(Published As the Cincinnati Post and Times Star

(Published As the Cincinnati Post and Times Star

Cincinnati Post (published as The Cincinnati Post and Times Star) - April 3, 1969 - page 1 April 3, 1969 | Cincinnati Post (published as The Cincinnati Post and Times Star) | Cincinnati, Ohio | Page 1 FIRE POLICE flRE , POLICE . ' '• -ADDYSTON .. ---~-·---~---•-• -941-222'2 '941·1313 MACK ---------------· ---661-6761 825-2280 ALEXANDRIA, KY -------------··---&94-6000 E>35-2l6b IAADEIRA ---------~ .... -~ .. -----------561-7232 825-2280 Ar.18ERLEY -------·-·•-r·•-----------631-4466 631•4466 MADJSON PLACE ------------· • • ~825-2260 825-2280 AP,1EL1A -------------------·------- 732-2231 MARlEJ.!ONT -----·•-···• ------•-•271-l&SS 271;..1055 ANOtRSON TWP _____,________ -231-1799 825-nso . MELBOURNE, KY --···---·---·-··•635-2114 ARLINGTON H.EJGHTS ---- .•---------822-2400 7&1-1122 MW.41 EAST --·-·----•··-··-•-732-1324 BATAVIA ----------,••~---~------732·1324 732-2231 MIAMI TWP NO. l•-----------94l•WZ 825-2280 ,BElt.EVUE',,KY .,;, ·- · -= ----261-838& 26)-8386 MIAMI TWP NO. 2------- ·-•'941•1300 825-2280 BLUE ASK---------------- 825-~00 825-W30 UIAMl nvp NO. 3----·-······--941-5353 825-2280 BROMLEY, KY ------- 26l-8-i97. :ZOl-8100 MWAITO\'JN OF WHITEWATER nvP-··825-2260 , CAMPBELL COUNTY, KY ==•~--------635-2114 63S-216b fJ!Af.tMU E ---------·--·-----825-22b0 CAPJP SPRINGS, KY---·--,•----694-6000 MILFORD ------------------------S,S.2260 825-2280 CHEVIOT __ ,_ __,,, ..... -- ----· ... --661-1429 661-2700 MONFORT H.EJGHTS --·-·-··-·-·•-·661-6761 825-2280 ' CINCtNNAn :_ ___________,__ 241-2525 24)-1212 l!ONTCOMERY •••• -•--·----825-2260 82S-22e0 CLERMONT COUNTY------- - ·-- 7.32-2231 UT HEALTHY·-------- ----szs.nw 825-2280 _CLEVES ··---825--2260 94J.•l2l? NEYI BAI TJ.t.sORE - ••:. ......_ • .;___825-2260 COLD SPRING.-------------•---= KY--.:. _____;,._;. ••.;...635-2114 63S:.216& . NEW BURLINGTON FIRE DISTRICT OF COLERAIN TWP -------------------825-:,Z6Q . 825-2Z80 SPRlNGfJElO TWP ---·- ----·--825-2260 J.2"1•1300 COVINGTON, KY ____ .;.. •• ,:_ --·---431 OllcZ -431-3207 NE\'IPORT, KY ····-·····-·--·--2,61-004S 261-1305 CRESCENT SPRINGS, KY----- · --341-5003 331°151S . NEWTONSVILLE, \VAYNE TWP---·•--732-1324 CRESTVlEY/ HILi s. 'l:f• •••. •---------01..o4&2. 331-1515 NE\VJO\VN -------.:-----r-------825,.2260 825-i280 OA.Y HEIGHTS ----------------·732•1324 t.:ORTK BEHO -------,-·······--941·2323 941-1032 DAYTON. K:t -··--~--,---------261-00SJ 261-00SJ ' NORTH COll ECE HILL-· • ·---···-··825-2260 825-~ DEER PARK --- ----------------791-12!2 791-8056 NORTH UNION TWP-··-----·--·-·•-•752•12n 732-2231 DELHI nvP --------------------922-212? 825-?.280 NORTHERN fflLI S •••••••:.. •••••••••• 522,6-;0Q 'DUNLAP" OF COlERAlN lW?--------825-7260 825-2260 NORTHERN fflLLS FIR-E DISTRICT OF EASTERN CAMPBELL COUNTY, KY ·----694-6000 SPRINGFIELD iWP ·-·-·········•·522-6eco 729-1300 EOC.EL!ONT FlRE DISTRICT OF NOR\VOOO -·········---·-··-·--·S31·5353 63l-l2JZ SPRINGFIELD lWP ------------821-3061 W·JJM OAK RlOCE. KY·--·--·· ········--·359-4301 EDGE\"JOOO. KY --··--·····-----·341 84B1 331-lSl5 OHIO STATE HlCHWAY PATROL----------·--- 561-SOSO ELMWOOD Pt.AC£---------=--.