/ .. / VOLUME 14 KWAJALEIN ATOLL, MARSHALL ISLANDS, TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1977 NUMBER 144 Libyan.Egyptian Cease·fire Shaleily fULL·SCALE RECOGNITION GRANTED Holds Info Its Second Day Today DESPITE A REQUEST fROM CARTER CAIRO (UPI) -- The Libyan-Egyptian cease-fire apparently held TEL AVIV (UPI) -- Israel granted full-scale recognltlon today lnto ltS second day today despite no publlC acceptance by Llbya, to three Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank of Jordan. reportedly because Egyptian President Anwar Sadat wants sophisti­ The move came desplte a reported request by President Carter cated Sovlet equipment removed from the border. to avold such actlons until a peace conference wlth the Arabs Neither side had reported any further shootlng after six days that may be convened ln the fall. It came a day after Prime Mln­ of warplane, tank and artlllery battles which ended Sunday night, ister Benahem Begin's return from the United States. as Sadat prepared to make a maJor natlonally-televlsed speech in "We were expecting lt and it was self-understood, blessed be Alexandria tonight. God," said Zvi Slonim, a spokesman for the Gush Emunlm movement. Informed political sources said Libyan leader Col. Moammar The group established unauthorized settlements in the West Bank Khadafy was withholding any desplte the oppositlon of the public acknowledgment of the de previous Labor Party government. facto cease-fire because one of u.s. AGREES TO LEA VE HEADQUARTERS Of The settlements affected by Sadat's demands is that sensi­ the decision of a Joint committee tive Soviet radar and missile SECOND DIVISION UNTIL fINAL PHASE DOWN of cabinet members and executives equipment supplied to Libya TOKYO (UP I)' -- The Un 1ted States agreed to a request from of the quasi-governmental Jewish should be pulled back from the South Korea to leave the headquarters of the 2nd Infantry Divi­ Agency are Alon Moreh, also known desert frontler reaching from sion and two of ltS three brlgades of troops in the country until as Kadum; Ofra, near Rama11ah; the Mediterranean 650 mlles the flnal phase of its wlthdrawal of qround combat forces, a and Maale Adumim, on the road south into the Sahara wilder­ senlor defense offic1al sald today. from Jerusalem to Jericho. ness. Defense Secretary Harold Brown informed South Korean President Alon Moreh, just outside A Western dlplomat sald Park Chung-hee of the decision_in a prlvate meeting during the Nablus, was set up 17 months ago Sadat's publlc and apparently two days of consultat10ns held over the objections of the pre­ unilateral cease-fire order _ here on the withdrawal and a try un1t there, malntaining a vious government but enjoyed glven Sunday night came after "compensatory" mil1tary and "trlpwire" deterrent pos1tion some official financing and prlvate assurances by two medl­ credit package of about $2 bll- along the invasion corridor from other aid nonetheless. ators, Algerlan President 110n proposed to accompany it. North Korea. Prlme Mlnlster Menahem Begln Houri Boumedlenne and Palestlne The delayed withdrawal -- Its First Brigade will depart chose to speak there shortly af­ guerrllla leader Yasser Arafat, as late as 1982 -- of the 2nd durlng the in1tial withdrawal ter his election, declarlng all that Khadafy was prepared to D1V1S10n un1ts was disclosed in phase of about 6,000 men at the of the West Bank to be "liberated stop shootlng too. a JOlnt communlque lssued end of next year, offlclals territory" and part of the hlS­ But Sadat's condltions about shortly before Brown departed said. A second phase of between torica1 heritage of the Jewlsh the withdrawal of Soviet equip­ for Tokyo for talks wlth Jap­ 8,000 and 9,000, mostly support people. ment were understood to have anese leaders on the w1thdraw­ troops from other un1ts, will He also vowed there would be been carried back to Trlpoll by al enroute back to the U.S. leave 1n 1980. more such settlements, but re­ Boumedlenne Monday on his way The South Korean request was The final phase will come frained from maklng that pOlnt back to Algiers. made several weeks ago, and the either 1n 19B1 or 1982, accor­ during his Washington ViSlt. decision was made by the U.S. ding to the four to five-year government before Brown left timetable declded upon by Pres­ Mucll Heavy figll,ing Is Washington. ldent Carter. It might involve "a'ian Prime Minis'er The dlvision is the largest a50ut half the manpower strength Con,inuing In E,lIiopia U.S. combat unlt remain1ng 1n of tn~ Division, according to Andreotti We'comed NAIROBI (UPI) -- As heavy South Korea and the only infan- senior officials. WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Presi­ fightlng continued in southeast dent Carter welcomed Italian Ethiopla and Somali-backed In­ AST C"PTluE fLIGHT Prime Minister G1ulio Andreotti surgents claimed they were Typhoon Thelma LII II 'I with a 19-9un salutp today and close to total victory, Kenya