DISPOSAL YONISH COLLECTION RESIDENTIAL GARBAGE Over 60 years in business! Somerset County Serving Richland & Northern Somerset County or 814-288-4915 $55 Per 814-248-9757 Quarter 3 bag limit — Award-Winning Investigative Journalism — WWW.OURTOWNJOHNSTOWN.COM vailable SO-787768-1 Container Service A State forgives WEEK OF scoreboard gaffe JANUARY BRUCE SIWY previously noted that bsiwy@ourtownjohnstown. entities that violate 8-14, 2020 com grant terms are gener- Cambria County ally required to pay the taxpayers will not be money back to the state. SPORTS forced to reimburse a The grant terms were $100,000 scoreboard violated because the grant to the common- $130,000 scoreboard wealth after all. contract was awarded In an email response without public bidding. to inquiries last month, In an order released a spokeswoman for the in November, the State Pennsylvania Depart- Ethics Commission Submitted photos ment of Community & wrote that Gindlesperg- Economic Development er violated conflict of indicated that the State interest and contract Ethics Commission provisions of the State fine of former Cambria Ethics Act. He entered County War Memorial a consent agreement ATHLETE Authority Chairman with the commission OF THE Dean Gindlesperg- that requires him to pay er was punishment $18,000 to the state’s WEEK: enough. Gindlesperger general fund over a resigned from the post period of 18 months and ANDY in the summer of 2018 $2,000 to the commis- ZUCHELLI after Our Town raised sion to recoup costs questions about a no- associated with the bid scoreboard contract investigation. — B1 awarded to a company Though Gindlesperg- co-owned by his son, er denied knowing that Ryan. his son co-owned the FAMILY VALUES “As the grant awarded company he award- Banquet celebrates ed the contract to, he to Cambria County was used for its intended agreed “that if this mat- 81 FOSTER purpose and the indi- ter went to hearing, the vidual responsible has Investigative Division been held accountable could, by circumstan- GRANDPARENTS and fined, the depart- tial evidence, meet the OUR TOWN five individuals who have County Commissioner ment has decided to not requisite evidentiary served in the program Tom Chernisky seek repayment, which standard and convince RAILROAD he Cambria for 20 years or more: and representatives would only place an a fact finder that he DISPLAY AT County Foster Velma Sinclair, 26 years; from the offices of unfair burden on the violated (the law).” Grandparent Rita McMahon, 25 years; U. S. Representative residents of Cambria The commission’s ARBUTUS Program Ann Briel, 23 years; Lucy Glenn Thompson County,” Communica- report notes that the honoredT 81 of its Richardson, 21 years; and and U.S. Senator Pat tions Director Casey company, Amphype, PARK grandparent volunteers Ethel Bernat, 20 years. Toomey attended and Smith wrote. was created at the RETIREMENT at its 2019 recognition Several volunteers who congratulated the County Commission- time the authority had banquet held Dec. 12 at recently retired from volunteers for their service ers Tom Chernisky, delayed its decision to COMMUNITY This Is It banquet hall near the program were also to the community. William “B.J.” Smith purchase a scoreboard Johnstown. recognized. For more information and Mark Wissinger did and that the scoreboard — C1 In addition to thanking The volunteers and about the Cambria County not respond to an email project accounted for all the senior volunteers guests enjoyed a catered Foster Grandparent seeking comment about approximately 81% for their dedication to the lunch, door prizes and Program, call 814-536- this on Dec. 27. of all of Amphype’s area’s children, program musical entertainment 9009 or visit the Facebook Representatives from income from September members also recognized provided by Zupe. Cambria page. the department had 2015 through Septem- WEEKLY ber 2018. RECIPE WINNER MICHAEL DUELL – A4 “Get FYZICAL” Injury Prevention and Sports Performance Program ARE YOU DOWNSIZING? NEED MONEY FOR TAXES? DID YOU INHERIT A COLLECTION? Knee injuries during sport activities continue to occur at increasing rates in adolescents. Research WE CAN HELP! shows that proper training for flexibility, strength, agility, and jumping mechanics can help reduce WE BUY ALL COINS this risk, and improve overall performance. GOLD-SILVER PAPER MONEY FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Center of Windber will be offering an 8-week injury prevention and JOHN PAUL SAROSI, INC. sportsperformanceprogramthatwillbeThursdayeveningsstartingJanuary16through March 5 atthe 106 Market Street ∙ Downtown Johnstown M-F 10-5 Eve/Sat by appt. Windber Community Building. 