----242-0754 242-0754 0\'IENSVIUE. ·-········--····-····-732·l324 732-1171 ELSMERE, KY . .,------341-S2U 34l•S224 PARK Jill IS, KY-·······-···•--2til-33,;,; 431-6172 ERLANGER. K'f --·-----··----341-8484 .341-5224 P1£RC£ 1'1/P ·····--·---·--•--752-1222 7:32-Wl EVENPAlE 825-2;,M PINER•FISKBURG, KY ········---·-··356-5323 FAIRFAX -------------------825-22&0-~-------825-~ 825-2280 READING ------------------------82'.l-1035 821-1035 FOREST PARK -----,--·-- 825-2260 825-2280 ROSSMOYNE ---- ·-•~J•--•--825-2260 fOREST PARK FIP.E DISTRICT OF RYt.AHO HElGHTS, KY-,·-·-·····-·356-2'!21 SPlmlGflaD 1'W? 825-2260 729-1300 SCINT &itNAR0--·--·--••, --281~901. 281-6901 FORT fJITCHEt t KY- · - -··· • - 431-0462 331-1515 SANFOROTOWN, KY -----331-0259 FORT THOMAS, 0KY---- <:41-0010 .:.=1-0300 SHARONVttt E - SZS-2260 8.ZS-2280 FORT. WRlGHT--LCOKOUT HEIGHTS. KY-331-UOO 331-1232 SILVER GROVE, KY .;.;1--6251. GLEMOAI E . • -· -821-014.l 771-76,6 ·' SILVERTON ·-----------891-1212 S9l-J2l2 GOLF e:ANOR ------ -- --S31·12.32 531-3108 SOUTHERN CUIP~Elt, KY---'-·-&9; 6000 GOLFWAY FIRE C[ST'RICf OF . SOUTHER.'C J-III l S•. KY----·· --331-'PS<J SPRL'lGFIEtDL1·~1W~P~====:7.823ZS-'260 729-1300 SOUTHGATE. KY--------------&35-21!4 ..:..'"!-0'300 GOSHEl'C TWP - --· - 732.132,: 732·223' SPRINGOA( E ------ 825--2260 825-228) GREEN 'T\\'P' - , • -661-6761 82S--2Zi30 . SPRINCfIELD iWP • •• -825-2260 729-1300 GRfE?IIHJ[ rs --------------825-22FD 825-2280 SYCAMORE TWP ---··-·--··82S-22&:> S?S-2180 TAYLOR MIU. KY---<Ci:y Oclt> 291-2336 - .581-3191 GRO-ESBECK. - -----=== •=== ·---· -= 82'>,.22(,Q, S25-22Sa HAMILTON COUNIY - ---·· ---82S-2260 825-2280 UN.ION~TEAAACE: PARK _________________________ --·--··-··--·82>2260 .., __ 82:5-2280 &3S-2lo6 7.32·22ll HlGHt.A.~D HEIGHTS. KY---··-·--•¢;l.3l6l VA! I EV FIRE DISTRICT OF !NDEPENOENCE. KY -·--~-··---•359 4111 SPRL"lGFIELD nvP -··--·-·----S2I-2@ 729-1300 INDWl HILL --·---------··-·•561•7232 561-7000 VILLA HILLS. KY-----~-~----------~3,..-?-5003 3-,1--622? KE,.UON COUNTY., KY.,;==-----..----·------~--•--• 33!-b"15 \','EST C()lr EGE HILL FIRE DISTR:CT OF KENTON. KY ---------------------356-2!66 ,, sPRlt.lGfll:lD lWP ····-·······--•-241•2525 · 729-1300 KE-"ffiJCKY STATE POLICE·---·-•- •••.:._. 82~0,; WEST FORK FIRE OlSTRlCT OF LA-'<ESIOE PARK. KY······- · •••• <31.o-::62 331-1515 SPR!.'-.Clf JEl O l'\'/P ·--• .;.-- • • - --825-2260 )2.9-13!l0 U&;""VlEW f":RE OISIR!CT OF · · , . '1,'lfITEWATER 1\\'P ·--·--··-·· - •••-az5-22£,0 B25-22SO SPRINGFIELD iWP --- · 825-2260 729-1300 wn..DER. kY --------------------------Gl-0361 63S-2l66 U."iCOL."l KEICKTS • - ••• · -·-······• '3;.5Sll 733-5255 .. WlNSTOl'I PARK, KY- ---- ,. ------291-2S(Y,, 331-lSlS LOCKLA."ID -- Bll-ll089 761-1122 lf/ITHAMSVIUE -- ·-•----752-12'2Z LOVEl MlO - • • ••• 825-22£:ll 1125-2'80 WOOOLA\'ll'H • - 82$-2260 825-2280 Wt'OMING 821-01.;l. 821-(ll.41 LUOLO\VI KY-------261-&.97 261-aISS • .. ' ________________ ..,;;;... __ ------------------- . In an emergenc)·., dial one of these numbers. \\~hich one? Depends on where • )·ou li\·e,. "·hat kind of an emergency it is. H all else fails or )"OUr e~·esight"s · ba4. dial '"0." Proposed uni,·ersal number system ,\·ould replace this \\"hole list ll·ith one nirmber-911. ·· • • • . ' ' · .. rner enc one BY GRA'\'DON DeCAl\lP -the telephone operator. .,;., ' .. .. .. The Hamilton CC111nty K11hnell says_ however. that ,rery f e~~ emergency · eaIJs Police Assn."s Cornm11nica- . By reach police departments tions Committee .th i n ks through phone operators. ' _adoptjon o~:911 . a::11niver­ Grayclon KUHNEi.I• . ~.