File Photo Butch Berman in full regalia Prez Sez ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ It’s been a long, strange trip ○○○○○○○○○ By Butch Berman ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ To my dear, faithful, loving File Photos friends, fans and supporters, January 2008 Vol. 13, Number 1 What a long, strange trip it’s been. Even though I have no recol- lection of it, on the night of Sunday Oct. 1, after watching “Desperate Housewives” with my perfect dar- ling wife, Grace, I guess I didn’t Butch and Grace Sankey Berman at a feel well, went over to her house, Nebraska Jazz Orchestra concert and had some sort of weird seizure. featuring Greg Abate in March 2005. In this issue of Jazz.... They rushed me to the hospital, and to find out why I had the seizure thank all of you for loving and pray- Tomfoolery: Upcoming concerts.................5 they induced me into a six-day-long ing me back to life, so to speak. I Bill Charlap Trio review............................7 coma. can’t tell you all Joe Cartwright/NJO review................8 They luck- how much I love Jazz on Disc reviews...............................9 ily found only a all of you for lov- little brain lesion ing me so much. Discorama reviews..................................13 that may have I finally Letters to the Editor........................14 caused it, and woke up, got had a bit of a back to my be- time bringing me loved home and out of it. How within a few The Cronin Brothers odd to wake up weeks even in an unfamiliar hospital room sur- played again with my band The rounded by all of your worried Cronin Brothers at the Zoo Bar, to friends not knowing why you were a packed house of caring people there. With tears streaming down my eyes as I write this, I want to Prez Sez continued on page 2 Page 2 Berman Music Foundation Jazz ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ File Photo Prez Sez continued from page 1 ated and shaped an existence that has defined me for most of my life, who cried and danced at the same you and the rest of my loyal pals time seeing me back on stage. A have willed me back to where I sit moving experience I’ll never want tonight. Thank God for you all. I’m to forget. reading some wonderful literature Then a month later, the same to keep my mind on positive problem kinda crept up on me again, affirmations in the right direction, where the same lesion started Butch Berman and Norman Hedman in and I’m even doing some chanting bleeding in my brain, causing me to New York City in 2004. with some of my Buddhist follow- suffer a small stroke. I was work- ers that keeps me from regretful- ing out with my dear friend and per- my old hippie ways of smoking my- ness, anger, sadness and the fear sonal trainer Cole Maranville, who self into oblivion and eating poorly that can feed upon itself and block noticed I wasn’t driving or function- and not truly appreciating what is the blessed forms and tools of re- ing like myself, and after I saw my really essential in the journey we call covery that are getting me through neurologist a few days later and had life. all of this. an MRI of my twisted brain I was I’m enjoying a clarity of I would be remiss if I didn’t rushed into surgery where, thank thought I hadn’t experienced for a single out some special friends who God, I recovered, and regained my long time and the loss of nearly 40 truly went beyond the call of duty sort-of-normal self to this day, pounds. I went into surgery the to aid in my recovery. Dozens of where I’m journaling this all to you. healthiest I’ve ever been in my adult Grace’s and my African friends Since then the pathology report life, with all of my vitals intact and came out in droves to help cheer was a little grim, but I’m not buying registering numbers of clean living me up and express their kindness into the negative possibilities that all that astounded me how much bet- and caring, a well-known African the well-meaning docs speculate. I ter the quality of life can be. Grace tradition that is a total and lovely continue to feel great and am en- and I are now happier than ever reality. Old pal Joyce Latrom joying the cherished, wonderful before and I love every minute of brought over some of her mom’s quality of life we all have the it. Sure, we’re all gonna croak dynamite Xmas sugar cookies, some choices to embrace and am playing someday, but I plan to stick around of the best medicine I had. My my guitar, piano and singing with my a lot longer than most of the docs. trusted BMF assistant Ruthann band and working out on a regular New dear friends like Jasung Kim, Nahorny came by on a regular ba- basis with Cole and truly feel my an excellent therapist, and his mate, sis to use her physical therapy skills. old self with just a little discomfort Rose, my long-term massage lady My long time hair stylist Tawnya where the stitches and staples and pal, Kassi Riorden, and best Douglass, carrying her yet-to-be- were. I’m able to walk my doggie, buddies like my legal eagles Tony born twins, was one of the first on Peanut, a mile or two daily, and Rager and Dan Stogsdil from the the spot to check me out. have regained all of my functions superb law firm of Cline Williams My 30-years-plus Ping-Pong and hearty appetites that define our have formed the “Team Butch” to buddies Brad Krieger and his mate, identities. keep me groovin’, hopefully for Kathy, were regular visitors, along I believe in combining the years to come. with Daniel Nelson, who actually amazing powers of mind, body and Of course, along with the heal- helped spoon-feed me some of that spirit to heal without resorting to ing powers of music that have cre- rotten hospital food when I was some of the more unpleasant medi- having trouble handling the silver- cal procedures suggested by the Photo File ware. His visible tears of joy upon docs who don’t really know the real my awaking will always be fondly Butch Berman like you and I know remembered by me for the rest of him. I just want to live out my life our long-term friendship. My trusted with the same pleasant goals I’ve Jazz newsletter editor, Tom Ineck, always had. Thank God there were dedicated his entire KZUM some benefits to all of this, as I “NightTown” radio show to me one cleaned up my act in many ways Thursday night, which was beauti- following the first seizure, stopping Butch’s dog, Peanut, takes a breather. ful and recorded for ever to remind January 2008 Page 3 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ me of how important our friends are gratitude. Even though I’m no for all the good things about life we longer doing my “Soul Stew” and sometimes take for granted. “Reboppin’ Revisited” radio shows, Two of my best friends ever, I do hope to be back on the air on Wade Wright from San Francisco perhaps another local radio chan- and Norman Hedman from New nel in the very near future, as I miss York City, checked in with heart- and loved doing my shows and the felt phone calls almost daily. opportunities to both entertain and Norman’s been dealing with a few educate my faithful fans with the health issues himself, so please join gifts of music I’ve carried with me Jazz is published online at: me in sending him your kind my entire life. I will keep you all www.bermanmusicfoundation.org The office of The Berman Mu- thoughts and prayers for a speedy posted on details when I hear more. sic Foundation is at 719 P St.,, recovery as well. All of us in our My old pal Doug Campbell and Suite C-1, Lincoln, NE 68508. late 50s and early 60s all plan to be Marthana Florence from Jazz in happy, health old buddies for years June dropped by on a recent Sun- Editor and Designer: Tom Ineck to come and File Photo day afternoon enjoy our to gather in- Contributing writerswriters: shared inter- put from me Butch Berman and Tom Ineck ests. on the possi- And, of bilities of the Photographers: Butch course, last BMF being Berman, Rich Hoover and Tom Ineck (File Photos) but not least, included for my beautiful the upcoming For inclusion of any jazz or wife, the 2008 season blues related events, letters to amazing with some the editor or suggested Grace artists I feel articles, mail them to the office, phone (402) 476-3112, Sankey- will keep the fax (402) 475-3136 or e-mail Berman was Doug Campbell and Butch in 2004 tradition of [email protected]. and is truly Jazz in June my saving Grace, as her love and as jazzy as it was in the earlier days To be added to our mailing non-stop care of me chases away when the BMF was more active. list, call (402) 476-3112, fax (402) 475-3136 or e-mail the fears and bad memories from Keep your fingers crossed for this [email protected]. all of this rather nightmarish expe- situation to be continued.
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