MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) LEGISLATIVE RECORD OF THE One Hundred and Eleventh Legislature OF THE STATE OF MAINE Volume II FIRST REGULAR SESSION May 16, 1983 to June 24, 1983 INDEX FIRST CONFIRMATION SESSION August 4, 1983 INDEX FIRST SPECIAL SESSION September 6 and 7, 1983 INDEX SECOND CONFIRMATION SESSION September 23, 1983 INDEX THIRD CONFIRMATION SESSION October 28, 1983 INDEX SECOND SPECIAL SESSION November 18, 1983 INDEX LEGISLATIVE RECORD - HOUSE, JUNE 24, 1983 1473 APPENDIX EXPRESSIONS the Waterville High School girls' soccer team Michael Rutherford, of Portland High School, Of' LEGISLATIVE SENTIMENT with coach Chuck Andrews, winners of the 1982 winner of the Fitzpatrick Award for most FIRST REGULAR SESSION State of Maine Class A Girls' Soccer Champion­ outstanding football player in the State; (HLS 1 11TH MAINE LEGISLATURE ship for 1982; (liLS 28) 53) TIl(' following expressions of Legislative Sen­ the Winslow High School Football Team, Barry Delong, in appreciation of his kind, t impnt appeared in the House Calendar be­ winners ofthe State Class A Championship for thoughtful, courteous attitude in the execu­ tw('('n January 5, 1983 and June 24, 1983 1982; (HLS 29) tion of his duties as a Maine State Trooper in pursuant to Joint Rule 34: Rose Winstow, of Freeport, who celebrated Somerset County; (HLS 54) !,'rank B. Adams, of Wiscasset, upon reach­ the 100th anniversary of her birth on De­ Laura Thibodeau, of Bangor, who was ing the I ()Oth anniversary of his birth; (HLS 1) cember 29, 1982; (HLS 30) named to the 1982 Girls' Holiday Basketball Coach Glenn Hutchins of Greely High School Frances Carey, of South Paris, who is retiring Tournament's "All-Tourney Team"; (HL.<; 55) upon winning the 1982 State of Maine Class A after 29 years of dedicated service to Oxford Kim White, a sophomore at Gray-New Glou­ So(,cer Championship; (HLS 2) County, including service as county treasurer, cester High School, who has been selected re­ t hf' Rangers of Greely High School and deputy sheriff and Director of Civil Emergency presentative to the Hugh O'Brien Leadership Coach Glenn Hutchins, winners of the 1982 Preparedness; (HLS 31) Conference; (HLS 56) Class A Soccer Championship for the State of Almon Foss, of Athens, who has faithfully the Modern Woodmen of America which is Mainf'; (HLS:3) served that community as 2nd selectman for celebrating its centennial anniversary; (HLS t he Rams of Deering High School Band, 17 years; (HLS 32) 57) winn('rs of the State of Maine Class A Band John Edward Henderson, of Lewiston, Boy Mr. and Mrs. Richard Willey, of Ellsworth, on Championship for 1982; (HLS 4) Scout Troop 116, on achieving the high rank the occasion of their 50th wedding anniver­ t hp Maranacook Black Bears Boys' Cross and distinction of Eagle Scout; (HLS 33) sary; (HLS 58) Country Team and Coach Stan Cowan winners Maude Van Tassel, of East Millinocket, who Mr. and Mrs. Walter York, of Caratunk, who of the State Class C Championship; (HLS 5) celebrated the 100th anniversary of her birth celebrated the 60th anniversary of their wed­ t he Rev. Douglas Livingston, founder of the on December 27,1982; (HLS 34) ding on December 27,1982; (HLS 59) Capehart Community Church of Bangor and a Patrick T. Jackson, Jr., who served 5 terms in Wendell Frost, of Bangor, an employee ofthe community leader; (HLS 6) the Maine Legislature, for his many years of Department of Transportation; (IN MEMO­ Wilfred Frost, of Monmouth, who is retiring service to the Towns of Yarmouth and North RIAM) (HLS 60) aftf'r 50 ycars of service with the Monmouth Yarmouth; (HLS 35) William R. Savage, of Buxton, Boy Scout Road Department; (HLS 7) the Augusta Fire Department and neighbor­ Troop 342, upon attaining the high rank and Rose Marie Hemond, of Minot, winner of the ing departments, for an outstandingjob extin­ distinction of Eagle Scout; (HLS 61) Miss Maine U.S.A. contest; (HLS 8) guishing a m<ijor fire on Water Street, without Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity, at the Univer­ .James Pomerleau, of Mechanic Falls, for his incurring loss of life or sustaining serious in­ sity of Maine at Orono, as recipient of the Di­ heroic assistance in rescuing a small child jury; (HLS 36) onne Award, presented for general excellence from Waterhouse Brook; (HLS 9) Karen Atwood, of Skowhegan, who was se­ within the fraternity system; (HLS 62) Earle N. Welch, of Wayne, a member of Boy lected Princess of the National Grange; (HLS Norman MerrilL who has been awarded the Scout Troop 650, who has earned the Eagle 37) Kennebec Valley Chamber of Commerce Scout Award; (HLS 10) the Portland Players, the oldest community Community Service Award for his diligent AI Cowan, of Bangor High