Case No. 17/01350/OUTMAJ Item No. 03 Location: Land Comprising Field At 435295 458903, Boroughbridge Road, Knaresborough. Proposal: Outline application for the erection of up to 120 dwellings with public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage system and vehicular access from Boroughbridge Road with access considered (Site Area 7.44ha). Applicant: The Slingfold Trust And Gladman Developments Ltd Access to the case file on Public Access can be found here:- view file Reason for report: This application is to be presented to the Planning Committee because the proposed development exceeds 50 dwellings under the Scheme of Delegation. SUMMARY: The proposed scheme comprises the development of up to 120 dwellings, of which up to 48 will be defined as affordable, in a sustainable location on the edge of a main settlement and on a site which is proposed as a draft housing allocation within the Council’s Publication Draft Local Plan. The scheme is submitted in outline form, with all matters other than access reserved for subsequent approval. Satisfactory access can be gained to the site and subject to mitigation, it is considered that the site can be developed without harm to areas of acknowledged importance. The development has significant social benefits in contributing to the Council’s housing land supply, which stands at 4.5 years, and providing open market and affordable housing to meet an identified shortfall in both. This report demonstrates that there are no economic or environmental effects of development that significantly or demonstrably outweigh the social benefits of providing new housing in this location. As such, the development is considered to be sustainable when applying the ‘tilted balance’ at paragraph 11 of the National Planning Policy Framework. 17/01350/OUTMAJ 1 RECOMMENDATION: Defer and Approve subject to conditions and a S106 Agreement to secure Highway Improvements; Affordable Housing; Open space provision; Education Contribution; Landscape Management; Ecological Improvements. 17/01350/OUTMAJ 2 17/01350/OUTMAJ 3 17/01350/OUTMAJ 4 1.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 1.1 The site is 7.44 hectares in size and located to the north of Knaresborough adjacent to existing new housing development recently allowed at Appeal under application 13/02074/OUTMAJ (Appeal reference APP/E2734/A/13/2207338). The site is located north of Knaresborough and north of new development on Boroughbridge Road on the western side of the A6055. The site itself comprises two arable fields that are relatively flat with hedgerow boundaries. The landform does however gently rise to the west. Overhead power lines cross the site resulting in a significant constraint to the layout of any development on site. Beyond the site boundary to the west the landform rises gradually towards Coney Garth. 1.2 The site forms the edge of Knaresborough Town’s suburban limits. There is a hedgerow and a narrow pavement to the road frontage, beyond which is a high hedgerow interspersed with trees to the Farnham Quarry suite. There are wooded areas to the north and north western boundaries of the site. 1.3 The site falls within the area covered by Scriven Parish Council. The main body of the village of Scriven itself is located some 300m to the south west of the site. 1.4 The site is located adjacent to but not within the Scriven Park and Coney Garth Special Landscape Area, which is located some 100m at its closest point and extending to some 300 metres away to the west. 1.5 To the north of the site is Farnham Lakes, identified as a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC), with Farnham Quarry to the east on the opposite side of the A6055 road. Hay-a-Park Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) is also to the eastern side of the A6055 and access via Bar Lane some 700m to the south east of the site. 2.0 PROPOSAL 2.1 The application is made in outline, with all matters reserved except for the main site access. 17/01350/OUTMAJ 5 2.2 Although the scheme is submitted in outline form for up 120 dwellings the applicants identify within the supporting Planning statement that the scheme will provide up to 120 residential dwellings including affordable housing delivered in accordance with planning policy H5; Structural landscape planting and the retention and positive management of key landscape features; 3.7 ha of formal and informal open space, including children’s locally equipped play area and trim trail; Public access to land previously not available; New access arrangements including an informal footpath link to the south; and a comprehensive surface water drainage scheme. 2.3 It is proposed to access the site from Boroughbridge Road via a priority T junction. A further pedestrian access is also proposed to the south-east site boundary. 2.4 The scheme provides for up to 120 dwellings, which are indicated upon the illustrative masterplan to be grouped either side of the overhead power lines. The area below the power lines is retained as green infrastructure, incorporating a fitness or ‘trim trail’. The higher land to the western boundary of the site has been maintained to retain visual links to the village of Scriven beyond with a buffer zone to the north and units set back from the Boroughbridge Road frontage. 