The original documents are located in Box 10, folder “7/2/76 - Wolf Trap Award to Yehudi Menuhin” of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Some items in this folder were not digitized because it contains copyrighted materials. Please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library for access to these materials. THE WHITE HOUSC: MPS. FOFD EVENT: Presentation of the first Wolf Trap Award to Yehudi Menuhin GROUP: Wolf Trap Foundation DATE: Friday, 2, 1976 'I'IIY1E: 4:00 p.m. PLACE: East Garden or Diplomatic Reception Room (Depending upon weather) BACKGROUND: As Honorary Chairman of Wolf Trap you will present to Yehudi Menuhin the first annual Wolf Trap Jl.ward for his 'involvements and efforts in building deeper, life­ meanlng to countless through his musicianship and his great interest in providing music education to young people.' {A copy is attached.) Yehudi Menuhi~ is also in Washington to participate in the gala Wolf Trap Bicentennial evening Saturday night, July 3rd. GUESTS: Mr. and Mrs. Yehudi Menuhin Honoree Mrs. Catherine Shouse Trap Secretary J. William Middendorf Chairman of the Board of Wolf Miss Carol Harford Acting President of the Wolf Trap Foundation Miss Claire St. Jacques Director of Wolf Trap Pa:::-k Andre Kostelanetz Musician and Wolf Trap }1iss Carol Boots Mr. Kostelanetz' friend Digitized from Box 10 of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library - 2 4:00 n.m. -\•Jhen your guests have assembled, Susan Porter will escort you to th~ Diplomatic Reception Room or East Garden to your 8 guests. 4:05 p.m. -Simple presentation of the Wolf Trap Award to Yehudi Menuhin. 4:08 p.m. -Photographs. -At your invitation, your guests will join you for refreshments. 4:25 p.m. -At the conclusion, return to family quarters. \ susan porter Ju:A'e 30, 1976 . Date Issued 6/J0/?6 Revised---- · FACT SHEET Mrs. Ford's Office . ~ hent Photo/Award Presentation Group Wolf Trap Foundation ! DATE/TD.1E Friday1. July 2, 1976 4:00 p.m. Contact Mrs. Shouse Phone 938-7711 Nmnber of guests: Total 8 Women x Men----- x Children----- Plai.;e East Garden or Diplomatic Reception Room Yehudi Menuhin. Mrs. Ford is Honorary Chairman of Wolf Trap and will REQlHRH1ENTS present the Award. Social: lnvitations Progr;ims Mer.us ---- --~~~~ Refreshments Iced tea and simple eakes Entertainment------------------------------- f) (' c Oration s/f1 owe rs Normal for Diplomatic Reception Room or f\lusic bouquet for refreshments table if held outdoors. Press: TV Crews Yes White House Phot0rrnphcrs____ Y_e_. s _____ _ Other -~-------------------------~~......:...~ Technical Support: l\licrophones___ N_o ____________ _ PA Other Rooms-------- Recording No litr!Hs_____________________________ .____ _ Transporta ti on_.....:B;;;..y..___c_a_r__________ _..::E=.=N:.:.JT~RA=N.::..:C~E:::.·-=-= _ _:::S::::O::..:UT:::..:::.H::.:......:W:..:iE:.:S::..T~··.:-.c,::::G~A:..::T:z13 ''"•- ..... ,.,,,_~ ... ~·""" Susan Porter Phone x2850 S:ite diagrams shottid be attached if technical support is heavy. • ~OLF TRAP AWARD J·~ly 2, 1976 IT'S A VERX SPECIAL HONOR FOR ME TO PRESENT THE FIRST WOLF TRAP AWARD TO MR . MENUHIN. HIS ARTISTRY DELIGHTS ALL WHO HAVE HEARD HIM PIAY---AND HIS SPECIAL CO~CERN FOR MUSIC EDUCATION ENDEARS HIM TO ALL MUSIC LOVERS. AS HONORARY CHAIRMAN OF WOLF TRAP , I'M PLEASED TO PRESENT THIS AWARD OF APPRECIATION TO YOU. (PRESENTATION} J .. ,•her:: ~ here the pr w .!\. ... rs '.!t me do. what lr •i,;:r cultural ex.changes ~wood-I've 1" 'h:i c:.se things: \\ o countne:., the better o • · Kisco, \' h) f.-,.fJ us. of ne l •n r>.? • f)fj 18th Street ~ ,..gton 1 HL\.(i .l.KH.AIL © A R lJSSI. ~ ' > '>inlles, a Suv1 <:: t "YEHUDI," , - ·.iol 'liH·..:0m­ _.::. Arilba..sa-.!.;r ., > is a Jiplomoit, .l pos:.::r George: Ene~co one~ .;aiJ Commun.i3l '"ith a keen .sc:nse >f to his great pupil, •'you will 50<., a oe public reL.i:ions-this was the im­ 17. Tornorrow or the dav after jOU pression that lhe '·affable :md out­ will be a man; wh,H are your pLms going" Mik..'lail Alekseyevich for the future?" And the young Mensbikov made on American violinist is said to h::w<! r<!plied. "I new;omen and officials soon after should like to ri:main a boy all my -his arrival early in 1958. Pro­ life ..."To some critics the great nounci:d a "charmer" by Wash­ charm of Menuhin's playing is a ington observers, he presented a kind of everlasting boyishness. an striking contrast to his predec;es­ ingenuousness toward his music sors (Zaroubin. Pa.:iyushkin, Gro- that makes even a Mendelssohn or . ~· r- myko, etc.) who were characteri- -.;I,,._ Ts<:haikowsky concerto sound as i::ed by .