1-814-535-5766 ∙ 1-800-334-1163 SO-781300-1 SINCE 1974 - WE PAY MORE! Who is a candidate for this program? Any student athlete in grades 6-12 who participates in sports that involve cutting, pivoting, jumping, and quick acceleration and deceleration. Cost: $60 per student for the entire 8-week program There will be limited space available for 2 age groups (grades 6-8 and grades 9-12) Times: Grades 9-12 will run from 5-6:30pm Grades 6-8 will run from 6:30-8pm Sign up in person at FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Center Location: 419 Park Place, Windber, PA 15963 SO-785230-1 Picking Treece Any questions please call FYZICAL: (814) 509-6089 Bennett Mortuary, Inc. Caring & Experienced Professionals Thomas Dixon, Supervisor 921 Menoher Blvd., Johnstown 255-4040 | ptbmortuary.com SO-787745-1 SO-785302-1 A2 Wednesday, January 8, 2020, Our Town, Johnstown, Pa. OUR TOWN GENERAL MANAGER/ OPINION ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Becky Flyte LETTERS TO THE EDITOR POLICY bfl[email protected] EDITORIAL CARTOON Our Town welcomes letters to the editor which express a specific view on topics of general interest. Letters submitted MULTI MEDIA SALES for publication must be signed and contain the address and MANAGER telephone number of the writer. Letters should be limited to Genna Smith about 250 words. [email protected] Our Town reserves the right to edit all letters. Letters can- not be returned. Letters may be mailed to Our Town at 334 W. Main Street, PO Box 638, Somerset, PA 15501. You may also CIRCULATION fax them to us at 814-269-9783 or email them to bruces@ MANAGER ourtownjohnstown.com. Donna Riley The following are additional guidelines: [email protected] • Letters from local writers and about local topics or races take precedence. EDITOR • Letters should be the original works of the authors. Just clearly make your case for the candidates or topics of your Bruce Siwy choice, in your own words. [email protected] • We will not publish form letters or letter-pushes. If we think the letters are cut-and-paste, we won’t run them. WRITERS • Letters must be 300 words or less and signed with the writ- Beth Ann Miller er’s real name. Cody McDevitt • Writers must provide an address and phone number for verification. LAYOUT/GRAPHIC • Writers are limited to one letter per month. DESIGNERS Bruce J. Siwy Editor - Our Town Mindy Faidley Holly Pelliccione Joyce Brown LETTER TO THE EDITOR MEDIA CONSULTANTS Terrie Crisi Julie Frampton Severance tax is the wrong approach Kathy Shriner Zac Cooney To the editor: program. Perhaps that is because he does experience a loss of jobs, less economic Chris Barkley not want citizens to pay much attention growth, higher consumer prices and ulti- As we begin a new year, Gov. Tom Wolf to the fact that he is proposing to borrow mately no local control over tax revenue money on their backs and to implement from an important industry in Pennsylva- 334 W. Main Street, will undoubtedly push once again for a severance tax. This time the governor will a severance tax that could lead to higher nia. P.O. Box 638, claim that a severance tax will help to fund energy prices for consumers. RestorePA may sound great until we Somerset, PA 15501 the RestorePA program he spent so much We must have a voice and say no to his read the fine print on how it is to be fund- time selling in recent months. borrowing and a severance tax. Pennsylva- ed. Phone: When the governor was traveling across nia has a severance tax called the impact Let’s say no to more borrowing and to a 800.452.0823 Pennsylvania touting the wonders of the tax that has provided billions in revenue severance tax. RestorePA program, he spent little to no to all 67 counties since 2013. Advertising Fax: Cecelia Houser of Ebensburg time explaining how he would pay for the If the governor and the legislature add 814.445.2935 an additional severance tax, we could Editorial Fax: 814.444-5966 ourtownjohnstown. comdailyamerican.com Rock Run receives $121K from DCNR Our Town is published by OUR TOWN Municipalities, nonprofit and for-profit Gannett Co., Inc. every Wednesday. organizations are eligible to apply for grant Please direct comments, editorial submissions, or suggestions to Our Rock Run Recreation Area has been money under this state program to purchase Town Editor, PO Box 638, Somerset, awarded a $121,300 grant from the state land, develop plans and surveys, construct PA 15501. Our Town does not assume Department of Conservation and Natural and maintain ATV trails, buy equipment responsibility for any unsolicited contributions or communications. Resources, according to an announcement and conduct ATV-related educational Our Town reserves the right to dated Dec. 19 from the Harrisburg office opportunities. edit any content submitted for publication. To submit press release of state Rep. Frank Burns. Rock Run “Making these investments boosts the or to suggest a story for an upcoming Recreation Area is located in northern economic impacts of our region, encouraging issue of Our Town, direct your email to [email protected]. Cambria and southern Clearfield counties. visitors and residents alike to enjoy the Reproduction or reuse of editorial The grant, provided by the state agency’s wonderful outdoor recreation opportunities or graphic content without the ATV Management Restricted Account, available at Rock Run,” Burns said.
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