KRAKOW REAL ESTATE MARKET 2015 P.II KRAKOW 2016 Partners Instytut Analiz Monitor Rynku Nieruchomości mrn.pl www.mrn.pl e-mail: zarzą[email protected] KRN Media www.krnmedia.pl e-mail: [email protected] Krakowski Serwis Mieszkaniowy dominium.pl www.dominium.pl e-mail: [email protected] Graphic Design: Advert Studio Photo: Beata Dal (pages: 53) Rafał Lewandowski (pages: 23, 27, 29, 32, 35, 37, 38, 39, 45, 49, 50, 55, 56) Marcin Sigmund (cover) Translation: Centrum Szkoleniowe IDEA Group 23 PRIMARY HOUSING MARKET 29 SECONDARY HOUSING MARKET – ASKING PRICES 32 SECONDARY HOUSING MARKET – TRANSACTION PRICES 35 RENTAL OF APARTMENTS AND HOUSES 39 TOWNHOUSES AND HISTORICAL AREAS 42 SINGLE-FAMILY HOUSES IN KRAKOW 45 SINGLE-FAMILY HOUSES IN THE SUBURBAN ZONE 50 LAND IN KRAKOW 53 LAND IN THE SUBURBAN ZONE PRIMARY According to data from the Office of Statistics Furthermore, 4 public apartments were com- HOUSING in Krakow, during the 12 months of 2015, missioned for use, whereas other forms of MARKET 6,521 completed apartments were ready for construction (cooperative, capital, tenement occupancy in the capital of the Małopolska housing) included not a single apartment Region, i.e. 11% less than in the previous being commissioned for use. year and more than 7% less than two years before. A total of over 32.5 thousand Distribution of investments apartments have been commissioned for use According to the Dominium.pl portal, at over the past five years in Krakow. During the end of December 2015, the majority the same period, the construction of more of investments were offered within the than 47.3 thousand apartments was started. Podgórze region. They accounted In 2015 alone, construction of 10,942 apart- for 41% of all of the investment projects ments was started, i.e. over 18% more than in Krakow. About 10% less was the share a year before and more than 26% more than of investments in the region of Krowodrza. in 2013. (Chart 1) An even smaller number of investments were offered in Śródmieście (16%) and the In 2015, there was also a significant increase percentage was also lower, 12% – in Nowa in the number of apartments for which either Huta. (Chart 2) building permits were issued or applications were filed with the construction design. The In comparison to the previous year, Krakow’s number of such apartments totalled 8,259, portfolio recorded an increase in the share nearly 48% more than in 2014 and more than of Krowodrza and a decrease in the share of 9.5% more than two years previously. Śródmieście. The shares of Podgórze and Almost 86% of all of the apartments com- Nowa Huta remained at a similar level. pleted in 2015 were apartments for sale or rent. Slightly more than 14% of apartments completed were private constructions. 23 Distribution of flats 90% of all new apartments were offered in 10 districts, and just over 10% in the remaining At the end of 2015, the Dominium.pl base 8 districts. Districts with a relatively large selection of apartments also include Prądnik included over 7,860 developer apartment’s Czerwony (III), Podgórze Duchackie (XI), Grzegórzki (II), Czyżyny (XIV), Bieżanów-Prokocim available in Krakow. It can be estimated that (XII), Mistrzejowice (XV) and Krowodrza (V). The smallest quantity of property on offer was the total number of apartments available on located in Bieńczyce (XVI), Łagiewniki-Borek Fałęcki (IX), Wzgórza Krzesławickie (XVII), Stare the market was close to 9 thousand. In rela- Miasto (I) Zwierzyniec (VII) and Nowa Huta (XVIII). In comparison