The Bmw Z Roadster

The Bmw Z Roadster

BMW Z Roadster sDrivei sDrivei The Ultimate sDriveis Driving Machine® THE BMW Z ROADSTER. OUTRUN THE ORDINARY. BMW EfficientDynamics Less emissions. More driving pleasure. Information Provided by: Provided Information &9)*-"3"5*0/*4*/ 0638)&&-)064& 8IFOJUDPNFTUPFYQMBJOJOHUIFVOQBSBMMFMFEUISJMMTPGUIF#.8;3PBETUFS TVQFSMBUJWFTUBLFBCBDLTFBU5IFSFJTOPDPNQBSJTPOUPUIF GFFMJOHPGQJMPUJOHBMPXTMVOH USBDLIPOFE#.8XJUIUIFUPQEPXO BTJUEFMJWFSTNJMFBGUFSNJMFPGFWFSZUIJOHESJWFSTNPTUEFTJSF8JUIB DIPJDFPGQPXFSGVMZFUFGfiDJFOUFOHJOFPQUJPOT FYRVJTJUFBOEMVYVSJPVTBQQPJOUNFOUT BOEBTMFFLBOEBUUSBDUJWFEFTJHO UIF;TJNQMZ MFBWFTBOZDPNQFUJUJPOGBSCFIJOE(FUJOBOEEJTDPWFSPVSNPTUDPNQFMMJOHGPSNVMBGPSFYDJUFNFOUPOUIFSPBE : yb dedivor P noit a mrofnI &9)*-"3"5*0/*4*/ 0638)&&-)064& 8IFOJUDPNFTUPFYQMBJOJOHUIFVOQBSBMMFMFEUISJMMTPGUIF#.8;3PBETUFS TVQFSMBUJWFTUBLFBCBDLTFBU5IFSFJTOPDPNQBSJTPOUPUIF GFFMJOHPGQJMPUJOHBMPXTMVOH USBDLIPOFE#.8XJUIUIFUPQEPXO BTJUEFMJWFSTNJMFBGUFSNJMFPGFWFSZUIJOHESJWFSTNPTUEFTJSF8JUIB DIPJDFPGQPXFSGVMZFUFGfiDJFOUFOHJOFPQUJPOT FYRVJTJUFBOEMVYVSJPVTBQQPJOUNFOUT BOEBTMFFLBOEBUUSBDUJWFEFTJHO UIF;TJNQMZ MFBWFTBOZDPNQFUJUJPOGBSCFIJOE(FUJOBOEEJTDPWFSPVSNPTUDPNQFMMJOHGPSNVMBGPSFYDJUFNFOUPOUIFSPBE : yb dedivor P noit a mrofnI &EJUPSJBM *5.",&4*5410*/5 8*5)&7&3:%3*7& 8IZBSPBETUFS 8IZTFFLUIFQVSF VOBEVMUFSBUFEUISJMMJOFWFSZNJMF 8IZUIFTMFFLUXPTFBUTUZMJOH TMVOHMFBOBOEMPXUPUIFSPBE 0ODF ZPVHFUCFIJOEUIFXIFFMPGUIF#.8;3PBETUFS BMMBOTXFSTCFDPNF BQQBSFOUBOEBMMEPVCUTBSFFSBTFE5IFSFѳTUIFUJNFIPOPSFEGPSNVMB TXFFQJOHMPOHIPPE MPXTFBUJOHQPTJUJPOBOEQPXFSGVMFOHJOF XIJDI ESJWFTUIFTFOTFTUPUIFJSMJNJUT5IFSFBSFUIFNVTDVMBSTUZMJOHBOEMJUIF GSBNF XIJDIEFMJWFSNBUDIMFTTSPBESFTQPOTJWFOFTTBOEIBOEMJOH"OE UIFSFѳTUIFDVUUJOHFEHFUFDIOPMPHZUIBU#.8QVUTJOUPFWFSZWFIJDMF NBLJOHBOBMSFBEZJNQSFTTJWFESJWJOHQFSGPSNBODFBUSVMZCSFBUIUBLJOH FYQFSJFODF0ODFZPVѳWFDIPTFOUIFXBZPGUIF#.8;3PBETUFS BMM ZPVSRVFTUJPOTEJTBQQFBS CNXVTBDPN; The BMW Z Roadster Technology Equipment 0WFSWJFX DEVELOPED AND DEFINING EMOTION AS INDIVIDUAL AS 41&$*'*$"5*0/4 DRIVEN TO INSPIRE. IN MOTION. YOUR DREAMS. "/%4&37*$&4 Design BMW ConnectedDrive® BMW Z sDriveis #VJME:PVS0XO Engineering marvel, emotional wonder. So connected, you’re free. Hyper Orange Package 5FDIOJDBMEBUB Driving dynamics BMW Effi cientDynamics Born to compete, destined for glory. Technology that increases excitement and M Sport Package #.84FSWJDFT reduces fuel consumption and emissions. &YDMVTJWFPGGFSTGPS#.8DVTUPNFST Interior environment Ivory White Burnt Sienna Package Catering to your every whim. BMW engine technology A heritage of innovation. Exterior colors, upholstery colors Personalizable retractable hardtop and materials, and interior trims Freedom – a top priority. Chassis and performance technology Systems to enhance driving pleasure. Equipment features and options Performance technologies Driving technology that springs to life. Active and passive safety features Original BMW Accessories Innovative systems for enhanced driving Hyper Orange Package confi dence and security. Bring out the beauty in this high-performance beast. Motorsport heritage BMW Z GTE to race in ALMS. 