GlassFocus The Magazine for the Glass Industry 2008 Effi ciency on the Move Integrated solutions for energy effi ciency and productivity $POUFOUT (MBTT'PDVT . &EJUPSJBM . $PME&OE 'MPBU(MBTTBSPVOEUIF$MPDL . ,FZOPUF *4DBO3PCPUJDT-UE *TSBFM &GÙDJFODZPOUIF.PWF 5SFOETJOUIF(MBTT*OEVTUSZ . (MBTT1SPDFTTJOH /FUXPSLFE5IJOLJOH 0OUIF3JHIU5SBDL (MBTT$PNNVOJUZ )BOEMJOHXJUI4JNPUJPO 8(FZFS %ZOBNJD%SJMMJOH .JMMJOH *ODSFBTJOHSFRVJSFNFOUTDBMM 6UJMJUJFT BOE(SJOEJOH GPSÚFYJCJMJUZBOEFGÙDJFODZ . 4NPPUIMZ*OUFHSBUFE&OFSHZ 'PSWFU43- *UBMZ 1BHF 5PUBMMZ*OUFHSBUFE1PXFS 1FSGFDUMZ4FBMFE #ZTUSPOJDHMBTTq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ÙDJFODZ (FSNBOZ JOUIFQSPEVDUJPOPG $SZTUBM$MFBS#FOFÙ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ÎTTGÔS,PNNVOJLBUJPO /VSFNCFSH 4*53"/4 4*7"$0/ 505"--:*/5&(3"5&% .VOJDIBOE#FSMJO (FSNBOZ 1SJOUJOH8ÔOTDI /FVNBSLU "650."5*0/ 505"--:*/5&(3"5&%108&3 $PWFSQIPUP8(FZFS 8JO$$ "MMSJHIUTSFTFSWFECZUIFQVCMJTIFS5IJTFEJ $JSDVMBUJPO *GUSBEFNBSLT USBEFOBNFT UFDIOJDBM UJPOXBTQSJOUFEPOFOWJSPONFOUBMMZGSJFOEMZ +PCOVNCFS TPMVUJPOT PSTJNJMBSBSFOPUMJTUFEBCPWF UIJT DIMPSJOFGSFFQBQFS 0SEFSOVNCFS&"19 EPFTOPUJNQMZUIBUUIFZBSFOPUSFHJTUFSFE 1SJOUFEJO(FSNBOZ (MBTT'PDVT &EJUPSJBM %FBS3FBEFST "LFZDIBMMFOHFDVSSFOUMZGBDFECZNBOZHMBTTQSPEVDFSTJTIPX UPSFMJBCMZQSPEVDFUIFSFRVJSFERVBMJUZXIJMFPQUJNBMMZVUJMJ[JOH BMMSFTPVSDFT5IFJOOPWBUJWFUFDIOPMPHJFTGPSRVBMJUZBOEQSPDFTT DPOUSPMUIBUXFIBWFEFWFMPQFEGPSUIFHMBTTJOEVTUSZJODPMMBCPSB UJPOXJUIPVSQBSUOFSTDBOPGGFSOFXQPUFOUJBMGPSSBUJPOBMJ[BUJPOJO UIJTÙFME"OE PGDPVSTF FOFSHZFGÙDJFODZJTUIFCJHPQUJNJ[BUJPO JTTVFJOHMBTTQSPEVDUJPO 4JFNFOTPGGFSTBCSPBEQSPEVDUQPSUGPMJPBJNFEBUSFEVDJOHUIF #FSOIBSE4BGUJH %JSFDUPS$PNQFUFODF QPXFSDPOTVNQUJPOPGNBDIJOFSZJOUIFHMBTTJOEVTUSZ*OBEEJUJPO $FOUFS(MBTT JOOPWBUJWFUFDIOPMPHJFTBOEOFXDPBUJOHQSPDFTTFTBMTPIFMQNBLF UIFNPEFSOBOEWFSTBUJMFNBUFSJBMPGHMBTTBUSVFFOFSHZTBWFS 8FBUUIF4JFNFOT(MBTT5FBNTVQQPSUHMBTTNBOVGBDUVSFSTBOE ÙOJTIFSTBTXFMMBTFOHJOFFSJOH QSPDVSFNFOUBOEDPOTUSVDUJPO DPNQBOJFTTFSWJOHUIFJOEVTUSZ &1$T NFDIBOJDBMFOHJOFFST 0&.T BOEFOHJOFFSJOHÙSNTXPSMEXJEFXJUIBDPNQSFIFOTJWF BOEJOOPWBUJWFQSPEVDUQPSUGPMJP UBJMPSFETPMVUJPOTCBTFEPO 5PUBMMZ*OUFHSBUFE"VUPNBUJPO FYQFSUJTFJOUIFHMBTTJOEVTUSZ BOEBDPNQSFIFOTJWFSBOHFPGTFSWJDFT 0VSDVTUPNFSTCFOFÙUGSPNGSVJUGVMDPMMBCPSBUJPOXJUIPVSQBSUOFST 3BMQI#VSHTUBIMFS XIPVTFPVSQSPEVDUTBOETPMVUJPOTUPPQUJNJ[FUIFQSPEVDUJPOBOE #VTJOFTT%FWFMPQNFOU ÙOJTIJOHPGDVTUPNJ[FEHMBTTQMBOUTBOEHMBTTNBDIJOFSZ:PVXJMM "VUPNBUJPOPG ÙOEBGFXFYBNQMFTPGUIJTDMPTFDPPQFSBUJPOGSPNQBHFPOXBSE (MBTT.BDIJOFT 8FIPQFZPVFOKPZUIFSFBE (MBTT'PDVT Keynote p Trends in the glass industry Effi ciency on the Move Rising energy costs, increasingly tough competition, more stringent requirements for product quality and emerging new markets demand both fl exibility and effi ciency from companies in the glass industry that wish to seize the opportunities presented by the global market. he central theme in the glass industry is, with- sures, has contributed to a 54 percent reduction in out a doubt, energy effi ciency. As is the case carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the process in for all energy-intensive industries, the glass the same period. Glass technology manufacturers T industry is battling rapidly increasing energy costs. were early adopters of energy-effi ciency measures in At the same time, it is facing growing public pressure industrial production and offer innovative solutions to contribute to climate protection. These two issues that can lower operating costs effectively and pre- are the main drivers for achieving optimal utilization serve the environment – for example, new burner of energy resources in the glass industry. technologies for the hot refi nement of container glass, new fi ltration systems that can reduce the Effi cient utilization of energy water consumption of plate-glass cleaning systems by half and new insulation technology for furnaces, Although glass production is energy-intensive due to which signifi