ALSTON NEXT IN LINEBACKER LINEAGE. PREGAME. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2014 THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 DAILYIOWAN.COM 50¢ ELECTION 2014 Regents to mull CAMPAIGNS CLIMB Deloitte ON SOCIAL MEDIA changes The Board of Regents suggested updated changes at the University of Iowa. By MICHAEL KADRIE Social media are becoming a larger part of [email protected] campaigns locally, but they haven’t overtaken Final recommendations for traditional methods. changes at the University of Iowa were presented for local response By NICK MOFFITT er for the Johnson County Thursday to the UI community. [email protected] Board of Supervisors, Mike Deloitte, a consulting company, Carberry, said he’s been on has presented phase two of its rec- The Nov. 4 election is rap- Facebook for around five ommendations for improvements idly approaching in Johnson years, mostly to share in- that could be made at the Iowa re- County for local campaigns, formation relevant to his gent schools. and many are high- campaign. Susan After an analysis of the Univer- lighting social media “I really use it to sity of Northern Iowa, Iowa State as a new approach disseminate Mims University, and the UI, Deloitte has to reach voters. information identified 12 specific areas that the According to relevant to firm believes could use improve- the Pew Research the cam- ment. Four of the issues were pre- Center, around paign,” he Mike viously reviewed by the Board of three-fourths of said. Carberry Regents and therefore weren’t pre- all adults are on Car- sented Thursday. Facebook or other berry’s Of the remaining eight areas, on- forms of social me- page, ly six pertain to the University of dia. Ninety per- Carberry Iowa. They are broken up into three cent of college-age for Super- sections: finance, information tech- people on the so- visor, boasts nology, and human resources. cial-networking 535 likes, and None of these recommendations are sites. he said students may be final until the regents vote on them One Demo- one demographic easily individually at their Nov. 14 meeting. cratic challeng- reached by online Iowa regent-university presidents will have an opportunity to gather SEE SOCIAL MEDIA, 5 responses and additional informa- tion from students, faculty, and staff to present to the regents during an Oct. 23 meeting in Iowa City. Once approved, the regents will then decide how to implement the strategies outlined by Deloitte and John whether to continue working with Etheredge the consulting firm in the subse- quent process. According to Deloitte’s presenta- tion, all the regent universities suf- SEE CHANGES, 5 DESIGN BY CHELSEA WEIS/THE DAILY IOWAN KID CAPTAIN Heart condition can’t stop brothers By CODY GOODWIN all played pickup games with each Law and Von Bergen specialize in [email protected] other and their friends from school. the diagnosis and treatment of ab- They loved the competitiveness of normal heart rhythms. Each month, Some days, when Noah Mulder the sport. the doctors travel from the Univer- gets done eating lunch, he and his These days, though, the Mulder sity of Iowa Children’s Hospital to friends will go to the gym and shoot brothers don’t play much basketball. Sioux Falls, South Dakota — the hoops. They play games, like knock- Doctor’s orders. Mulders’ hometown — to provide out, and Noah wins sometimes, “but Around six years ago, Noah began specialized care. it depends on which friends I play having heart palpitations and felt Just by looking at Noah’s symp- with,” he says. light-headed. His parents, Kristin and toms, Law and Von Bergen saw Noah, 14, loves basketball, and so Joel Mulder, took him to the local car- they were extremely similar to his Isaiah, Noah, and Elijah Mulder (Contributed Photo) do his younger brothers, Isaiah, 11, diologist, who recommended Noah see and Elijah, 8. A few years ago, they Ian Law and Nicholas Von Bergen. SEE CAPTAIN, 3 WEATHER DAILY IOWAN TV ON THE WEB INDEX HIGH LOW 57 34 • SCAN THIS CODE CHECK DAILYIOWAN.COM FOR HOURLY CLASSIFIED 9 • GO TO DAILYIOWAN.COM UPDATES AND ONLINE EXCLUSIVES. FOLLOW DAILY BREAK 6 Mostly sunny, breezy, chance of • WATCH UITV AT 9 P.M. @THEDAILYIOWAN ON TWITTER AND LIKE US OPINIONS 4 frost at night. SUNDAY THROUGH THURSDAY ON FACEBOOK FOR MORE CONTENT. SPORTS 10 2 NEWS THE DAILY IOWAN DAILYIOWAN.COM FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2014 A SHOUT OUT The Daily Iowan Volume 147 Issue 66 BREAKING NEWS STAFF Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher 335-5788 Email: [email protected] William Casey Fax: 335-6297 Editor-in-Chief 335-6030 Jordyn Reiland CORRECTIONS Managing Editor 335-6030 Call: 335-6030 Stacey Murray Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for accuracy Metro Editors 335-6063 