^ 7io Code Your Want Ad is Easy To Place-1 Just Phone 686-7700 An Official i For The Borough Of Mountainside VOL, 10 NO. y, Second List! Postage MOUNTAINSIDE, N.J. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1968 ublllliftd Iflili Ihuriiia, iiy 1 rumor P u t< ! I 1 ll! II y C O 111 . Sut.it. 15 Cents Per Copy Paid 81 Maufiloiniid., N.J. } NO- P,,l,,,i.fU-. k'ndl, Mn,i,,ln!.H..ic, N.J. O?O'JJ ',', TfOfl, A new tower and a new chief for county parks Cop gets his badge, bandage L. i I Me ml i, wisi j dii ilui i'ltrulm in Wil li mi Mdci nt the Mount un HIL Polite I3e piiiniLiu will nut soun fuijjei. It bi_j, in i- i il iv of jilidiiL"! wnh his, i cin^l iti mtiit IF i pin nlrn in in the Mount iin^idL di_p irtnicnt. s nl> io turn into a day of •- ldnt, •", WIILII j frt i> icticknt landed him m the luispir il \iLnitliiif tu Ins Wife, the 2d->eir uld pilinlman wjn di lllinj; a hull, in hi IUIHL it d Mn inc ive., I anwoud, to m-i ill an air Lundiutincr, The drill slipped, pier^td hie left 1L^ juiji ibu%c the i nee, brukt iff ind rc- m lined embcddi d In hib flesh, Mrs, Aldi-r ud that thi. bi oken pan w f- ^u deeply em bixidtd chit jll thai could bi_ setn wj a hulc it the puint ot entry. \ldtr wjr taken lo Muhlenburg Hospital. Plainfitld by the Fanwood Resi_ue Squjd, and pi i_lirninar> i_fforiE tti rumove the drill were unsuLLfEs'iful On Tuesday, Di. George H. Martb a Flainfield urthepedit burgeon, re nitived ihi- imbfcdded particle b> surgery. The puiLnt'L cnnditinn was lifted as good Aider, tht= father of two sm 11 bn>s, dj=,ed ilneL and-une-ond one-half,joinedtht Mountain- side Ptihwe Dtpartment on July 1, lQhft. In Jul> of this year, he resigned to join the N.J. A VIEW OF Peckhan's observation tower, THE SECOND OBSERVATION tower in the bt tt Pulice Howeve , rtpurtedly unhappy which was located in the Prospect area of Watchung Reservation was built by the with his new job, he applied for and was the Watchung Reservation when the Union Civilian Conservation Corps in the late pranced reins raiement m the local police dt- County Park Commission acquired the prop- 193Q*s and served many visitors to this partment. erty in 1925. area until Nov. 18, 1945, when it was His TLUdent marked the >-ei_und leg injury desffoyed by fire. imung Mountainside pt lite nffii_er- this year. Patrulman Alan kennedy suffered a compound fracture of the lej, thiE summer while riding a motorcycle in Manasquan on hig day off. He New Watchung feature was confined to Fitkin Hospital in Neptune for more than five Weeks, Kennedy, whose leg is still in a cast, has returned to desk duty at the affords wide panorama department. mission, as Robert W, Kean jr., president of the Elizabethtown Water An observation deck, 633 feat above sea IT'S A GREAT BIG BEAUTIFUL COUNTY WE LIVE IN, comments John Walsh (right), newly-elected president of the Union County Park Com- Co,, points out familiar sites from the company's new observation level, is now available to visitors to the Union tower in the Watchung Reservation area of Mountainside. Kinney to speak County Park Commission's Watchung Reser- vation. This new facility is the result of com- bined action by flie Union County Park Com- at kick-off event mission, tiie Elizabethtown Water Co, and me Borough of Mountainside. Walsh takes commission leadership for LWV drive Visitors to flie observation deck will have a good view of the New York skyline, the Nar- by PAT DONALDSON a project which will add beauty and be ser- built also by the park commission and which Samuel M, Kinney jr., former Westfield rows and the Verrazano Bridge, and will be John G. Walsh of 1603 Rising way. Moun- vioeable." will be open for the season In October, we councilman, will be ttie guest speaker at ttie able to lee as far soutii as Perth Amboy as tainside, who was-reeently^eleoted-president- i=——feel we~aTB- doing Jobs that need to be done, kick-off meeOni for the Westfield League well as some excellent views of Union County. of tfie Union County Park Commission to re* * mission has beea working with Green Acres, "The commission Is also responsible for of Women yflters annual finance drive next The platform of Ae new struonire is the highest place Prank Scott Jr., told the Echo this week a federal and state program which picks up the pool in Wheeler Park in Linden and tile Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Wilbert Allen, point above sea level in Union County. The mat "as president of the commission, it is most of the cost of acquiring lands, he con- Rahway River Park pool In Rahway. AH Union 426 