Volume 85, No. 5S : DDW Abstract Issue : May 2017 ASGE Program and Abstracts www.giejournal.org ASGE members: www.asge.org ELSEVIER ISSN-0016-5107 YYMGE_v85_i5_sS_COVER.inddMGE_v85_i5_sS_COVER.indd 1 119-04-20179-04-2017 222:46:532:46:53 ASGE Program SATURDAY, MAY 6 ASGE PRESIDENTIAL PLENARY SESSION 8:34 AM 8:00 AM-10:30 AM Endoscopic or Surgical Step-Up Approach for Necrotizing Pancreatitis, A Multi-Center Randomized MCP: ROOM S100AB Controlled Trial Moderators: Kenneth R. McQuaid, MD, FASGE, John J. Sandra van Brunschot* Vargo II, MD, MPH, FASGE, Karen L. Woods, MD, FASGE 8:37 AM 8:00 AM JACK A. VENNES, MD AND STEPHEN E. SILVIS, MD PRESIDENTIAL WELCOME AND OVERVIEW ENDOWED LECTURE 8:03 AM Introduction: What Jack and Steve Meant to the Two Over-the-Scope-Clips Versus Standard Endoscopic of Us and to Endoscopy Therapy in Patients With Recurrent Peptic Ulcer John Baillie, MBChB, FASGE, Martin L. Freeman, MD, Bleeding – A Prospective Randomized, Multicenter FASGE Trial (STING) Endoscopy in the Management of Pancreatic Arthur Schmidt*, Stefan Goelder, Helmut Messmann, Necrosis: Standard of Care? Martin Goetz, Thomas Kratt, Alexander Meining, Michael Martin L. Freeman, MD, FASGE Birk, Stefan von Delius, Joerg Albert, Markus Escher, James Y. Lau, Arthur Hoffman, Reiner Wiest, Karel Caca 8:54 AM 8:06 AM Bilateral Versus Unilateral Deployment of a Metal Stent for a Non-Resectable Malignant High-Grade Endoscopic Treatment of Recurrent Peptic Ulcer Hilar Biliary Stricture: A Multicenter Prospective Bleeding Pitfalls, Promise, and Progress Randomized Study Christopher J. Gostout*, MD, FASGE Tae Hoon Lee*, Tae Hyeon Kim, Hyun Jong Choi, Sang 8:20 AM Hyub Lee, Jun-Ho Choi, Seok Jeong, Jong Hyeok Kim, Jong Jin Hyun, Do Hyun Park, Joung-Ho Han, Sang- Nurse Administered Propofol Sedation (NAPS) Is Heum Park, Jong Ho Moon More Efficient Than Anaesthesiologist-Administered Sedation With Propofol (AAP) for Endoscopic 8:57 AM Procedures in Patients at Low-Intermediate DEBATE: In Treatment of Malignant Hilar Strictures, Anesthetic Risk Bilateral Stenting Results in Better Patient Outcomes Jose Maria Riesco Lopez*, Juana Maria Rizo Pascual, I Agree! Prabhleen Chahal, MD, FASGE. I Disagree! Pedro Garcia Fernandez, Antonio Diaz Sanchez, Miguel Amrita Sethi, MD, FASGE Rivero Fernandez, Rebeca Manzano Fernandez, Eloisa Moya, Rosario Gonzalez Alonso, Rocio Campos Cantero 9:08 AM 8:23 AM Getting to Zero: Reducing the Risk of Duodenoscope-Associated Transmission of Bacterial DEBATE: Anesthesiology/CRNA-Provided Sedation Pathogens for Routine Endoscopic Procedures Improves Jennifer T. Higa*, Deborah Tombs, Michael Gluck, Patient Outcomes and Unit Efficiency Andrew S. Ross I Agree! Sarah A. Rodriguez, MD, FASGE. I Disagree! John J. Vargo II, MD, MPH, FASGE 9:11 AM Have We Solved the Problem of Endoscope- Transmitted Infections? Bret T. Petersen*, MD, FASGE * Presenter www.giejournal.org Volume 85, No. 5S : 2017 GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY AB1 ASGE Program 9:25 AM 8:00 AM PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS AND INAUGRATION OF Approach to Small Bowel Bleeding (including LVAD KAREN L. WOODS, MD, FASGE discussion) Neena S. Abraham*, MD, MSCE, FASGE 9:40 AM 8:15 AM Underwater Colonoscopy Is Associated With Higher Detection Rates of Proximal Sessile Serrated Polyps Approach to Small Bowel Neoplasia (Carcinoids, Anish Patel*, Jasleen Grewal, Mohammed F. Ali, William Adenomas, Familial Syndromes) E. Karnes Swati Patel*, MD 9:43 AM 8:30 AM DEBATE: Underwater Colonoscopy Is Preferred Endoscopic Approaches to Jejunal Feeding Because It Improves Patient Comfort and Neoplasia Todd H. Baron*, MD, FASGE Detection. 