41"¦111111111111 z a Rally brief Grid Tonight At Theater ,ictured Illy at. normal C along Staters To Give Football Team Noisy Send-Off For Voyage To Islands Friday HALF HOUR PEP RALLY TO FEATURE AWARD FOR SAN JOSE, VOL. XXVI CALIFORNIA, I I NOVEN1 BER 23, 1937 Number 43 "POP- DUBOSE. VARSITY ACTS, SPEECHES. BAND NUMBERS. AND DOUBLE FEATURE MOVIE PROGRAM Spartans Face Aztecs hi Turkey Initial Press ADMISSION TO BE FORTY CENTS Day Gridiron Classic At 11 o'Clock; FESTIVITIES START AT 9 O'CLOCK; CHANCE TO SHOW Club M eet TOWNSPEOPLE SPARTAN SPIRIT, SAYS BOB FREE Expected Crowd "Shatterproof" San Jose State college's final football rally is scheduled for to- At S. J. Stadium Held Black Honored night at the California Theater where local football fans will give The Press Club, a newly formed When the Spartan gridders lope the 1937 Spartan pigskinners a organization of staff members of Police Chief To Be down out of their cream colored noisy send-off before their depar- the Spartan Daily and La Torre, field house to face the champion- Given Dinner ture for the Hawaiian Islands held its initial meeting last night ship San Diego Aztec warriors1 Friday. at the home of Jack Marsh. Honoring the 21st anniversary Thursday morning they will be With a half-hour pep rally of Chief John N. Black as a the familiar home greens- Frank Olson was elected presi- scheduled for 9:00 o'clock, foot- entering member of the San Jose police for the last time this year. dent; Wilbur Korsmeier, vice-pres- ball enthusiasts will be tented to ward force, Chi Pi Omega, police school whistle sounds at 11 ident; and Ora Lindquist secre- a double feature program which As the first fraternity, and the Police club, will on the morning of Thanks- tary -treasurer. includes the pictures "Alcatraz o'clock be hosts at a dinner tonight at Day, another record-equal- The first undertaking of this Island" and "Forty-Five Fathers". giving 7 p.m. in the Gold room of the of students anti ! group will be a Christmas toy- Featured by the presentation ling turnout Hotel Sainte Claire. expected to have ; pile drive for needy children in of an award by Prexy Jack Marsh towivipeople is The anniversary dinner is an the stadium turn- this area which will start next In appreciation of the football passed through annual event for police students -day week. leadership of "Pop" DuBose, Spar- stiles to witness the turkey who honor Chief Black each year. Bob Tonkin was appointed to ta's injured grid captain, the half classic which many sporting au- Members and heads of the Art and look into the matter of selecting hour program will be dotted by thorities claim will decide small Music departments have been am - appropriate pins for the club and speeches by DuBose, Coach Dud college football supremacy on the slating on decorations and enter- will report upon his selection at DeGroot, variety acts, band num- West coast. tainment for the affair. These in- the next regular meeting. bers, and yells led by "Pinky" Still enthusiastic f r o no the dude Mrs. Carolyn Hayes and All students who have worked Garcia. trouncing they bestowed upon Mrs. Ruth Turner of the Art de- on either staff a previous quarter Price of admission will be 40 Santa Barbara's Gauchos in re- partment, and Mr. Adolph W. Ot- and are still active members of cents, according to Bob Free. Con- turn for the Southern California terstein, head of the Music division the staff are urged to attend the trary to a statement printed yes- conference championship last Sat- According to Ed Grant of Chi Pi next meeting tomorrow at 12:30 terday in tile Spartan Daily, all urday, and refreshed by a three- Sigma, and John Knight of the in the Spartan Daily office to dis- seats except loges will be sold at day stopover and rest at Atas- Police club, this year's dinner cuss future members, time and the regular admission price. cadero, the San Diegans are ex- promises to be better than ever place of meetings, and to make Tonight's rally will be the first pected to give Coach DeGroot's and much time is being spent on further plans for the Christmas of its kind this year to be held charges a stubborn brand of hard arrangements. , toy pile drive. before the townspeople of San hitting competition in this, the Henry McClenahan is president Jose. Spartans last game on the main- This San Diego State quarter- of the Police club, and Bob Drexel "Tonight is San Jose State col- land. back will keep the Spartans on heads Chi Pi Sigma. lege's first opportunity to show Although San Jose is given a the alert Thursday morning. Junior Meeting the people of San Jose what kind