![(CORNWALL.] LOSTWITHIEL. 60 POST OFFICE Wednesday and Saturday, and Two Fairs for Cattle, One in the Parish of St](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
• (CORNWALL.] LOSTWITHIEL. 60 POST OFFICE Wednesday and Saturday, and two fairs for cattle, one in the parish of St. Martin, to which it pays half church February and one in October. There are the remains of ratt:s, and where its inhabitants are married and buried, an old bridge supposed to bave been built in the reign West Looe pays one-third church rate to its parish of Edward Ill., but having fallen greatly into decay church, Talland, and there also its inhabitants are a new stone bridge has been erected at the cost of the married and buried. There are chapels of the Society of county, the Harbour Commissioners contributing .£1,000 Friends, Independents, and Wesleyan Methodist Dis­ towards the expense of building. This bridge extends senters. There is a Free school for boys, and a National across the creek, or river, and 11nites the town of East with sc;:hool for girls. There is a very E:xcellent harbour and West Looe. West Looe also sent two members to par- quay, to which ships oflarge tonnage come for cargoes of liament, but was disfranchised ; it has now a perpetual ore and granite, which are brought from mines and mayor, but he refers all legal disputes, offences, &c., to quarries a few miles off by the Liskeard and Looe canal, the nearest justice of the peace. In each place is a and are exported from this place. Considerable trade cqurch or district chapel, that of West Looe, dedicated was formerly done from the pilchard fishery, which has to St. Nicholas; of East Looe chapel nothing positive now fallen off. A short distance south-west of the shore can be said, it is supposed to be dedicated to the Virgin rises Looe Island, about half a mile in circumference, Mary; it was rebuilt in 1806, with the exception of its inhabited and farmed by Mr. William Vague; it is extra­ low square castellated tower, which stands as in former parochial. days. Tl}e living is a perpetual curacy of small value, EAsT LooE chapelry has a population of 970, and in the gift of the Bishop of Exeter. East Looe stands in West Looe town of 746, being a total of 1,716. :E:ast :Looe. ·Cook John, butcher Letters from Liskeard arrive at 11 GENTRY. Couch John, tailor a.m. &. are dispatched at 1 p.w. Money Barher Capt. Thomas Fenwick Elizabeth (Mrs.), baker orders granted & paid Bartlett Capt. John Giles Edward, stationer 'W'est Looe. Bolt Mr. Jouathau Hicks Ann (Miss), linendraper GENTRY. Dan Capt. John Hicks Thomas, grocer&. ironmonger Bartlett Capt. John Dan Capt. Joseph Hill William, carpenter Bartlett Capt. Philip Davey Capt. Henry Hill William, carrier Campbell Mrs. Davey Capt. Josepb Hockin Edward, bootmaker Clements Capt. John Hill Capt. James Ho>~kin William, carrier Faulkner Rev. William E Hill Capt. William Jeffery James, wheelwright, Shutta Hearle Joseph, esq Jackson Miss Ladner Sophia (Mrs.), grocer Hearle Nathaniel, esq Lewis Capt. William Little Joseph, bootmaker Hill Capt. John Little Capt. John Little William, bootmaker Hoskin Capt. Waiter MacMullin Miss Lobb Richard, coal merchant Hughes Rev. James, M.A. Polvallan Nicbolas Capt. James, R.M Oliver James, smith James Capt. Robert Nicbols MisRes Olvar Thomas, butcher Jeeves Miss Riley Capt. John Wilson, R.N Olver Richard, saddler Pengilly Capt. Abraham Sbopcott Capt. Henry Olver William, tailor Pengilly Capt. Benjamin Skentelbery Capt. William Pengilly Couch, tailor Prynn Mrs Skentlebery Capt. Benjamin Philp William, Ship inn Simmonds Capt. Jeremiah Skentlebery Capt. John Pode Edward, smith Start Capt. John Soady Miss Powne Thomas, watchmaker Taylor Capt. Richard Taw Capt. Henry Rabley John, bootmaker Willcocks I~aac, esq Toms Capt. Richard Richards John, surgeon Willcocks Miss Tows Capt. William