OPERATIONAL OBSERVATIONS OF EXTREME REFLECTIVITY VALUES IN CONVECTIVE CELLS Alan E. Gerard NOAA/National Weather Service Forecast Office Jackson, Mississippi Abstract WRIST technique was designed to find was the height of the Digital Video Integrated Processor (DNIP) level 5. The observation of high reflectivity values aloft as an Lemon (1980) found that the presence ofDNIP level 5 or indicator of the potential for a convective storm to produce higher above 27 Kft had a strong correlation with a thun­ severe weather has been widely known for many years. derstorm cell's capability to produce severe weather The advent of the Weather Surveillance Radar-88 Doppler (winds of 50 kt or greater, hail 0.75 in. or larger in diam­ (WSR-88D) has given operational forecasters a new tool eter, or tornadoes). This was because the presence of high for looking at reflectivity data, and a greater spectrum of DNIP levels aloft was an indication of the presence of a values at which to look. In the use of these new data, anec­ strong updraft in the storm, and the strength of the dotal evidence has suggested to some radar operators that updraft has a direct correlation to the ability of a thun­ extremely high reflectivity values (65 dBZ or greater) derstorm to produce severe weather. appear to have a correlation with the production of severe Although the WSR-88D allows for relatively easy weather. Data from the Cleveland, Ohio and Jackson, examination of many meteorological parameters to deter­ Mississippi WSR-88D radars were examined to observe mine a storm's severity, the height of high reflectivities in the formation of extremely high values of reflectivity in a particular storm cell continues to be an important fac­ convective cells, and to determine any correlation with the tor in the warning decision, especially when warning for production of severe weather. The data showed that a pulse-type convection. DNIP level 5 on conventional large majority of extreme reflectivity storms contained the radar is equivalent to reflectivity values of 51 to 57 dBZ extreme values above the freezing level, and that such (Burgess and Lemon 1990). The height of reflectivity in storms had a high correlation with the production of excess of 50 dBZ can be examined on the WSR-88D using severe weather. Conversely, the small percentage of storms several different products, including displays of base which contained extreme reflectivity values only below the reflectivity at various elevation angles, reflectivity cross freezing level were infrequently associated with severe section (RCS) products, the Weak Echo Region (WER) weather reports. Further analysis showed some relation­ product, and the layer composite reflectivity maximum ship between the presence of extreme reflectivity and high (LRM) product. The Vertically Integrated Liquid (VIL; all Vertically Integrated Liquid (VIL) values with severe references to VIL are grid-based VIL) product also gives weather production, although this relationship appeared the radar operator a rough analysis at which storms like­ much less effective operationally than the association ly have high reflectivity values aloft. between severe weather and extreme reflectivity values In addition to the ability of the WSR-88D to show above the freezing level. reflectivity data in many different formats, the WSR-88D also displays base reflectivity data on a much finer inten­ 1. Introduction sity scale, with 16 data levels versus the 6 DNIP levels on the conventional radars. The advantage that the WSR- The use of radar reflectivity data in analyzing severe 88D gives to the radar operator with respect to the better convective storms has been widely known for decades scale resolution is quite apparent at high reflectivity val­ (e.g., Sadkowski and Hamilton 1959, Hamilton 1966, ues. For example, the DNIP level 6 only indicated to the Staff ofNSSL 1966). For many years prior to the advent operator of a conventional radar the presence of greater of the Weather Surveillance Radar-88 Doppler (WSR- than 57 dBZ reflectivity (Burgess and Lemon 1990), 880), the primary radar technique for detecting severe while the WSR-88D currently displays data levels for 55 local convective storms using conventional radar (e.g., dBZ to 59 dBZ, 60 dBZ to 64 dBZ, 65 dBZ to 69 dBZ, 70 Weather Surveillance Radar-57 S-band) was the dBZ to 74 dBZ, and 75 dBZ or higher. Weather Radar Identification of Severe Thunderstorms Since the implementation of the WSR-88D network (WRIST) technique. The WRIST technique was taught and the associated availability of the finer scaled high by the NOAAlNational Weather Service Training reflectivity data, anecdotal evidence from radar operators Center, after work done by Lemon (1980), as the most at some NWS NEXRAD Weather Service Forecast Offices