EDWARDS AIR fORCE BASE, CAL. called him "one of the most ex- said today the entire horn of (UPI) -- The shuttle-orblter perienced and accompl1shed lead- Africa was being turned into Strikes Taiwan Enterprise, the proposed back- ers of the world." an area of confrontation and TAIPEI (UP!) -- Typhoon bene of 19BOs earth-space com- "Italy is a close partner pOll tical rivalry between the Thelma, which hit Talwan for mutlng, made its last captive and friend of the United States major powers. only an hour and a half yes- flight today, a 60-minute re- ... a keystone nation within the "Political intrigues and terday has dealt this island hearsal for next month when it European community and a valued dlstrust, economlc dlscord and the worst blow since the end will be blasted loose from ltS NATO ally," Carter sald dunng confrontation now characterlze of the second World War, ac- mother ShlP for a powerless a Whlte House welcomlng ceremony. the general atmosphere in the cording to informat1on re- gllde landlng. Andreotti, whose Christlan area," Forei gn Ml n1 ster Munyua leased by the government. Bolted to the top of a Democratic government recently Waiyakl told a press luncheon The extent of damage to the Boelng 747 and wlth two men signed a parliamentary accord as he warned of the rapidly de­ island's electric power supply aboard, the wlde-bodled delta- in which the Communlst Party terlorating situation. system, and as a result, to wing space vehicle took off plays a key role, said "frank As he spoke, the Western So­ ltS 1ndustry is so vast that from the test center at and constructive frlendship w1th mall Liberation Front in Moga­ the total loss mlght reach the 7:47 am PDT and landed one hour the United States" lS one of the dishu, which has been battling $1 billlon mark, offlcial later. princip3ls of Italy's forelgn Ethlopian troops for two months sources estlmated. Just before Enterprlse land- POllCY. for control of the Ogaden Des­ Some 155 steel towers sup- ed, the Houston Control Center The Italian leader recelved ert, issued a statement saYlng portlng hlgh tension power told the crew, "The pattern a full-honor military welcome, it was now close to a "total llnes were destroyed in south- looks super." complete with the gun salute. vlctory" in the campalgn. ern Talwan, totally disrupting Minutes into the fllght, Both Carter and Andreottl It reiterated claims its power supply to about one the shuttle crew shut down an referred to the recent energy 3,000 guerrillas had captured quarter of the island and auxiliary power unit because of crisis which plunged Italy lnto three important towns in the partly affecting that in other a hlgh temperature reading, but a serious recession stl1l belnq Ogaden -- Gode, Werder and Ke­ parts of the island. it turned out to be only a sen- felt -- both economically and brl Dehar -- and took more than L.K. Chen, Board Chalrman sor failure. politically. 1,000 prisoners of war. of the state-operated Taiwan The a1rcraft went throuqh Carter said the U.S. and Ethiopia Radio repeated a Power Company whlch supp11es a separation d1ve rehearsal in Italy are worklng closely to- report lt first broadcast last the whole island w1th power, which lt gllded downward from gether on energy matters. speci- night saYlng government forces sald at a news conference that ~bout 26,000 feet. fically on nuclear energy. had destroyed 30 Somall tanks, the damage to the power sys- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *- '*- '* '* * * '*- '* * 'I< * *- four MiG-2l and one M1G-17 tem alone will amount to * SUN & SURF * FINANCIAL NEWS * fighters and killed a "large "hundreds of mllllons of U. S. * AS OF 000"1 HUURS 26 JULY 1977 * DOW JONES" INDUSTRIAL AVERAGES * number" of Somali troops. The dollars." * RAINFALL: Trace * 30 Indus. * Somalls shot down two transport Reports from southern Tal- * MONTHLY TOTAL. 11.37 inches * 20 Trans. ~Or * planes, lnc1uding one carrying wan said nearly all the 5,77B * YEARLY TOTAL: 41.BB inches * 15 Utils. 1~11l * women and children, the radio facton es have suspended pro- * TOMORROW * 65 Stocks 1/)lt' * said. ductlon since Monday mornlng * H1 Tlde. 0224 5.4' 1455 4.4' * Volume: * Nelther vlctory report could due to lack of electrlc power.* Lo Tlde 0901 1. l' 2048 1.1' * Closlng Silver Prlce: $4.60 * be lndependent1y verifled wlth An unknown number of them * Moonrise: 1655 Moonset: 0359 * Closing Gold Price: $145.65 * the Ogaden, comprlslng one­ lncludlng a giant a1umlnum * Sunnse: 0639 Sunset: 1912 * * third of Ethiopia's land mass, factory were totally destroy- * FOR TOTAL FORECAST CALL 84700 * LISTINGS AVAILABLE IN LIBRARY * closed to all foreigners. ed, reports sald. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAGE 2 TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1977 Lig"tning Or Exp'osion Damages Go,ernment 8ans Diabetic Raage Operation A range operation is scheduled for Trans-j'asi.
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