WORKERS’ COMP Risk Appetite: Accepted Class Codes COLORADO EDITION CODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION 0005 Farm--Nursery Employees And Drivers - 2157 Bottling--Carbonated Beverage Mfg.--All 2501 Collar Mfg. Cannabis Operations Only Operations, Route Supervisors, And Drivers 2501 Cushion, Pillow Or Quilt Mfg. 0035 Farm--Florist And Drivers - Cannabis 2220 Carpet Or Rug Mfg.--Jute Or Hemp Operations Only 2501 Doll Clothing Or Cloth Dolls Or Cloth Parts 2220 Cord Or Twine Mfg.--Cotton Mfg. 0908 Domestic Workers--Residences--Part-Time 2220 Cordage, Rope Or Twine Mfg. Noc 2501 Draperies Or Curtain Mfg.--From Cloth, Paper 0913 Domestic Workers--Residences-Full-Time Or Plastic--Cutting And Sewing 2220 Cotton Spinning And Weaving 0917 Residential Cleaning Services By Contractor-- 2501 Feather Or Flower Mfg.--Artificial Inside 2220 Flax Spinning And Weaving 2501 Feather Pillow Mfg. 2002 Pasta Or Noddle Mfg. 2220 Hemp Spinning And Weaving 2501 Fur Clothing Mfg. 2003 Bakery And Drivers, Route Supervisors 2220 Jute Spinning And Weaving 2501 Furnishing Goods Mfg. Noc 2003 Doughnut--Mfg. And Drivers 2220 Linen Cloth Mfg. 2501 Hair Goods Mfg. 2016 Cereal Or Bar Mfg. 2220 Rope Mfg. Noc 2501 Hat Mfg. 2039 Ice Cream Mfg. And Drivers 2220 Rug Mfg.--Jute Or Hemp 2501 Lingerie Mfg. 2041 Candy, Chocolate And Confection Mfg. 2220 Thread Mfg.--Cotton 2501 Millinery Mfg. 2065 Condensed Milk Mfg. 2220 Twine Mfg. Noc 2501 Sailmaking 2065 Malted Milk Mfg. 2220 Twine Mfg.--Cotton 2501 Shirt Mfg. 2065 Milk Products Mfg. Noc 2220 Wool Spinning And Weaving 2501 Sign Manufacturing--Silk-Screen Printing-- 2070 Butter Or Cheese Mfg. And Route Supervisors, 2220 Yarn Mfg.--Wool Cloth Drivers 2220 Yarn Or Thread Mfg.--Cotton 2501 Suspender Mfg. 2070 Creamery Or Dairy And Route Supervisors, 2361 Hosiery Mfg. Drivers 2501 Textile Mending 2362 Glove Or Mitten Mfg.--Knit 2070 Milk Bottle Exchange--All Employees And 2501 Toy Mfg.--Cloth Stuffed Animals Or Toys Drivers 2362 Knit Goods Mfg. Noc 2501 Umbrella Mfg. 2070 Milk Depot Or Milk Dealer And Route 2380 Braid Or Fringe Mfg. 2501 Window--Shade Mfg. Supervisors, Drivers 2380 Net Mfg. 2503 Dressmaking Or Tailoring--Custom Exclusively 2095 Fish Curing 2380 Webbing Mfg. 2570 Mattress Or Box Spring Mfg. 2095 Meat Products Mfg. Noc 2388 Embroidery Mfg. 2585 Carpet Cleaning And Drivers 2095 Sausage Or Sausage Casing Mfg. 2402 Carpet Or Rug Mfg. Noc 2585 Laundry Noc And Route Supervisors, Drivers 2105 Fruit Packing 2413 Cloth Printing--Silk Screen Process-- 2585 Rug Cleaning And Drivers 2110 Pickle Mfg. Machinery Operations 2585 Upholstery Cleaning And Drivers 2111 Cannery Noc 2413 Textile--Bleaching, Dyeing, Mercerizing, Finishing 2586 Cleaning Or Dyeing And Route Supervisors, 2112 Fruit Evaporating Or Preserving Drivers 2416 Thread Dyeing Or Finishing 2121 Brewery And Drivers 2587 Towel Or Toilet Supply Co. And Route 2416 Yarn Dyeing Or Finishing 2121 Malt House And Drivers Supervisors, Drivers 2417 Cloth Printing 2130 Alcohol Mfg.--Grain--All Operations 2589 Laundry And Dry Cleaning Store--Retail--And 2501 Awning Or Tent Mfg.--Shop Route Supervisors, Drivers 2130 Spirituous Liquor Distillery 2501 Bag Or Sack Mfg.--Cloth 2600 Fur Processing--Preparing Skins 2131 Spirituous Liquor Bottling 2501 Bag Renovating 2623 Leather Mfg.