1944 . CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 4731 The motion was agreed to; and the UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Help those who struggle with pride, with Senate proceeded to. the consideration · The following-named officers for promotion avarice •.with irritable passions, and all of executive business. in the Regular Corps of the United States who strive against the narrowing lust for Public Health Servi9e: EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED. gold. PASSED ASSISTANT SmtGEONS TO BE TEMPORARY In all counsels and deliberations be The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. JACK­ SURGEONS EFFECTIVE APRU. 1, 19'\4 very near our President, our Speaker, SON in the chair) laid before the Senate Terrence E. Billings Robert c. Dunn and the Congress. Grant that the world messages from the President of the Harold T. Oastberg Randall B. Haas may soon hail that joyous day in which United States, which were referred to the Louis F. Cleary Leon S. Saler there shall be no more idols, no more appropriate committees. Vernam T. Davis Clarence A. Smith superstition nor ignorance, and no more (For nominations this day received, Wightman R. Duke Richard H. Smith Robert D. Duncan unjust oppression, and all lands shall rest see the end of Senate proc~edings.) in peace among themselves. Grant that EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF A COMMITTEE ASSISTANT SURGEONS TO BE TEMPORARY PASSED we may be burden bearers for one an­ ASSISTANT SURGEONS EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 1944 other, suffer and live f.or one another, Mr. McKELLAR, from the Committee James L. Baker Robert E. Miller bringing them out of unbelief into the on Post Offices and Post Roads, reported - Donald J. Birmingham Charles W. Park~r communion with the people of God. favorably the nominations of sundry Paul C. Campbell, Jr. Russell I. Pierce John F. Flynn, Jr. Robert T. Potter Help us all, blessed Lord, to gain strength postmasters. and grow in those virtues which make The PRESIDING OFFICER. If there Wllliam D. HazlehurstDavid E. Price Richard G. Henderson Edmund J. Schmidt wise and better servants for the public be no further reports of committees, the Robert V. Holman Charles C. Shepard weal. In the name of the Master of all clerk will proceed to state the nomina- James M. Hundley Charles L. Williams good workmen. Amen. tions on the calendar. · Llewellyn E. Kling Jr. FOREIGN SERVICE Edward W. Kunckel Norman Wagner The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ Harold J. Magnuson terday was read and approved. The legislative clerk read the nomi­ nation of Tyler Thompson, of New York, ASSISTANT SANITARY ENGINEERS TO BE TEMPORARY I AM AN AMERICAN DAY-MAY 21 to be consul. PASSED ASSISTANT SANITARY ENGINEERS EF• Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. Speaker, I ask FECTIVE APRIL 1, 1944. unanimous consent to address the House The PRESIDING OFFICER. With­ Callis H. Atkins out objection, the nomination is con­ August T. Rossano, Jr. for 1 minute. firmed. The SPEAKER. Without objection, it PASSED ASSISTANT SANITARY ENGINEERS TO BE is so ordered. The legislative clerk read the nomi­ TEMPORARY SANITARY ENGINEERS EFFECTIVE nation of Miss Kathleen Molesworth, of There was no objection. APRIL 1, 1944 [Mr. KENNEDY addressed the House. Texas, to .be Foreign Service officer of Vernon G. MacKenzie class 1. Frank E. DeMartini His remarks a·ppear in the Appendix.] PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE ·HOUSE The PRESIDING OFFICER. With­ IN THE NAVY out objection, the nomination is con­ Capt. George T. Owen, United States Navy, Mr. EBERHARTER. Mr. Speaker, I . firmed. to be a commodore in the Navy, for temporary ask unanimous consent that on today, at POSTMASTERS service, to continue while serving as com­ the conclusion of the special orders here­ The legislative clerk read the nomi­ . mander, Fleet Air Wing 15, and commanding tofore entered, I may address the House nation of M. Evorie Kirkham, to be post­ officer, naval air station, Port Lyautey. for 15 minutes. master at Delight, Ark. Vice Admiral Marc A. · Mitscher, United The SPEAKER. Without objection,· it States Navy, to be a vice admiral in the Navy, The PRESIDING OFFICER. With­ for. temporary service, to rank from the 21st is so ordered. out objection, the nomination Is con­ day of March 1944. There was no objection. firmed. Rear Admiral John H. Hoover, United States Mr. HOFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask Mr. McKELLAR. r ask unanimous Navy, to be a vice admiral in the Navy, for unanimous consent that today, following consent that the President be notified temporary service, to rank from the 1st day of the statement of the gentleman from forthwith of all nominations confirmed January 1943; Pennsylvania [Mr. EBERHARTER], I may today. address the House for 15 minutes. The· PRESIDING OFFICER. With­ CONFIRMATIONS The SPEAKER. Without objection, it out objection, the President will be noti­ Executive nominations confirmed by is so ordered. fied forthwith. the Senate May 19 (legislative day, May There was no objection. Mr. RANKIN. Mr. Speaker, I ask RECESS 9)' 1944: unanimous consent that I may . address Mr. GEORGE. As in legislative ses­ FOREIGN SERVICE the House for 20 minutes today, follow­ sion, I move that the Senate take a re­ Tyler Thompson to be consul of the ing the gentleman from Michigan. cess until 11 o'clock a. m. tomorrow. 