PAGE 2, SECTION 3 WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAL, FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1964 DIAL 256-311. Sweeney Stars Rosa Nine Boxers' Basketball Pretty Doggy Cops Pacific in Monona Win Loop Title Rosa Insurance, behind Gary Hurls Three-Hitter, SwiUfcy'a eight • strikeout two- Drives in Both Runs hitter. beat the Btu* So*, M, at Guy Lowmaa field l^iuraday night Dennis Sw«MMy drove in both tad clinched the Pacific League nun and pitched a thre*-hJtt«r baaeball championship. as Monona Grove defeated Nedre- Rosa, managed by Ernie Bruns, bo's, 2-1. {or its sixth straight had won the first round with a 4-0 second-round victory in the Mad record and nailed down the sec- toon Major League baseball race ond-round title with a 7-1 mark. t Breese Stevens Field Thurs- Swteky scored th« winning run day night. in the seventh inning on a Blue Sweeney's hit in the sixth in- Sox error. Bob Pound led Rosa ing scored Mike Rieder and with two hits. Corky Evans. All three Monona Mike McEvilly pitched a two- rove hits off loser Ron Grabow hitter and Ray Blum homered in came in that inning. An error a 15-hit attack as East Side Mer- allowed Nedrebo's lone seventb- chants bombarded Ideal Vault. nning tally. 16-2. There were 14 errors in the The replay of a first-round pro- game. •hM Wl ......... M« M) |_l 1 ] ested game between Madison RM» InturMc* ... MM* 1— 1 t 1 McCab* and NauhauMT; Jwitrty ana) >wls awl Monona Grove was Cantwtli. postponed. Leading hlHorj— Pound <R) 1x3. SO— r McC«b« 5, Swittky I. BB-McCaiw fc Box score: SwlHkv S. -i •m» r h ab Katt SM* MarcMfltl 81 111— U U t Waller. 2t> Idaal Vault ......... IM aia_ I t It : 3B5 Lombards cf 3 oy If 3 t ) RltOtr H 3 McEvilly arxj Schmidt; Anvndxxi and P»ahl»r Ib 3 ft 0 Warne.r 2b 3 ladzinikl 3b 3 0 0 Evinj c Leading hitter*— SchumKlw (E) 3x4. laoem c lot Handf'd Ib Etert (E) 2X4, Blum (E) 2x1, Schmidt uccia rf J- -i 0- -Swe*n*~y p J (E) 3x5, Gotolon (E) 2X4. Hit-Blum Venial cl 300 Dooley ss 5 (E). 3B— McEvilly (E). ScftmMt (E). 3« •ckbart » 1 B » Fiedler cf 1 -Btld (6). so— McEvilly 7, Anundwn 7. ..„rabo_w p,- 30 0 Harrison 36 2 BB— McEvilly 3, Anuodaon ». Totals Ml) Totals M Scar* by I mints Basketball never was played with more dogged determina- The dogs wear jerseys and trunks, which one dog is trained "In Europe they play soccer, but here basketball is the Nadnkc's MO m 1-1 tion than by Rudy Docker's doszs. The Austrian born trainer, to pull off them during the game, and are rewarded with a sport," Docker said. They were photographed iri action at *Ati>a«a Orpve aw Ml x—1 City Swimming Pool E—Nedrebo's 7, M<wi«ii Grov« :. 50— who is booked at a number of Wisconsin county fairs, taught shower afterward. Monroe. rebow ». Sweeney 5. BB-rSrabow 1, Meet Slated Saturday weerwv 3. eight boxers to bunt a balloon through a hoop. —PhatM by Ray Barlti The third annual all-city swim- ming pool meet will open with Waunakee Wins diving competition at 8:30 a.m. American Bank Tops Major DeFOREST — Letty Ripp col- Lalley Stars ected three hits, including a Saturday at the Maple Bluff Security Juniors Country club pool. hree-run homer, to lead Wau- as Owls Trip akee over DeForest, 14-10, in Teams entered are Maple Bluff. he Scenic Six Girls Softball Shorewood .Hills, Hill Farm. Tramcri's No 2 Wins Lake Mills Win City Crown League Thursday night. Sharon Ridgewood, and West Side. Mapl* lamre led DeForest with three Bluff b defending champion. LAKE MILLS — Righthander Swimming events follow at 10 Dave Lalley scattered five hits Security State Bank, behind the nly three while holding the Wesl lits. The two teams and Wyo. o-hk pitching of Gary Buss, hampions hitless. cena now are deadlocked for the a.m. Capital League Crown and Otto Puls and Rich Barring' Age classifications will include lacked the Giants, 5-0, Thurs- Security, winner of the Olbrich oop lead with 7-2 records. ton led a 14-hit attack as the 9 and under, 10-11. 12-13. and 14-15. Tramcri's Bar No. 2 became :lost in the Stow Pitch B League, MICH SCHOOL LCACUt AA Madison Owls smashed Lake lay, and won th« city Junior unior League title, finished th« Hasty-Tally vs. Waston Thundtrtirdi lampkxiship in the boys base- for both boys and girls. Meet the first team to clinch an out-| Tom tlhalt pitched a one-hitter at Perm Mills. 