The Committee of Counoll have had before them a Report dated 19th September, 1902, from the Acting Provincial , Secretary with respect to the Statutes of the Imperial Service Order, and submitting the names of two members of the Civil Service of British Columbia mentioned therein as eligible for the distinction of COMPAN1OLS OF THE ORDER. The Committee concurring in the said Report submit the same for His Honour's approval. The Committee recommend that a copy of the Report, if approved, be forwarded to the HOnourable the Secretary of State for transmission to the Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the Colonies. A- 4 Victoria, ' October, 1902 4.e//r1/44',4e Clerk: Exeoutive/&uncil. Approved 20 October, 1902. 6- 04-Mm; Lieutenant-qovernor. , I 363 ,Zerienani-%vettio, in 5-5a.//wil • ege una424i9nea/ his 14 Zinata to report: That the London Gazette Extraordinary, published on Friday, August 8th, /902, contains the Statutes of the Imperial Service Order which provide (in brief)- That His Most Gracious Majesty King Edward the Seventh, being desirous of recognizing more fully than has hitherto been possible the faithful and meritorious services rendered to him by Members of the Civil Services of the various parts of His EMpire,.has been pleased to institute and create a new Civil Order of Distinction to be styled and designated "The Imperial Service Order": That the rules and ordinances for the government of the same provide, inter alia: Fifthly,- That of the Companions of the Order one hundred and seventy five shall belong to the Civil Services of His Colonies and Protectorates: Sixthly,- That no person shall be eligible to be a Companion of the Order whose name has not been submitted to His Majesty by one of the principal Secretaries of State, and who has not at the time of his nomination rendered at least twenty five years meritorious service. The Minister has pleasure in naming two members of the Civil Service of the Province of British Columbia, who have each rendered His Majesty considerably more than twenty five uninterrupted years of meritorious service, and recommends that His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor be requested to submit the names of Lieutenant Colonel Richard Wolfenden, V.D. (39 years' service), Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, and of William Sinclair Gore,C.E. (27 years' service), Surveyor (eneral and Deputy Commissioner of Lands and Works, to the Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the Colonies, together with a certified copy of this Order, if approved, with a request that he be pleased to lay the said names before His Majesty, for his gracious consideration, as members of the Civil Service who are eligible for appointment to be Companions of the Order. Dated this day of 4,(44. D. 1902 .0/ -•f,, /7e4e7 Provincial Secretary ■ 4r4 Approved this 19'. day of ‘4;61414171, , A. D. 1902 Presiding M ber of the Executive Council. gluilib. 27463. 5171 The London Gazette EXTRAORDINARY. Vali°lieb by Gutipritp. FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1902. STATUTES OF THE IMPERIAL SERVICE ORDER. Fourthly. It is ordained that only the mem- bent of the administrative or clerical branches ED WARD, R. and I. of Our Civil Services shall be eligible for the EDWARD THE SEVENTH, by the Grace of God, distinction of Companions of this Order. of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Fifthly.—It is ordained that the number of Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Companions of the Order shall not exceed four Seas, King, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of hundred and twenty-five, of whom two hundred India, to all to whom these presents shall come. and fifty shall belong to Our Home Civil Service, Greeting : and one hundred and seventy-five to the Civil 1Vhereas, we are desirous of recognizing more Services of Our Colonies and Protectorates. fully than has hitherto been possible the faithful Sixthly.—It is ordained that no person shall and meritorious services rendered to Us by be eligible to be a Companion of the Order whose Members of the Civil Services of the various name has not been laid before us, Our Heirs and parts of Our Empire, We do by these presents, Successors, by one of Our or Their Principal for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, institute and Secretaries of State, and who has not at the create a new Civil Order of Distinction—to be time of his nomination rendered at least twenty- designated as hereinafter described—and We five years' meritorious service in the United are graciously pleased to make, ordain, and Kingdom. Provided that in a Colony or Pro- establish the following rules and ordinances for tectorate which, under the Pension Acts or the Government of the same : Regulations applying to that Colony or Pro- Firstly.