to the previous year, slight tion to 2014, a small percentage increase increases were recorded in the shares of Dębniki (VIII), Prądnik Biały (IV) and Podgórze was recorded in the number of offers on Duchackie (XI), decreases were recorded in Stare Miasto (I), Grzegórzki (II) and Czyżyny the primary market. (XIV). These changes, however, were insignificant. (Chart 4) The largest part of the property on offer Just as was the case with the distribution of investments, the most apartments are on offer was located in three districts – Prądnik in the district within Podgórze (almost 43% of all apartments) and Krowodrza (over 25%). Biały (IV), Podgórze (XIII) and Dębniki (VIII). A smaller part of the property on offer was grouped in the districts lying in the city centre (over In total, these districts contained more than 18% of all apartments) and Nowa Huta (over 13%). In comparison to 2014, the share of apart- 41% of all apartments. Large disparities ments available in Krowodrza and Podgórze has increased, and the share in Śródmieście has in the distribution of the primary market III.1-1decreased. (Chart 3) III.1-2 may be indicated by the fact that nearly III.1-3- 4 Chart 1. 12,000 Number of completed apartments ready for 10,000 occupancy, for which permits were issued, 8,000 or for which applications were filed with the 6,000 construction design and of apartments the construction of which 4,000 was started in Krakow 2,000 Source: Based on data of the Office of Statistics in Krakow 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Apartments for which Apartments of which Apartments ready III.1-1 building permits were issued construction was started for occupancy III.1-2 or applications were filed with III.1-3- 4 the construction design III.1-4 III.1-5 III.1-6 12 000 10 000 % 10 20 30 40 50 60 8 000 Chart 2. Podgórze 41% Distribution of offered Krowodrza 31% 6 000 housing investments in Krakow Śródmieście 16% 4 000 (XII 2015) Nowa Huta 12% III.1-1 Source: Dominium.pl 2 000 III.1-2 III.1-3- 4 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 12 000 10 000 8 000 III.1-4 III.1-5 Podgórze III.1-6 42.9% Chart 3. Krowodrza 25.3% 6 000 Distribution of % 10 20 30 40 50 60 apartments on offer Śródmieście 18.3% 4 000 in Krakow (XII 2015) III.1-7 Nowa Huta 13.5% 2 000 Source: Dominium.pl % 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 III.1-8 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 III.1-4 III.1-5 III.1-6 % 10 20 30 40 50 60 III.1-7 % 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 III.1-8 III.1-9 III.1-10 % 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 1 bedroom 2 bedroom III.1-7 3 bedroom % 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 III.1-8 PLN/m2 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 4 bedroom 5 bedroom and more III.1-9 Stare Miasto (I) ZwierzyniecIII.1-10 (VII) Krowodrza% (V) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 III.1-11 Grzegórzki (II) % 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Bronowice (VI) 1 pokój Podgórze (XIII) 2 pokoje Dębniki (VIII) 3 pokoje under 30 m² PLN/m2 2 000 4 000 6 000 8 000 10 000 12 000 Prądnik Biały 4(IV) pokoje 30.1-40 m² Prądnik Czerwony5 i więcej (III) pokoi 40.1-50 m² 50.1-60 m² Stare Miasto (I) Łagiewniki-Borek Fałęcki (IX) III.1-9 Zwierzyniec (VII) Czyżyny (XIV) 60.1-70 m² Krowodrza (V) III.1-10 70.1-80 m² Podgórze DuchackieIII.1-11 (XI) Grzegórzki (II) 80.1-90 m² % 5 10 15 20 25 30Bieńczyce 35 (XVI)% 405 45 50 10 15 20 25 30 35 Bronowice (VI) Nowa Huta (XVIII) 90.1-100 m² Podgórze (XIII) over 100 m² 1 pokój Bieżanów-Prokocim (XII) Dębniki (VIII) do 30 m² Swoszowice (X) 2 pokoje Prądnik Biały (IV) 30,1-40 m² Mistrzejowice3 pokoje (XV) Prądnik Czerwony (III) 40,1-50 m² PLN/m2 2 000 4 000 6 000 8 000 10 000 12 000 4 pokoje Wzgórza Krzesławickie (XVII) Łagiewniki-Borek Fałęcki (IX) 50,1-60 m² 5 i więcej pokoi Czyżyny (XIV) 60,1-70 m² 70,1-80 m² Stare Miasto (I) Podgórze Duchackie (XI) 80,1-90 m² Zwierzyniec (VII) Bieńczyce (XVI) Krowodrza (V) Nowa Huta (XVIII) 90,1-100 m² III.1-11 ponad 100 m² Grzegórzki (II) Bieżanów-Prokocim (XII) % 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Bronowice (VI) Swoszowice (X) Podgórze (XIII) Mistrzejowice (XV) Dębniki (VIII) Wzgórza Krzesławickie (XVII) do 30 m² Prądnik Biały (IV) 30,1-40 m² Prądnik Czerwony (III) 40,1-50 m² Łagiewniki-Borek Fałęcki (IX) 50,1-60 m² Czyżyny (XIV) 60,1-70 m² % 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Podgórze Duchackie (XI) 70,1-80 m² Bieńczyce (XVI) 80,1-90 m² Nowa Huta (XVIII) 90,1-100 m² Prądnik Biały (IV) Bieżanów-Prokocim (XII) ponad 100 m² Podgórze (XIII) Swoszowice (X) Dębniki (VIII) Mistrzejowice (XV) Prądnik Czerwony (III) Wzgórza Krzesławickie (XVII) % 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Podgórze Duchackie (XI) Grzegórzki (II) Prądnik Biały (IV) Czyżyny (XV) Podgórze (XIII) Bieżanów-Prokocim (XII) Dębniki (VIII) Mistrzejowice (XV) Prądnik Czerwony (III) Krowodrza (V) Podgórze Duchackie (XI) Bronowice (VI) Grzegórzki (II) Swoszowice (X) Czyżyny (XV) Nowa Huta (XVIII) Bieżanów-Prokocim (XII) Zwierzyniec (VII) Mistrzejowice (XV) % 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Stare Miasto (I) Krowodrza (V) Bronowice (VI) Wzgórza Krzesławickie (XVII) Prądnik Biały (IV) Swoszowice (X) Łagiewniki-Borek Fałęcki (IX) Podgórze (XIII) Nowa Huta (XVIII) Bieńczyce (XVI) Dębniki (VIII) Zwierzyniec (VII) Prądnik Czerwony (III) Stare Miasto (I) Podgórze Duchackie (XI) Wzgórza Krzesławickie (XVII) Grzegórzki (II) Łagiewniki-Borek Fałęcki (IX) Czyżyny (XV) Bieńczyce (XVI) Bieżanów-Prokocim (XII) Mistrzejowice (XV) Krowodrza (V) Bronowice (VI) Swoszowice (X) Nowa Huta (XVIII) Zwierzyniec (VII) Stare Miasto (I) Wzgórza Krzesławickie (XVII) Łagiewniki-Borek Fałęcki (IX) Bieńczyce (XVI) III.1-1 III.1-2 III.1-3- 4 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 III.1-4 III.1-5 III.1-6 % 10 20 30 40 50 60 III.1-7 % 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 III.1-8 III.1-9 III.1-10 % 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 1 bedroom 2 bedroom 3 bedroom PLN/m2 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 4 bedroom 5 bedroom and more Stare Miasto (I) Zwierzyniec (VII) Krowodrza (V) III.1-11 Grzegórzki (II) % 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Bronowice (VI) Podgórze (XIII) Dębniki (VIII) under 30 m² Prądnik Biały (IV) 30.1-40 m² Prądnik Czerwony (III) 40.1-50 m² Łagiewniki-Borek Fałęcki (IX) 50.1-60 m² Czyżyny (XIV) 60.1-70 m² Podgórze Duchackie (XI) 70.1-80 m² Bieńczyce (XVI) 80.1-90 m² Nowa Huta (XVIII) 90.1-100 m² Bieżanów-Prokocim (XII) over 100 m² Swoszowice (X) Mistrzejowice (XV) Wzgórza Krzesławickie (XVII) % 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Prądnik Biały (IV) Podgórze (XIII) Dębniki (VIII) Prądnik Czerwony (III) Podgórze Duchackie (XI) Grzegórzki (II) Czyżyny (XV) Bieżanów-Prokocim (XII) Mistrzejowice (XV) Krowodrza (V) Bronowice (VI) Swoszowice (X) Nowa Huta (XVIII) Zwierzyniec (VII) Chart 4.
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