LPTV Group 9

LPTV Group 9

TV Reception By Channel Low Power TV Stations and Translators Washington - West Virginia - Wisconsin - Wyoming HD Channels underlined, with bold faced italic print Highlighted with LIGHT BLUE background. SD 16:9 Widescreen Channels with Regular print LT GRAY Updated January 2015 SPANISH Language channels in RED NOTES: CP = Construction Permit App = Application + = proposed new facility Mileage given from TV transmitter for protected coverage service under average conditions at least 50% of the time. d Notation after "Miles" indicates that the coverage pattern is directional, and overall numbers are approximate. Actual coverage will depend upon terrain between the transmitter and receive location, as well as any local obstructions. Distant reception can be enhanced with elevated antenna locations, as well as specialized antennas and preamplifiers. Compiled by MIKE KOHL at GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS in Plain, Wisconsin Please E-Mail any corrections to: [email protected] We appreciate any information found by local observation of live signals. DIG Range CH Call Network Community (Transmitter) Lat-N Long-W Miles Digital Subchannels LPTV and Translator Stations: (alpha by location & numerically by channel) 25 K25CG-D FOX Aberdeen 46 55 41 123 44 11 18-d 13.1 KCPQ-FOX 8 K08AX-D ABC Ardenvoir 47 44 26 120 22 05 7 4.1 KXLY-ABC 4.2 Me TV 10 K10BB-D NBC Ardenvoir 47 44 26 120 22 05 7 6.1 KHQ-NBC 6.2 SWX Right Now 12 K12BF-D CBS Ardenvoir 47 44 26 120 22 05 7 2.1 KREM-CBS 2.2 Justice Network 6 K06OY-D IND Baker Flats 47 29 37 120 19 14 47 KWCC-IND 46 K46LI-D PBS Baker Flats 47 29 37 120 19 14 7-d 7.1 KSPS-PBS 7.2 World 7.3 Create 24 K24IC-D PBS Bellingham (Mt Constitution) 48 40 46 122 50 31 51 28.1 KBTC-PBS 28.2 MHz Worldview 28.3 TVW 8 K08AP-D FOX Brewster, Mansfield, Pateros 48 01 00 119 58 51 26-d 28.1 KAYU-Fox 28.2 This TV 10 K10AP-D NBC Brewster, Mansfield, Pateros 48 01 00 119 58 51 29-d 6.1 KHQ-NBC 6.2 SWX Right Now 12 K12AV-D CBS Brewster, Mansfield, Pateros 48 01 00 119 58 51 29-d 2.1 KREM-CBS 2.2 Justice Network 41 K41MM-D 3ABN Brewster, Mansfield, Pateros 48 01 10 119 58 35 31 21.1 3ABN ENGLSH 21.2 3ABN PROCLAIM 21.3 DARE TO DREAM 21.4 3ABN LATINO 21.5 3ABN Radio 21.6 3ABN R Latino 21.7 Radio 74 49 K49LP-D PBS Brewster, Mansfield, Pateros 48 01 12 119 58 37 24-d 7.1 KSPS-PBS 7.2 World 7.3 Create 51 K51LP-D ABC Brewster, Mansfield, Pateros 