: 'i www.magicvali/alley.coin T l fi w AT w in Falls, Idadaho/95ch year. No.0. 300 ________ T h u rrsday, s Octo 5 0 c c n t s G o o d _ m o)RNING r l i dlaho: : Feeds’ sailm on pllan doe^sn’t floDat W eendell W e a t h e r oclntod Pro8>________ _ proposed strategy, releileased in __ day; Mostly State contentj.si plan plays downn human effect July, for saving 13 st 3udy to d a y BOISEE •- O b je c tio n s to w hat it salmon and steelheatjr.rrd' nonnders id tonight, considersjrs the federalization uf respected,” Michael BogDgert, Gov. to "simplyly educatc the federal under the Endangeredd S p e c ie s a n c e o f salm on rtrecovery efforts in the Dirk Kempthome’s legal■al adviser, governmentsnt about what it’s like A ct. showowers, high Northweivest are at the core of told the Legislature's jojo in t in ter- to b e an Idulduhoan,” and what tools Ill two lengthy documt im committee on natural the state airalready has available tu pared in cooperation v 58, low 38. Idaho’s responsesre to povcinmcnt w " j h 'Ciie h recovery goals, d e p a rtm e n ts of Fisli an« svote resources issues W ednesesday.' help reach r n d G am e, Pai^A A 9 for saving the region’s r a g e RZ anadromTious o fish runs, Bogcrt said the goalal of com- He andid Deputy Attorney W ater R esources a nd othd ie ra s o n - "W e aare n very concerned, and ments recently submittitted to the Gencnil Cli\;iive Strong b riefed law- cies, the state makes tht e c a s e Buildinling panel will stated us sucli, thut our National Marine FisheriesF. makers onon the state’s official I i,'Y we’ve sta Please see SAUMON M ag k:: V ai.L s t a t e waivater luw needs to be Scrvice and other agen.‘ncies was response : t<to the government's ; plans, try Media spotlight; AloL local fami­ ly’s tragedy has putlt tlthem in ^ bond isissue again m e national mediaa sispotlight. > By Gina Muldeuider Page C l TUne»New8oc Shots and cows: TheTie South i i v e r ; W EN D ELIELL - I t’s b ack to ihfc m joard for the Wendell D DRM drawing boai Central Distria Healealth Department met too ddiscuss a Boarioard and a volunteer cominitlee after flu vacdne shortage s a Tuesday's $6.1 million bond issue study that might linkIlk disease to0 rej»lace the district’s with daily cowSi 80-year-oldd mmiddle school failed P a g e d : hy a slim iiiirgin. Tuesday’s/’s hond issue election ■ drew rd nnumbers of Wendell M onky .162 in all. Out of the ballots ;st, 708 voters - or 61 Looking ahead: First-st iSecurity • supported the bond bank’s chief economiimist talks issue, whididl iwas 67 votes sliy of about the Magic Valh th e num berjr mneeded to pass, future. d passed,p the 20-year ^ -’i? bond e wouldw have paid for Page D4 the constru(truction of a 57,000- square-foot>t middletr scliool and a S.OOO-square-fire-foot vocadonal-tech- O irn x x )R S nical buildingling. ____ We n d e ll11 School Board chairmann IDon Fowler saui school boardard and build in g corii- mittee memb;mbers would regroup and use thehe informaiion galh- ered duringlg tlthe bond issue effort as a springbigboard for the next ■L ^Ijl campaign., DiDistrict leaders hope ~ to huve a1 nenew plan ready for Wendell voteroters in six monih.s. timistic we're going to hu th e ninext time around,” Fow ler iid. "We should treat a positiosilive way. Tliere’s no hangiinging our heads here, R u ffed S id ^ : A ^del e fI r o i a W e haveh av a job to d«> in beinftlBBfy, rtiffed grtgrouse may WendeU - the board, administra- an^ com;ommuniiy- and that . ;>•' be the.rnositfuuaitoflksaksiisaiDc bird in Idaho. job is lo rcmjmedy e our fadlity siiu- Page Dl F o w le r vw a s n ’t s u r e if Tuesday’s failedfail bond issue elec- FernandaI MMolhia (Mrformt a IfadltkiruiS{dance with a troupe of dancer*)r« on the stage a t tho Collogo)go of Southem Idaho Wednesditsdoy. Tho dance Was part of «nBli all-day iion wouldI fuelfu the already hot S pOR'I'S oul the state’s svstem Mries of eviev m tt d ra in e d to Iiitrodoce oreorea minority h l^ school studedents to the college. debaie about Brtiins dre ^ c k : Haviaving over- of financinglg s.school building con- • come adversity at nealearlyevery- . stniction. EarlEarlier in the year, 23 sc see WENDEli. Pago A2 turn, the TWin Rdls5 H vol- # 1 I - f - o ” l^ b a ll team is readjiiijing for its 1 . return to the big showlow. V .