\I.so· savs sal emPrgency phone num. people vaiy in what they- ber:--would .· · .be . fine, . in think an emergency is and theory, but technically dif­ may end .up using the ficult to acco~p~h~n.i fact_ .emergency number for : .Tiie}-'11 . recommend · to . ' non-emergency· calls. the-association"s'~:board of- . directors, at · tlie ,. ·board's , · -"· · :: · - . -- · .. Chiefs at ~esterdavs April-· IO m.Efetiria : .that "a serves~- New York accepted, ·meeting also· ixrged · the further studv of~the feasi-· and now has the 911 sys­ press and civic ,groups to bffity. of 11s!ng some form tem. Cincinnati and Haro­ publicize the various emer­ of the 911 system-. be made,. ilton Co1mty both told the gencv numbers now in 1u;e. according to· .John Kuhnen~ phone company theyd · like · Russell Kelly. president of Silverton chief and chair- such a system if one could the Industrial ...~dvertisers man ·of the committee. be worked ·out.. A commit- Club (they·ve offered to help establish a ~11" sys. .. • · tee was named· last Decem- · "l'HE COlDll.Tl'.F.E,. in a her to stady it. Its fit st tem) agreed to help de\'"elop m~ting yesterday at Even- meeting was l\Ionday; )·es such a campaign. dale., '"'agreed 1i,aani111ously terda_y·s meeting was a re­ (Emergency nr11tahers for t;b.at· t~is concept is desir- suit of that. even, communitv in Great- able .. for the benefit and ·• .\ representafu-e of the er Cincinnati- are- listed in protection of the citizens, Telephone co_.. at yester­ the inside front cover....... of if and :when certain tech- day"s meeting. told the com­ every telephone book. '!"bis nical and operational prob- mittee the company could list is reproduced above­ !ems.. can be overcorg.e," have a 911 system operating all 56 different f"rre depart­ Kuhnen says. in six months if there were ment numbers and all 40 . :. Biggest obstacle is that only one or two communi­ police emergency numbers). telephone e.--cchange areas cations centers handling do ·not coincide irith politi- emergency calls. cal boundaries-• hence with. ...\ ~"l;~IBER OF suburban Pf1otogra~hy jurisdictional boundaries of police chiefs in Hamilton Police . Depart 1x1ents. Countv_ ob~ect pri\"3.tely to '"'In Hamilton- County,." ~ Explained ~mmPJl sa~ ~ere are the idea because they fear -1 WOlJLD like to be a 38 communities serviced by it is an effort by the city professional photogiapber. 19 .communications control or county to u:.ake o\"er"" \\nat should I do'?'. The centers.". their duties. an:,wer is in career Corner• TDf: 911 u~lVERSAL · Fire officials are Juke- Page 37. emergency nu111ber ~.. as of- warm. too. They want lJ.I"e­ THOSE \\'HO are WOITied f ered to cities that want it men. to alIS\\.er emergency about tten-c1gers and the bv Cmcinnati and Suburban fire caJls_ The Inte1 natio~al future sbouid k:no.. the Bell Telephone Co. in. Jan- F"Ire Chiefs Assn.. ~ indi­ caree1s The Post 2nd Times uary 1968. The company .

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