48 01 12 119 58 37 24-d 4.1 KXLY-ABC 4.2 Me TV 24 K24LM-D FOX Bridgeport 48 02 54 119 42 39 14 28.1 KAYU-FOX 28.2 This TV 25 K25LM-D FOX Bridgeport 48 02 54 119 42 39 14-d 28.1 KAYU-FOX 28.2 This TV 9 K09ES-D IND Cashmere 47 31 53 120 29 10 5 2.1 KREM-CBS 2.2 Justice Network 11 K11EZ-D IND Cashmere 47 31 53 120 29 10 5 4.1 KXLY-ABC 4.2 Me TV 13 K13ER-D FOX Cashmere 47 31 53 120 29 10 5 6.1 KHQ-NBC 6.2 SWX Right Now 40 K40AE-D PBS Cashmere-Dryden 47 31 31 120 31 31 17 7.1 KSPS-PBS 7.2 World 7.3 Create 25 K25CH-D MyN, FOX Centralia - North Bend (Crego Hill) 46 33 16 123 03 26 33 22.1 KZJO-MyN 22.2 KCPQ-FOX 22.3 Antenna TV 29 K29IA-D CBS Centralia (Crego Hill) 46 33 18 123 03 25 26-d 7.1 KIRO-CBS 7.2 Get TV 42 K42CM-D FOX Centralia (Crego Hill) 46 33 16 123 03 26 33-d 13.1 KCPQ-Fox 3 K03DI-D ABC Chelan Butte 47 47 00 120 07 18 9 4.1 KXLY-ABC 4.2 Me TV 5 KCEM-LD CBS Chelan Butte 47 46 42 120 08 18 9 2.1 KREM-CBS 2.2 Justice Network 7 K07JO-D PBS Chelan Butte 47 48 26 120 01 59 24-d 7.1 KSPS-PBS 7.2 World 7.3 Create 28 K28KJ-D FOX Chelan Butte 47 48 27 120 02 01 41-d 13.1 KCPQ-Fox Clarkston-WA / Lewiston-ID 17 K17JR-D PBS/MHz Lewiston-ID (N) 46 27 04 117 02 46 27-d 10.1 KWSU-PBS 10.2 Create 18 K18LH-D FOX Lewiston-ID (N) 46 27 03 117 02 47 24 28.1 KAYU-FOX 28.2 This TV 24 K24JN-D PBS Lewiston-ID (N) 46 27 04 117 02 46 29-d 7.1 KSPS-PBS 7.2 World 7.3 Create 27 KIDQ-LP JUCE Clarkston-WA 46 27 38 117 01 00 analog 27 KIDQ-JUCE 35 K35BW-D NBC Lewiston-ID (N) 46 27 04 117 02 46 22-d 6.1 KHQ-NBC 6.2 SWX Right Now 44 K44JC-D ABC Lewiston-ID (N) 46 27 04 117 02 46 26-d 4.1 KXLY-ABC 4.2 Me TV 49 + K49EV-D 3ABN Clarkston-WA 46 27 04 117 02 48 CP-Dig 49.1 3ABN 51 K51HY-D PBS Lewiston-ID (N) 46 27 03 117 02 46 21-d 12.1 KUID-PBS 12.2 PBS Encore 12.3 IPTV Learns (application to move to Ch 28) 12.4 World 9 K09UP FOX Colville (Eagle Peak) 48 34 30 117 55 00 15 28.1 KAYU-FOX 28.2 This TV 21 KXLY-LD ABC Colville (Eagle Peak) 48 34 30 117 55 00 23 4.1 KXLY-ABC 4.2 Me TV 10 K10RA-D ABC Coulee City 47 38 52 119 23 07 11-d 4.1 KXLY-ABC 4.2 Me TV 11 K11WY-D FOX Coulee City 47 38 52 119 23 07 14-d 28.1 KAYU-FOX 28.2 This TV 12 K12RD-D NBC Coulee City 47 38 52 119 23 07 11-d 6.1 KHQ-NBC 6.2 SWX Right Now 8 K08JP-D CBS Dryden 47 36 00 120 30 29 25-d 2.1 KREM-CBS 2.2 Justice Network 10 K10LG-D ABC Dryden 47 36 00 120 30 29 25-d 4.1 KXLY-ABC 4.2 Me TV 12 K12LV-D NBC Dryden 47 36 00 120 30 29 25-d 6.1 KHQ-NBC 6.2 