100% Renewable — Edited by Peter Droege 234mm x 156mm trim size — PPC hardback — Spine width: 31mm — ISBN 978-1-84407-718-2 100% RENEWABLE 100% ‘This inspiring book is long overdue. It tackles The greatest challenge of our time is to build a an essential question for human survival in the world based on the sustainable use of renewable 21st century: will we be able to transform our power. Our massive dependence on fossil fuels lives, businesses, buildings, settlements and has upset the very climatic system that made the transport networks connecting them from human evolution possible. The global economy unsustainable, oil-based and greenhouse-gas- and its financial system are in jeopardy, running emitting into sustainable, fossil-fuel-free, zero- hot on overtly cheap yet increasingly costly and carbon metabolisms? This important volume and fast depleting oil. A 100% renewable world is its two dozen contributors show that this path is seen by many as an impossible dream in anything necessary, practical and affordable. Read this but the very long term. But not only do a growing book: its exciting, fresh insights will show you number of initiatives and plans dare to make the how to move from promise to practice.’ change but many have already achieved it. Marco KEinEr Director, Environment, Housing and Land This rich collection presents a series of pioneering Management Division, United nations efforts and their champions, and the paths to their Economic commission for Europe successes. Ranging from initiatives by individuals to visions for companies, communities and entire ‘100% renewable was always more than a Moon countries, it defeats tired economic and technical Shot or a Manhattan Project as we just could counter-arguments, showing how the schemes not imagine how it could ever happen. Suddenly featured not only can and do work but do so it’s all come together, as Peter Droege and his economically and with available technology. The authors have shown.’ book is introduced by incisive writing by Peter PEtEr nEwMan Droege, explaining the challenges and framing a Professor of Sustainability, curtin roadmap towards a 100% renewable reality. University, australia, and author of Resilient Cities Peter Droege is Professor and Chair of Urban Sustainability, Climate and Planning Education ‘As he has in the past, Peter Droege has produced at the University of Liechtenstein, and Conjoint an important and timely new book on how we Professor, Faculty of Engineering at the University shift away from our current energy path. The of Newcastle, Australia. He chairs the World Council challenges are immense, but these scholarly for Renewable Energy for Asia Pacific. Peter Droege Edited by essays provide a roadmap for delivering fundamental change in the way we bring new Companion website: www.100-percent.org energy technologies to market.’ StEPHEn HaMMEr Director, Urban Energy Program, columbia University center for Energy, Marine transportation and Public Policy, USa Environment / Energy Earthscan strives to minimize www.earthscan.co.uk its impact on the environment 3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:24 Page i 100% Renewable 3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:24 Page ii 3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:24 Page iii 100% Renewable Energy Autonomy In ActIon Edited by Peter Droege London • SterlIng, VA 3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:24 Page iv First publIshed by Earthscan In the UK and USA In 2009 EdItorial © Peter Droege, 2009 Chapters 1–17 © authors as lIsted on pages viI–viII, 2009 All rights reserved ISBN: 978-1-84407-718-2 Typeset by FiSH Books Cover design by Rogue 4 Design (concept by AnIs Radzi) For a full lIst of publIcatIons please contact: Earthscan Dunstan House 14a St Cross St London, EC1N 8XA, UK Tel: +44 (0)20 7841 1930 Fax: +44 (0)20 7242 1474 Email: [email protected] Web: www.earthscan.co.uk 22883 QuIcksilver Drive, SterlIng, VA 20166-2012, USA Earthscan publIshes In associatIon wIth the InternatIonal InstItute for Environment and Development A catalogue record for thIs book Is available from the BritIsh LIbrary LIbrary of Congress Cataloging-In-PublIcatIon Data 100 per cent renewable : energy autonomy In actIon / edIted by Peter Droege. p. cm. Includes bIblIographIcal references and Index. ISBN 978-1-84407-718-2 (hardback) 1. Renewable energy sources. I. Droege, Peter. II. TItle: One hundred per cent renewable. TJ808.A15 2009 333.79’4—dc22 2009018125 At Earthscan we strive to minImize our environmental Impacts and carbon footprint through reducing waste, recyclIng and offsettIng our CO2 emissions, IncludIng those created through publIcatIon of thIs book. For more details of our environmental polIcy, see www.earthscan.co.uk. ThIs book was printed In the UK by CPI Antony Rowe. The paper used Is FSC certIfIed. 