'PSFYDMVTJWF#.8QIPUPT CFIJOEUIFTDFOFT WJEFPT BOEUIFMBUFTU#.8OFXT -JLFVTPO'BDFCPPLn GBDFCPPLDPNCNXVTB 'PMMPXVTPO5XJUUFSn UXJUUFSDPNCNXVTB 'JOEVTPO:PV5VCF™ ZPVUVCFDPNCNXVTB 'PMMPXVTPO56.#-3n : yb dedivor P noit a mrofnI CNXVTBUVNCMSDPN 04 05 Contents &EJUPSJBM *5.",&4*5410*/5 8*5)&7&3:%3*7& 8IZBSPBETUFS 8IZTFFLUIFQVSF VOBEVMUFSBUFEUISJMMJOFWFSZNJMF 8IZUIFTMFFLUXPTFBUTUZMJOH TMVOHMFBOBOEMPXUPUIFSPBE 0ODF ZPVHFUCFIJOEUIFXIFFMPGUIF#.8;3PBETUFS BMMBOTXFSTCFDPNF BQQBSFOUBOEBMMEPVCUTBSFFSBTFE5IFSFѳTUIFUJNFIPOPSFEGPSNVMB TXFFQJOHMPOHIPPE MPXTFBUJOHQPTJUJPOBOEQPXFSGVMFOHJOF XIJDI ESJWFTUIFTFOTFTUPUIFJSMJNJUT5IFSFBSFUIFNVTDVMBSTUZMJOHBOEMJUIF GSBNF XIJDIEFMJWFSNBUDIMFTTSPBESFTQPOTJWFOFTTBOEIBOEMJOH"OE UIFSFѳTUIFDVUUJOHFEHFUFDIOPMPHZUIBU#.8QVUTJOUPFWFSZWFIJDMF NBLJOHBOBMSFBEZJNQSFTTJWFESJWJOHQFSGPSNBODFBUSVMZCSFBUIUBLJOH FYQFSJFODF0ODFZPVѳWFDIPTFOUIFXBZPGUIF#.8;3PBETUFS BMM ZPVSRVFTUJPOTEJTBQQFBS CNXVTBDPN; The BMW Z Roadster Technology Equipment 0WFSWJFX DEVELOPED AND DEFINING EMOTION AS INDIVIDUAL AS 41&$*'*$"5*0/4 DRIVEN TO INSPIRE. IN MOTION. YOUR DREAMS. "/%4&37*$&4 Design BMW ConnectedDrive® BMW Z sDriveis #VJME:PVS0XO Engineering marvel, emotional wonder. So connected, you’re free. Hyper Orange Package 5FDIOJDBMEBUB Driving dynamics BMW Effi cientDynamics Born to compete, destined for glory. Technology that increases excitement and M Sport Package #.84FSWJDFT reduces fuel consumption and emissions. &YDMVTJWFPGGFSTGPS#.8DVTUPNFST Interior environment Ivory White Burnt Sienna Package Catering to your every whim. BMW engine technology A heritage of innovation. Exterior colors, upholstery colors Personalizable retractable hardtop and materials, and interior trims Freedom – a top priority. Chassis and performance technology Systems to enhance driving pleasure. Equipment features and options Performance technologies Driving technology that springs to life. Active and passive safety features Original BMW Accessories Innovative systems for enhanced driving Hyper Orange Package confi dence and security. Bring out the beauty in this high-performance beast. Motorsport heritage BMW Z GTE to race in ALMS. 'PSFYDMVTJWF#.8QIPUPT CFIJOEUIFTDFOFT WJEFPT BOEUIFMBUFTU#.8OFXT -JLFVTPO'BDFCPPLn GBDFCPPLDPNCNXVTB 'PMMPXVTPO5XJUUFSn UXJUUFSDPNCNXVTB 'JOEVTPO:PV5VCF™ ZPVUVCFDPNCNXVTB 'PMMPXVTPO56.#-3n Information Provided by:Provided Information CNXVTBUVNCMSDPN 04 05 Contents ENGINEERING MARVEL, EMOTIONAL WONDER. Everything that defi nes the classic Z feel and ferocity on the road calls out to the driver’s passions. Meticulous attention to detail is displayed in the headlights that stare down the pavement, joining forces with the broad kidney grille to reveal an intimidating, three-dimensional front facade. The tapered surrounds for the side indicator lights contribute to a more dynamic, sweeping side near the gills. It’s all a part of the electrifying experience of the Z – a dedicated pleasure machine if there ever was one. Information Provided by:Provided Information 06 07 Design ENGINEERING MARVEL, EMOTIONAL WONDER. Everything that defi nes the classic Z feel and ferocity on the road calls out to the driver’s passions. Meticulous attention to detail is displayed in the headlights that stare down the pavement, joining forces with the broad kidney grille to reveal an