P.M. Agr#40005401 $1.50 For the promotion of NEW TESTAMENT CHRISTIANITY Vol. 75, No. 10 TORONTO, ONTARIO October 2010 “…be transformed by the renewal of your mind…” ROMANS 12:2 See article on page 2 FROM: Gospel Herald Foundation Telephone: 416-461-7406 • FAX: 416-424-1850 5 Lankin Blvd., Toronto, ON M4J 4W7 www.gospelherald.org “The Renewing of Your Mind” Romans 12:1-2 and Research in Brain/Mind Science, Part 2 hatever you remember from Paul Birston bined with poor physical nutrition. Part 1 of our topic, you Media have powerful effects on the W recall because there have threatened this response that would developing brains of young children. been changes in your brain. Your lead to lives of faith and Christ-like Media can shorten their attention brain stores information by mak- character. Problems in the multi- spans, slow language uptake, ham- ing small anatomical changes in the cultural city of Rome included idolatry, per social skills, reduce the ability to structure of its bio-electronic memory sexual aberrations, selfishness, self- defer gratification and solve complex banks. Using our computer analogy, righteousness, criticism, greed, envy, problems, and encourage responses our mind, the “software,” retrieves murder, strife, arrogance, deceit and based more on fear and emotion than information from the “hardware” of lack of love (Romans 1 and 2). Serious on reason, a faculty that Paul strongly our brains. You will likely recall that spiritual problems included pride and asserts is essential to grasping and scientific research shows your brain misunderstanding the relationship of doing God’s will. is capable of re-patterning itself, in the Law of Moses to the gospel and Paul’s term “renewing” itself. This, the meaning of baptism into Christ. The Power of the Gospel he says, occurs literally by a meta- There was division between races in Renewal morphosis (the same word which and problems between strong and Fortunately for the Romans and for describes how a caterpillar becomes weak consciences. In summary, Paul everyone alive today, Paul invested a butterfly). Barring major illness, identified the universal problem of eleven chapters in explaining that your brain/mind complex learns and sin in his day and ours. The Romans the gospel of Jesus’ death, burial takes on new information as long as were being conformed to the image and resurrection is God’s merciful you live. Though we may not think of the world instead of the image of universal offer of salvation to answer of ourselves as always learning in Christ (Romans 12:1; 8:29). the universal problem of sin. Looking the sense of going to school, our back to the beginning of his letter, brains are constantly taking on new Culture’s Mould and the Paul’s theme statement of Romans memories. Research shows the easiest “Plastic Paradox” 1:16-17 reveals the source of power things to remember are: 1) things we In concert with Paul’s exhortation from God for the transformation of do regularly and repeatedly, and 2) that Christians “not be conformed the Roman church and all Christians: things that are surprising and unique. to this world,” researchers observe “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, The former speaks to the value of that culture significantly affects for it is the power of God for salvation regular Bible reading, memorization brain development in our day as in to everyone who believes, to the Jew of Scripture, worship and fellowship. Paul’s. The malleability (flexibility) first and also to the Greek. For in it The second speaks to our engage- of the brain/mind complex is a two- the righteousness of God is revealed ment in special events and openness edged sword. Norman Doidge writes: from faith to faith; as it is written, to forming new relationships with “Culture is not just produced by the ‘but the righteous man shall live by people who need the gospel. brain; it is also by definition a series faith.’” The gospel is the power of God of activities that shape the mind.” In for the transformation of Jews and Romans 12:1-2 in Context of a world where minds are bombarded Gentiles from alienation to salvation, the Universal Problem of Sin by information, we experience what from unrighteousness to righteous- God and Paul both know the poten- Doidge describes as the “plastic para- ness, from unbelief to continuous tial of our minds to be renewed. Paul dox.” While our brains are resourceful obedient faith. could write with confidence to the and flexible, they are susceptible to In 12:2 Paul then calls for a Christians in Rome that they must unhealthy external influences which response to God’s gracious saving be “transformed by the renewing mould them to practice harmful hab- gospel through voluntary sacrifice of your mind” (Romans 12:2). Paul its that can be difficult to re-pattern. and transformation of the Christian’s begins and ends his letter saying Doidge confirms Paul: the mind can whole being under the direction of he wanted the Romans to respond be moulded for good or bad, into the a renewed mind “set on the Spirit” to the gospel of Jesus’ death, burial world view of the age or of God. (8:6b). It is this transformation of and resurrection by the “obedience Young people are most vulnerable to mind through voluntary cooperation of faith” (Romans 1:5; 16:26). Serious the negative side of this cultural mind/ with the power of the gospel and the problems among the people, however, brain shaping, especially when com- continued on page 6 NOTICE: All materials for publication must be in the hands of the editors by the tenth (10) day of the month preceding the date of issue. Date of issue is the first of each month. Page 2 Gospel Herald Christians in Conflict Kevin Cleary ne experience that is common that we tend to fall into. The first and a helpful or healthy way to deal with to man is conflict. All of us can probably the most common is avoid- conflict. But, we have another option. Otalk about a time when we have ance. This is where we know there is A close second to avoidance is poli- had a disagreement, been wronged a problem, as does the other person tics. Instead of trying to imagine that or treated unjustly, or even just had but we go to great lengths to deny it. there is no conflict, in this case, we go a misunderstanding that caused hard The symptoms of this are making sure out of our way to tell everyone about feelings. Despite the fact that conflict is that we don’t somehow find ourselves the problem. Except, of course, the a regular part of life it remains some- at the same event or on the same com- person with whom the problem actu- thing we are terrible at dealing with mittee as the person with whom we ally exists. We will tell anyone who effectively. As a brotherhood which have a problem. We quickly leave the will listen how badly we have been rightly focuses on going back to the church building Sunday morning with mistreated and how innocent we are Bible we would do well to remember our head down so as not to make eye in the situation. Generally we will add that the New Testament has important contact with the person. Despite our to our side of the story every mistake, and helpful things to say about what best efforts it quickly becomes obvious oversight or offence the other person to do when we come into conflict. As to those around us that something is has ever committed. Our main goal in with many things we have a choice, going on. Now the whole church gets all of this is to have stronger support we can do things our way, or God’s. involved in our efforts and aids in our among the congregation so that we at Let’s take a few moments to consider denial. Everyone walks on eggshells, least feel vindicated in our hurt feel- both and then ask which one is better. making sure not to mention the conflict ings and for becoming involved in the or get the people involved too close conflict in the first place. So, if we ever Our Way: to one another. The only time anyone do reach the point of actually having When we come into conflict I have does talk about what’s happening is a discussion, everyone will be on our noticed there are a couple of defaults to gossip about it. Clearly this is not side. Sadly, this method of dealing with conflict has been the cause of many a church split and never the cause of reconciliation. In doing some reading for this article I came across a good summary of how we generally handle conflict: How to turn a disagreement into a feud: 1. Be sure to develop and maintain a healthy fear of conflict, letting your own feelings build up so you are in an explosive frame of mind. 2. If you must state your concerns, be as vague and general as possible. Then the other person cannot do any- thing practical to change the situation. 3. Assume you know all the facts and you are totally right. The use of a clinching Bible verse is helpful. Speak prophetically for truth and justice; do most of the talking. 4. With a touch of defiance, announce your willingness to talk with anyone who wishes to discuss the problem with you.
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