284 MICHELDEVER. .. HAMPSHIRE. [KELLY'S' Ireland, and greatly distinguished himself at the battle the south & west at I ·53 a.m. lJispatches to London of Aughrim, 12 July, ~6gr, died in the house of Lady &c, 12. IO p.m. & midnight. Dispatches to the south Russell, at East Stratton, Sept. 2• 1720, and was buried & west at 1.50 & w.3o p.m. The telegraph office is. here, 7th Sept. following~ there are 260 sittings. The open on sundays from 8 to Io a. m register dates from the year 1538. The living is a Post, M. 0. & 'f. Office, Micheldever Village.-George vicarage, witll. the chapelry of East Stratton annexed, Gamble, sub-postmaster. Letters through Michel- jcint net yearly value £330, with residence and 4 acres dever Stati<:m delivered at 7 a.m. & I2.15 p.m.; dis.. of glebe, in the gift of the Earl of Northbrook and held patched at 10.,30 a.m. & 7.40 p.m.; sundays, II.I5 a.m since r8g8 by the .Rev. George Alexander Johnstone Pillar Letter Boxes at North Brooli, cleared at 10.35 M.A. of Pembroke College, Cambridge. The Primitive a.m. & 7·45 p.m.; sundays, u.xs a.m.; & at West. Methodist chapel at Northbrook, erected in I867, is a Stratton, cleared at 9·45 a.m. & 7.20 p.m.; sundays. plain structure of red brick. There are charities of 9·45 p.m about £Io yearly value, and an almshouse for 15 aged Schools. and infirm poor, with a. reading room attached. The Elementary, built in I87r, for about r8o children; Earl of Northbroak is lord of the manor and principal average attendance, 128; the building includes a clock landowner. Tha soil is loam; subsoil, chalk. The tower, erected in memory of the Hon. Arthur Napier chief crops are whf'at, barley, oats and turnips. The Thomas Baring R.N. second son of the late Earl of area is 7,Sr5 acres of land and 5 of water; rateable North brook, who was lost, with many others, on board value, £r7,429; the populatioll in 190I was g88. H.M. ship "Captain," when she foundered off the WEST STRATTON, I mile north-east and 2! from coast of Spain, 7th September, x87o; Edward Law· Micheldever Station, and Weston Galley, now called rence, master Weston, I mile north-west, are tithings. Elementary, Station, for 50 children; average attend~ Parish Clerk, Harry Ball. ance, 33 ; Miss M. I. Collins, mistress Post, M. 0. & T. Office, Micheldever Station. J esse Ra!lwav Station, Charles Dyson, station master Meader, postmaste!'. Mails arrive from London & Carriers to Winchester.-Harry Burgess, man. wed. &; Basingstoke at 8.30 a.m. & II.Io p.m. Mails from sat. & Frederick Clark, mon. wed. & sat MICHELDEVEB. Fifield Thomas, gamekeeper to the Pearce Thomas John, coal merchant, Armstrong Miss Earl of Northbrook Western house, 'Station Batt Miss, Base cottage Gamble George, agent to Hants Tate Ernest C. grocer Falconer James Friendly Soc. Post office, Village Thorne Henry & Son, grocers & drprs Hare Mrs. Northbrook house Gardner Fanny (Mrs.), grocer Whistler Albert,farmer,Newdown frm Johnstone Rev. George Alexander Gill John William Charles, butcher Witchard Thomas .Elver, blacksmith M.A. The Vicarage Hillary William, agricultural ma- Nicoll John, The Warren chine proprietor WEST STRA'ITON. Pearce Thomas John Hughes Louisa (Mrs.), Western Road Baylis Waiter W COMMERCIAL. hotel, Railway station Cole William, grocer Bailey Frederick, farmer, Norsebury Lansley William George, Half Moon Hamilton John, steward to the Earl Bell William, cowkeeper & Spmad Eagle P.H of Northbrook Burgess Harry, carrier Mansbridge Alfred, photographer & Skevington Alfd. Ernest, farm bailiff Clark Frederick, carrier assistant overseer to the Earl of Northbrook Day Alfred Thomas, carpenter & Mansbridge Arthur, builder wheelwright Nicoll John, farmer, The Warren WEST ON. Dyson Charles, station master Pain John, fa1mer, Borough Falconer James, farmer, Northbrook Parsons Albt.Ernest,frmr.Manor farm Nicall James B. farmer MICHELMERSH (or Mitc'helmarsh) is an extensive Maria Wheaole a.nd Tankerville Chamberlayne esq. of picturesque parish, r mile east from Mottisfont station Cranhnry Park, Hursley. The soil is clay, chalk and on the South ·western railway, 4 north from Romsey, gravel; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat. I2 north-west from Southampton, and 84! from Lon- barley and oats. The area is 4,143 acres of land and 35 don, in the New Forest division of the county,. Thorn- of water; rateable value, .