cantly improves the heat radiation. the physical processes involved, process improve- Siemens provides energy-intensive industries with ments can result in considerable savings. The fl oat services, products and systems aimed at increasing process has improved its energy effi ciency by a factor effi ciency – for example, energy audits that help re- of two since its invention 50 years ago. This improve- veal unnecessary consumption and potential savings. ment, combined with many pollution control mea- Process heat recovery systems, which utilize process 4 GlassFocus 2008 Focusing on glass production. Optimal energy and resource utilization combined with maximum marketable product yield Pictures: W. Geyer W. Pictures: heat for steam and power generation, make it possi- Quality increases effi ciency ble to generate some of the electrical power required for glass production from the waste process heat. Effi cient production means not only optimizing en- Energy management tools that are part of Totally ergy use but also increasing the product yield as well Integrated Automation help the glass industry ana- as reducing rejects and waste during the process. lyze and optimize its energy consumption. The en- Working with various technology partners, Siemens ergy-saving and variable-speed motors and drives develops solutions that make it possible to increase from Siemens contribute to this, enabling a 30 to 50 glass yield – thanks to optimal process control in the percent savings in the electrical power required for furnace, fl oat bath, and annealing lehr as well as in the drives, depending on the application. Another glass processing. Precise cutting control and optimal option is to recover kinetic energy in the drives and edge trimming with state-of-the-art motion control feed it back into the grid as electrical power. To do solutions from Siemens reduce the amount of cullet. this, Siemens has developed products such as the However, glass is not just a material that consumes Smart Line Modules and Active Line Modules of the a great deal of energy in its production. In buildings Sinamics S series. Not only can they be used to feed and cars, glass can also help conserve energy. In the power back into the grid, but they also enable equip- summer, coated glass protects building interiors ment and units to share and exchange drive energy from solar heat, thereby reducing the load on air- from different motors, thereby reducing the burden conditioning systems. High-quality insulating win- on the power supply. As a result, the connected load dow systems with new, slender frame profi les and of IS machines in hollow glass, for example, can be triple insulation glass or vacuum glass can consider- reduced by almost 70 percent. In addition, the power ably reduce window heat loss during the cold season, consumption of the machine is reduced by almost 50 thereby reducing heating costs. These are just two percent. examples of glass innovations that have opened up GlassFocus 2008 5 (MBTTGPSUIF BVUPNPUJWFJOEVTUSZ "TUIFHMBTTTVSGBDFTJO WFIJDMFTJODSFBTF TPEP UIFEFNBOETQMBDFEPO HMBTTDIBSBDUFSJTUJDT DPNQMFUFMZ OFX NBSLFU PQQPSUVOJUJFT $PBUFE BOE BOEUFTUNPEFT BTTBGFUZ[POFTOPXDBODPOUJOVFUP MBNJOBUFEHMBTTXJMMQMBZBOFWFSHSFBUFSSPMFJOTVDI PQFSBUFJOBSFEVDFETQFFENPEFBOEOFFEOPUCFEJT JOOPWBUJPOT BT UIFTF UZQFT PG HMBTT DBO CF NBEF DPOOFDUFE5IFUZQFUFTUXBTDBSSJFEPVUCZUIF#FSVGT UPVHIFSPSHJWFOTQFDJBMPQUJDBMPSNFDIBOJDBMQSPQ HFOPTTFOTDIBGUMJDIF *OTUJUVU GÔS "SCFJUTTJDIFSIFJU FSUJFT*OUIJTTFDUPS BVUPNPUJWFHMBTTJTTUJMMPOFPG (FSNBO SFHVMBUPSZ CPEZ BOE CZ UIF 5´7 "OPUIFS UIFNBKPSTPVSDFTPGJOOPWBUJPO"VUPNPUJWFEFTJHO JOOPWBUJPO UIBU QSPWJEFT JODSFBTFE FGÙDJFODZ JT UIF USFOETQPJOUUPTUJMMHSFBUFSVTBHFPGHMBTTJOUIFGVUVSF FYUFOTJWF 4JNPUJPO 5PQ -PBEJOH MJCSBSZ XIJDI GBDJMJ CFDBVTFUIFHMBTTTVSGBDFTJOWFIJDMFTBSFDPOTUBOUMZ UBUFTUIFFGÙDJFOUJNQMFNFOUBUJPOPGIBOEMJOHUBTLTJO
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