6SHFLDO2O\PSLFVODXQFKHGLWV3OD\8QLƬHG campaign around the world in 2014 to engage people in addressing critical world issues using sport as a catalyst. These critical world issues, ZKLFKJUHDWO\DƪHFWLQGLYLGXDOVZLWKLQWHOOHFWXDO GLVDELOLWLHVDQGXVDOOLQFOXGHLQDFWLYLW\LQWROHUDQFH and injustice. 3OD\8QLƬHGLVDERXWLQVSLULQJSHRSOHSDUWLFXODUO\ youth, to be leaders who create change in their schools and communities through their examples of inclusion, understanding and acceptance. One way people can inspire this change is by SDUWLFLSDWLQJLQWKH6SHFLDO2O\PSLFV8QLƬHG Sports® program, which teams up peers with and without intellectual disabilities on the same WHDP8QLƬHG6SRUWV® helps shatter stereotypes DERXWLQGLYLGXDOVZLWKGLVDELOLWLHVDQGUHYHDO champions of all abilities. 7KH6SHFLDO2O\PSLFV3OD\8QLƬHG%DOOLV DQLFRQLFUHSUHVHQWDWLRQRIWKH3OD\8QLƬHG campaign and of a sharable experience that transcends geopolitical, racial, economic, gender and intellectual constructs. When you pick up a ball and throw it to another, things FDQFKDQJH7KLVVLPSOHDFWLRQFDQKDYHD resounding impact. A LETTER FROM OUR CHAIRMAN AND PRESIDENT Thank you for your continued involvement and generous support in 2014. -RLQLQ*HWDFWLYH3OD\8QLƬHGZLWKXVLQ7RJHWKHUZHFDQDOOPDNHD 2XURUJDQL]DWLRQFRXOGQRWIXQFWLRQVXFFHVVIXOO\ZLWKRXW\RXUGHGLFDWHGHƪRUWV VLJQLƬFDQWGLƪHUHQFHLQWKHOLYHVRIRXUDWKOHWHV6SHFLDO2O\PSLFVsLWoVDERXW Revealing the Champion in All of Us, and that means YOU! Special Olympics Connecticut emphasizes athlete inclusion - through sports competition - and getting healthy – two essential elements for enjoying life and making it meaningful. 7KH6SHFLDO2O\PSLFV8QLƬHG6SRUWV® program promotes inclusion – by bringing together athletes with and without intellectual disabilities together on teams WRWUDLQDQGFRPSHWHLQVSRUWV$QGDVDUHVXOWHDFKWHDPPDWHƬQGVDSODFH ZKHUHWKH\EHORQJFDQPDNHIULHQGVJHWSK\VLFDOO\ƬWDQGWKULYH :LWKWKHNLFNRƪRI6SHFLDO2O\PSLFVo3OD\8QLƬHGFDPSDLJQDWWKHHQGRI the importance – and necessity – of inclusion and the power of friendship are being UHLQIRUFHGKHUHLQRXUVWDWHDQGDURXQGWKHZRUOG7KHUHG3OD\8QLƬHGEDOO\RXZLOO see throughout this annual report symbolizes unity and serves as an invitation to get involved. 7KHFRQFHSWRI8QLƬHG6SRUWV® competition had its beginnings right here in Southern New England, and now touches the lives of those in far-away lands like John Riccardi, Beau Doherty, $IULFD&KLQD5XVVLDDQG$XVWUDOLD:HoYHHYHQVHHQƬUVWKDQGKRZLWSRVLWLYHO\ Chairman of the Board President WUDQVIRUPVOLYHVRI6SHFLDO2O\PSLFVDWKOHWHVDQG8QLƬHGSDUWQHUVZKRDUHZLWK our sister program in the Caribbean Islands of St. Kitts and Nevis. The mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-round sports :LWKRIWKHKLJKVFKRROVLQ&RQQHFWLFXWQRZRƪHULQJ8QLƬHG6SRUWV® to their training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type VWXGHQWDWKOHWHVRIGLƪHUHQWDELOLWLHVVWXGHQWVSDUHQWVFRDFKHVDGPLQLVWUDWRUV sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities; and communities are all working together to eliminate separation, isolation and giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical EXOO\LQJ,QVWHDGRISRLQWLQJWRWKHGLƪHUHQFHVEHWZHHQLQGLYLGXDOVZLWKDQG without intellectual disabilities, the emphasis now is on how similar we all are. ƬWQHVVGHPRQVWUDWHFRXUDJHH[SHULHQFHMR\DQGSDUWLFLSDWH LQDVKDULQJRIJLIWVVNLOOVDQGIULHQGVKLSZLWKWKHLUIDPLOLHV :HoYHPDGHLQFOXVLYHVSRUWVDSULRULW\IRUGHFDGHVQRZDQGKDYHHQOLVWHG partners, like the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference, to expand our other Special Olympics athletes and the community. 