'qnited States of America. The SPEAKER. Without objection, it Much as I regret to do so, I give notice Miss Kathleen Molesworth to be Foreign Service officer of class 7, effective November is so ordered. that the Senate will remain in session to­ There was no objection. morrow until a late hour, at least, in an 16, 1943. effort to reach a vote on the pending POSTMASTER DEWEY PLAN FOR INTERNATIONAL ECO­ bill. ARKANSAS NOMIC AND CURRENCY STABILIZATION The motion was agreed to; and <at M. Evorle Kirkham, Delight. Mr. · DEWEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask 5 o'clock and 22 minutes p. m.> the Sen­ unanimous consent to address the House ate took a recess until tomorrow, Sat:. for 1 minute. urday, May 20, 1944, at 11 o'clock a. m. The SPEAKER. Without objection, it H.QUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES is so ordered. NOMINATIONS There was no objection. FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1944 .Mr. DEWEY. Mr. Speaker, during the Executive nominations received by the present week Dr. Harry White, of the Senate May 19· (legislative day of May The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Treasury Department, has appeared as a 9)' 1944: The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered the following witness before the Foreign Affairs Com­ UNITED STATES COURT OF CUSTOMS ANl) PATENT prayer: mittee in opposition to the so-called APPEALS Dewey plan, House Joint Resolution 226, Ambrose O'Connell; of New York, to be Thou who are the giver and author of which provides for common sense and associate judge of the United States Court of all truth, who remainest the same yes­ proven methods of stabilizing currencies Customs and Patent Appeals, vice Hon. Irvine terday, today, and forever, sanctify our and aiding in the rehabilitation of the Luther Lenroot, resigned. joys and comfort our sorrows. We pray economies of devastated countries in COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS for the sick, for the little children, for the cooperation with other well-disposed Robert L. Shivers, of Los Angeles, Calif., to members of broken family circles, and nations. be collector of customs for Customs Collection . for all who are wandering and far aw~y; Important opinion believes that the District No. 32, with headquarters at Hono.. listen to the silent prayers made for them Treasury stabilization and international lulu, T. H., to fill an existing vacancy. and bless them with Thy fatherly care, banking plans are visionary and hold out 4732 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MAY 19 promises of commitments far in excess KNOW YOUR CONGRESSMAN House for 1 minute and to revise and of what the American people and the Mr. BURDICK. Mr. Speaker, I ask extend my remarks. Congress will approve. unanimous consent to proceed for 1 min­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection? I call your attention to an editorial in ute and to revise and extend tny rem~arks. There was no objection. the New York Times introduced in the The SPEAKER. Is there objection? Mr. LAMBERTSON. Mr. Speaker, I Appendix of the RECORD Oil April 25 by There was no objection. rise to congratulate the two minority · the gentleman from Kansas, Hon. Mr. BURDICK. Mr. Speaker, Walter members on the Pace committee, the FRANK CARLSON, and I ask unanimous Chamblin, Jr., has written a nine-page gentleman from Kansas [Mr. HoPE] and consent to insert with my remarks in the pamphlet on how to handle Congress in the gentleman from Illinois LMr. ANTON Appendix an editorial from the Wall the matter of legislation. Among other J. JoHNSON], for refusing to sign the con­ Street Journal, May 18, 1944, entitled things he says as follows: ference report, which appears in the REc­ "What Have We Promised?" Cut out the demagoguery before a com­ ORD this morning. The SPEAKER. Without objection, it mittee. That is Congress' own specialty and After the House debated for practically is so ordered. encroachment in this sphere is resented. 1 day the school-lunch program and There was no objection. defeated it by 2 to 1, this Pace com­ The unfortunate part of this article mittee, meeting in conference, backed PERMISSiON TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE appearing in the New York Times of May down and inserted it for authorization. Mr. SABATH. Mr. Speaker, I ask 19, 194.4, is the conclusion, y·hich reads It is the most flagrant misrepresentation unanimous consent that, after the dis­ as follows: that I ever heard of. position of the business on the Speaker's It declared that a Congressman's $10,000 Secondly, not to be outdone by putting desk today and after the other gentle­ annual salary was not enough for the many in the school-lunch program they put in men have relieved themselves of their demands made on him.
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