THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 26. 1861. 1445 NORTH EASTERN RAILWAY. ctraetioB, maintenance, and use of UM said proposed (MASffT WSIOHTON AlfD BEVKBLEY railways and works, and to confer other rights, MITMNSIOIT AND HULL BRANCH.) privileges, and exemptions, and also powers to levy tolls, rates, and duties, for or in respect of the use fv*«r to Construct Railway from Market Weighton of the said proposed railways and works, and to to Bovertey, and a Branch Railway at Kingston- alter existing tolls, rates, and duties, and to confer •po*-Holl J Additional Capital ; Amendment of such exemptions from the payment of such existing Acte ; and other Purposes. and proposed tolls, rates, and duties, as may be OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that APPLI- thought expedient. CATION will be made to PARLIAMENT And it is also proposed by such intended Act to iNa the next Session for an ACT to enable the North authorize the Company to apply any of their exist- Kutera Railway Company, hereinafter called " the ing funds, and to raise by the creation of new shares Company," to make and maintain the railways fol- or stock, and by borrowing further sums of money lowing, with all proper stations, works, conveni- for the purposes of the said intended Act, and to ences, and approaches connected therewith, that authorise the assigning to all or any of such new H to say—Firstly : A railway commencing by a shares or stock, such guaranteed dividend or divi- {notion with thai York and Market Weighton dends, and such preferences, priorities, or privi- Bmneh of the North Eastern Railway at a point leges in the payment of dividends, or otherwise about 230 yards east of the Market Weighton over or par* passit with all or any other classes or Station (measured from the east end of the station), class of shares or stock in the Company as may be in the township of Market Weighton and Arras agreed upon, or as may be provided by or under rand parish of Market Weigbton, in tbe East Riding the provisions of such intended Act. of the County of York, and thence passing from, And Notice is hereby further given that on or through, into, and in the several parishes, town- before the 30th day of November instant, dupli- ships, and extra parochial or other places following, cate plans and sections of the said proposed Rail- «r Dome of them, that is to say, Market Weighton, ways and Works, together with a Book of Refer- Market Weighton and Arras, Goodmanham, South ence to such plans, and a published map, whereon Dalton, Scorbrongh, Etton, Leckonfield, Leckonfield will be defined the general course and direction of Parka; Leckonfield and Arram, Cherry Barton, the said proposed Railways, and a copy of this Bishop Barton, Molescroft, Stockhill and Sand- Notice, as published in the London Gazette, will be holme, Beverley, St. John Beverley, St. Mary deposited for public inspection with the Clerk of Beverley, St. Nicholas Beverley, and St. Martin the Peace for the said East Riding of the County of Beverley, all in tbe said East Riding, and terminat- York, at his Office at Beverley, in the said East ing by a junction with tbe Hull and Bridlington Riding, and with the Clerk of the Peace for the Branch of the North Eastern Railway, at or near a Town and County of the Town of Kingston-upon- point 193 yards north of the centre of the Holder- Hull, at his Office in Kingston-upon-Hull aforesaid, ness Head, where tbe same crosses tbe said Branch and that on or before the said 30th day of Novem- in the parish of St. Nicholas Beverley, in tbe said ber instant, a copy of so much of tbe said plans, East Riding. sections, and Book of Reference, as relates to each Secondly,—A Railway commencing by a Junc- Parish or extra-parochial place, in or through which tion with the Victoria Dock Branch of the North the said proposed Railways and Works are intended Eastern Rail way at tbe south end of the Southcoates to be made, and also a copy of this Notice as pub- Station on that Branch, in the Township of South- lished in the London Gazette, will be deposited with coates, otherwise Sudcoates, in the Parish of Dry- the Parish Clerk of each such Parish, at his place pool, in the Town and County of the Town of of abode, and as regards any extra-parochial place Kingston-upon-Hull, and thence passing from, with the Clerk of some adjoining Parish, at his through, into, and in tbe Township of Soutbcoates, place of abode. otherwise Sudcoates, and the Township of Drypool, And it is also proposed by the said intended Act both in the Parish of Drypool, in the said Town to repeal, alter, amend, extend, and enlarge all or and County of the Town of Kingston-upon-Hull, some of the powers and provisions of the several •and terminating by a Junction with the Hull and local and personal Acts of Parliament following Holderness Railway, at the first half mile post on (that is to say), 6 Wm. 4, cap. 81 ; I Vic., cap. 68 ; that Railway east from the Victoria Station and in 4 Vic., cap. 7; 5 Vic., session 2, cap. 80; 6 Vic., the said Township and Parish of Drypool. cap. 8 ; 7 Vic., caps. 21 and 27 ; 7 and 8 Vic., And in such intended Act powers will be sought cap. 61; 8 and 9 Vic., caps. 34, 57, 58, 84, 92, to form the proposed junctions and otherwise to 104, and 163; 9 Vic., caps. 58, 59, 65, and 66; interfere with existing railways, and to deviate in 9 and 10 Vie., caps. 77, 89, 95, 96, 149, 153, 154, constructing the proposed railways from the lines 164, 207, 235, 241, 242, 247, 264, and 330; 10 laid down on the plans thereof deposited as herein- and 11 Vic., caps. 117, 133, 134, 140, 141, 210, after mentioned, and to cross on the level, or over 216, 218, and 21-9; 11 and 12 Vic., caps. 24, 55, or under, and to divert, alter, or stop up, whether 56, 57, 68, 71, and 81; 12 and 13 Vic., caps. 27, temporarily or permanently, all such turnpike roads, 58, and 60; 13 and 14 Vic., caps. 38 and 53; 14 parish roads, highways, streets, and other roads, Vic., cap. 39; 14 and 15 Vic., caps. 47, 84 and rivers, streams, canals, navigations, railways, tram- 85 : 15 Vic., caps. 36, 37, 57, 96, and 114 ; 15 and loads, and other works within the said parishes, 16 Vic., cap. 127; 16 and 17 Vie., caps. 109 and townships, and extra-parochial or other places afore- 136; 17 Vic., cap. 73; 17 and 18 Vic., caps. 164 said, or some of them, as it may be necessary to and 211; 20 and 21 Vic., caps. 19, 33, and 46; cross on the level, or over or under, or, to divert, 21 and 22 Vic., cap. 134 ; 22 and 23 Vic., caps. ] 0, alter, or stop up, for the purposes of such proposed 91, and 100; and 24 and 25 Vic., caps. 135 and railways and works, or any of them, and to purchase J41, relating to the Company, or the Railways now by compulsion or otherwise the lands and houses belonging to or held or used by the Company; and required for the purposes of the said proposed rail- 6 Wm. 4, cap. 80 *, 6 Vic., cap. 7 ; 8 and 9 Vic., ways and works. And to alter, vary, or extinguish cap. 51; and 9 and 10 Vic., cap^S-HT-^eJating to all existing rights, privileges, and exemptions con- the Hull and Selby Railway ( nected with such lands and houses, or which would 17 Vic., cap. 93, relating to£ in »ny manner impede or interfere with the con- ness Railway Company; an 0*1.
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