Taylorsville Cemetery Bartow*Polk County, Georgia

Taylorsville Cemetery Bartow*Polk County, Georgia

TAYLORSVILLE CEMETERY BARTOW*POLK COUNTY, GEORGIA TAYLOR, Mrs. Pattie Born I Death I November 27, 1969 Doraville, Georgia Burialt Survivors* Daughters, "rs» James H». Black, Mrs. Harvey A. Costloui, and Mrs, Alfred H. Satcher; sons, W.C., and R. E. Taylor; sisters, Mrs. Mary Argo, Mrs. Kathleen Coussort, '(|rs. B,H, Ayer, H,C, Ayers, and Mrs, S,T, Ayer; 12 Grandchildren -and 3 gr-grand- children. CHAMBERS, IDA Lumpkin Born: October 31, 1915 Gordon County, Oedroia Death: March 22, 1970 Rpckmart, Pclk uounty, Georcia Burial: Relioion: Baptist Survivprs: sons, Richard and Russell Chambers; brpthers, Paul, Edward,and William Pumpkin; sisters, '"rs. W,G. Chambers and '''rs. Harry Stephens; 7, nrandchildren JOLLY, ''rs. Addie Harris Daughter of late Richard C, and Emma Davis Harris Born: January 20, 1884 Polk County, Georoia Death: March 22, 1970 Cedartown, Polk county, Georgia Burial: March , 1970 Survivors: dauohter, ''rs. Leverett Ward; sons, Oscar, Walter, Clyde, Herbert and Euoene Jolly; brothers, Dr. J.H, Harris, Roy and Joe Harris; sisters, '''rs. Susie Bteghens, '''rs. A.M. Basgn, Mrs. Katie Braet7; r'randcbildren MAXWELL, Edward C. Born: October 15, 1953 Bartow County, Georoia Death: May 15, 1970 Taylorsville, Rartow County, Ga. Burial: May 17, 1970 Survivors: parents, r. & '''rs. Mpbie Maxwell; brothers, bpbby and James Maxwell; sisters, Thelma and Eva Bell Maxwell; pat- grand- garents, '''r. & '''rs. L.°. Maxwell; Mat. grandparents, r, & Mrs. Rpy Gentry. McKELVEY, Mrs. Myrtle Dell Bprn: ' March 17, 1891 Bartcw County, Georoia Death: Aunust 28, 1970 Rcme, Floyd Lounty, Georoia Burial: Auoust 30, 1970 Relioion: Baptist Retired School tpacber Survivors: sons, Pat, Forrest and Robert McKelvey; brother, Ray Rhodes; 9 orandcbildren and 4 crrorandchildren. TUCKER, Clarence Willis ^on of the 1-^te William T. and Lula Aired Tucker Born: Aoril 20, 1919 Polk County, Geprcia Dnath: July 4, 1970 Cplumbia South Carolina Burial: July 7, 1970 Relioion: Baotist Tucker, C.jrf/ —con't Survivors! wife, Mrs. Gladys Sanford Tucker; steD-sons, Jack, Buddy, Paul, and Terry Moates; dauohters, '''rs. ^nn^ld Sorrells and Mrs. Annie Landrum; brothers, Doyle C., Cornelias W,, Alfred A., and Edward Tucker; sisters, '''rs. Rub- Noland, '''rs. Mary Mc'Durman, Mrs. Doris Knicht, Mrs. Evie Ford, '"rs. Clar§ Norton, Mrs. Lizzie