School, named to theater in the Nation, on the 50th anniversary work on behalf of youth programs in Augusta; the 1982 Class AA All-State Football Team; of their founding; (HLS 38) ttery, who are celebrating their 50th wedding (HLS II) George Arsenault, of Sanford, who is retiring anniversary; (HLS 63) Lyn n Gerry, who has been elected Treasurer after 22 years of dedicated service to the com­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Merrick, of Ki(HLS 64) of thp 1982-8:3 Husson College Student Go­ munityas a fireman; (HLS 39) Arthur B. Anderson, who is retiring on Jan­ Vl'rnment; (HLS 12) Mark L'Heureux, of Sanford High School, uary 31, 1983, as Postmaster of Thomaston, for [lobprt Winskowicz, who has been elected named to the 1982 Maine AA All-Star Football over 40 years of dedicated service in the postal I'r!'sident of the 1982-83 Husson College Stu­ Team; (HLS 40) department; (HLS 65) eI!'nt Government; (HLS 13) John Cassie, of Sanford High School, named Lajos Matolcsy, a recipient of the 1983 .June Marsh, who has been elected Secretary to the 1982 Maine AA All-Star Football Team; Community Service Award given by the Oxford of the 1982-83 Husson College Student Go­ (HLS 41) Hills Chamber of Commerce for distinguished Vl'rnment; (liLS 14) the Sanford High School Football Team, and outstanding service and contributions to Kevin Pelletier, who has been elected Vice­ coached by Pat Conley, runner-up in the State the Oxford Hills area; (HLS 66) I'r!'sident of the 1982-83 Husson College Stu­ AA Football Championship for 1982; (HLS 42) Tracy Antolin, of Gardiner, for his quick dent Government; (HLS 15) the Union Junior High School Girls' Basket­ thinking and fast lifesaving action; (HLS 67) Chris Boisvert, of Bangor High School, ball Team, coached by Michelle Bitner, which Cheryl A. Wixson, of Bangor, who has been named to the 1982 Class AA All-State Football won the Busline League Championship; (HLS named Maine's Outstanding Young Woman for Team; (HLS 16) 43) 1982; (HLS 68) Dan Philippon, of Bangor High School, Joseph Baldacci, of Bangor, who has been Alice B. Cornwall, recipient of the 1983 named to the 1982 Class AA All-State Football chosen as recipient ofthe United States Senate Community Service Award given by the Oxford Tt'am; (HLS 17) YQuth !k~oll![Slli~J)rQ&r~~CII!-S _4A~ Hills Chamber of Commerce for distinguished .John Bapst Memorial High School Girls' Butch Bryce, of Bangor High School, named and outstanding service and contributions to Cross Country Team, 1982 State Class D to the 1982 Class AA All-State Football Team the Oxford Hills area; (HLS 69) Champions; (HLS 18) (second team); (HLS 45) Stephania Zendzian and Rachelle Rancourt, .John Bapst Memorial High School Boys' Commander Albert J. Smalley, of St. George, of Leroy Smith School, in Winterport, and Cross Country Team. 1982 State Class D U.S. Coast Guard, retired, a noted historian Allen Merrill and Dorin Gray, of Searsport Dis­ Champions; (HL.<; 19) and author; (IN MEMORIAM) (HLS 46) trict Junior High School, in Searsport, 1 st place Mrs ..Julia Gardner, of Hampden, who cele­ Kathy Lynn Seamon, who has been selected winners of DAR essay contest on "Everyday hrat('d the Wist anniversary of her birth on by Jay High School as a 1983 Daughter of the Life in Colonial America"; (HLS 70) .January I, 1983; (HL.<; 20) American Revolution Good Citizen Candidate; Larry Mahoney, named Maine Sportswriter Mark Ames, of Mechanic Fall." for his heroic (HLS 47) ofthe Year for 1982 by the National Sportscas­ assistance in rescuing a small child from Wa­ Dot Sprague, of Gray, upon her retirement ters' and Sportswriters' Association; (HLS 71) t{'rhouse Brook; (HL.<; 21) from the Gray Rescue Unit, where she unsel­ Marion F. Anderson, of Ellsworth, wife oCthe Earl B. Files, an outstanding citizen of the fishly provided years of dedicated service to Honorable Frank Whitehouse Anderson, a town of Gorham; (IN MEMORIAM) (HLS 22) her community as one of the original members former Member of the Maine Legislature; (IN Marjorie B. Libby, upon being designated of the unit; (HLS 48) MEMORIAM) (HLS 72) I !lH2 Citizen of the Year by the Brunswick Ki­ Marlene Day, of Old Orchard Beach, who the Augusta Area Jaycees, who have been wanis Club; (HLS 23) was selected Maine Teacher of the Year, 1983; awarded the Kennebec Valley Chamber of Art Greenlaw, coach of the Stearns High (HLS 49) Commerce Community Service Award, for School Football Team, who has been named the Fire Departments of Manchester, Fay­ their support of various charitable organiza­ Sta\(' Class B Coach of the Year for 1982; (HL.<; ette, Readfield, Vassalboro, Winslow, Hallowell, tions; (HLS 73) 24) Farmingdale, Chelsea.
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