N. Chestnut St., Westfield. observation deck is on the top of a newly con- my ambition to expand recreation facilities tinues, "to establish a continuous park along County Park Commission pools are open to Mrs. Nicholas Byron, finance chairman, who stt-uoted standpipe with a storage capacity of in all our parks throughout the county". tiie Passalc River which would cover the en- the public — as a matter of fact, I learned organized the drive this year, stated mat one-half million gallons of water. Ure upper edges of the county and which would to swim in the Rahway pool myself, prior to the kick-off meeting, members of the The borough and the water utility had re- Born on a dairy farm in the small village league will attend one of the two • waining of Postensklll, a suburb of Troy, N.Y.. Walsh, encompass Summit, New Providence and Berk- "You know," he says with a hint of pride quested permission to erect the standpipe at eley Heights. As a matter of fact, the pro- in his voice, "there are no state-owned sessions which win be held Monday and tills loCSH6ni~™*nrelr purpose~was^to—meet— Tuesday, a very early age with his mother andnev - ject—Is •practically- completed, and we hope _ parks in Union County. Therefore, the only the increasing demand for water and fire to open it to the public this year. camps we hive are Boy Scout camps which Mrs. Norris Barnard, training chairman, protection for homes and industty in Mountain- stepfather. He has never lost his affinity for stated that the Draining sessions "will offer * #• * we permit on the Watchung Reservation," side and the surrounding area. the natural beauty of large unfettered areas of an opportunity for fun as well as providing open spaces, orees, lakes and the serenity "YES,"HEMUSES, "our parks do serve a He does not come out and say that the com- The public can gain access to the obser- mission does not approve of permanent public an exchange of ideas about methods of ex- that nature provides for the peoples of the real need of our residents. There are the plaining the work of the league to its sup- vation deck by a special staircase enclosed by camp-sites on park properties, but one can 11 earth. natural lakes which freeze up in the winter porters. a chain link fence with landings at each ! surmise that die Park Commission members Walsh, however, also .B concerned about and on which we permit skating. With the quarter mark. The observation deck is pro- completion of the artificial skating rink the are aware of the destruction that can be The first session will be held at the home tected witii a five-foot chain link fence around the useful purposes parks can serve to people. wrought by this permission and the possibili- of Mrs. Louis Deitz, 551 Bradford ave,, His expansion hopes and plans, "when we commission has built in Warinanco Park In Westfield, at 1 p.m. The second session, which its perimeter. Parking for the observation Elizabeth and the Roselle rink, which was Ues of fires which careless campers have deck is available at the Prospect parking area can obtain the funds we so sorely need from been known to start and which have destroyed will also be led by Mrs. Barnard, will be off W, R, Tracy drive in the Watchung Reser- the freeholders and the state," include the , millions of acreage throughout 'the nation. held at the home of Mrs. Ernest Daman, vation, enlargement of the existing family picnic aSO Lincoln rd,, Westfield, at 10 a,m, "Pam- Queried as to the safety of the public phlets.assignment kits and informattve matei^ A STEEL OBSERVATION tower erected in • The new observation facility is the fourth areas in parks and the addition of nr,re such parks, of which there are nearly 20 in Union tower to be erected at this site. The first tower, facilities. YES office to return lals will be provided and distributed at the 1948 by die Union County Park Commission County, many of which run into, each other, training meetings," Mrs. Barnard said. was used as a vantage site by many Union known as Peckhan's Observation Tower, was Too, he feels that golfing facilities in the and "are a sort of continuous park, but with County residents until it was removed in acquired by the Park Commission with the public parks should bo expanded and "we are to regular schedule different names," the newly-elected presi- After the kick-off meeting on Wednesday, now putting in flU in the fringe areas sur- dent says he is very proud of the safety of members of the League wUl make meir-fi- May of this year.
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