UCT Libraries Brand van Zyl Law Library http://www.lib.uct.ac.za/law Some Common Legal Abbreviations If you don’t find what you are looking for try the comprehensive Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations at: http://www.legalabbrevs.cardiff.ac.uk or Raistrick’s Index to Legal Citations and Abbreviations (DHR 340.0148 RAIS) and South African Legal Abbreviations (DHR 340.0148 FERR) in the reference section. A Atlantic Reporter [USA] (1855-1938) A 2d Atlantic Reporter, Second Series [USA] (1938- ) A Crim R Australian Criminal Reports (1979- ) AC The Law Reports, Appeal Cases [England] (1875- ) ACSR Australian Corporations and Securities Reports (1989- ) AD Appellate Division Reports [South Africa] (1910-1946) AHRLR African Human Rights Law Reports (2000- ) AIR All India Reporter (1914- ) AIR (SC) All India Reporter (Supreme Court) (1914- ) AJIL American Journal of International Law (1907- ) ALD Administrative Law Decisions [Australia] (1976- ) All ER All England Law Reports (1936- ) ALL ER All England Law Reports ( Commercial cases [1999 - ] ) (Comm) All SA All South African Law Reports (1996- ) ALR American Law Reports, Annotated (1913- ) Australian Law Reports (1895-1973 called Argus Law Reports) ALR (1973- ) ATR Australian Tax Reports BAC Buchanan’s Appeal Cases [Cape] (1880-1911) Butterworths Arbitration Awards [Butterworths Arbitration Law BALR Reports] (1998- ) BCLC Butterworths Company Law Cases (1983- ) BCLR Constitutional Law Reports [South Africa] (1994- ) BGB Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (Civil Code) [Germany] BGH Bundesgerichtshof (Supreme Court) [Germany] Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshof in Strafsachen (Criminal BGHSt matters) [Germany] (1951- ) Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshof in Zivilsachen (Civil matters) BGHZ [Germany] (1951- ) BHRC Butterworths Human Rights Cases (1997- ) BILC British International Law Cases (1964- ) BLLR Butterworths Labour Law Reports [South Africa] (1994- ) BLR Botswana Law Reports (1964- ) Buchanan’s Supreme Court Reports [South Africa: Cape] (1868- Buch 1879) Buch AC Buchanan’s Appeal Court Reports [South Africa: Cape] (1880-1910) BVerfG Bundesverfassungsgericht (Federal Constitutional Court) [Germany] BverfGE Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgericht [Germany] Cal Rptr California Reporter [USA] (1850- ) CCC Canadian Criminal Cases (1893- ) CCC (3d) Canadian Criminal Cases, Third Series (1983- ) Ch The Law Reports, Chancery Division [England] (1891- ) Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa CILSA (1967- ) CLJ Cambridge Law Journal (1921- ) CLJ Cape Law Journal [became SALJ] (1884- ) CLL Contemporary Labour Law CLR Commonwealth Law Reports [Australia] (1903- ) CMLR Commonmarket Law Reports [Europe] (1962- ) CPD Cape Provincial Division Reports [South Africa] (1910-1946) CR Criminal Reports [Canada] (1946-1967) CR (4th) Criminal Reports, Fourth Series [Canada] (1991- ) CR (NS) Criminal Reports, New Series [Canada] (1967- ) Cr. App.R Criminal Appeal Reports [England] (1916- ) Cr. App.R.(S) Criminal Appeal Reports (Sentencing) [England] (1978- ) CRR Canadian Rights Reporter (1982- ) 2 CRR (2d) Canadian Rights Reporter (2nd series) (1991- ) CTR Cape Times Reports [South Africa] (1891-1910) DLR Dominion Law Reports [Canada] (1912-1955) DLR (4th) Dominion Law Reports, Fourth Series [Canada] (1984- ) Court of Justice of the European Communities and the Court of First ECJ CELEX Instance CELEX reports European Court Reports. Reports of Cases before the Court of ECR Justice of the European Communities (1954- ) Eastern Districts Court Reports [South Africa] (1880-1887, 1891- EDC 1909) EDL Eastern Districts Local Division Reports [South Africa] (1910-1946) EHHR European Human Rights Reports (1979- ) EL Employment Law ER English Reports (1210-1865) European Court of Human Rights, Reports of Judgments and Eur Ct HR Decisions As part of the new neutral citation format for British cases, denotes a EWCA Civ case heard by the Court of Appeal Civil Division [England and Wales] As part of the new neutral citation format for British cases, denotes a EWHC (Ch) case heard by the High Court (Chancery Division) [England and Wales] As part of the new neutral citation format for British cases, denotes a EWHC (QB) case heard by the High Court (Queen’s Bench Division) [England and Wales] EWHC As part of the new neutral citation format for British cases, denotes a (Admlty) case heard by the High Court (Admiralty) [England and Wales] As part of the new neutral citation format for British cases, denotes a EWHC (Fam) case heard by the High Court (Family Division) [England and Wales] F Federal Reporter [USA] (1880-1924) F 3d Federal Reporter, Third Series [USA] F Supp Federal Supplement [USA] (1932- ) Fam The Law Reports, Family Division [England] (1972- ) Fam LR Family Law Reports [Australia] (1975- ) FCR Federal Court Reports [Australia] (1984- ) FCR Federal Court Reports [Canada] (1971- ) FLR Family Law Reports [England] (1980- ) FLR Federal Law Reports [Australia] (1956- ) 3 Cases decided in the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope Foord 1880 FSR Fleet Street Reports [England] (1975- ) GG Government Gazette [South Africa] GG Grundgesetz (Basic Law) [Germany] GN Government Notice [South Africa] GNR Government Notice Regulation [South Africa] GWLD Griqualand West Local Division Reports [South Africa] (1910-1946) HCG High Court of Griqualand Reports [South Africa] (1882-1910) HCTLR High Commission Territories Reports (1926-1966) High Commission Territories Law Reports [Swaziland, Basutuland HCTLR and Bechuanaland Appeal Court] (1926-1966) HGB Handelsgesetzbuch (Commerical Code) [Germany] Harv. L. Rev Harvard Law Review (1887- ) HRQ Human Rights Quarterly (1979- ) ICJ Rep International Court of Justice Reports (1947- ) ICLQ International and Comparative Law Quarterly ILJ Industrial Law Journal [South Africa] (1980- ) ILM International Legal Materials ILR International Law Reports (1950- ) IR Irish Reports (1892- ) JBL Journal of Business Law (1997- ) JBL Juta’s Business Law (previously Businessman’s Law )(1997- ) JDR Juta’s Daily Reports [South Africa – on-line] JOC Judgments on Copyright JOL Judgments Online [South Africa] JTLR Juta’s Tax Law Reports [South Africa] (1997- ) Juta Juta’s Supreme Court Reports (1880-1894) KB The Law Reports, King’s Bench Division [England] (1901-1952) KLR Kenya Law Reports [1919 - ] L Ed United States Supreme Court Reports, Lawyers’ Edition (1956- ) LAC Labour Appeal Court [South Africa] 4 LAC Lesotho Appeal Cases (1980- ) LAWSA The Law of South Africa (Encyclopedia) LDD Law, Democracy and Development (1997- ) LJ Law Journal Newspaper [England] (1866-1965) LJR Law Journal Reports [England] (1822-1949) Lloyd’s Rep Lloyd’s List Law Reports [England] (1950- ) LLR-LB Lesotho Law Reports and Legal Bulletin (1967- ) LMCLQ Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly (1974- ) LQR Law Quarterly Review (1885- ) LRC Law Reports of the Commonwealth (1985- ) LT Law Times Reports [England] Man R Manitoba Reports [Canada] (1883-1961) (2d 1979- ) Menz Menzies’ Supreme Court Reports [South Africa: Cape] (1828-1849) MLR Malawi Law Reports (1970- ) MLR Modern Law Review Native Appeal Court Reports [South Africa] (1927 until renamed NAC BAC) Native Appeal Court Reports (Cape and Orange Free State Division) NAC (C&O) [South Africa] (1928-1948) Native Appeal Court Reports (Natal and Transvaal Division) [South NAC (N&T) Africa] (1928-1948) Native Appeal Court Reports (North-Eastern Division) [South Africa] NAC (NE) (1948- 1951) NE North Eastern Reporter [USA] (1884-1972) NE 2d North Eastern Reporter, Second Series [USA] (1972- ) NJ Netherlandse Jurisprudentie [The Netherlands] (1913- ) NLJ New Law Journal (1866- ) NLR Natal Law Reports (New Series) [South Africa] (1879-1932) NJW Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (1949- ) NPD Natal Provincial Division Reports [South Africa] (1933-1946) NR Namibian Law Reports (1990- ) NSR Nova Scotia Reports [Canada] (1834-1929; 1965-1969) (2d 1969- ) NSWLR New South Wales Reports [Australia] (1960- ) NW North Western Reporter [USA] (1879-1941) 5 NW 2d North Western Reporter, Second Series [USA] (1941- ) NYS New York Supplement [USA] (1888-1938) NYS 2d New York Supplement, Second Series (1938 -) NZLR New Zealand Law Reports (1883- ) OJ Official Journal of the European Communities OJLS Oxford Journal of Legal Studies (1981- ) Orange Free State Provincial Division Reports [South Africa] (1910- OPD 1946) Official Reports of the High Court of the South African Republic OR (1892-1899) OR Ontario Reports [Canada] (1992-1900; 1931-1973) (2d 1973- ) ORC Orange River Colony Law Reports [South Africa] (1903-1909) P Pacific Reporter [USA] (1883-1931) P The Law Reports, Probate Division [England] (1872-1971) P 2d Pacific Reporter, Second Series [USA] (1931- ) PC Privy Council PCIJ Permanent Court of International Justice Cases PH Prentice-Hall Weekly Legal Service [South Africa] (1923-1995) The Law Reports, Queen’s Bench Division [England] (1891-1901 ; QB 1952- ) Qd R Queensland Reports [Australia] (1958- ) R&N Rhodesia and Nyasaland Law Reports Entscheidungen des Reichsgericht in Strafsachen) (Criminal RGSt matters) [Germany] (1880-1945) Entscheidungen des Reichsgericht in Zivilsachen (Civil matters) RGZ [Germany] (1880-1945) RIAA United Nations Reports of International Arbitral Awards RLR Rhodesian Law Reports (1964-1980) Roscoe’s Supreme Court Reports [South Africa] (1861-1867; 1871- Roscoe 1872) RPC Reports of Patent Cases [England] (1884- ) RR Revised Reports (1785- ) RSC Revised Statutes Canada SA South African Law Reports (1947- ) SASR South Australia State
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