New hoiome for hi.istoric sereT)// — b H: Ice darncprs in IcIdaho— B4] ■ ..............—I 3 0 I ..............s J L r L .1 < r ^ - C l a r i f i e d ^_____________ c : r y ..JT ~-TTr 1P7B Suiutq OF1000L. I Nevadila -i^ n g BJ ' fire—^•ictllini. condition. | | | m | n Qd t S130IV>riai»ntUwtf t t M ' sicalploni^gevity— .. M l arkctpIaOT 0 2 m B b h 3 5 * ^. 8wth 4 t year, No. 209 ‘ ‘ T w in F allslls, I d a h o ------------ ... Friday. July 28, 1989 - Dej Jer<• o m e 'iin d u s i t r ia l p] a r k ic a tc h <ICS b n biU g^!X>undifS' Keebkler distributi:ion center, iwarehouse-c-office comp,j/ex will be builtb soon ------- By MICHELLE3 OCOLE closure of the Tuppcrwaware plant and the in Jercerom e.-------------- -------- :------------------------------- EJscrow'shotihould-closc nextnvcck. sni'd ^ TimcB-News writeritcr lo s s o f m o re th a n 70000 jo b s , s a id L on “I’mI'm quite im pressed vrith thehe building' Gerald Marllartens, on ' engineering McDonald, labor analystyst for Job Service plans,”IS," she said. consultant witlwith EHM Engineers Inc. in ^ im a n r Keebler Twin FalU,}, vwho w ill s u p e rv is e the JEROME - It’fiIt’s too soon to pronounceI in Twin F alls. Stiert tic said he owns other m i s ghout- th e. -Project’s.constnistruction, .......... ....................... .. I___"-But it!s a positive-e t h in g .th a t- th e . d i s t;^ribution r i i centers, througl ------------: i l i r A M o c ^ : P M a r ------------- ^ the-patient-comiimpletely cured, but ono- getting a lot of counti ■than-juBt— -Martcna-aaiin id f<nnspn nnd-^cp..m ay-uaa---------- _l0PA l__ Bt s a y s c o m m e rc ia l, industrial pork is gc ntry. Thcy_ar.e-mor«-tl The tc n le r “ ‘l>ird o f thhe e 1building for an electrical HW ffilNGTOir^—.The HooM'i^iproTed a development in1 J<Jerome's industrial'parJi”i activityT" fie^said. , w archchouses, i he emphasized. Tl •chouse, find the other two M m bA 'd«r«bib h m TI apeods will aid thele county's economic Last week Jim Stieit,t, a Bitlings, Mont., w ill includcim offices a s w ell a s lolounge aiid supply waroht ofTices will bebc 'leased to transpor^tion ' . j^x^beHaaKJ^niiM N recuperation. investor, purchased 5.5.2 acres in the shower# e r facilities for tru c k e rs, m oan.tat 8 U r-V {rii^sod m j rtriiiii5£in®)6 mOlfiM ^ ConstrucUon is set to begin within twoI industrial pork south of.Jf.Jerom'e. Hc plans Keeleebler executives did not ret-etum calls companies. )00-Hanscn*Ricc.building-will_______ flt& iteifidgetoM W j -------weeks-ona-distrib.ribution center forlllinois^—to-butld-a-Sl'^s-millior ion-lo-S2-million—from-'I irThe-Times-Newson-'EhursiradnyrB ut------ T t o W M O - l square feet in its first phase, . ^By a:v6te.of^26]rlS the P«poeT^e*«OBto . baaed Keeblerer Co. Inc. and on a distribution c e n te r lhat1 wwill be leased and Stiertrt saidi hc expects the com]npany will “ ™ '' 16.™ . Martens said,i. -BboM iubpM ^billbin that waa ebM g^iia^ w arehouse and oflofTice complox to be b uilt• operated by Keebler,ir, a cookie and closele itsi Pocatello distributio.on conter mimtMbyaiioiidcoa:Boalitioii o f R epoM cans, a ^ ustrial park land was by two N am pa corcontractors, cracker maker. a ffr t e r the Jerome center o . Jiy ths eat.of $602! m llHoa In fonds'^ to'pat si opens in purchased for3r approxima ately S27.000 and Developers forfo both projects say The masonry buildinglg will cover 28,000 D ecemem ber. ezittinf HX miisiletiles in ra^ cars, and lib on and its proximity to the offers p le n tyy of room fer expansion, he Jerome's location square feet and will bri:irin g 12 to 15 new T hhe e 5.2I acre parcel next to thehe Keebler said.' Demaeratii, opposedted to tHe'planned HfdgetiWtman interstate attractec tcd them to the industrial jobs tu Jero m e, S tiert salelaid. s i t e isif being purchased byy Nompa When compleipletcd, Mortens believes tho paric located southu th of town. Tho real estate .trctransaction wns builder ; Rice for a Hansen*Rice1 complexcoi will g e n e ra te 10 to : ' ‘nteklBlBOiitclud*jd w m o a e r fb r flie N avy'srr*l4U P Jerome Countynty has a long way to go ders Dan Hansen and Ivan F . M M tar>)ind tb*Jta.Marina: Corps' V*22psiJpprey before it's complelpletely recovered