--Including Tanning, Leather 2143 Fruit Juice Mfg. And Drivers Embossing, And Wool Pulling 2501 Cloth Printing--Silk Screen Process--Hand 2143 Winery And Drivers Printing 2651 Shoe Findings Mfg. 2157 Bottling--All Operations And Route 2501 Cloth, Canvas And Related Products Mfg. Noc 2651 Shoe Stock Mfg. Supervisors, Drivers [email protected] WORKERS’ COMP CODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION 2660 Boot Or Shoe Mfg. Noc 2883 Store Fixtures Mfg.--Wood Noc 3240 Wire Rope Or Cable Mfg.--Iron Or Steel 2670 Glove Mfg.--Leather Or Textile 2883 Trunk Mfg. 3241 Wire Drawing--Iron Or Steel 2683 Luggage Mfg. 2923 Musical Instrument Mfg.--Wood--Noc 3255 Wire Cloth Mfg. 2688 Glove Mfg.--Leather Or Textile 2923 Organ Building And Installation 3257 Chain Mfg.--Formed Or Welded 2688 Leather Belting Mfg. 2923 Piano--Mfg. 3257 Fence Mfg.--Wire 2688 Leather Goods Mfg. Noc 3040 Iron Or Steel--Fabrication--Ironworks--Shop-- 3257 Wire Goods Mfg. Noc Ornamental And Drivers 2688 Pocketbook Mfg. 3270 Eyelet Mfg. 3041 Iron Or Steel--Fabrication--Ironworks--Shop-- 2735 Barrel Stock Mfg. Decorative Or Artistic And Foundries, Drivers 3270 Nail Mfg. 2735 Cooperage Stock Mfg. 3064 Sign Manufacturing--Metal 3270 Pin Mfg. 2735 Furniture Stock Mfg. 3064 Sign Manufacturing--Neon 3270 Razor Mfg.--Safety 2735 Last Block Mfg. 3064 Sign Manufacturing--Silk Screen Printing-- 3270 Tack Mfg. 2735 Pencil Stock Mfg.--Wood Metal 3372 Electroplating 2759 Box Mfg.--Box Shook Or Pallet--Wooden 3076 Airplane Subassemblies Mfg.--Metal 3372 Metal: Finishing 2790 Last Or Shoe Form Mfg. 3076 Awning Manufacturing--Metal--Mfg. Of Canvas 3383 Gold Leaf Mfg. Products Or Mfg. Of Metal Awnings Exclusively 2790 Pattern Making Noc 3383 Jewelry Mfg. 3076 Coppersmith--Shop 2790 Wood: Carving--By Hand Or Machine 3383 Musical Instrument Mfg.--Metal--Noc 3076 Jalousie Or Jalousie Screen--Mfg. 2797 “Manufactured, Modular, Or Prefabricated 3383 Silverware Mfg. Home Manufacturing--Shop 3076 Refrigerator Mfg.--Metal-- Domestic Or Work--All Operations And Drivers ” Commercial--All Other Operations 3383 Watchcase Mfg. 2802 Assembled Millwork Mfg.--Wood-And Drivers 3076 Sheet Metal Products Mfg. 3385 Clock Mfg. 2802 Carpentry--Shop Only And Drivers 3076 Soda Water Fountain Or Apparatus Mfg. 3385 Watch Mfg. 2802 Door Mfg.--Wood--And Drivers 3113 Tool Mfg.--Not Drop Or Machine Forged--Noc 3400 Automobile--Stamped Parts Mfg. 2835 Brush Or Broom Assembly 3118 File Mfg. 3400 Metal Stamped Goods Mfg. Noc 2836 Brush Or Broom Mfg. Noc 3118 Saw Mfg. 3400 Metal Stamping Mfg. Noc 2841 Brush Or Broom Handle Mfg. 3118 Saw--Sharpening 3515 Loom Harness Or Reed Mfg. 2841 Cork Products Mfg. Noc 3122 Cutlery Mfg. Noc 3515 Textile Machinery Mfg. 2841 Pipe Mfg.--Wooden, Tobacco 3122 Razor Mfg. Noc 3548 Arms Mfg. Noc 2841 Shade Roller Mfg.--Wood 3126 Tool Mfg.--Agricultural, Construction, 3548 Printing Or Bookbinding Machine Mfg. Logging, Mining, Oil Or Artesian Well 2841 Shuttle Mfg. 3559 Confection Machine Mfg. 3131 Button Or Fastener Mfg.--Metal 2841 Toy Mfg.--Wood 3574 Air Pressure Or Steam Gauge Mfg. 3131 Zipper Mfg. 2841 Window--Shade Roller Mfg. 3574 Arms Mfg.--Small 3132 Nut Or Bolt Mfg. 2841 Wood Turned Products Mfg. Noc 3574 Cash Register Mfg. 3132 Spike Mfg. 2841 Woodenware Mfg. Noc 3574 Computing, Recording Or Office Machine Mfg. 3145 Automatic Screw Machine Products Mfg. Noc 2881 Barrel Or Cooperage Assembly 3145 Screw Mfg. 3574 Gas Meter Mfg. 2881 Casket Mfg. Or Assembly--Wood 3146 Hardware Mfg. Noc 3574 Sewing Machine Mfg. 2881 Coffin Mfg. Or Assembly--Wood 3146 Horseshoe Mfg. 3574 Sewing Machines--Commercial--Repairing 2881 Furniture Assembly--Wood--From Or Rebuilding Machines, Cutters And Parts In Manufactured Parts 3146 Skate Mfg. Shop 2881 Furniture Manufacturing And Cabinet Shop-- 3179 Electrical Apparatus Mfg. Noc 3574 Slot Machine Mfg. Assembly By Hand--Wood 3179 Refrigerator Mfg.