—^ISI K rec:ruits iminoiirity stcudeni AirFoorce puts Page B l By Jenniferer Sandmann remembers arriving in P a u l as a w hen she startedstai first grade, Infonnation Office at CSI. Tlme»Hcw»iw» writer _________ cliild in th e early 1960s tcto work in “It's alwa;ivays n ice to h e a r th at college wants to expose i out bo)ombing •N a'I'ION sugar beet fields w ith hi:his family. somebody' madein it. and you can, students to the opportuiun itie s it offers and give studeni . N A S A ' ’I'WIN P/FALLS - It’s a story that His was a migrant workeker travel- t«o.”Rodrigj•iguez snid. n ts so m e TCkX^CFf^ 1 Close encounter A Ni vision tif w here they can ggo if diey r d l l g O; planJ s to By by has branI ictold o v e r a n d over again ing through west- a, She said she spacecraft prepares tc thinks things are stay hi school. throughout)ut Idaho. ern states until hc kkentved an asteroid today. was 21. H e watclied "'i'/terrsa lot tuorv changing. She Tom Farley, chief of th e Idaho By N.S. Nokkei panish-speaking children j c a t i o n ’s Tlmes^<BWS» wtwrtter_______________ P ag eA S jit farm workers minsfer liis foor sisters, one people sity 'wg 'you thinks more Departmeni of Educ • school t a anotiier as the a straight-A stu­ Hispanic students B ureau for F ederal Prograram s, said ' from one s< d ie state needs to do m orer e o f that. TWW FALIALLS - l he A ir Force fam ily mo>lOvcs to follow available dent, drop out of ran tmike if.'' are staying in p in io n I’rogress hiu; resulted in1 aan effon has releasedcd iiu plans fur manag- O work. school to work. sch(K)l. l>etWMn th e slate and AiAm erican ing its new' pnpractice Immbing and Expec y ^ u f B oise, told his pcr- None of his 12 _ “There's a lot Shades of gray: pectations .Sam By« - lilcna Rodrij;uc/, Indian tribes to motivatate more electronic corcombat range in east- rsion of tho story to more cousins graduated more people say­ ■ for public service willfll ch an g e sonal vcrsii ing. ‘you can m ake A m erican Indians to ait<ite n d col- e m Owyheere CC ouniy i‘» Congres.s. m s grow * ™ 2 0 0> HHispanic and American from higli scliool. Blackfoot senior T h e A ir Force calls the as IVvin Falls resident; “I was the only ___ _ it.'" she said. ilege, he sjiid. ligh schoo! students who Hispanic students re]cpresent Integratedd hNatural Resource older, today’s editorial check out the College of one who stuck with H er parents owm , s iir t o - i s ; about 9 percent-to 10 pe;>ercent bf Managemeniient Plan a model of P ag eA S Southernn IdahoI Wednesday. It's it, jast barely, just barel;ely hy the u business. IIHer older siblings nre ; — Uic statc'sX-12.public selldiuol poih____ imerajjen^y ctcooperation. _____ the tirst untu n e m e college haslio'sl- ' ' skill of my teeth,*^Byrd-sa:said: ----------------in-eolIege.-S‘r^he-waiHs-iti-uarn-a—— i ivill c a m a degree in biul)asincss'admiiiisiration. iulation. but ju s t 3.6 percei:entoflhe Critics sjiy;iy ii ii's nt>t. ident rucruitm ent day Tliis year he said h c w i an was released to S e c t io n by sl e E( C n O N stn>l‘ e State The Idallallo Coinniissidii on !high school students whoo it(H)k th e T h e p la n strictly forfor'm inority students - degree from Boise last week and was 0 it at the Hispanic AffAffairs reimrts that the ACT college entrance exL‘xam this Congress lai Section A Moralesl i e s ........... 6 port of anin effort by Col to bring University. If he can do mailed outI to olhers Wednesday 'cndiy on campus and be age of 46, h c lold te e n s didiey could 'esdmated HiHispanic droptiui rate ;y e a r Were Hispanic. ssword .. .7 more diver CSI reports that iilxmtIt 5.3 per- - in c lu d inng g Bureau of Land W eathet .
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