8:45 AM I Agree! Kenneth F. Binmoeller, MD, FASGE You’re All Wet! Aasma Shaukat*, MD, MPH, FASGE The Future of Enteroscopy Laurel R. Fisher*, MD, FASGE 9:54 AM 9:00 AM What Is the Expected Incidence of Interval Questions and Answers Colorectal Cancer (CRC) for an Endoscopist in Active Clinical Practice? Furkan U. Ertem*, Ateev Mehrotra, Rebecca A. ADVANCING THE SCOPE OF PEDIATRIC Gourevitch, Uri Ladabaum, Robert E. Schoen ENDOSCOPY 9:57 AM Topic Forum J. EDWARD BERK, MD, DSC, FASGE ENDOWED 8:00 AM-9:30 AM LECTURE: Learn to Look! How Easily Overlooked MCP: ROOM S402 Lesions Lead to Colon Cancer Moderators: Diana G. Lerner, MD, George M. Zacur, Roy M. Soetikno*, MD, MS, FASGE MD, MS 10:11 AM 8:00 AM Polypectomy Competency Varies Between Enteric Nervous System Visualization of Endoscopists and Does Not Adequately Correlate Hirschsprung’s Disease Using Confocal Laser With Existing Quality Metrics Endomicroscopy: Ex Vivo Human Trial Anna Duloy*, MD, Tonya R. Kaltenbach, MD, MS, FASGE, Masakuni Kobayashi*, Naoki Shimojima, Shunsuke Rajesh N. Keswani, MD Kamba, Junko Takahashi-Fujigasaki, Kazuki Sumiyama 10:14 AM 8:15 AM The Top 10 Things You Need to Do Now to Improve Post-ERCP Pancreatitis in Children – A Report From Your Polypectomy Technique an International Multicenter Study Group (PEDI Gottumukkala S. Raju*, MD, FASGE Database) 10:28 AM David M. Troendle*, Bradley Barth, Douglas S. Fishman, Closing Remarks Quin Liu, Yuhua Zheng, Matthew J. Giefer, Kyung M Kim, Luigi Dall’Oglio, Giulia Angelino, Paola De Angelis, Simona Faraci, Mercedes Martinez, Roberto Gugig, Petar SMALL BOWEL CHALLENGES Mamula, Samuel Bitton, Michael Wilsey, Racha T. Khalaf, Clinical Symposium Steven Werlin, Kulwinder S. Dua, Amit S. Grover, Victor L. Fox 8:00 AM-9:30 AM MCP: ROOM S401 Moderators: Michael D. Rice, MD, Carol E. Semrad, MD AB2 GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY Volume 85, No. 5S : 2017 www.giejournal.org ASGE Program 8:30 AM 8:15 AM A Multicenter Comparative Analysis of Double Pigtail Derivation and Validation of the SAFE-T Evaluation Plastic Stents and Lumen-Apposing Metal Stents for Tool: A Web-Based Smartphone Application for Endoscopic Drainage of Pancreatic Walled-Off Evaluation of Gastroenterology Fellow Performance Necrosis in the Pediatric Population: Evaluation of in Colonoscopy Clinical Outcomes and Success Navin L. Kumar*, Guillaume Kugener, Molly L. Jose Nieto, Maisam Abu-El-Haija, Bradley Barth, Travis L. Perencevich, John R. Saltzman Piester, Andrew R. Dargan, Irving Waxman, Tayebah 8:30 AM Mumtaz, Arish Noor, Field F. Willingham, Deepak Agrawal, Jayaprakash Sreenarasimhaiah, Milton Smith, The Readability of Common Gastrointestinal Tom K. Lin, Mustafa A. Arain, Ali Siddiqui* Procedures Mohammad S. Nawaz*, Laura McDermott, Rishabh 8:45 AM Gulati, Savanna Thor High Frequency of Non-Classical Endoscopic 8:45 AM Findings in Children and Adolescents Diagnosed With Ulcerative Colitis. The PROTECT Study A Novel, Interactive Web-Based Educational Tool Joel R. Rosh*, Zhu Wang, David R. Mack, Brendan M. Improves Detection and Delineation of Barrett’s Boyle, Anne M. Griffiths, Neal S. Leleiko, Cary G. Sauer, Oesophagus Related Neoplasia (BORN): The BORN David J. Keljo, James Markowitz, Susan S. Baker, Robert Project N. Baldassano, Ashish S. Patel, Marian D. Pfefferkorn, Jacques Bergman*, Oliver Pech, Krish Ragunath, David Anthony Otley, Mel Heyman, Joshua D. Noe, Maria Oliva- Armstrong, GNJ Tytgat, J. Dent, Lars Lundell, Michael Hemker, Paul A. Rufo, Jennifer A. Strople, David Ziring, Vieth, Prateek Sharma Stephen Guthery, Boris Sudel, Keith J. Benkov, Prateek 9:00 AM Wali, Dedrick E. Moulton, Margaret H. Collins, Thomas D. Walters, Subra Kugathasan, Lee A. Denson, Jeffrey S. Real-Time Optical Diagnosis of Hyperplastic, Hyams Adenomatous and Sessile Serrated Colorectal Polyps Using Narrow-Band Imaging Gangnam Real-Time 9:00 AM Polyp Diagnosis (Gangnam-Readi) Study Does the Presence of a Trainee Increase Adverse Jung Ho Bae*, Changhyun Lee, Joo Sung Kim, Hae Yeon Events for Endoscopic Procedures in Children? Kang, Min-Sun Kwak, Eun Young Doo, Ji Yeon Seo, Ji Jacob Mark*, Robert Kramer Hyun Song, Sun Young Yang, Jong In Yang, Jeong Yoon Yim, Seon Hee Lim, Joo Hyun Lim, Goh Eun Chung, Su 9:15 AM Jin Chung, Eun Hyo Jin STATE-OF-THE-ART LECTURE: Endoscopy Training 9:15 AM and Future Learning Catharine M. Walsh*, MD, MEd, PhD, FRCPC Improving UK trainees’ Proficiency in Polypectomy: Retrospective Analysis of 4,965 DOPyS Evaluations BEST OF TRAINING AND EDUCATION Over 6 years Arun Rajendran*, Siwan Thomas-Gibson, R. Topic Forum Rameshshanker, Paul Dunckley, Nick Sevdalis, Adam 8:00 AM-9:30 AM Haycock MCP: ROOM S404 ADVANCES IN COLORECTAL ESD Moderators: Paul M. Basuk, MD, Kerry B. Dunbar, MD, PhD Topic Forum 8:00 AM 8:00 AM-9:30 AM Prospective Multicenter Study to Assess, Validate MCP: ROOM E450A and Define Competency for Small Bowel Capsule Moderators: Shai Friedland, MD, Andrew Y. Wang, MD, Endoscopy Training FASGE Elizabeth Rajan*, Manuel Martinez, Badr Al-Bawardy, Emmanuel C. Gorospe, Christopher Gostout, David H. Bruining, Stephanie L Hansel, Joseph A. Murray, Vandana Nehra, Cadman L. Leggett, David A. Katzka, Laura H. Raffals, Chien-Huan Chen www.giejournal.org Volume 85, No. 5S : 2017 GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY AB3 ASGE Program 8:00 AM HEMORRHOID THERAPIES A Risk-Prediction Model for En Bloc Resection Hands-On Workshop Failure or Perforation During Colorectal Endoscopic 8:00 AM-10:00 AM Submucosal Dissection: A Large-Scale Validation Study of 1133 Colorectal Neoplasms MCP: South Hall A Kenichiro Imai*, Kinichi Hotta, Sayo Ito, Noboru Kawata, Course Director: David R. Lichtenstein, MD, FASGE Masaki Tanaka, Naomi Kakushima, Kohei Takizawa, 8:00 AM Hirotoshi Ishiwatari, Hiroyuki Matsubayashi, Hiroyuki Ono Faculty: Neil Gupta, Dennis M. Jensen, Sergey V. Kantsevoy*, 8:15 AM Michael F. McGee*, Eric M. Pauli*, Waqar A. Qureshi*, Wide-Field Endoscopic Mucosal Resection Versus Thomas J. Savides* Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection for Laterally Spreading Colorectal Lesions: A Cost-Effectiveness CONTROVERSIES IN ERCP FOR 2017 Analysis Farzan F. Bahin*, Steven J. Heitman, Khalid N. Rasouli, Clinical Symposium Eric Y. Lee, Stephen J. Williams, Michael J. Bourke 10:00 AM-11:30 AM 8:30 AM MCP: ROOM S401 Size, Serration, and Specific Solutions: Details on the Moderators: Priya A. Jamidar, MD, FASGE, Thomas J. Successes of Split Bowel Prep Savides, MD, FASGE Jasleen Grewal*, Anish Patel, Mohammed F. Ali, William 10:00 AM E.
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