SWX Right Now 46 K52ER-D IND Dryden 47 36 07 120 30 32 47.1 KWCC-IND 7 K07ZC-D FOX Ellensburg-Kittitas 46 53 15 120 26 30 42 13.1 KCPQ-Fox 17 K17IL-D PBS Ellensburg 46 53 15 120 26 29 16-d 47.1 KYVE-PBS 47.2 V-Me 47.3 Create 20 K20JL-D ABC Ellensburg 46 53 15 120 26 29 16-d 35.1 KAPP-ABC 35.2 Me TV 23 K23KI-D Religious Ellensburg (E) 46 59 55 120 30 49 17-d 5.1 K05RG-Religious 25 K25FP-D 3ABN Ellensburg 46 53 13 120 26 26 24-d 25.1 3ABN ENGLISH 25.2 3ABN PROCLAIM 25.3 DARE TO DREAM 25.4 3ABN LATINO 25.5 3ABN Radio 25.6 3ABN R Latino 25.7 Radio 74 32 K32IG-D NBC Ellensburg 46 53 15 120 26 29 14-d 23.1 KNDO-NBC 23.3 Weather 38 K38KL-D FOX Ellensburg 46 53 15 120 26 29 15-d 11.1 KFFX-Fox 11.2 This TV 50 K50KK-D CBS, CW Ellensburg 46 53 15 120 26 29 15-d 29.1 KIMA-CBS 29.2 CW+ 29.3 Grit 9 K09BJ-D ABC Entiat 47 38 10 120 16 00 16-d 4.1 KXLY-ABC 4.2 Me TV 11 K11BI-D CBS Entiat 47 38 10 120 16 00 16-d 2.1 KREM-CBS 2.2 Justice Network 13 K13BI-D PBS Entiat 47 38 10 120 16 00 16-d 7.1 KSPS-PBS 7.2 World 7.3 Create 29 K29IB-D CBS Grays River (Grays River Divide) 46 27 40 123 32 58 30 6.1 KOIN-CBS 31 K31IR-D PBS Grays River (Grays River Divide) 46 27 40 123 32 58 31 10.1 KOPB-PBS 10.2 PBS Encore 10.3 OPB Radio 35 K35HU-D NBC, Estrella Grays River (Grays River Divide) 46 27 40 123 32 58 34 8.1 KGW-NBC 8.2 Justice Network 8.3 Estrella TV 38 K38GS-D ABC Grays River (Grays River Divide) 46 27 40 123 32 58 32 2.1 KATU-ABC 2.2 Me TV 2.3 Get TV 41 K41KT-D PBS Grays River (Grays River Divide) 46 27 40 123 32 58 29 28.1 KBTC-PBS 28.2 MHz Worldview 28.3 TVW 24 K24IT-D Religious Hoquiam 46 56 45 123 47 48 31-d 5.1 K05RG-D Religious 3 K03IN-D NBC Leavenworth 47 37 00 120 40 38 15 6.1 KHQ-NBC 6.2 SWX Right Now 5 K05MU-D ABC Leavenworth 47 37 00 120 40 38 15 4.1 KXLY-ABC 4.2 Me TV 7 K07ZL-D CBS Leavenworth 47 37 00 120 40 38 12 2.1 KREM-CBS 2.2 Justice Network 9 K09ZA-D FOX Leavenworth 47 37 00 120 40 38 12 28.1 KAYU-FOX 28.2 This TV 13 K13IY-D PBS Leavenworth 47 37 00 120 40 38 12 7.1 KSPS-PBS 7.2 World 7.3 Create 38 K38LZ-D MyN Longview 46 10 55 122 56 58 23 49.1 KPDX-MyN 8 KWVC-LD FOX Malaga 47 27 50 120 12 50 25-d 28.1 KAYU-FOX 28.2 This TV 10 KNEE-LD IND Malaga 47 27 50 120 12 50 26-d 10.1 KNEE-IND 12 K12CF-D IND Malaga 47 27 50 120 12 40 28-d 47.1 KWCC-IND 8 K08CW-D ABC Malott, Wakefield 48 19 36 119 42 13 18 4.1 KXLY-ABC 4.2 Me TV 10 K10DK-D Fox Malott, Wakefield 48 19 36 119 42 13 14 28.1 KAYU-Fox 28.2 This