Green and ^rs. Dorothy Ezell. BROOKS, Thomas P. Borni November 27, 1902 Carroll County, Georgia Diedi October 27, 1971 Polk County, Georoia Son of the late Albert T. and Sarah Lassiter Brooks; Baptist; retired textile worker. Survivors! Mrs. Ruth Brooks, wife; Mrs. Jerry Arnold and Mrs, Ralph Cain, dauohters; Russell, Oscar, Bill, Render, and Robert Brooks; Step• brother, Lee Treadwellj Mrs. Winnie Campbell and Mrs. Sudie Kelley,sisters. CLINE, Mrs. Annie Wilson Born I September 20, 1891 Floyd County, Georgia Diedt January 21, 1971 Rockmart, Polk uounty, Georgia Survivors! W.G., and Quincy Cline, sons; Mrs. Jessie Mae Goss and Mrs. Berlin Dabbs, dauohters; James, Carl, and John Wilson; brothers; Mrs. Luther Brunette od Mrs# Floye Price, sisters. GIBBS, Ronald Thomas- Born i December 17, 1922 Berrierr County, Georgia Died! June 17, 1971 Rockmart, Polk County, Georgia Survivors! Mrs. Dorothy Gibbs, wife; Mrs. Senolie Gihbs, mother; Jackie, Steve, Danny, Bobby and Tiny Gibbs, sons; Mrs. Thelma Sanders, Mrs. Brenda Rossnkran, and Mr8# Penny Beck, dauohters; Rudolph,Gibbs and Billy Willis, brothers; Mrs. Elizabeth Liohtbody, sister. WATERS, Charlie R. Born i April 1, 1901 Polk County, Georgia Died! Auoust 28, 1971 Polk County, Georgia Son of the late Ace and Elizabeth Coslow Waters; retired state highway employee. Survivors! Mrs. Vandora Maxwell Waters, wife; Charlie R., Jr., Cecil and Elmer L. Waters, sons; Mrs. Maril Quick and Mrs. Ruth Lanair, dauohters; Mrs. Ozell Lanham, rs. Winnie Elsberry and '''rs. Bob Long, sisters. CRUNPTON, MRS. MARY GHEESLING BORN: AGE-64 DIED: DECEMBER 2, 1972 FLOYC COUNTY, GEORGIA DAUGHTER OF THE LATE RICHARD A. AND EMMA MITCHELL CHEESLING BAPTIST SURVIVORS: SONS, HOWARD H. AND WAYNE CRUMPTON; DAUGHTERS, MRS. BETTY SHYPULA, AND MRS. MARY JOHNSON; BROTHERS, HUBERT AND VIRGIL CHEESLING; SISTERS, MRS. LOUISE NIXON AND MRS. ERMA HITCHCOCK. e-i-i..... uAoo,0 rREEMAN—HARRIS TAYLORSVILLE CEMETERY 2 POLK-BARTOW COUNTIES, GA. MAXWELL, WILLIAM CARL BORN: MARCH 3u» 1930 BARTOW COUNTY, GEORGIA DIEO: JANUARY 30, 1972 TAYLORSVILLE, BARTOW COUNTY, GA. SURVIVORS: WIFE, MRS. EDITH KNOWLES MAXWELL; PARENTS, MR. & ""RS. WILLIAM CARL MAXWELL; SONS, WILLIAM CARL.MAXWELL AND KEN GREEN; DAUGHTERS, ""RS. DIANNE MCINTYRE, MISSES DELORES AND KIM MAXWELL,AND MISS DONNA GREEN; BROTHER, TIMOTHY MAXWELL; SISTERS, MRS. DOROTHY WINDSOR, MRS. HAZEL FERGUSON, MRS. BLANCHE MORGAN, AND MRS. SHIRLEY