3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:24 Page v Today I challenge our natIon to commit to producing 100 per cent of our electricity from renewable energy and truly clean carbon-free sources wIthIn ten years. ThIs goal Is achIevable, affordable and transformatIve. Al Gore, Constitution Hall, Washington DC, 17 July 2008 ThIs Is absolutely nothIng to do wIth emissions tradIng, thIs Is about gettIng on and doIng It. You cannot tackle clImate change by tradIng, you have to actually do thIngs. Allan Jones, London Climate Agency, about his work for Woking Borough Council, on Australia’s ABC Radio National, 26 July 2008 We wIll harness the sun and the wInds and the soIl to fuel our cars and run our factories. President Barack Hussein Obama, inauguration speech, 20 January 2009 Our survival wIll very much depend on how well we were able to draw down CO2 to 280 parts per millIon. Hans-Josef Schellnhuber, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impacts Research in Germany, quoted by Gaia Vince in the New ScientIst, 25 February 2009 3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:24 Page vi 3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:24 Page vii Contents List of figures, tables and boxes ix List of contributors xiv List of acronyms and abbreviations xxii 1 100% Renewable Energy: The Essential Target 1 Peter Droege 2 Institutions for a 100% Renewable World 49 Hermann Scheer 3 The Renewable Imperative: Providing Climate Protection and Energy Security 57 Hans-Josef Fell 4 100% is Possible Now 71 Harry Lehmann and Stefan Peter 5 Paths to a Fossil CO2-free Munich 87 Stefan Lechtenböhmer 6 100% Renewable Champions: International Case Studies 93 AnIs Radzi 7 Feed-in Tariffs: The Policy Path to 100% 167 Miguel Mendonça and David Jacobs 8 How to Achieve Renewable Energy Regions and Advance Sustainable Development: Integrated Models and Processes in Germany 173 Peter Moser, LIoba Kucharczak and Cord Hoppenbrock 9 Renewable Regions: Life After Fossil Fuel in Spain 187 Josep PuIg I BoIx 10 100% Renewable Transport 205 Andrew Went, Peter Newman and Wal James 11 Better Place 225 Peter Droege 12 How to Grow Food in the 100% Renewable City: Building-Integrated Agriculture 229 VIraj Puri and Ted Caplow 3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:24 Page viii viii 100% RENEWABLE Energy Autonomy in Action 13 Masdar City Master Plan: The Design and Engineering Strategies 243 MatthIas Schuler (wIth preface by Peter Droege) 14 Urban Energy Potentials: A Step Towards the Use of 100% Renewable Energies 251 DIeter D. Genske, Lars Porsche and Ariane Ruff 15 Closing the Planning Gap: Moving to Renewable Communities 263 Nancy CarlIsle and Brian Bush 16 Community Life at 100% and Beyond: How to Raise a Renewable Family Without Even Trying 289 Michael Stöhr 17 100% Renewable Life: One Man’s Journey for a Solar World 307 MartIn Vosseler Index 313 3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:24 Page ix List of Figures, Tables and Boxes Figures 1.1 Two oIl wells burnIng side by side at Santa Fe Springs, CalIfornIa oIl fIeld, 1928 3 1.2 Power lInes Into a brightly lIt SheffIeld and the Meadowhall ShoppIng Centre over the M1 motorway, wIth the dIsused TInsley coolIng towers 5 1.3 WIndmill In Crete, Greece 5 1.4 The environmental footprint of an average American or AustralIan family 10 1.5 Not 100 per cent 13 1.6 Solar energy InstallatIon In Weizmann InstItute, Rehovot, Israel 16 1.7 CalIfornIan governor Schwarzenegger openIng Ausra’s BakersfIeld pIlot, 24 October 2008, the fIrst new CalIfornIan solar-thermal plant constructed In 20 years 17 1.8 A coolIng tower for a geothermal power plant In New Zealand 18 1.9 A local power shortage darkens part of São Paolo 22 1.10 Boys and solar module, Caoduo school, Rongbo, Yu 24 1.11 One of BangladeshI NGO ShIdhulai’s boat lIbraries visits a remote village In RaishahI, Bangladesh 25 1.12 The clean and worldwIde swItch to renewable power 26 1.13 Daxu stoves In ChIna 30 1.14 Wood fuel heatIng for schools In NottInghamshIre, UK 31 1.15 Rooftop solar panels In Neckarsulm-Amorbach, Germany 32 1.16 BerlIn’s solar framework plan 34 1.17 ChIcago streets 36 1.18 Old-fashIoned power and telephone lInes sagging after heavy Ice storm 38 1.19 A 1:10,000 scale workIng model of an autonamous renewable electricity supply for Germany 39 1.20 Local dIstributIon heritage: Street wIre tangle 40 1.21 GasolIne ratIon coupon 42 1.22 Aerial view of Levittown, PennsylvanIa, circa 1959 43 1.23 VIsion of the Western AustralIan capItal city, Perth, supported by photovoltaic or solar-thermal fIelds anchoring a dIverse city region developed around urban agriculture, forest and wetland resources 44 3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:24 Page x x 100%
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