12-1, in a Central Wiscon- season with a 17-0 record. I Baseball Sunday HISH SCHOOL LEACUC «V1 all program. opened the scoriig with two runs HOME TALCNT LlAOUt referee will be James Davies, right city softball championship'as the Zonts upset the Campers Bettwl Lutheran vs. Playtoyi No. 1 at sin League game here Thursday Eaittrn SacttM iead swimming coach at Osh- Thursday night when it shut out in the A-l circuit. Steve Kramer Van His* No. I night. Buss struck out 12 *ad walked n the bottom of the fourth in- Sun Prairla at Stougnton HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUE B-l Cottao* Grove at McFarlsna kosh State University. Rom Electric, 6-0. for its 24th[blasted three homers, a triple, Roam'in Rebels vv jack's Easy Outs. The Owls boosted their record ing. Octrfleld at Jancivlll* UAW II at Van Hise No. I Utlca at Albion victory against only two losses and a double for Byrns Oil in the Dodsen vs. The Magnificent 7 at BumTjt"o 8-3, one full game ahead ol Steve Mathb started the inninj W«tarn Stctiox Jones No. 1 l\ Waunakee Tips Mlddlcton at Pint Bluff (his season to wrap up the Capi- B-l circuit. Tom Voss hit a game- Monona Grove in the National with a walk, advanced to thin Springfield at Verona Central States Rules HIGH SCHOOL LIACUB C i ,. winning grand-slam homer for The Drop-Outs vs. Misfits *t WingraiulVlSlOn. A six-run explosion in m manager Tom Bennett's sin Aihton at Black Earth tal League trophy. Don (Spider) Deforest, 8-6 Mt. Horafc at SpMdwav Clinic Set for Racine Collins fired a superb one-hitter Bell Telephone in the B-2 loop. No. I seventh turned the game into ,le, and scored ahead of the Norrhtrn SactKn Fr.utsct.i-s «. Haim« at Burr WAUNAKEE—Waunakee scored OtFomt at Rio No. 2 f nrow when Gary Buss hit a big] Waterloo at Dane RACINE (UPI) _ A rules in- {or his 20th victory of the cam- BADGE* HAGUE i Laka Mill*—1 iree runs in the eighth ion ing V»«tpert at PovneM* terpretation clinic for Central paign. Gomes Tonight Brl«9e Lounge No. 1 vs. Bowl-A-Vardj -ti :hopper over the mound. Waunakec at S*uk-Pralrle, at Hrankltn No. 1 ' at> li a» r ux! staved off late rallies by i M unl«i atMfwfM indicated IZahradka ss 5 2 Jones rf 40 Saturday night States Football League officials. Gary Hanson drove in four runs NATIONAL LEAGUE John Verheist then grounder, Savtlwni Stella* 1 Puls 2o S 3 John'n JMb 3 0 )eForest to win an 8-6 Home CARDINAL LEAGUE Bethel Lutheran vs. Ole's Bufct>*r Boys W. Kel'her Ib 2 1 Pruefer ss 40 nto a fielders choice to score Blanchardvlll* at New Glarvii coaches, and team captains has with a homer and a double as American Family No. 1 vs. .M's Bar at Franklin No. 2. 1:00 Dinteman Ib 2 0 Scriroeder cf 3 0 Talent Baseball League decision Hollandale at Rldgmv been scheduled for Aug. 14 in Imhoff Construction defeated No. 2 at Olbrlcn No. J MINOR TOURNAMENT O. Kel'her 3b 5 ! Braatz If 30 Bennett. Oadoa-Polnt at Wlota The Villa vi. Be*'« Tavern No. ! at North Gat* TV McKy Stertn at Central nrirninft 3b 1 0 B. Ratflotf 1 0 Thursday night, CENTRAL WISCONSIN HAOUB Racine. Rudy Hano, supervisor Franklin No. 3 Arcade Bar vt. Lindsay Finishes at Z Treloff c 40 Irv Rawlings belted a two-run Dtlavan-Dartao at MWon-MIIton Jet. Shorty's Bar, also in the Capital Trinity Lutheran v». Badger Tavern No. wauixakee—« OtftnU—t »!t IK. Ratfloff 3b t 0 t, ab r Miner in trie fifth and Mike Me Lake Mill* at Whttewatw of league officials, 'said Thursday. League. 1 at Olbrlch No. 3, 1:00 Sherwood Foresf vs. HMdiian-Klw at 0 Ron Ja'ke 26 2 0 fttoit at Monon* Srov* Stadium Bar No. 1 vs. Casino Lane* at laKsfw cf-p s 0 0. Sch'Otr p s i =r Olbrlch No. t Prov'zano c 0 Rus Ja'ke Ib 3 0 G. Adlcr 3b 5 1 ai«iM If 52 Evilly singled home Buss in th MadlMn Owli at Ft. Atkinson National Football League of- In an important make-up game]' a'*iin «a.Vi 8*r vs. Wieso Electric at Tenner Crauvotl rf S 2 2 Fischer E. Hcll'bd Ib 5 1 3 Em'son ss-2b *AUK COUMTY LCAOUB ficial Tony Sacco win attend to KI9ONSA LCAOUt lo 1 Harrington cf 4 I 2 Latsch a Adler If-p 500 WillUm'n Ib 4 1 iixth for the Bankers' other run RMd»bur« it Rkhland Ctnttr in the Major League.
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