>uch adjectives as "dour," "silent" and "hostile." fresh as the first time it was played-or as fresh as, when he Th moment he a.ud his fashionably dressed wife stepped was five or six, Yehudi Menuhin met it for the first time. oif the Soviet TU-104 jet transport on 6 February 1958, he "1:~e regal bearing of a Hei.fet~.gives a foretaste of victory," made it cl~ that he personified a revival of Moscow's to­ cnhc Bernard Gavoty wrote, Enesco's presence is an as­ !!c:themess theme, declaring that he "came as an ambassa­ surance of genius, and at one time a smile from Thibaud dor of pe:i~ friendship and cooperation." Skeptics were was enough to bewitch the whole assembly. And now, here soon f!lentifu.l but the new.envoy pro~~sted that the smiles comes Menuhin with charming shyness ... he immediately were sincere, that the Russians. today · are full of cheer and captivates the audience by his modesty." oprimism and our fairh in people. We believe chat these Born in New York 22 April 19/6 Rnd brought up in San feelings are .folly shared by others and of course the great Francisco, Menuhin is the son o a ussian-bom Hebrew majority of Americans." · teach~. His paren~ were; !lot parti~ularly musical, but th~y Meashikov was born in the village of Posevkino (roughly recognized almost immediately thetr son's phenomenal gilt transl.tted as "Cropvillej on 21November1902... Yes,l'm -not too surprising, possibly, since he took his first lesson frorn :he peasantry," he admits. (Interviewers find him a at the age of four and appeared as soloist with the San ready talker.) "That is, my father was a peasant. I myi;elf Francisco Orchestra three years later-and nurtured it aevu worked as a oeasanL My father went to work on the carefully. At 12 he began to study with Enesco (qe later railway~ when I was still small. And I became a manual also stucli~d wi~h Adolph Bus~h) and thus begatl.a:n inti­ laborer in the city of Borisoglebsk when 1 was 15." Skep­ mate relationship between pupil and master that was to in­ tical pundits have suggested that given his bearing and Cc:>S­ lluence Menuhin's career as long as Enesco lived (he died m.:>poii<:in tastes, he must re.ally have emerged from the lit 195_5). _Like his two pianist sisters, Hepzibah and Yaltah, minvr tsd.rist nobility. In 1922 he went to Moscow where he was kept out of school and taught largely by his mother he studied at the Plekhanov Institute, a school specializ­ and occasional tutors. Enesco was deeply romantic, and ing in economics; worked part-time in a cold-storage plant. Menuhin saying, "The artist alone ... gives reality to the In 1930, he entered the Ministry of Foreign Trade. Until dreams of mankind," mirrors his teacher's: "he alone forges 1936, Menshikov was in London as one of the directors of a genuine link between man and the universe." Arlcos, Ltd.. a Soviet forei~ trade organization. ("I had In ~935 ~e.nubin made his ?rst world tour, gave 110 con­ studied German at the Institute-so they sent me to Eng­ certs 10 63 Cl hes, a.ud then retrred for two years "to become l.ind."} During World War II, he helped direct unloading a man." In 1938 he married Nola Nicholas, and had two of allied con,voys at Murmansk and Archangel. In 1943, he ~hildren. His second marriage, to ~iii.na Gould. took place was 3ent"to Atlantic City as. the deputy chief of the Soviet m 1947, and also produced two children. In the years since delegation at the foundiilg ofU.N.R.R.A., was named by his debut he has made it a point to f>lay unfamiliar modem its seq-etary general, Herbert Lehman to serve in Washing­ works as much as possible, and has .l.lltroduced "lost'' works ton. in 1944 as one of the three deputy ~or generals. He of Sch1llilal1, Mozart, Paganini. In 1937 he caused some­ stayed on until 1946, wor}cins( in the a;sency's higher eche­ thing of a stir when lie insisted on playing an encore when lons.
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