£5,450; the population in rgot gate hundred, Ramsey petty sessional division, union was 965 in the civil and 309 in the ecclesiastical parish. and county conrt district, rural deanery of Romsey, and By Local Government Board Order No. 27,328, dated arcbdeaconrv and diocese of Winchester. The church of March 24, I888, parts of this parish were transferred to St. Mary is. a building of stone and flint in the Gothic Romsey Extra. style, restored in 1847, at a cast of £7oo, and consists Awbridge, a hamlet in this civil parish, was formed of chancel, nave, south aisle, south porch, a .small aisle into an ecclesiastical parish in 1s77 , and will be found or chapel on the north-east used as a vestry, and a under a separate heading.. western tower buiH of rudely squared oak timber of Parish Clerk, .Tacob Jacobs. large dimensions strongly braced together and covered with pla.nlrs, and containing- 3 bells: in the north wall Post Office.-Frank Cooper, sub-postmaster. Letters of the chancel is an inscription to Trustram Fantleroy from Romsey arrive at 6.5o a.m. & I p.m. (to callers)' dated Aug. 1538; in the south aisle is a monument to & are dispatcht>d at 10· IO a. m. & 7· 25 p.m. ; sundays, Sir William Ogle, I682: there is also an altar tomb I0.45 a.m. The nearest money order office is at with the recumbent pffigy of a knight in armour: the Romsey &; telegraph office at Mottisfont, 3 miles stained east window was inserted in I 894, and anothet distant window displays fragments of ancient glass: the 9hancel Pillar Letter Bo:x, Bear & Ragged Staff, cleared at IO was repaue- d In· r 87 6 an d I 888 : th ere are 270 SI'tt' 1ngs. a.m. & 7.10 p.m. & on sundays at 10.30 a.m The register dates from the year I558. The living is a Wall Letter Bo:x, Mottisfont Station, cleared at 9·SS rectory, with net income £4oo, and residence, in the a.m. & 7·5 p.m. & on sundays at 10· 2 5 a.m gift of the Bishop ~Jf Winchester, and held since I884 Elementary Soh,lul (mixed), with house for waster, by the Rev. Barrington Gure Brown M.A. of Emmanuel erected in 1877, by the Michelmel'llh School Board. ")allege, Cambridge, hon. can<m of Winchester and rural for So children; R>erage attendance, 6o; Arthlll" dean of Rom!ley. Henry John Dutton esq. of Hinton Pearse, ma.ster Rouse, Alresford, is lord of the manor. The principal County Police, !lerbert Smith, constable ' lar..downers nre Geor~e Hennessy esq. of Compton Manor, Railway St:ttiun (Mot~isfont), Frank Goodland, station King's Somborne, the trustees of the late Mrs. Annie master COMMERCIAL. Gradidge William J_ bricklayer PRIVATE R&SIDENTS. Adams Alfred, farmer, Manor farm Bogers George (Mrs.), market gardnr Browne Rev. Canon Barrington Gore Blundell Harry (exors. of), farmers & Topp Thos. bricklayer, Vineyard cot. M.A. (rector,& rural dean),Rectory brick makers Tucker William, blacksmith Davis Mrs. Hillden house Cooper Frank, grocer, Post office Turnbull Andrew, artist Eden Dennis Eden Dennis, arti.Bt Wheable Annie Maria (Mrs.) (trustaes Humbert Arthur J.P, Kimbridge 1 Friend J osiah,Bear&BaggedStaff P. H of), land owners & fatmers , Turnbull Andrew 1 Garland Henry, carman Wren Frederick Heorge, farmer MILFORD-ON-SEA is a modern seaside rPsort and hundred l!f Christchnrch, petty sessional division, union parish, on' low cliffs nt the entrance of the Solent near and county court district of Lymington. rural deanery Hurst Castle, 3! miles south-west from Lymington of Lyndhurst and arcbdeaconry and diocese of Wi~ terminal station on a branch of the London and South chpster. This rising place has a small trout stream Western railway, and 4 south-east from Milton station running through it; the scenery is beautiful, with :lina on the Southampton and Bournemouth section of the sea views, the air very salubrious, and the bathin!! !lame line, in the New Forest division of the county, good, and 'since I 887 a good deal of land :has been laid .
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