Homecoming Spirit Alive at FAU Earlier Thai Sameday,Uudent "Next Year

Homecoming Spirit Alive at FAU Earlier Thai Sameday,Uudent "Next Year

,... INDEX BULK RATE lDRI5 SfQllT'I II llIIf! 1li"I"EIlT""""'1I<T • Exotic parties may solve food U.S. POSTAGE QiDacN: OAJIlnDll It PAID ~ Ie C'OMICII , ebCA RATON, FL I'k&W l"eC1dt th1ll_.-per service problem see Our View page 4 PERMIT NO. 1712 T Wednesday. November 22, 1989 An INkpendenl StulknJ Publication Serving FlotidlJ AJ1lJntic Uni"n:rily Homecoming spirit alive at FAU Earlier thai sameday,uudent "Next year. wc're going to By WAYNE LOCKWOOD buill floats 1r3\'CJed down Lee work a lillie closer with the $1lII Nnn £rliI«" street bchin4 AemiDg Hall to Alumni Association," said the gym, piloted by fcstive stu­ Mariano Rowland. Student FAU's firsl homecoming in Gents lettingloose in FAll's firsl Body President. its2Syear hislOlJcarne 10 aspec­ ever homecoming parade. "We're all in [8\'Or of tacular dose lasl saturday night "Wehad a real good time, and Homec;oming." saia James in tbeFAUGymnasium 'With Ihe lor a "fifSl-lime-ever" pande, it Spear,assisLaDI to tbeUni\crsily Owl baskelball team's aushing went YC:ry weU.~ said Roger Del· President 8S-44 ,iClOIJ (NCr EmoIJ Riddle Papa, assistant to the Student Will there even be a University. Body President and one of lhe homecoming next year1 1lel­ Before lbe game, a bonfire organizers of Homecoming Papa seems to Ihiak so. was lit behind the gym, and a week.. "We didn't have much "We are dedicaled. 10 doing steel drum band played 10 a specuHor suppon, but thin&,! can this again. I know 111 be there, ~ crowd ofspiriled Qv.'1 [ans. only gCI beneT nen year.~ said DelPapa. Left: logo Wolfprepares to slam dunk the basketball in FAU's first Homecoming game. Right: Brothers ofATO Fraternity cheer as they participated in FAU's first Homecoming parade, which took place before the game. Their float was judged "best overalL" Co"ection I I;.a_m~ founding father dies In Monday's issue, Pi I FAIT Phi, Alpha Tau Omega, the Pan By DAVID E. KIDD titing situalions that ""-ould apply 10 us "He demanded respect. and he gol il. Afiic:aq Students Assodation, and $Im!ktn EdiJQr on a day to day basis," said Kimberly lihought he was the greatcst,- said Stu· Alpha Epsilon Pi were mislJ;kenly Ann Goetz, a student of Miller's. "He dent Karen Parks. "He '111'35 tough, but ~ ~ reponed as having laken first, FAU \oS1 oneorits most belo'..ed an4 will besorcly missed. he was fair. staln4. Ihir4 and fourth places dedicated faculty last Friday, NO'o-ember To many business student's, lhe 70 One of Miller's r~ponsibi1ilies \lias tQpmively in the FAU Olympics. 