and fairness in the reporting of news. If a Rebecca Morin report is wrong or misleading, a request Lily Abromeit for a correction or a clarification may be Opinions Editor 335-5863 made. Nick Hassett Sports Editor 335-5848 PUBLISHING INFO Danny Payne The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is pub- Pregame Editor 335-5848 lished by Student Publications Inc., E131 Cody Goodwin Adler Journalism Building, Iowa City, Iowa Arts Editor 335-5851 52242-2004, daily except Saturdays, Sun- Emma McClatchey days, legal and university holidays, and Copy Chief 335-6063 university vacations. Periodicals postage Beau Elliot paid at the Iowa City Post Office under the Photo Editor 335-5852 Act of Congress of March 2, 1879. Tessa Hursh Projects Editor 335-5855 SUBSCRIPTIONS Jordyn Reiland Call: Juli Krause at 335-5783 Politics Editor 335-5855 Email: [email protected] Kristen East Subscription rates: Design Editors 335-5855 Iowa City and Coralville: $20 for one Mercedes Potter semester, $40 for two semesters, $10 Chelsea Weis for summer session, $50 for full year. Convergence Editor 335-6063 Out of town: $40 for one sememster, $80 Quentin Misiag for two semesters, $20 for summer TV News Director 335-6063 Sorority members perform during Iowa Shout on the Pentacrest Thursday. Iowa Shout showcases the Hawkeye spirit for Homecoming Week. (The Daily Iowan/Courtney Hawkins) session, $100 all year. Dora Grote Send address changes to: The Daily Iowan, TV Sports Director 335-6063 100 Adler Journalism Building, Iowa City, Chelsie Brown Iowa 52242-2004 Jalyn Souchek Web Editor 335-5829 Advertising Manager 335-5193 Tony Phan Renee Manders Business Manager 335-5786 2nd District hopefuls to debate Advertising Sales Staff Debra Plath Bev Mrstik 335-5792 Classifed Ads/Circulation Manager Experts say this weekend’s debate isn’t likely to make a significant dent in public opinion. Cathy Witt 335-5794 Juli Krause 335-5784 Production Manager 335-5789 By CASSIDY RILEY ficult, to some extent, to “While every debate Additionally, Satur- Heidi Owen [email protected] judge where public sup- is important, Dave is day’s debate carries a port lies since the last confident that when this whole other significance With little more than debate because the lat- debate ends, Iowans will — it may be the last one. three weeks left in the est polling data is more see that he is the clear In August, Loebsack 2014 election cycle, Sat- than a month old. choice to continue rep- agreed to three debates urday’s debate between Loras College conduct- resenting the people of — including this week- CHECK OUT THE the 2nd Congressio- ed a poll the week after Iowa’s 2nd District,” she end’s debate in Daven- nal District candidates the first debate, which said in an email. port and two others in comes at a crucial time. was held on Aug. 28, Similarly, Matt Sau- Iowa City. Miller-Meeks DAILY IOWAN However, it is unclear and the results showed vage, Miller-Meeks’ said she believed that what — if any — effect Loebsack led his oppo- campaign manager, said the candidates should it will have. nent by nearly 17 per- she will use this debate debate in other parts of Christopher Budzisz, centage points. Based to her advantage. the district before debat- @THEDAILYIOWAN the director of the Loras on Loebsack’s apparent “This debate will be ing twice in Iowa City. College Poll, and Justin lead, Budzisz agreed he an opportunity for Dr. To date, she has still Holmes, an assistant pro- doesn’t anticipate the Miller-Meeks to demon- not agreed to the third @DAILY_IOWAN fessor of political science much of a shakeup fol- strate how her back- debate but welcomes at the Uni- lowing the debate. ground and experience Loebsack to join her at versity of “I would think this is a suits her well to take on debates in Clinton, Ot- Northern case where the incumben- the dys- tumwa, and Knoxville. Iowa, both cy advantage is real and function- Holmes said this being agreed is working,” Budzisz said. al mess the last of two debates, Marian- However, given that in Wash- rather than the second nette Mill- the data is so old, ington of three, is inherently er-Meeks Holmes recognized the and put more significant because can on- Loebsack landscape of public opin- Iowans it is the “last word” from ly hope Democrat ion may be somewhat first,” he the candidates. Rep. Dave different at this time. said in Miller-Meeks “If this is the last, that Loebsack, D-Iowa, has a In fact, Budzisz said an email. Republican is essentially the last major gaffe this weekend. he wouldn’t be sur- “Con- scheduled [event] that Both professors said prised to see a narrow- gressman could shake things up,” this is because few peo- ing of the gap between Loebsack will have a he said.
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