time efficient manner in which to examine the structure (NWSFO) and NEXRAD Weather Service Offices of a convective cell. (NWSO) has suggested that severe weather seems to be One of the critical components of a storm cell the quite common when extreme reflectivity values (defined 3 4 National Weather Digest here as 65 dBZ or greater) are detected in a convective cell by the WSR-88D. This study was undertaken to Table 1. Days on which extreme reflectivity was observed, observe the formation of extreme reflectivity cores in con­ showing height of the freezing level in feet, type of severe vective cells, and to determine what correlation, if any, weather reported, and predominant storm type based on subjective sounding analysis. Days from 1994 are for KCLE exists between the presence of extreme reflectivity and radar data and days from 1996 are for KJAN radar data. the production of severe weather. Freezing Severe Storm 2. Methodology Date Level (FT) Weather Type The data for this study were taken from two WSR-88D 4/26/94 10600 HAIL MULTICELL radars located in markedly different regions of the coun­ 6/14/94 14400 NONE PULSE try, in an attempt to draw conclusions that might be valid 6/15/94 13100 WIND PULSE over a large area of the country. The first data set used 6/16/94 12700 HAIL, WIND PULSE was all Archive Level IV data (products archived from the 6/18/94 14500 HAIL, WIND PULSE local Principal User Processor (PUP» available from the 6/19/94 14100 HAIL, WIND PULSE Cleveland, Ohio, (KCLE) WSR-88D for convective events 6/20/94 13700 WIND PULSE in 1994. This consisted of 20 convective events from 12 6/21/94 14100 WIND MULTICELL April to 1 November 1994. The second data set was from 6/29/94 12900 HAIL, WIND, SUPERCELL available Archive Level IV data from the Jackson, TORNADO Mississippi, (KJAN) WSR-88D, for convective events dur­ 7/07/94 14200 WIND PULSE ing the 1996 season. This consisted of 19 convective 7/22194 13150 WIND MULTICELL events from 19 February to 16 September 1996. 9/25/94 9200 HAIL, WIND SUPERCELL For this study, any cell for which the WSR-88D detect­ ed at least 65 dBZ reflectivity was considered to have 3/18/96 12150 HAIL, WIND, SUPERCELL extreme reflectivity values and was examined. The cell TORNADO was maintained as a single storm as long as it showed a 3/31/96 12000 HAIL, WIND, SUPERCELL discrete identity to the radar observer, and no more than TORNADO 30 minutes passed between the volume scans during 4/22196 13400 HAIL SUPERCELL which it contained extreme reflectivity values (i.e., the 5/28/96 14200 HAIL, WIND MULTICELL storm would be considered a new storm if more than 30 6/12196 13100 WIND PULSE minutes passed between occurrences of extreme reflec­ 6/20/96 14600 WIND PULSE tivity). For the KCLE WSR-88D, only storms detected 7/08/96 14800 HAIL PULSE within the range ofthe 0.54 nm resolution base reflectiv­ ity products (124 nm), and located within the state of Ohio, were used in the study. For the KJAN radar, storms during normal waking hours. This prerequisite for a located within the office's county warning area (CWA) storm to be considered in the database as non-severe is were used (a range of approximately 90 nm from the similar to that used by Amburn and Wolf (1997). A storm KJAN radar). Of the 39 convective events in the KCLE was considered severe if it was clearly associated with a and KJAN areas which were examined for this study, report of severe weather within one hour after containing there were 19 events (12 from the KCLE radar and extreme reflectivity for the first time. 7 from the KJAN radar) during which extreme reflectiv­ ity was observed (Table 1). 3. Maximum Height of the Extreme Reflectivity As has been discussed in previous research (e.g., Hales and Kelly 1985), one of the main problems in conducting Starting with data from the KCLE radar, 45 storms a study with regard to production of severe weather is were found which contained extreme reflectivity during reliable verification reports. This is especially true with the convective events shown in Table 1. Based on the cri­ regard to a study, such as this, being conducted in an teria outlined above, 41 of these storms were able to be operational environment, as the source of verifYing data classified as severe or non-severe. Of these storms, 34 is highly dependent upon population density and time of (82.9%) were severe. From the KJAN radar, 25 storms day (Wyatt and Witt 1997). Hence, tIns study will not were found that contained extreme reflectivity, 23 of focus on actual verification statistics or the determina­ which were able to be classified as severe or non-severe. tion of a criteria to distinguish between severe and non­ Twenty-one ofthese 23 storms (91.3%) were severe based severe convection.
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