slight edge on the victory side of Flashy Max Glass was the hero KERN TEACHERS of spirit we really have," rally the scoreboard in many quarters, of San Diego's win over San Is Postponed chairman Bob Free stated yester- students and rooters gather to- j Jose last year, and this year HEAR COLLEGE day. "We should have approxi- night in the California Theater! he is again running wild. Down The junior class whica PRESIDENT mately 1000 students attending to- for one last pep rally and avowal the southern way, he is nick- was to have been held this morning night's Honolulu send-off." of faith in the power of Sparta. named "shatterproof". Morris Dailey auditorium to President T. W. MacQuarrie was Friday noon the team sails for in the the Juni guest of the Kern county Teachei s' Honolulit. make tentative plans for Dr. Atkinson Speaker or Prom, has been postponed be- Institute yesterday, as they opene,i Musical Recital cause of conflcting meetings, ac- their three-day session bele. Institute During his stay s Delta Phi Upsilon Will At Tulare cording to an announcement made i Thanksgiving. !Bakersfield he was guest of honor by Prexy Jack Hilton. This Afternoon A speaker at the Tulate County Meet Tonight At "Y" With Hilton as general chairman, at both the Kiwanis Luncheon club ! Institute, Bakersfield, this morn- at noon and the San Jose State assisted by John Holtorf, the chair- Members of Mies Frances Rob- Delta Phi Upsilon, San Jose ling will be Dr. Earl W. Atkinson, annual alumni dinner yes - CLUB men for the affair have been apIcollege inson's advanced violin classes will State's honorary Kindergarten.rhead of the college Commerce de- iterday evening. mem ,pointed by the executive committee, I give a student recital in Room 108 Primary society, will hold one of I partment. Tomorrow Dr. MacQuarrie will (lent fac of the Music building at 4 o'clock its most important Dr. Atkinson will speak on travel aliened meetings of the to Merced, where he will be this afternoon. year tonight, according to Prexy ' "Commercial Training on the Col- SOIL EROSION a guest at the luncheon meeting fr oup of The program will be short and Lois De Shields. I lege Level", and will discuss the of elementary principals of Mereel rs la TOPIC TODAY OF will include three numbers; First "Tonight's meeting he held desirability of commercial train- and will sit at the Merce d ,unesee: will Movement of the Wieniawski vio- at Pete's Place in the Y.W.C.A. Ang at the various school levels BY HYATT County"untY. Teachers' Institute in the in soon TALK lin concerto, played by William building," Miss confining itself to the particular afternoon. The following day he balding De Shields stated Tyler; the second number will late yesterday fields best suited for it. All San Jose State college geol- will be present at the Palo Alto city dents Ss be played by Vincent Shank and ogy- forestry, and agriculturestua ' institute. dies and Kathryn Morton; the concluding dents are :if ecl special selection, Introduction and Rondo discussion soil erosion and coti Capriccioso by Saint-Saens, will ENROLLMENT TABULATIONS servation by Harry H. Hyatt, of tin CHANGE TAU MU be played by Paul Lenin. United States department of ae DELTA HOP PLANS o remind Mr. Lanini will play on a violin JOSE riculture, today at 11 o'clock id ente: EDUCATION MAJORS AT SAN he made himself. Those who are 1Morris Dailey auditorium, seem.: The formal Tall Mu Delta dance, the PE interested are invited to attend. LEAD; MUSIC DEPARTMENT SECOND ing to Mr. Fred Buss, college in scheduled for Friday evening, will to af ed structor int geology. be given in the home of Mi.. 22. sl Approximately 13 per cent of the, The mosaic department, with a The discussion and lecture will Sybil Hanchett, 99 South Eleventh DR. H. A. SOTZIN 40 cool, students at San Jose State college little more than seven per cent, is !be Illustrated with slides provided street, instead of at the home of ni this quarter are majors. education in second position. There are 220 pby the office of the state coordin- Mr. Adolph W. Otterstein as was SPEAKS AT This fact was disclosed in the re and 203 minors. ator. Mr. Hyatt has agreed to formerly announced. sults of music majors MEETING pres a survey of the enrollments !answer questions later concerning The party is the first to be given ef hundred and five students are the departments of the college Two ef- the problem, and government by the organization this term, and At the Golden made as majors by the social Gate Graphic by the Spartan Daily re- claimed forts to meet it.
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