ruba Esso News: | Sav: VOL. 21, No. 6 PUBLISHED BY LAGO OIL & TRANSPORT CO., LTD. March 12, 1960 Fu Ay Premio di CYI Capital Awards Paid Paga na Ocho Ganador Mehor | To Kight 8 uggesters Premionan grandi te na un total| di Fils. 3,400 a worde paga na ocho Capital awards totaling Fls. 3400 were paid to eight top suggesters ganadornan segun e plan di CYI cu under the terms of the newly-revi sed CYI Plan. Seven of the eight a worde recientemente revisdé. Siete received their awards from President O. Mingus at a special Feb. 29 di e ocho a recibi nan premio for di ceremony at the General Office Bu ilding. Also present were members Presidente O. Mingus na un cere- of the executive committee, mana, gement staff members and super- monia special Feb. 29 na Oficina visors of the capital awards winners. presente tabata miem- Mayor. Tambe Top suggester for 1959 was W. P.| pro-rating payments to capital award bronan di e comité ehecutivo, miem- Eagan, shift foreman in Process- winners. staff y su- bronan di management Catalytic and Light Ends, who re- Mr. Eagan’s Fls. 800 award wa periornan di e ganadornan ceived a check for Fls. 800. Second | based on his initial CYI payment ot di e premio mas grandi E ganador largest amount went to G. H. Nie-| Fils. 1200 in July of last year. He had pa 1959 tabata W. P. Eagan, shift} koop, operator in Process-Receiving | suggested the elimination of pumps Process-Catalytic and| foreman den and Shipping, whose initial idea) at AAR-1 and the use of water Light Ends, kende a recibi un check | earned him a Fls. 700 Capital] Award.| booster pum at AAR-2 to supply pa Fils. 800. Di segunda premio a bai J. James, former Mechanical-| service water at AAR-1. Adoption of pa G. H. Niekoop, operator den Pro- Machinist foreman now residing m| this suggestion eliminated expensive ces: Receiving & Shipping, kende su St. Vincent, was sent a Fils. 450) maintenance. idea inicial a dune’le un premio di check as his share of the special Mr. Niekoop received an initial Fls. 700. J. S. James, antes foreman awards. A capital award of Fls. 400 award of Fis. 1000 last July for his den Mechanical-Machinist, awor bi- went to F. S. Kelly, operator in} suggestion to install a proportionce: 4 THIRTY-year Standard Oil Company (N.J.) service award is presented bando na St. Vincent, a worde manda Process-Light Oils Finishing, while mixer directly on the fuel system at to E. G. Armstrong, right, by F. E. Griffin, former Lago executive vice- un check di Fls. 450 como su parti Ss. Tromp, Mechanical- Machinist the loading pump house mainfold president, at Abadan Refinery where Mr. Griffin is general manager. di e premionan special. Un premio di foreman, received a Fls. 375 award. with a check valve on the propor- UN EMBLEMA pa 30 anja di servicio cu Standard Oil Company (N.J.) Fis. 400 a bai pa F. S. Kelly, opera- Cc. A. Gumbs, Mechanical-Garage | (Continued on page 8) ta worde presenta na E. G. Armstrong, banda drechi, door di F. E. tor den Process-Light Oils Finishing, mechanic A, won Fls. 275. Both L.| Griffin, antes vice presidente shecutivo di Lago, na Abadan Refinery mientras S. Tromp, foreman di oD; Norton, Mechanical-Machinist | Serviee Watches unda Sr. Griffin ta gerente general. Mechanical-Machinist, a recibi un foreman, and A. Binetti, Mechanical- Earned by Seven premio di Fls. 375. C. A. Gumbs, Yard foreman, received Fils. 200} mechanic A den Mechanical-Garage, each. Men in Mareh a gana Fls. 275. Tanto L. T. Norton, The newly, revised CYI Plan makes Griffin Presents Griffin Presenta Lago’s commemorative gold twen- Mechanical-Machinist foreman, como, it possible for an unlimited number ty-five-year service watches were Emblema di 30 A. Binetti, foreman di Mechanical- of suggesters to qualify for capital 30-Year Service earned by five employees and an Yard, a recibi Fils. 200 cada un awards as long as their CYI pay- annuitant in March. In addition, a Award at Abadan Anja di Servicio ments for the year total over Fls. 300. No Tin Distincion | service watch was forwarded to a A thirty year service award cere- Un ceremonia pa presentacion di For example, an employee who is | Diferente for di anjanan anterior, | St. Vincent resident who recently mony at Abadan Refinery recently emblema di 30 anja Gi servicio na awarded Ils. 60 for each of five ac- terminated his Lago service. bore marked resemblence to similar Abadan recientemente tabatin un awor no tin distincion entre Clase I cepted awards during the year would At special Reception Center cere- ceremonies held at Lago in past semblencia mnasha grandi cu