TheTHE PLANNING P INSTITUTEla nOF JAMAICAning IThenst iPlanningtute of 14 JInstituteamaica of Jamaica ANNUAL REPORT AnnualAnnual RReeportport 20120134 1 3 1 14 T R O P E R L A U N N A ANNUAL REPORT © 2014 by Planning Institute of Jamaica All rights reserved Annual Report 2013 Published by Planning Institute of Jamaica 16 Oxford Road Kingston 5 Jamaica, West Indies Telephone: (876) 960-9339 (876) 906-4463/4 Fax: (876) 906-5011 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.pioj.gov.jm ISSN: 1013-91X 2 THE PLANNING INSTITUTE OF JAMAICA 14 CONTENTS ANNUAL REPORT Members of the Board of Directors 6 Director General’s Statement 8 Executives of the Planning Institute 11 Director General’s Secretariat 12 Policy and Planning 17 Programme/Project Development, Coordination and Monitoring 31 Research and Information Services 45 External Communication and Marketing 51 Governance and Management 59 2014 Year in Review 66 Audited Financial Statements 2014 69 3 THE PLANNING INSTITUTE OF JAMAICA 14 MISSION ANNUAL REPORT Statement THE PLANNING INSTITUTE OF JAMAICA IS COMMITTED TO LEADING THE PROCESS OF POLICY FORMULATION ON ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL ISSUES AND EXTERNAL COOPERATION MANAGEMENT TO ACHIEVE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT FOR THE PEOPLE OF JAMAICA. VISION Statement TO BE PROACTIVE IN THE PROVISION OF STRATEGIC AND INNOVATIVE POLICY, AND PROGRAMMATIC RESPONSES TO EMERGING ISSUES AT THE NATIONAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL LEVELS IN PURSUIT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 5 Members of the Board of Directors 3 1 14 T R O Members of the P E R Mr Bullock has been the Director General and Board Chairman of the L PIOJ since April 15, 2013. He is the Chairman of the Jamaica Social A U Investment Fund (JSIF) and the Financial Services Commission (FSC) N and is also a member of the Board of the Petro Caribe Development N A Fund. Mr Bullock has held other leadership positions in government as ANNUAL REPORT well as key faculty positions at the University of the West Indies (UWI), Mona. Mr Colin Bullock Professor Meeks was appointed to the Board of Directors onin March 19, 2012. He is Professor of Social and Political Change at the University of the West Indies (UWI), Mona, the Regional Director of Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES), and the Director for the Centre for Caribbean Thought, UWI, Mona. He is a Post-Doctoral Commonwealth Fellow, Cambridge University. His expertise is in Comparative Politics of the Caribbean and Latin America, and political theory. Professor Brian Meeks ProfessorProfesso rWint Win thas ha sbeen bee nappointed appoint etod ttheo t hBoarde Boa ofrd Directorsof Direct osincers si n ce NovemberNovember 11,, 2007.2007 . He He is i sProfessor Profess oofr oInternationalf Internation Businessal Busin andess aSpecialnd AdvisorSpecial Aond vExternalisor on ERelationsxternal Rtoe ltheatio Vicens to Chancellor, the Vice-C hthean Universitycellor of th ofe the West Indies (UWI), Mona; Chairman, Statistical Institute of Jamaica; University of the West Indies (UWI), Mona; Chairman, Statistical Vice Chairman, Shortwood Teachers’ College; Commissioner, Electoral Institute of Jamaica; Selected Commissioner, Electoral Commission Commission of Jamaica; Member of Council and Coordinating Committee, Nationalof Jamai cPartnershipa; Chairma Council;n, Carib bMember,ean Reg iElectricityonal Inve sSectortmen tEnterprise Promotio Team;n DeputySteerin gChairman, Committ ePublice; and Sector Mem bTransformationer, Coordinati nCommittee;g Committ Director,ee, Natio nal CaribbeanPartnersh iPolicyp Cou nResearchcil. Institute. Professor Alvin Wint Dr Knight was appointed to the Board of Directors on March 19, 2012. She is a former Director General (Acting) of the PIOJ. She has served on a number of government boards and is currently serving on the Board of Directors of the HEART Trust/NTA. Dr Knight is a Consultant Social Scientist and Researcher. Dr Pauline Knight 6 THE PLANNING INSTITUTE OF JAMAICA 3 1 14 T Board of Directors R O P E R Dr Johnson, Assistant Vice President of Business Analytics and Product Development, Scotia Investments Jamaica was appointed to the Board L , A on March 19, 2012. Before joining Scotia Investments he was Senior U Strategy Management Officer at Jamaica Money Market Brokers limited. N N A ANNUAL REPORT Dr Ike Johnson Mr Wynter was appointed to the Board on November 22, 2010. He is the Founder and Managing Director of Strategic Alignment Limited and of Educate JA Transformation. He is the current Chairman of the Corporate Governance Committee and is a member of the PIOJ’s Finance and Audit Committee. Mr Robert Wynter Dr Moncrieffe, Chief Executive Officer, Institute for Applied Social Research, was appointed to the Board on March 19, 2012. She is a political sociologist and a