NEWFOUNDLAND. RETURNS to an Address of The Honourable House of Commons to His Majesty, dated the 4th Instant ;-for, P A p E R s RELA TING TO THE ISLAND OF NEWFOUNDLAND . • Colonial Department,} R.J. Wilmot Horton. 24th February 1824. Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 2sJrebruary 1824. 71. A· { 111 J PAPERS RELA nNG TO THE ISLAND OF NEWFOUNDLANI>. N° 1.-A Return of 'the Total Amount of the INCOME of the Governor of Newfoundland, in each Year, for the last Ten Years; distinguishing the Amount received from the British Government in Pay and Allowances, and the Amount of Allowances and Fees of every kind received in the Island in each Year. N° 2.-An Account of the Amount of GOVERNMENT RENTS in Newfoundland, and the Fines paid on renewal of Leases, for the last Ten Years; litating the Amount under each head in each Year, and the particulars .of each Lease renewed in the Year 18:22, stating whether or not the former leases had expired; if not, how long each of them had to run, the Rents reserved by the former and present Leases; the Amount of the Fine upon each Renewal, and the Fee paid for each Lease. N° 3.-Return of the Amount received as CUSTOMS in the Island of Newfoundland, in the last Ten Years i distinguishing the Amount and Rate of Duty on earh Article in each Year, a~d how the same have been applied. N· 4.-An Account of the Total Expenses of tIle CUSTOMS ESTABLISHMENT in each Year for the last Ten Years; stating the Names of each Officer, and the Amount of the Salary of each, in each Year; also, an Account of the Amount of Fees which each Officer received in each Year during the same period, in addition to the Salaries paid by Government. N° 5 to N° 18 inclusive.-Copy of the Account of the RECEIPT and EXPENDITURE of the Governor of Newfoundland, in each Year, for the last Ten Years; stating the Amount received, distinguishing each Branch, and the manner in which the same was applied. N° 19 to N° 28 inclusive.-A similar Account for the SHERIFF for the same time i stating particularly all Writs which have been paid for at the time of issuing, and all Writs which were not paid for at the time they were issued, but have been paid when Judgments have been recovered. N° 29.-An Account oftRe Total Amount of all FEES, FINES, PENALTIES, and FORFEITURES, imposed, paid, or levied, in any Surrogate Court, or in any Court of Session, or before anyone or more Justices of the Peace in the Island of Newfoundland, which have been paid into the Supreme Court of the Island in each Year, since the passing of, and agreeable to the 49th Geo. 3. c. 27. s.16. Stating the Amount paid into the Supreme Court by each Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff, Surrogate, or Justice, in each Year i-and, N· 30.-An Account of all Sums received by Justices of the Peace for LICENCES to retail Spirituous Liquors in the several Districts ;-and, N° 3t.-An Account of all Sums received for Duties or Fees upon PnoBATEs of WILLS and LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION, and how the same are applied. N° 32.-An Account of the Total Amount of the DROITS of ADMIRALTY received in New­ foundland for the last Twenty Years; distinguishing the produce of each, and from what, at what dates, and by whom the said Droits were received, and for what purposes applied. N0 33.-CoPY ofa Letter from the Commissioners of the SIXPENNY DUTY to John Barrow, esg. dated 26th June 1823, transmitting an Account of the Amount of all Monies received for the use of Greenwich Hospital from the Fishermen; distinguishing, if possibJe, those fishing in open Boats on the Coast of Newfoundland, for the last Ten Years; stating the Gross Amount collected, the Poundage paid for Collection, the Names of the Collector and his Deputies, and the Net Amount paid into Greenwich Hospital, in each Year. N° 34.-An iv PAPERS RELATING TO THE - N° 34.-An Account of the Distribution of the Sum given by His Majesty for the SUFFERERS at St. John's Newfoundland, by the FIRE of February 1816; stating the Names of the Parties, and the Amollnt paid to each, and in wh~t Currency. N° 35.-Further Account of the Application of the BAI,ANCE. N° 3G.