from-the handled by Bonnie Rosss o:o f Pioneer R eolty w arehoehousc and olTlce pro ject. 20 new jobs. i s ^ tra n s p o rt — tw o p r o>grams ^ . " Bttttitititiiiiidtescittp:ttp:--:-'-. V i , ; e u t o ; t ^ ’l>iip^JA e ^ aftar we votad to sqi ____ r — — — - ' ~" T | f ! -^^tluirk'nntidnBiilL(Ai(ftriPL-ind-M idgrtnnro Elag^ptrootection pasiiuFeTirplBOna-raFSrH ion^laiai ------------------ . V'WimuiOickiw>n, R'/R-iU a., ran k in g GOP membeib er on ___ ; jtli« H6nie? Amed»d -Serviees Coininitte'a,>e. in hill reccigives A U ,rM 6 m m t tb e ddOAM> MUQ to ' 'AeHialttet r M it t — t. OK. OBt «W nimgiioii.for__ , l y --------------------------— — ■dtlfidsatman.” he said. panel-appproval— o f the AnA rm ed. ------- T[■he h Associated Press — . ini%16w:iqi overstUng.” SBo S r b y - tm* taltitn armwnbsrsatopdi0 d ,th a ------------K ------------- . WASmNGTON-rrr.A House)U3c com m ittee o n T hursday l»t^^toi(^im inatln(^Rll the ipproved a fiag protectionon bill thot was pushed by ' - dem ocrats but dism issed bby y IRepublicans as useless for Ler. t t o . ......... ivereoroing-the-Supreme-(^iCourt-ruling^permitting .flag ' itogoitMcMto^nlRi buimming. One Democratic leaderr eaids< hc and others in his 8 li ^ t ^ b o B b e r f .piiBed a t al paitarty would "go to the woll’air to btock a constitutional , P ent a f oh s^ t 1^ imendment uguiTist~flu(;'crgnicBOcrntion; which~the— :------- -------- v i B r tg f llI r o r cppTt u» ■I'. uapTDgraiB/'V^/''.-'' iepublicans and P resid en t BushBu say is necessary, im tba'administntion toDsbow s The House Judiciary Comiommittee, in a quarrelsome Br2 is a proven pdane.beforaprodnction lu ream sesession, voted 28-6 fo r a stastatute t that soya, “Whoever knc:nowingly m utilates, defaces,ces, bums or tramples_upon ___ ! ,ny flog of the Unitcd Statesites shall be fined under this .......... iUe or im prisoned for hot'iho’rm ore lh an one ye’a r , orT>'oth/ r SprajLp])lane!clus sts'”^' 1 All but.one.orthe 13 Repu!epublicans.votin^ supported .' he bill — as a sym bolic gesti;esturc for the flag, one said. Bullut the Republican leadershi]-ship blocked the Democrats’ lan to bring the bill before2 thethi full House n e x t week. Homedaale houseies 'HniiBo RppuhltrBn Tj>nr<pr V E iLB obJdicheL qO Iinois.told^^--------- The Associated Press ' eporters that White Housee ChiefCl of Staff John Sununu • irgcd the GOP leadership thiithis week to speak out more ] H O M E D A L E - “A b u n c h o f houses"r w e re _____;____ • S e c F L A G3 oon Poge A2 inadvertantly sprayedjd !by a crop duster planene e a r ly ------------- Sunday in Homednle ancand residents arc uncertainain w h a t . v ViV^ im p act it will have oh thethem',“H om edale Police ChielliefM ike EBaltic reppublics M oysard eaid. “T h ere w ere a few houhouses totally inundated witwith th is -stufT," M oysard said. 'WWe e recom m end that anybod;ody w ith le victory ^ _ }ain trade temely-’carefu l. Parathion cac a n .a ls o ..__ • .. ^ ^ g — —Q-garden shouldbe oxtron _____ . Thi*he Associated P re ss ........ effect livestock.' ■ by-Davison’s Air Servi•vice in A p la n e o p e ra te d b; MOSCOW — The S upremme e Soviet passed resolutions 1 lo a d a t a b o u t 3 a .m . Su:S u n d a y , Homedale dropped a 1( Thi'hursday that would givee ththe three Baltic republics •ay rep o rted ly contained P'arathion a r Moysard said. The spray eccconomic independence by <Jan. 1 and froc them lo 1 and Metaeystox-R, two10 o th e r mixed with Ambush ai trarade with the othor Soviet reprepublics. -------- noetticldeff:----------------- ^ -Thcnational-legislature's-ai's-action-was-a-major-vietory ----------- g at night bccausc the spra;ray The plane was flying a for?r Baltic activists. They hahave complained for years ! used to spread pollen durii th e cutter bees, which are u£ thohat Moscow m inistries) aiarc exploiting the once- day, Moysard said. ndependent republics, taktaking away their natural liles h av e reported the sprayay M em bers of two fnmilei esources and giving little bocbock. them sick and several'at have had blood tests t t h «mn pheteMKB BALSauRY “The decision ta k e n to d ay»y vwas unprecedented.
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