--Metal--Domestic Or 3574 Speedometer Or Taximeter Mfg. 2881 Picture Frame Assembling--No Manufacturing Commercial--Manufacturing Or Assembling Of Parts The Refrigerating Unit 3574 Typewriter Mfg. 2881 Venetian Blind Assembly 3180 Electric Or Gas Lighting Fixtures Mfg. 3581 Fuel Injection Device Mfg. 2883 Billiard Table Mfg. 3180 Lamp Or Portable Lantern Mfg. 3612 Engine Mfg. Noc 2883 Box Mfg.--Cigar--Wood 3188 Plumbers’ Supplies Mfg. Noc 3612 Fuel Pump Mfg.--Auto 2883 Cabinet Mfg. For Audio Or Video Device 3220 Can Mfg. 3612 Pump Mfg. 2883 Furniture Mfg.--Wood--Noc 3227 Aluminum Ware Mfg. 3632 Automotive--Machine Shop 2883 Piano Case Mfg. 3240 Cable Or Wire Rope Mfg.--Iron Or Steel 3632 Machine Shop Noc 3632 Tool Sharpening--Industrial Tools--Shop Only [email protected] WORKERS’ COMP CODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION 3634 Automatic Sprinkler Head Mfg. 4240 Box Mfg.--Set-Up Paper 4432 Pen Mfg. 3634 Sprinkler Head Mfg. 4243 Box Mfg.--Folding Paper--Noc 4432 Pencil Mfg.--Mechanical 3634 Valve Mfg. 4244 Corrugated Or Fiberboard Container Mfg. 4452 Bone Or Ivory Goods Mfg. 3634 Water Meter Mfg. 4250 Paper Coating 4452 Fabricated Products Mfg. 3635 Gear Mfg. Or Grinding 4250 Paper Corrugating Or Laminating 4452 Horn Goods Mfg. 3638 Ball Or Roller Bearing Mfg. 4250 Paper Crepeing 4452 Plastics Mfg.--Fabricated Products Noc 3681 Electrical Cord Set, Radio Or Ignition Harness 4250 Paper Oiling, Paraffining, Parchmentizing Or 4459 Plastics Mfg.--Sheets, Rods Or Tubes Assembly Waxing 4459 Pyroxylin Mfg. 3681 Telephone Or Telegraph--Apparatus Mfg. 4251 Carbon Paper Or Typewriter Ribbon Mfg. 4470 Cable Mfg.--Insulated Electrical 3681 Television, Radio, Telephone Or 4251 Inked Ribbon Preparation Telecommunication Device Mfg. Noc 4470 Wire Insulating Or Covering 4251 Loose Leaf Ledger Or Notebook Mfg. 3685 Instrument Mfg. Noc 4484 Button Mfg. Noc 4251 Stationery Mfg. 3685 Thermometer Mfg. 4484 Doll Or Doll Parts Mfg. Or Assembly 4263 Fiber Goods Mfg. 3685 Unmanned Aircraft System Or Drone Aircraft 4484 Plastics Mfg.--Molded Products Noc 4273 Bag Mfg.--Paper Or Plastic Mfg., Service, Or Repair--Aircraft Weighing 4493 Fabric Coating Or Impregnating Noc Less Than 55 Pounds 4279 Abrasive Paper Or Cloth Preparation 4493 Leather Mfg.--Imitation 3724 Door--Installation--Overhead And Drivers 4279 Boot Or Shoe Pattern Mfg. 4493 Linoleum Mfg. 3724 Electrical Apparatus Installation Or Repair 4279 Dress Pattern Mfg.--Paper And Drivers 4493 Oil Cloth Mfg. 4279 Match Mfg. 3724 Machinery Or Equipment Erection Or Repair 4611 Drug, Medicine Or Pharmaceutical Noc And Drivers 4279 Music Roll Mfg.--Perforated Paper Preparation, Compounding Or Blending--No Mfg. Of Ingredients - Cannabis Operations 3724 Millwright Work Noc And Drivers 4279 Paper Goods Mfg. Noc Only 3724 Refrigeration--Commercial--Installation Or 4279 Wallpaper Mfg. 4692 Dental Laboratory Repair Of Compressors, Motors, Or Other 4299 Electrotyping Machinery And Drivers 4693 Pharmaceutical Or Surgical Goods Mfg.
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