-An Account of the Names of all PUBLIC OFFICERS, Civil and Military, in the Island of Newfoundland, the Description of the Office, the Amount of Salaries, Allowances, and Fees received by each, whether paid by Great Britain or by the Island, nnd whether the Duty is performed in person 01' executed by Deputy, with the Names of all such Deputies. N" 37.-A Return, as far as relates to the NAVY OFFICE, of the Names of all Public Officers, Civil and Military, in the Island of Newfoundland. N° 38.-An Account of the Number and Rate of BRITISH SHIPS of WAR on the Station of Newfoundland, in the last Summer, and the Number and Rate of Ships of War now on the Station. N° 39.-An Account of the Number of NAVAL OFFICERS of each Rank who have been_ invalided on the Newfoundland Station, in each year since the Peace. N° 40.-An Account of the Number of NAVAL OFFICERS of each Rank promoted on that Station in the salDe period; and the Names and length of Services of those promoted. N° 41.-CoPy of the REPORT or ME:lIORIAI, to the Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the Colonies, dated in December 1822, from the Committee appointed by the Inhabitants of St. John's in Newfoundland, at a public Meeting held there on the 10th of August 1822. N° 42-COPY of the Appointment of Richard Alexander Tucker, Esquire, to the Office of CHIEF JUSTICE of Newfoundland. Colonial Department,} 2+ February 18~4. R. J. Wilmot Horton. ISLAND OF NEWFOUNDLAND. 5 A RETURN of the Total Amount of the INCOME of the Governor of Newfoundland, in each Year, for the last Ten Years; distinguishing the Amount received from the British Government in Pay and Allowances, and the Amount of Allowances and Fees of every kind received in the, Island in each Year. AMOUNT AMOUNT received from received in the British Governmellt. Island. YEAR. NAME. Pay. Allowances. Allowances. Fees. -- --- --"0 --- (for Stationery.) £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. 1 January to 17 March 1813 Sir J. T. Du~kworth, K. B. · 166 11 6 · 0 0 4 5 - - 18 March to 31 Dec. 181 3 Sir R. G. Keats, G. c. B. · 633 8 6 · 0 · 15 15 - - 1 January to 31 Dec. 1814 · . DO 0 - · 800 - - 0 0 0 20 - - - 1 January to 31 Dec. 181 5 · 0 DO 0 0 0 800 - - 0 . · 20 - - - 1 January to 15 April 1816 · 0 DO 0 0 0 231 13 lOf · 0 0 5 15 10 - 16 April to 20 Oct. 1816 Francis Pickmore, Esq. · 515 1 4f 32 8 6* 10 5 - - 21 Oct. 1816 ~o 20 Oct. 1817 0 DO (resident in the Island) 1,000 -- 94 9 - 20 - - - Do 0 DO 0 0 I.! 0 21 Oct. 1817 to '24 Feb. 1818 - · 345 4 4 . · 6 19 2 - 25 Feb. 1818 to 18 July 1818 John Bowker, Esq. DO 0 · 394 10 3 34 11 - 7 17 10 - 1 June 1818 to 20 Oct. 1818 Sir Charles Hamilo}Do . · 125 3 - 19 2 10 5 3 ton, Bt • 0 0 - - 21 Oct. 1818 to 20 Oct. 1819 0 - Do - DO 0 · 1,000 - - 8g 17 7it 20 - - -- 21 Oct. 1819 to 20 Oct. 1820 · 0 DO 0 DO 0 · 1,000 - - 128 14 10 20 - - - 21 Oct. 1820 to 20 Oct. 1821 0 . DO · DO . · 1,000 - - 142 18 6 20 - - - 21 Oct. 1821 to 20 Oct. ~822 · 0 DO · DO 0 · 1,000 - - 135 18 5 20 - - - REMARKS. <It The amount under Allowances from British Government, is an equivalent to the keep of one horse; per Treasury order. t Half the Salary only allowed from 1 June to 19 July 1818, and £.198. 3. paid for fees for patent, which is here deducted. t Equivalent to the keep of one horse to the 7th June 1819, and of two horses from the 8 June 1819; per Treasury order. B (j PAPERS JtELATING TO THE N° 2.-AN ACCOUNT of the Amount of GOVERNMENT RENTS in Newfoundland, and the F!nes paid on the Renewal of in the Year 1822; stating whether or not the former Leases had expired; if not, how long each of them had to run, the Rents AMOUNT OF. RENTS PARTICULARS OF EACH LEASE - - - RECEIVED FlNES ".. ....... on I \ Contents If any For For Renewal Building Leases Leases and Gran's HOLDER OF LEASE. of Buildings YEAR. of in the in the Vicinity Leases. Ground. thereon. Town. of the Town. '-v--' £. s. d. £. s. d. Trustees of A. R. P. B. Thomas, merchant 0 adwelling-house, 181 3 1,535 2 6 167 14 - bO wm 9 - 3 .;::,:: barn and stable. ::> DO 11 2 1814 1,553 12 6 Ig6 .18 6 "0 - - - - - - - - 181 2 6 "0'" Sarah Street, residing in 6 2 28 dwelling-house 5 1,549 215 - 6 :;:'" ...gJ "';>, England. and outhouses. 1816 1,3 11 15 - 300 19 - @Ol Elizabeth Calver - - 4 ~ 30 dwelling-house 1817 68 - 6 ... '" Henry Duggan, baker - 3 1 - 5 5 157 - '"Q) '"Q) - - - - 1818 1,006 18 4 315 12 oo...c Rev.
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