17. f )'Car 014 professor ""ill be remembered 10 get FAU's aCO?unung students ready The anual results were: Alpha Dr. Roben H. Miller, professor 0 as one of the toughest in the oollege of for the legal ponlOD ofthe CPA exam. Tau. Omega, first place; the Pan business law and former ,ire presidenl business. This past)'Car, FAU had a higher per- ofAdministrlltiYCAfJairs, diedsuddenly ce tage of . , d rad Afncan SludenlS Associllion. hean attack at his home in Boca ..He ....'35 probabl) Ihe hardesl profes- . nilS un erg Dale account· ieo:Iud place; Pi Lamb4a Phi, third of • sor in tile wllege. but he was \-ery well 109 studentS pass lhe CPA exam on the Place; College of Engineering, Raton.. "HiunitudeICN-ardleaching""'35Dot liked b) his studenlS,M Slid Eli7.abeth See Miller P 3 .....p- ,· b , ,,"-, Jobnslon, a former student ofMiller's. • JUSI reading out 0r a _bOO"'-. .. u __~_" ~=~ 1'.2,TbelnedptDdtol A1IL:Ilk S....... N"""mber 22, 1989 NEWS ...- Wot'bboplll bdtI hlBl'O'Qlll- Up- and Palm Beac:b Coonues. DClDWlI kawaillclude: Plall. maku sar.....~ November 28-Job Search FROM THE NEWSDESK lalld.ill£ III Boca RaI.Oll find- __, Boyotoll Bacbdt)'ot6cials"ul Zutalla officials do I'lOl tDow fml food cbau1. $be refused a S3000 wtrtsbop-TOWtt Campus. lost oil pressure. The po. I!lI1 ~ propa"" plant t.o __ after IlIl in- ....1lal happened 10 Ille ~ and l!ley Navemlzr :z9.Dea1iIlI1II11IlloDeli- settlement. Iel'Ip made n doo>nsafely, ..allg;1lI011 ~ tbaI a Ml-seale ha\e becll to Slop tOWllllIII oesa.-c.ommcmaI Campus room 128. ordered Boyalo_ Bueb Mall ~ aplosiOII MlUId nallen eYel)1h1llg NaYeIllber JG. Al::qulflllg a .'IIl- BoyDtOll Bc:ach. ""'1lbriJ:ed- JOIDelitne betweell 9 NEWSnESK polky. Ii niDg altilude- CI:lntmerdaI Campus W11llm a quaner mikJqllllf'C radiusor Robotics Worksbop- 10 be lle:d p.m. "OYt:mller IS and 8:45 Lm. NOIIUSlUbmillftl for~ NlM:mber 17 from 8:30 a.m. 10 4:30 No-ember 16- Burg.larltootat~ ill NEWSDESK wiJ1 ~ pruwd•• R"","'" "" 1"." !he discrmotto{Tht:l_pl'a~t All seminan ~ Ileld from 5:30 EYeII lbough plant's manage- p.rn. III Roan 170 of Ille Colle&e of $1,380 fran eight S10res III tlle maD, ..... I: ment S1resses tllal safety is iu lligltc::st Engineenng. 'Ibe~I ~ sponsorecl p.rn. to 6:45 p.m. For more inronna- SIX .suniliar incidents I\aYe been tic Sun Siaff IIIId I7IIl)' b. tdittd p tm can 'n6-1240. priority, otrlCl3lUtin want the plant to bytlle FAU RoboilCSCenter and will reponed in I1IlIlb in MllTIIII, St, Lucie, darirj (1' brmly. LoSI MIld .·oulld AUdlun_ In IIIO'IC becaLISC they say lbat C'<tn the be free ofctlargc. Ii slightest risk iii QO( wonh laking when For more information COntllClthe FAU's Rathsl<eller on Tuesday, - November 28 at 7:00 p,m. oon.sid<:ring the ~ible conscquen- Rollolles Center at 367·3471. All lost and round articles must be ~. I'HklslHnllOurlst c10lms to boot claimed ~ 5:00 p.m. on 11128. For 1\o'toty DOt nll"$ 1000'00 are now fuuod alnss io 8li Mac. oller slle bit IBM COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS lllOR\ information call Anttie 01 367- missing- from Zuccala Wrecker str· mlo one of tbe bamlllJTgers at the 6123, vice in Boynton Beach. CrocI<er Center MeDonakl's July 23. FROM '45°O/..mh".p,....d"". FAU'I IIbl"llry ..Ill be closd City Tt«lrds 5001\' that lbe cars lbe woman bas already spent with DOS, word processor, spell check. dc1abase, ~ N_btrlJ IDd 2-1. in oll5Cl"o'lIOCe lO'I>'ed 0'0'eI" tile iasI month for aver S2SOO in me<ticaI fees and will spreadsheet, & graphics software ortile Thantsgrvtng Holiday. ':qlirtd or mlS5lng lieense plaits. ~I< lM:l" SSOOO III damapfrom lbe Joia III lilt di5aauioa.s II ~ 5799 2.Floppy, 6401(, MON, KB ~ lrukpendenJ AJwn/ic Sun XT Ltsbl.aa Rap ......p- as n Il'IOYC$ to I£V!S.loI<OOIi!S.l. BocaRaton. 