TV 12 K12AV-D PBS Malott, Wakefield 48 19 36 119 42 13 14 7.1 KSPS-PBS 7.2 World 7.3 Create 17 K17KR-D PBS Mazama-Winthrop 48 32 20 120 18 44 5 7.1 KSPS-PBS 7.2 World 7.3 Create 19 K19JC-D ABC Mazama-Winthrop 48 32 20 120 18 44 5 4.1 KXLY-ABC 4.2 Me TV 21 K21LD-D NBC Mazama-Winthrop 48 32 20 120 18 44 5 6.1 KHQ-NBC 6.2 SWX Right Now 9 K09BI-D NBC Methow 48 02 13 119 59 07 25 6.1 KHQ-NBC 6.2 SWX Right Now 11 K11BM-D PBS Methow 48 02 13 119 59 07 25-d 7.1 KSPS-PBS 7.2 World 7.3 Create 44 K44EN-D CBS Methow 48 02 13 119 59 07 20-d 2.1 KREM-CBS 2.2 Justice Network 44 K53AH-D IND Monitor 47 30 55 120 26 22 47.1 KWCC-IND 46 K55BN-D IND Monitor 47 30 55 120 26 22 47.1 KWCC-IND 22 + K22JK-D Moses Lake 47 05 20 119 15 24 20 29 + K29JB-D Moses Lake 47 05 20 119 15 24 21 31 + K31KT-D Religious Moses Lake 47 11 48 119 13 29 19-d 5.1 K05RG-Religious 39 K39DL-D 3ABN Moses Lake 46 48 24 119 33 30 32 39.1 3ABN ENGLISH 39.2 3ABN PROCLAIM 39.3 DARE TO DREAM 39.4 3ABN LATINO 39.5 3ABN Radio 39.6 3ABN R Latino 39.7 Radio 74 42 + K42KA-D Moses Lake 47 05 20 119 15 24 20 46 KUMN-LD ABC Moses Lake 46 48 23 119 33 25 26-d 4.1 KXLY-ABC 4.2 Me TV 28 KIRO-LD CBS Mount Vernon (Burlington Hill) 48 29 01 122 19 24 15-d 7.1 KIRO-CBS 7.2 Get TV 34 KIRO-LD CBS Olympia (Tumwater) 47 00 57 122 54 59 37 7.1 KIRO-CBS 7.2 Get TV 17 K17EV-D PBS Omak 48 27 15 119 18 30 23-d 7.1 KSPS-PBS 7.2 World 7.3 Create 19 K19AU-D Fox Omak 48 27 40 119 17 30 21-d 28.1 KAYU-Fox 28.2 This TV 26 K26GV-D 3ABN Omak 48 26 57 119 18 28 25-d 26.1 3ABN ENGLISH 26.2 3ABN PROCLAIM 26.3 3ABN LATINO 26.4 3ABN Radio 26.5 Radio 74 31 K31AH-D Fox Omak 48 26 59 119 18 28 27-d 28.1 KAYU-Fox 28.2 This TV 8 K08BA-D CBS Orondo 47 39 36 120 11 37 6-d 2.1 KREM-CBS 2.2 Justice Network 10 K10BA-D IND Orondo 47 39 36 120 11 37 6-d 10.1 KNEE-IND 12 K12BE-D PBS Orondo 47 39 36 120 11 37 6-d 7.1 KSPS-PBS 7.2 World 7.3 Create 47 + K47MV-D Religious Othello 46 46 43 118 46 53 22 5.1 K05RG-Religious 47 K47LG-D CBS Point Pulley 47 25 43 122 26 16 17-d 7.1 KIRO-CBS 7.2 Get TV 30 K30FL-D CBS Port Angeles 48 07 12 123 27 44 14 7.1 KIRO-CBS 7.2 Get TV 38 K38KK-D ABC Pullman (Kamiak Butte) 46 51 43 117 10 26 39-d 4.1 KXLY-ABC 4.2 Me TV 4 + K05RG-D Religious Quincy 47 14 21 119 51 13 32 5.1 K05RG-D 21 K21AJ-D CBS Quincy (Monument Hill) 47 19 14 119 48 00 24-d 2.1 KREM-CBS 2.2 Justice Network 24 K24AI-D ABC Quincy (Monument

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