8QLƬHGSURJUDPVsDQGWKHLUSRVLWLYHLPSDFW$QGLWoVEHHQDQLPSHWXVWRLQVSLUH LQFOXVLYLW\RƪWKHSOD\LQJƬHOGDVZHOO 72 Local Programs $WKOHWHV 8QLƬHG6SRUWV® Partners 7KLVSDVW\HDURXU6SHFLDO2O\PSLFV8QLƬHG6SRUWV® Fitness Club has brought people together during group walks at quintessential Connecticut locations like 2O\PSLF7\SH6SRUWV WKH&RDVW*XDUG$FDGHP\DQGRQHRIRXUVWDWHoVƬQHVWSULYDWHVFKRROV$WWKHVH 6WDWH*DPHV <HDU5RXQG6SRUWV7UDLQLQJ &RPSHWLWLRQ events, athlete groups are exercising together, learning about healthy practices and nutrition and motivating each other to keep going! 3 STATEWIDE COMPETITIONS WINTER GAMES SUMMER GAMES FALL SPORTS FESTIVAL HOLIDAY SPORTS CLASSIC March 1 and 2 June 6, 7 and 8 September 6 and 7 November 22 and 23 Athletes: 720 $WKOHWHV $WKOHWHV $WKOHWHV 8QLƬHG3DUWQHUV 8QLƬHG3DUWQHUV 8QLƬHG3DUWQHUV 8QLƬHG3DUWQHUV &RDFKHV &RDFKHV &RDFKHV &RDFKHV Cross Country Skiing & Snowshoeing Track & Field Softball Basketball Eversource Energy, Simsbury Connecticut Sportsplex, North Cycling Quinnipiac University, Hamden Figure Skating & Speed Skating Branford & Kennedy Field, East Haven Gymnastics Bowling International Skating Center of Bocce AMF Lanes, Milford/AMF Circle Lanes, Swimming Connecticut, Simsbury Savin Rock, West Haven East Haven Tennis Alpine Skiing & Snowboarding Sailing Powerlifting Southern Connecticut State Ski Sundown, New Hartford The Wadawanuck Club, Stonington James Hillhouse High School, New Haven University, New Haven Floor Hockey Croquet Volleyball Soccer Pratt & Whitney Hangar, East Hartford The Ocean House in Watch Hill, Floyd Little Athletic Center, New Haven Hamden Hall Athletic Fields, Rhode Island Hamden Golf Sleeping Giant Golf Course, Hamden 4 ADDITIONAL COMPETITIONS Speed Skating Invitational Croquet Invitational February 20 at Norwich Municipal Ice Rink, Norwich August 16 at Elizabeth Park, Hartford 8QLƬHG)ORRU+RFNH\'LYLVLRQLQJ7RXUQDPHQW Golf Alternate Shot Invitational February 23 at Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford August 23 at Orange Hills Country Club, Orange Windham Swim Meet New England Golf Invitational March 8 at Windham High School, Windham October 25 at Raceway Golf Course, Thompson Curling Bonspiel 8QLƬHG%DVNHWEDOO'LYLVLRQLQJ7RXUQDPHQW March 8 at Nutmeg Curling Club, Bridgeport October 18 at Floyd Little Athletic Center, New Haven Traditional Basketball Invitational 8QLƬHG9ROOH\EDOOZ7RXUQDPHQW March 15 at Holy Cross High School, Waterbury October 19 at Floyd Little Athletic Center, New Haven +XVN\&ODVVLF6RFFHU4XDOLƬHU Flag Football Invitational May 3 at UCONN, Storrs November 2 at St. Joseph High School, Trumbull Gymnastics Invitational May 3 at YMCA, Guilford Southern Spring Time Trials May 10 at Weston High School, Weston Northern Spring Time Trials 0D\DW7KH/RRPLV&KDƪHH6FKRRO:LQGVRU Cycling Time Trials May 18 at Eversource Energy, Cheshire 'HYHORSPHQWDO$TXDWLFV May 22 at Oxford High School, Oxford Golf Skills Jamboree -XO\DW/\PDQ2UFKDUGV0LGGOHƬHOG 6RIWEDOO'LYLVLRQLQJ7RXUQDPHQW August 9 at Prageman Park, Wallingford 5 TEAM CONNECTICUT - 2014 SPECIAL OLYMPICS USA GAMES The USA Games take place every four years and celebrate the Special Olympics movement, John Aronson Jamelle Lewis Clif Backes Jamie Louchen promote the ideals of acceptance and inclusion through sport, and showcase athletes from Joe Bartolucci Marlene Leubeck Eric Bembenek Andrew MacMillan all 52 Special Olympics US Programs and their abilities. Kelli Bigelow Tom Madera Sean Bogart Stephanie Maiorino Ryan Breedlove Corey Malan Special Olympics Connecticut was proud to send 76 athletes John Brixnor Craig Malan DQG8QLƬHG6SRUWV® partners and 22 coaches and delegates Ryan Cafaro Kimberly Malan to the Special Olympics USA Games in and around Princeton, RESULTS David Calixto Kyle Malan Burdeen Camp Nicholas Margolfo 1HZ-HUVH\-XQH7KHDWKOHWHVDQG8QLƬHG Michael Canty Vincenzo Marrero ® OVERALL (in team sports and doubles) Sports teams representing communities across our state, Chris Capobianco Jill Marshall FRPSHWHGLQGLƪHUHQWVSRUWV 3 Gold Medals:%RFFH'RXEOHV%RFFH8QLƬHG Matt Capobianco Ron Masson 'RXEOHV7HQQLV8QLƬHG'RXEOHV Edmond Card Scott Masson Each member of Team Connecticut enthusiastically Lily Careb Jennifer McLellan 4 Silver Medals:7HQQLV8QLƬHG'RXEOHV%RZOLQJ Stephanie Cerrato Heather Minervini accepted the challenge to compete on a national level, and 'RXEOHV 8QLƬHG9ROOH\EDOO Jeremiah Clayton Rodney Myers GHYRWHGPXFKWLPHDQGHƪRUWWRSUHSDULQJIRUWKH*DPHV Barton Cole Jim Neal In addition to their personal achievements in the sports they 4 Bronze Medals:8QLƬHG%DVNHWEDOO8QLƬHG6RFFHU Adam Coletti Lyn Nevins play, friendships were formed and memories that will last a 8QLƬHG7ULDWKORQ$TXDWLFV5HOD\ Casey Collins Thomas O'Neil lifetime were made along the journey to the Games. 3 4th Place Ribbons: Shane Collins Emily O'Reilly 8QLƬHG6RIWEDOO$WKOHWLFV Nicole Cook David Parolise Relay, Bowling Oliver Croxford-Brock Kyle Petit 6WHSKDQLH0F0DKRQ::(oV&KLHI%UDQG2ƯFHUVHUYHGDV Carol Cutler Allyson Portnoy Team Connecticut’s Honorary Chair; SOCT Board Member Kevin Cutsinger Shawn Reilly Tom Joyce, as Chairman of Team Connecticut and Olympic Kristy DeCosta Amanda Renaud IN INDIVIDUAL SPORTS Gold Medalist Kristine Lilly, as Honorary Team Connecticut David Dennin Sharon Rivera Head Coach. 10 Gold Medals:%RZOLQJ$TXDWLFV&\FOLQJ Jimmy DePaola Patrick Severson Selina Derungs Beth Sklar 16 Silver Medals: 1 Bocce, 1 Bowling, 3 Powerlifting, Larry Doherty Steven Smoakes $WKOHWH$QJLH'o$PLFRDQG:LOWRQ3ROLFH2ƯFHU'LDQH *ROI$WKOHWLFV$TXDWLFV7HQQLV&\FOLQJ Gordon Ewen Joanne Sorel MacLean represented Connecticut in the 2014 Special 8 Bronze Medals: 1 Bowling, 1 Bocce, 3 Powerlifting, Andrew Farrow Joyce Stille Olympics USA Games Law Enforcement Torch Run. Katie Femiak Tyler Stevens 1 Athletics, 2 Cycling Alison Fiske Travis Stolle 4 4th Place Ribbons: 1 Athletics, 1 Tennis, 2 Cycling Barbara Fitzpatrick Tim Sturges Kendra Fitzpatrick Bob Sullivan 2 5th Place Ribbons: 1 Athletics, 1 Cycling Kyra Fitzpatrick Troy Sundwall 6 6th Place Ribbons: 1 Bowling, 5 Athletics -Hƪ*LOO Andrew Szczesny Scott Goldin Tony Thomas 1 Participation
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