3.0 APPLICANT'S SUPPORTING INFORMATION The application is supported with the following documents: Development Framework Plan Planning and Affordable Housing Statement Design and Access Statement Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Transport Assessment Framework Travel Plan Ecological Impact Assessment Arboricultural Assessment Flood Risk Assessment Phase 1 Environmental Report 17/01350/OUTMAJ 6 Phase 2 Environmental Report Air Quality Assessment Noise and Vibration Assessment Heritage Assessment Archaeological Appraisal Foul Drainage Analysis Utilities Appraisal Socio-Economic Sustainability Statement Statement of Community Involvement 4.0 RELEVANT HISTORY 4.1 None. 5.0 NATIONAL & LOCAL POLICY 5.1 National Planning Policy 5.2 The National Planning Policy Framework July 2018 (NPPF) sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. Planning applications must be determined in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The NPPF is a material consideration in planning decisions. At the heart of the NPPF is a presumption in favour of sustainable development. 5.3 Core Strategy Policy SG1 Settlement Growth: Housing Distribution Policy SG2 Settlement Growth: Hierarchy and limits Policy SG3 Settlement Growth: Conservation of the countryside, including Green Belt Policy SG4 Settlement Growth: Design and Impact Policy EQ1 Reducing risks to the environment Policy EQ2 The natural and built environment and green belt Policy TRA1 Accessibility Policy C1 Inclusive communities 17/01350/OUTMAJ 7 5.4 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, As Altered 2004) Policy C2 Landscape Character Policy HD3 Control of development in Conservation Areas Policy HD13 Trees and Woodlands Policy HD20 Design of New Development and Redevelopment Policy H5 Affordable Housing Policy R11 Rights of Way 5.5 Supplementary Planning Documents Heritage Management House Extensions and Garages Design Guide Provision for Open Space in Connection with New Housing Development Provision for Village Halls in Connection with New Housing Development Landscape Character Assessment of Harrogate District Residential Design Guide Residential Design Guide Scriven Conservation Area Character Appraisal 5.6 Other material policy considerations: National Planning Practice Guidance 6.0 CONSULTATIONS 6.1 Housing Department - This site falls under Policy H5 and if deemed suitable for development (by the planning department) would require 40% as affordable housing, subject to financial viability. 6.2 The SHMA 2015 identifies a need for 256 affordable units per annum in the Harrogate District. Priority for the affordable homes will be given to those with a local connection to the sub area. The SHMA also shows the need for smaller units and we require the below split of affordable homes: 17/01350/OUTMAJ 8 15% x 1 bed houses (not flats or apartments, unless there are flats or apartments included within the market homes) 60% x 2 bed houses 25% x 3/4 bed houses 6.3 Affordable homes should be well integrated within the development and applicants should ensure any plans are shared at the earliest opportunity with Housing. The illustrative layout at outline application stage should identify broad locations for the affordable homes which should be in small clusters (5-8 units) between the open market homes and not all in one area. 100% affordable cul-de-sacs are not acceptable and affordable homes should be visibly indistinct from market ones. 6.4 Knaresborough Civic Society - No comments received. 6.5 Historic England - On the basis of the information submitted have no comments to make. 6.6 Environmental Health – Recommend the imposition of conditions. 6.7 Head Of Parks & Environmental Services - No comments received as the application is an outline application with numbers and mix to be determined. 6.8 Yorkshire Water - No objection subject to the imposition of conditions. 6.9 Heritage Unit of NYCC - An archaeological evaluation by geophysical survey and trial trenching carried out over the development site immediately to the south, recorded a field system and track way of Iron Age or Romano/British date. The geophysical anomalies in the field to the south continue northwards towards the proposed application site indicating that these features extend into this application area. 6.10 Recommend that following archaeological evaluation a condition securing a written scheme of Investigation is submitted. 6.11 NYCC Highways And Transportation - No objection subject to the imposition of conditions and securing a S106 agreement. 17/01350/OUTMAJ 9 6.12 County Education Officer - Based on the proposed 120 2+ bedroom properties a developer contribution of £407,880 would be sought for primary education facilities as a result of this development.
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