ceremo- y II en cuanto eligibilidad di sugeri- share in capital award earnings. monies March 2, General Superin- yea Making the presentation was nianan cu ta worde teni na Lago na dornan ta concerna. E plan di CYI me, Bia pela amount each capital | tendent F. W. Switzer presented the F. E. Griffin, Abadan’s general man- sorto di ocasionnan ina. Haciendo nobo revisaé ta haci posible pa un| awari winner gets is based on a per- watches, with the employee’s name ager, who in his former capacity as e presentacion tabata F. E. Griffin, cantidad sin limite di sugeridor cuali- } centage of the total savings the com- and appropriate inscription on the xo's executive vice-president h el gerente general di Abadan, kende fica pa premionan grandi contal cu pany has realized from ali CYI’s dur- back, to M. Wouters, mason, and A ed many thirty-year service recogni- den su capacidad anterior como vice nan suma total pa CYI durante e ing the year, the total savings of his Ras, pipe, both of the Mechanical tion functions presidente ehecutivo di Lago, a con- anja ta yega Fis. 300. Por ehemplo, idea or ideas and, finally, the total Department; C. B. Lewis, Light Oils The recipient of the award, at duci hopi funcionnan pa entrego di un empleado kende worde duna savings to the company of ideas sub- Finishing, and E. Geerman, Cata right in the above photo, was E. G e emblemanan pa 30 anja di servicio. Fls 60 pa cada un di cinco ideanan mitted by those eligible for the ca- and Light Ends, both of the Process Armstrong former head shipping Recibidor di e honor, banda drechi premia durante anja por participa pital awards. Department, and C. A. Tromp, Exe- clerk in Le ’s Marine Department, den e foto ariba, tabata E. G. Arm- den e premionan mayor. Capital award winners whose ideas cutive Department. Invited to at- assistant E suma cu cada ganador ta haya who currently head of strong, anteriormente head shipping contribute the most savings to the tend the presentation and receive his Abadan’s Ship Schedulir g and Dox clerk den Marine Department di en efecto ta basd ariba un percen- company would earn the largest watch was J. G. Croes, formerly of ments Mr Armstrong started at Lago, kende actuaimente ta assistant taje di e spaarmento total di com- awards. An accepted idea counts to- pania ariba tur CYI durante anja, e Mechanical-Mason, who left Lago March 28, ke 2 after prior head di Ship Scheduling and Docu- ward capital award eligibility in the last December for subsequent re- service in Maracaibo and went to ments na Abadan. Sr. Armstrong a spaarmento total ariba e idea of year it and supplemental awards, if tirement Ivan on a loan basis March 12 1955. cuminza na Lago Maart 28, 1932 y ideanan y, por ultimo, e spaarmento any, have been paid. A twenty-five-year watch was for- He was permanently assigned to a bai Iran ariba loan Maart 12, 1955, total pa compania ariba ideanan Much more incentive has been add- warded by mail to Edmund W. Me- Abadan Jan. 1, 1960 El a worde asigna permanentemente manda aden door di esnan cu ta eli- ed to the program under the new Millan in St. Vincent, B.W.I., who Others in the picture are G Pe- na Abadan Jan. 1, 1960. gible pa premionan grandi CYI Plan. The greater the total com- left company service before his watch ters, head of Refining Operations Otronan den e retrato ta G. Peters, Ganadornan di premio grandi ken- pany savings for a given year, the could be presented to him. Division, left; Abbas Aghdaey, head hefe di Refining Operations Division, (Continue na pagina 8) grealer the amount available for of the Stocks and Shipping Depart- vobez; Abbas Aghdaey, hefe di Stocks ment, second from left and H. H and Shipping Department, segunda Koppers, former C.P.I.M. refinery for di robez, y H. H Koppers, antes manager in Curagao and now Aba- hefe di refineria di CPIM na Curacao dan's assistant general manager, y awor sistanl general ma di second from right Abadan, segunda di banda d Consolidation Announced SPAC To Take Over LCAC Duties in May With the coming of May, the Special Problems Advisory Committee will have its scope of duties enlarged to include those functions previously handled by the Lago Commissary Advisory Committee. As of the May date to be announced, the latter committee will cease to ist The decision to consolidate advi- sory committee functions vy 1S an- mu ry-connected items. nounced early this week after meet- The regularly scheduled March ings with members of the two com- Special Problems Advisory Commit- mittees involved.
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