—It is ordained that this Order shall tectorate, is recognized as unhealthy, the mini- henceforth be styled and designated " The mum period of service shall be sixteen years : Imperial Service Order." Provided also that it shall at any time be com- Secondly.—It is ordained that the Order shall petent to Us, Our Heirs and Successors, to consist of the Sovereign, the Prince of Wales, appoint specially to the Order persons who, not and such Companions as We, Our Heirs or having completed the aforesaid periods of service, Successors, shall appoint. have reudered such eminently meritorious service Thirdly.—It is ordained that We, Our Heirs as to qualify them in Our opinion to become re- and Successors, Kings and Queens Regnant of cipients of this distinction. the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Seventhly.—It is ordained that when We, and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Our Heirs and Successors, shall be pleased to Emperors and Empresses of India, are and for appoint any person to be a Companion of the ever shall be Sovereigns of this Order. Order, such appointment shall be made by 4 •rarRmai 5172 THE LONDON 'GAZETTE •1/.."01V011ffilli IlrkrGun 8; 1902. Warrant under Our Sigii.74,114 49n_ emutte5,, ii9..*01S• service in a Colony signed by one of Our Aprilinlixtd; Secretaries: of \qr Pze /Ito nder the Pension Acts State. •.%; i•P to that Colony or Eighthly.—It is okwq.itv.1-3,1 * I as unhealthy, be to be worn by CompanietTle Ord • ineslal ',mated "The Imperial a Badge or Medallion of gold and seams , car- Senice Nimbi'," prove ed that no such medal ing on one aide Our imperial and Royal Cypher, shall be granted except on the recommendation and on the reverse " For Faithful Service,h both of one of Our Principal Secretaries of State. to be executed in dark blue ettainel. on a plaque Provided also that it shall be competent to liry of .shield of gold, surrounded by a wreath of Our Heirs and Successors, to confer the Meda • Imre!, surmounted by the Imperial Crown. upon not more than live Civil servants in each Ninthly.—It is ordained that the decoration year, who have retired after less than twenty- shall be worn on the left breast suspended by a five years' service's, should special circumstances ribbon of one inch in width. in Our or their opinion justify the grant. Tentlily.—It is ordained that the names of those Sixteenthly.—It is ordained that the Imperial upon whom we are pleased to confer the decora- Service Medal shall be of silver and of a design tion shall be published in the London Gazette. similar to that of the Beige of the Companions of Eleventhly.—It is ordained that Companions the aforesaid Imperial Service Order, and shall of the Order shall have the privilege of adding lie similarly worn. the letters " I.S.O. " after their names. Seventeeuthly. —It is ordained that the names Twelfthly.—It is ordained that members of any of those persons to whom the Imperial Service Order of Knighthood shall, if otherwise qualified, Medal shall be granted shall be duly published be eligible to become Companions of this Order, in the London Gazette. and that Companions of this Order !Mail in no Lastly.—We reserve to Ourselves, Our Heirs way be debarred from becoming thereafter and Successors, full power of annulling, altering, Members of any Order of Knighthood for which abrogating, augmenting, interpreting, or dis- their services- may qualify them. jamming with these Regulations, or any part Thirteenthly.—It is ordained that an officer thereof, by a notification under the Sign Manual shall be appointed to the Order who shall be of the Sovereign of the Order. styled "Secretary and Registrar," and who shall Given at Our Court at Backingha Is Palace, be ex-officio a Companion of the Order. Foui•teenthly.—It is ordained that the Secretary • this eighth day of Augurd, in the year and Registrar of this Order shall be appointed of our Lord nineteen hundred and two, by l's, Our Heirs and Successors, and shall have and the second year of Our Reign. the custody of the Archives of the Order, which By His Majesty's Command. shall be kept in the Office of Our Secretary of Charles T. Ritchie. State for the Home Department. Ile shall attend to the service of the Order and shall execute such directions as he may receive from The Permanent Secretary of the Treasury, Our Principal Secretaries of State. and the Permanent Under-Secretaries of State Fifteenthly.—It is ordaiued that those Members for the Home Department and for Foreign of Our Civil Services who are not eligible for Affairs, have been appointed a Committee to appointment as Companions of this Order may, communicate with Heads of Departments and to on retirement from Our said Services after select from lists recommended by them the not less than twenty-five years of meritorious names of persons to be submitted to His Majesty service in the United Kingdom, or not less for appointment to the Order.
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