WHITE. FREEMAN-HARR1s WATERS, Mus, JESSE MAY BORN: APRIL 30, 1903 BARTOW COUNTY, GEORGIA DIED: OCTOBER 30, 1972 POLK ^OUNTY, GEORGIA DAUGHTER OF THE LATE ^AMES AND ELLEN HOLCOMBE SORRELLS SURCICORS: HUSBAND, DERRY WATERS; SONS, JAMES B., RALPH AND HERMAN WATERS; DAUGHTERS,,. MIRS. HELEN BREEVER AND IV'RS. EVELYN CAMP; BROTHER, WILLIAM SORRELLS; SISTERS, RS. RINTHA LINDSAY AND MRS. ANNIE BELL MITCHELL FREEMAN-HARR1s DEATON, WILLIAM C. BORN: NOVEMBER 9, 1904 POLK °OUNTY, GEORGIA DEATH: OCTOBER 31, 1973 POLK COUNTY, GEORGIA RETIRED FARMER SURVIVORS: BROTHER, JOEL DEATON; SISTER, Miiss ESTELLE DEATON FREEMAN HARRIS FUNERAL HOME P0PHAN, MRS. LIZZIE PAULINE BORN: DECEMBER 23, 1892 POLK COUNTY, GEORGIA DEATH: DECEMBER 26, 1973 ROME, FLOYD COUNTY, GEORGIA BAPT1ST SURVIVORS: MRS. FRANK DAVIS, MRS. U.H. BLALOCK, MR*. HAROLO COCHRAN AND MRS. WILLIAM P. LANIER, DAUGHTERS; BROTHERS, GEORGE AND EDGAR WILKERSON; SISTERS, IVRS. SEWARD HOLLARD, SR., MRS. EARLY BURKHALTER, MRS. Z.G. LEFEVEKS AND MRS. EARL JONES. U FREEMAN "ARRIS FUNERAL HOME BREWER, MRS. BETTY R. BORN: MAY 13, 1896 BARTOW, COUNTY, GEORGIA DEATHS OCTOBER 3, 197^ POLK OUNTY, GEORGIA BAPTIST SURVIVORS: OAUGHTERS, MRS. ALMA PARKERSON AND MRS. D.L. HOSEA; SISTER, MRS. VELMA BREWER FREEMAN "ARRIS FUNERAL HOME CHILDERS, MR. CHILTON (DICK) BORN: MAY 7, 1908 • POLK "OUNTY, GEORGIA DIED JANUARY 25, 197^ POLK °OUNTY, GEORGIA RET. TEKTILE WORKER SURVIVORS: WIFE, MRS. NORA PURSER CHILDERS; SONS, JIMMY GARY, AND LARRY CHILOERS, BROTHERS,- FIDGE, CLAY, AND VIRGIL CHILDERS; SISTERS, MRS. LILLIE BELL '^EAL, MRS. CARRIE AKINS; AND MRS. MOLLIE BENNETT. FREEMAN HARRIS FUNERAL HOME JONES, Miss RUTH DELI AH BORN; APRIL 23, 1889 BARTOW COUNTY, GEORGIA DEATH: JUNE 14, 19?4 TAYLORSVILLE, POLK/BARTOW COUNTY, GEORGIA SURVIVORS: SISTER, ,V'RS. HORACE DODD FREEMAN HARRIS FUNERAL HOME SEwELL, MI 38 ETHEL BORN: JULY 21, 1886 BARTOW COUNTY, GEORGIA DEATH: DECEMBER 31» 197^ ROCKMART, POLK °OUNTY, GEORGIA BAPTIST SURVIVORS, BROTHER, A.B. SEWELL FREEMAN HARRIS FUNERAL HOME WHITE, MR. ARTHUR FRANKLIN BORN: DECEMBER 5» 1898 HARALSON COUNTY, GEORGIA DEATH: OCTOBER 10, 197^ TAYLORSVILLE, POLK/SARTOW COUNTY, GEORGIA SON OF THE LATE GEORGE AND SARAH CARROLL WHITE; BAPTIST SURVIVORS: WIFE, MRS. SUSAN JEFFERSON WHITE; SONS, B.F., AND RAY WHITE; DAUGHTERS, KP-Sm FANNIE CAR I SLE , MRS, BEULAH HANEY AND MRS. LlLLIE OGLESBY; BROTHER, CHESTER WHITE; SISTERS, MRS. EVA AKIN AND MRS. ALMA BUXTON; FREEMAN