former Fellow of the Institute of Development Studies, United Kingdom. She has worked with several International Development Partners (IDPs) as well as various NGOs. Dr Joy Moncrieffe Mr McFarlane, Chief Economist in the Ministry of Finance and Planning, was appointed to the Board on May 20, 2013. He is a former Director General (Acting) of the PIOJ, and a Senior Director of Securities at the Financial Services Commission. Mr Devon Rowe (resigned May 2013) Mr Everton McFarlane 7 Director General’s statement T H E P L A N N I N G I N S T I T U T E O F J A M A I C A DDirectorirector General’sGeneral’s S14 Statementtatement MMRR COLINC O L I N BULLOCKB U L L O C K DDIRECTORI R E C T O R GGENERAL,E N E R A L, PPLANNINGL A N N I N G IINSTITUTEN S T I T U T E OFO F JAMAICAJ A M A I C A assumedhe t hyeare po s2014ition obroughtf Direc toitsr G fairene rshareal of thofe tbyarg ethets u nHonourableder the pro gMinisterramme . Tofh e Financefirst qu arandter ly Planninchallengesg Institute forof J athema iccountry,a (PIOJ ) buton Aitp rialsol 15, aPlanning,ssessme nwhicht was weresucc eheldssfu tolly assess,comp lemonitorted at t hande e nd 20T13, takpresenteding the b aopportunitieston from ou tgforoi ncollaborationg Acting oprovidef Septe mupdatesber, an don t hthee s ebenchmarkcond at the targetsend of and I towards solutions. The Jamaican economy showed commitments outlined in the Memorandum of Director General, Everton McFarlane. With the December. The Institute also played a leading role signs of recovery during the year, however, there Economic and Financial Policies which underpins assisremainedtance of tvulnerabilitieshe dynamic a nwhichd pro feunderminedssional tea mthe at inthe d rIMFaftin Agrrement,g the grow inth additionstrategy to se policyction oprioritiesf the the PpotentialIOJ, an dof g itheven country. my pre vAgainstious ba thisckg rbackgroundound in Mforem Fiscaloran dYearum 2014/15of Econ oandmi cbeyond. and Fi nTheanc visitsial P ooflic ies the ptheub liPlanningc service ,Institute the tran sofiti onJamaica from a(PIOJ)cadem iawas to (MadameMEFP) w Christinehich arti cLaul aGarde,tes the Managingprogram mDirectores, plan s beincalledg the huponead otof tassisthe le aind ifindingng gove rviablenme nsolutionst agency to aofnd ithenit iaInternationaltives to be p uMonetaryrsued un dFund,er the andEFF .Mr. for pforgingolicy a dthevic eway on eforward.conomi c ,The soc iaPIOJl and responded sustain- SLuisucc esAlbertsive q uMoreno,arterly r evPresidentiews req uofire dthe su ppInter-lemen- by providing enhanced evidence-based policy and American Development Bank, during the year, able planningdevelop madviceent is sthroughues was etheas ieconduct,r than I hanalysis,ad twereal M EendorsementsFPs which b eofne Jamaica’sfited from progress PIOJ’s towardsinput expepromotioncted. How eandver ,dissemination the position cofom socioes w ieconomicth many esustainablensuring th economice docume development.nts were consistent with the demresearchands an andd ch analysis.allenge sAs, a nthed Icountry had to navigatedhit the the Growth Inducement Strategy and Vision 2030 Using the strategic framework of Vision 2030 grouvariousnd run developmentning. The in challengesitial focus onwa as pathon e ntowardssuring Jamaica – National Development Plan. Jamaica – National Development Plan and the that developedthe Exten dcountryed Fun dstatus Facil itasy (EreflectedFF) arra ning eVisionment 2030 Jamaica – National Development Plan, the PIOJ AGrowths the fo rInducementemost poli cStrategy,y adviso r theto thPIOJe Go vutilizedernme nt with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was remained relevant and vigilant particularly with oeveryf Jam aopportunityica, socio-e ctoon oreinforcemic res ethearc hmessage, Policy Bofri efs, finalized at the IMF staff level and ultimately the need for an holistic and integrated approach respect to the country’s Growth Agenda. Reports, Cabinet Submissions, Notes and Position approved by the Executive Board of the IMF. Board to development. In this regard, our efforts were Papers were prepared over the period. These cov- apprTheova l wcoordinatedas achieved oeffortn Ma y 1towards, 2013. Thsustainablee suc- focused on overseeing critical aspects of the transformational development has started to bear eGoJ’sred a reGrowthas such aAgenda,s: The P oprovidingtential So ccontinuousio-econom ic cessful conclusion of the agreement with the IMF fruit with improvement in key economic and social Iperformancempact of an updates,IMF Ag projections,reement; th identificatione erformanc eof o f resulted in the resumption of budget support from indicators, including inflation, unemployment, tconstraintshe Jamaica andn E cbottlenecksonomy an din Padditionrojectio tons guidance over the our Icrime,ntern atandion alstability Develo pmine nsomet Par
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