2007. C) VISA and registration Practical sugges- tions about travel and about lodging, etc. in Australia are available from Fr. Denis Travers, First General Consultor. The young religious will be lodged in our Holy Cross monastery of Templestowe, Melbourne. If the number of partici- pants exceeds the avail- ability of rooms, they will be housed in private homes in the vicinity of the Monastery. It is important to know that the Australian government is guarantee- ing a six- week Visa to all those who wish to attend the World Youth Day. Those religious who wish The World Youth Day Cross in pilgrimage in Australia. 4 ____________________October 2007 PIB N. 15____________________ THE CURIA INFORMS PILGRIMMAEGSSEA GTEO O FS THREA SDUBPERROIOKR EG EISLAND MEETIN(AG UOSF TYROUANLGI APA):S SWIOONIRSTL DRE LYIOGIUOUTSH I ND MAEYLB OURNE CROSSFO &R HICON Fr. John Pearce CP (SPIR) World Youth Day Coordinator On 24th & 25th August 2007, four members of our Holy Spirit Province and young people from our Passionist WYD Committee joined members of the Passionist Youth Team from Brisbane for the Vigil of Prayer in the Cathedral and the Pilgrimage to Stradbroke Island with the WYD Cross and Icon. Brisbane had heavy rains all week, so with a wet morning at 5:00 AM, only Christian and Jeremy went out to join the Archbishop and several hundred people for the 6:00 AM pilgrimage up Mt. Coot-tha. When one of the team suggested it would be too much to walk in the rain for 2 hours, and then another three hours on the barge and Island, he was told: “I wonder what would happen if Simon of Cyrene said it was too wet to carry Jesus’ Cross!” The 10:30 AM Pilgrimage on the Barge to Stradbroke Island took 45 minutes each way, with an hour on the Island.
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