HARRIS FUNERAL HOME MAXWELL. L.B. BORN: BORN JULY 2, 1900 BARTOW COUNTY, GA DIED: JANUARY 22, 1973 TAYLORSVILLE, GA. REV. MAXWELL FORMER, MINISTER OF MOUNTAIN VIEW CHURCH OF GOD; RETIRED FARMER; SCHOOL BUS DRIVER; SON OF THE LATE JAMES AND ETHEL SMITH MAXWELL; PRECEDED IN DEATH BY WIFE, EVA P. MAXWELL, IN 1972 SURVIVORS: DAUGHTER, MR8. MARGRETTE HARRIS- ROLLO, MO.; SON, NOBLE MAXWELL- TAYLORSVILLE, ; SISTERS, MRS. DORA WATERS-ROCKMART, GA., MRS. ANNIE SCOTT- TAYLORSVILLE, MRS. RUTH WOMACK-CEOARTOWN, GA., ANO MRS. ALICE MILAM- RTOME, GA.; BROTHERS, HUGH MAXWELL-OPELIKA,ALA., OLIN MAXWELL-GAINESVILLE,GA., OSCAR MAXWELL- ROME, GA., LEE MAXWELL-ARAGON, GA., AND CARL MAXWELL-TAYLORS- ^s^t-t^Eiiii ARP, MR. GEORGE DOUGLAS BORN: APRIL 22, 1933 POLK COUNT*, GA. OIED: JULY 13, 1975 LINDALE, FLOYD WOUNTY, GA. SURVIVORS: WIFE, MRS. SHIRLEY BRUCE ARPVROCKMART, GA.; SONS, STEVEN AND PHILIP ARP-BOTH, ARAGON, GA.; DAUGHTERS, MRS. JUOY DUNCAN-LINDALE,GA., MISSES PAMELA, LYNN, AND TAMATHA ARP-ALL, ARAGON; BROTHERS, RAIFORO, RAYMOND, AND BOB ARP-ALL,ROCKMART, GA., GENE ARP-DETRIOT, MICH., AND'R.L ARP-TAYLORS- viLLE, GA.; SISTERS, MRS. MABEL ROBINSON ANO ^fss. RUBY COX-TAYLORSVILLE, GA. FREEMAN HARRIS FUNERAL HOME^ ROCKMA T, GA. CAMPBELL, MR. J0HN WESLEY BORN: APRIL 20, 1922 FULTON COUNTY, GA. DIEO: AUGUST 7, 1975 ACWORTH, GA. SURVIVORS: WIFE, MRS. DORIS KAY CAMPBELL-ACWORTH, GA.; SONS, JOHN LEE AND CHARLES WESLEY CAMPBELL-BOTH,ACWORTH, GA.; OAUGHTER, MRS. OONDRA CAMPBELL HANEY—ROCKMA' T, GA.; BROTHER, ROBERT E. CAMPBELL, MABLETON, GA. TAYLORSVILLE CEMETERY POLK—BARTOW COUNTY, GEORGI CHILLERS, MRS. JULIA MAE BORN: JUNE 13, 1881 BARTOW COUNTY, GA. OIEO: NOVEMBER 17, 1975 CEDARTOWN, POLK COUNTY, GA. SURVIVORS: NIECES AND NEPHEWS FREEMAN HARRIS FUNERAL HOME, ROCKMART, GA. OAVIS, MR. LEE K. BORN: SEPTEMBER 13, 1892 BARTOW COUNTY, GA. DIED: MAY 22, 1975 TAYLORSVILLE, BARTOWN, COUNTY, GA. RETIRED FARMER. SURVIVORS: SISTER, Mas. J.M. CHILDERS, CEDARTOWN, GA.- NEPHEWS, J.H. DAVIS, JR.-SMITHVILLE, GA., B.H. DAVIS- GAINESVILLE, FLA., AND J.U. GROGAN- ROCKMART, GA.} NIECES, "RS. JOSEPHINE CONE-ATLANTA, GA. AND MRS. DOROTHY JONGRESSO-DENHER, COLO.FREEMAN HARR(S FUNERAL HOME> ROCKMART, GA. SMITH, MRS. ,VARTHA BORN: FEBRUARY 11, 1890 FORSYTH COUNTY, GA. "IED: MARCH 20, 1975 TAYLORSVILLE, BARTOW COUNTY, GA. MEMBER OF THE TAYLORSVILLE, BAPTIST CHURCH. SURVIVORS: SON, ^AMES

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