1bc1lCll:l mcc:tmg",D be -"Qrl "'!OlEU.'.1oUlEII'I AT 51295 ..HIl, 64GI, IJM fIoppy,MOH, 0 Tuesday, Da:cmbcT 12 al 8 p.m. at ....... MVlDllIlO ~-- 5I!1H~ 51995 4GMBHD, I MS,lJMfIoppy,MON,O Ullltanan UniversalISt FelJov.'SIup, c.--_ ' .... lIAmtJ 386 2601 51. Andrews BMI, in Boca "'-'<DIlI!W I.l"B'll?:IISIDI --- !lI'XlOfEII1..M.'IGSIa\ ........ FREE 2 Hour FREE TRAINING ~fA'" TQPICI of (liscussion ....ill include ~-!jDW.qoI,AThl! t-m 10 build your 0'WIl -- ~.r KlCiaI pn:ssure:s orbeins saY, fU1dinS --50.. t"'"DAHI!I!( DOS Software in O\,!r Imini, ..... "'~"DilFA tJ!iA s.... PAPPAS e.m.... w. proYide paM'S the riSlll lover, coping \lith ended - W.TTIIOUA~l)fJ( Training ;tI$fl'VClion. rclalionsllips, or WMlt\'Cr you want ~- l£N~IilldEUll!llOl'lt- r.--.. ~ecuoon""Y*Il~ 'M!tI <;I;IO,CCItll 'YS*'l ~, 10 talk about. n..~...........,s."u._~ ......._ ........... u_puIIoIbod'" For more information, wrile P.O. M"",,",,"'" \I'..-,.,4u<\I!aFAU oca.:I«:ho...- 1M s.. ~ pol>_ ",The ladq>oaolmoA""'" ~I$..~...,..,...,.,.. ............. 13m 485, Deerfield Beach, PI 33443. l.<tt¢~l.-."'<!Ie_ oo<I_.... ~~ __...be_t"'...-onIylrlb<7"">Ipod"'<!Ie_..,.'<l<pll__.N_...be_...._ "An .otning ..lIh Cbatlu ~ _J...__.uI<ll..._ ... ~,._'l'""'d"""._ ....... I.«!<1-0 ....be_f« ~~~V!~~~d~,~~f~!~S ~ l\uI'IIll· wiU be pre:scntcd Monday ~"'''''''''''''''''''<f''''_' ~ ... _II~p"'_.MoU_,.,.... .. n.~_.s...Plt-. , (305) 344-0097 March 19,1990 al 8:00 p.m. Ticl<tts __.._ ....... n.~_s...".O'(b...-!Io<I_~JJoI!I. fer rt::SC1Vtd seallns~ S15,sIO and ~ ~_........... __No_<fn..S-_be..-.,q_ So!es. Stmc., RemoI, TRlining ~ Pcrls & Rt;x:ir >-" _ .... __<flbo~_SoIl,Iac.OlIIooo.._ .._'_!<.....' S6- Starting Navembrr 20. ror more ~I'lo::<'oolo.1\<3!.T~ . 1o< __ 1"7):M7_ inlOnnatKll call (407) 367- 3758 . ~ E ARE YOU APETHETIC, UNINTERESTED, OR RAELY (IF EVER) MOTIVATED? . Could you not care about the learning enviorment that allows you and your feUow students to grow as intellectual individuals? Would you not be angry if the students government stopped providing free food for student activities? t . (Don't worry, they're not) If you answered "Yes" to these questions then why are you going to college in the first place? 1.1 If you can say that these questions do not describe you, then why don't you VOTE ~. In SG EJections Tues. & Wed, Nov. 28th & 29th. Student Government is the functioning body iliat provides for student activities. Ifyou agree or dissagree with the degree of student activities on campus. then you HAVE THE OPINION TO VOTE in the Breezeway, At Fleming, and at Commercial, for 16 Senators 3 Associate Court Justices and 3 Amendments. AMENDMENTS, 1. CA-89-01: 'There ought to be a better Law"- Give student body the power to vote for a presidential or vice presidential position vacated by resignation in the fall elections rather than waiting for the spring presiden- tial election, 2.

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