Rowat Jane (Mrs.), baker TRADERS. Tregenna Henry, esq Rowatt Thomas, tailor Alford Francis, beer retailer Waiters Capt. John Scantlebury .Ann (Mrs.), baker Angear James, tailor Waiters Capt. John,jun Shopcott Henry & Son, ship builders Angear Thomas, carpenter Waiters Capt. Josepb Shopcott John, mason Bartlett Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Waiters Capt. Samuel Shopcott Williarn, mason Charke Thomas, shopkeeper TRADERS. Snell John, carrier Churke Thomas, mining agent Alford William, • Fuherman's .Arms' Strangar Susanna (Mrs.), grocer & Clementd John, eoal merchant Arrnstrong Thomas, currier Iinendraper Congdon James, coal merchant Ball Edward Spear, carpenter Stranger Ellen (Miss), seminary Gourd Thomas, mason Barrett Richard, sailmaker Tatchell Thomas, ropemaker Hill John,' Cornish Arms' Bishop James, commission & coal mer Thomas Robert,chemist,druggist&grocr Husband Alice(Miss),linendrpr.&grocer Box William Henry, surgeon Tregenna Charles, linendraper Lobb Richard, bone mills Clark Wm.' Buller's Arms,' & butcher Triggs Keziah (Miss), preparatory schl Raith Robert, 'Jolly Sailor' Clinick Joseph, shipbuilder Warne Nichola>~, bootmaker Rundle Edward, master of Free school Clogg Stephen, surgeon Williams Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Skentellmry Abraham, coal merchant Coad Joseph, smith , Wills John, Swan inn Skentelbury Alice (Mrs.), grocer Cocking Josiah, bootmaker IWynhall Edwin, watchmaker Tristrail Capt. Henry, harbour master Cook Elizabeth (Mrs.), baker Wynhall John, carpenter & ironmonger Vugue William, farmer, Looe island Letters through Liskeard. The nearest money order office is at East Looe CARRIERS to Liskeard & Plymouth two or three times a week l:.OSTW:ITH:I:&L is a borough, market town, and and measures, &c. The Corpot"ation having jurisdiction polling place for 16 parishes, in the eastern division of over the river and harbour of Fowey, a grand jury io the county, 270 miles from London, 6 from Bodmin, 7 held, who prevent all obstructions to the navigation. A from Fowey, 12 from Liskeard, and 22 from Truro; it new line of railway, the East Cornwall, has been formed is in Powder Hundred, Bodmin Union, Cornwall arch­ from Falmouth to Plymouth, and will have a station deaconry, and Exeter bishopric. It is situated on the here. A portion of the Duchy Palace has been converted river Fowey, and consists of the whole of the parish of into offices for the Duchy of Cornwall. There is a Lostwithiel, and part of St. Wiunoe. The population, in Mathematical and Commercial school supported by the 1851, was 1,053, and the acreage of the parish is 114. Corporation, to which they elect six poor boys. The The town was incorporated by charter in the reign church, dedicated to St. Bartholomew, is a fine ancient of George II. (1732), and is governed by a recorder, structure, with square tower, 6 bells, and octagonal spire. 7 aldermen, and 17 assistants; the latter elrct annually The interior is in good repair, and has a singular octangular one of the aldermen to be mayor for the ensuing font. The living is a vicarage, worth .£100 yearly, with year on the first Tuesday in October. The 7 aldermen residence, in the patronage of the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe1 have the sole management of the property, and all and incumbency of the Rev. John Bower, M.A. Here are financial matters are decided by the majority according a Mechanics' Institute, established in 1838, and the to charter, the mayor being present. An annual law Uxella Book Club. The chief trade consists in wool, court is held, when the 17 assistants make the present­ coals, iron, timber, and malt. The Royal Restormel Iron ments for the borough, and appoint inspectors of weights Mine is in this township. The market-day is Friday. .
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