intimidating, three-dimensional front facade. The tapered surrounds for the side indicator lights contribute to a more dynamic, sweeping side near the gills. It’s all a part of the electrifying experience of the Z – a dedicated pleasure machine if there ever was one. Information Provided by:Provided Information 06 07 Design If you’re serious about driving, the BMW Z Roadster gives FIND YOUR CENTER you more of what you want: freedom. Starting with the requisite near-perfect / weight distribution all BMWs share, the Z ON ANY ROAD. places its seats near the rear axle, so every curve puts a smile on the faces of both driver and passenger. From this ground-level platform, BMW offers three ways to determine your driving destiny. The Z sDrivei delivers hp and lb-ft of torque, while the sDrivei ups the output to hp and lb-ft of torque. Or go all out with the sDriveis and command a whopping hp and lb-ft of torque. But whichever you choose, pure driving enjoyment is centered on you. Get the latest information on BMW standard and optional features, packages and technical specifi cations. Visit, select the BMW model of your choice, and click on “Features & Specs.” Information Provided by:Provided Information If you’re serious about driving, the BMW Z Roadster gives FIND YOUR CENTER you more of what you want: freedom. Starting with the requisite near-perfect / weight distribution all BMWs share, the Z ON ANY ROAD. places its seats near the rear axle, so every curve puts a smile on the faces of both driver and passenger. From this ground-level platform, BMW offers three ways to determine your driving destiny. The Z sDrivei delivers hp and lb-ft of torque, while the sDrivei ups the output to hp and lb-ft of torque. Or go all out with the sDriveis and command a whopping hp and lb-ft of torque. But whichever you choose, pure driving enjoyment is centered on you. Get the latest information on BMW standard and optional features, packages and technical specifi cations. Visit, select the BMW model of your choice, and click on “Features & Specs.” Information Provided by:Provided Information Information Provided by:Provided Information Information Provided by:Provided Information $)".1*0/%/" 5",&4"/&84)"1& 5IF#.8;3PBETUFSMPPLTHSFBUGSPNFWFSZBOHMFѭCVUOPOFNPSFTPUIBOEPJOHXIBUJUXBTNFBOUUPEPUBDLMJOHUVSOT QPXFSJOH UISPVHITUSBJHIUBXBZT BOEMFBWJOHESJWFSTCSFBUIMFTT8JUIJUTVOJRVFMZTQPSUZEFTJHOBOENPUPSTQPSUJOTQJSFE%/" UIF;3PBETUFSJT UIFFNCPEJNFOUPGUIFTQJSJUPGDPNQFUJUJPO*OGBDU UIF;JTUBLJOHUIBUSPMFMJUFSBMMZ BT#.8PG/PSUI"NFSJDBEFCVUFEUIF;(5&SBDFDBS JOUIF"NFSJDBO-F.BOT4FSJFT "-.4 XJUI#.85FBN3--*UUSJVNQIFEJOUXPSBDFTBOEUPPLTFDPOEQMBDFJOUIF.BOVGBDUVSFSѳT $IBNQJPOTIJQ#.8IPQFTUPCFUUFSUIBUQFSGPSNBODFJOUIFOFX6OJUFE4QPSUT$BS$IBNQJPOTIJQѳTTFBTPOXJUIUIF;(5-. /PXXIFOZPVHFUCFIJOEUIFXIFFMPGUIF;3PBETUFS ZPVDBOQVUSBDFCSFEMFWFMTPGQPXFS DPOUSPMBOEFYIJMBSBUJPOJOZPVSIBOET Information Provided by:Provided Information 12 13 Driving dynamics $)".1*0/%/" 5",&4"/&84)"1& 5IF#.8;3PBETUFSMPPLTHSFBUGSPNFWFSZBOHMFѭCVUOPOFNPSFTPUIBOEPJOHXIBUJUXBTNFBOUUPEPUBDLMJOHUVSOT QPXFSJOH UISPVHITUSBJHIUBXBZT BOEMFBWJOHESJWFSTCSFBUIMFTT8JUIJUTVOJRVFMZTQPSUZEFTJHOBOENPUPSTQPSUJOTQJSFE%/"

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