Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 5-17-1944 Bee Gee News May 17, 1944 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News May 17, 1944" (1944). BG News (Student Newspaper). 696. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/696 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Vote ... Pick Today••• liee Qee AfeuAi A Queen Student Publication of Bowling Green State University VOL. XXVIII—Z651 BOWLING GREEN. OHIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1944 NO. 26 Election Today Will Determine -- The Modem Theme -■ Pledges For Thousand Dollar May Day Queen and Her Court WSSF Drive Will Be Today Voting today in an all-campus election will determine the Pledges may be made to the WSSF by those who would queen and her court who will determine the queen and her rather make their payment later on in the month, according to court who will rule over May Day festivities. Mary Holt, chairman of the University drive for $1,000. All civilian and service students may vote in the Well Since the end of last week's drive cumulated during a from 9 to 12 and 1 to 4 for any of the candidates whose pic- weekend when many of the students were not on the campus, tures have been displayed there. the drive will be continued until this evening, Mary said. Candidates for May Queen are De,u Gamm,. „,,, Joanne w,ugh, "Many student, have said that rhnrles Buckl()f w>|Ur Marianne Bell, Alpha Xi Delta; A|pha Xi Delta, they would like to donate to the MaUnows nfmmi the V-6. lone Geisel, Delta Gamma: Eloise _ ■ ■■ . fund but do not have the money Overholt. Women'. Building; and Tw° ■"epresent.t.ve. from each now. They may use the 'pledge . oth" representative, arc Doro- McDonna Street, Alpha Phi. sorority and student council rep- system' and pledge a certain '"? . *ro"no.ky, Newman Club; resentatives will count the votes. amount to be paid later on," she £**™ Hiirnmon. Kappa Phi; The six coeds nominated for MMJ AHce pentoI)i student coun- gjjj .lane Schneider, freshman YWCA; junior attendant are Mary Jo cj, memberj ig in eharge ot the «,. - «- - . , Janet Snngree, Inter-Religious These pledge, should be made to ^ JJ ^ * Davis, Gamma Phi Beta; Ardine e|ection Q Ba Gottfried, Delta Gamma; Mary " the representative, on the com- Jane Little, Women's Building; mittee from each residence. The Members of the Modern Dance Club, under the direction of Mi»> members of the sorority and fra- „ Advisers of ihe project include Hilda Mehring, Alpha Phi; Jean Til--,]- C<trstAiTI M ,s K Moomey, Us Amiga.; and Lois ***vn-«. kjy»lOXll Emilia Hartman, practice for their recital Friday evening. terntity committees are Alpha Ep- , " »thcrine Rausch. Prof. silon, Marjorie Yoder; Alpha Phi, Wa>'nc S Huffman, Mrs. Glenn Pietschman, Alpha Xi DelU. T T—Iii .1^1 hwa 8 Sophomore contestants for at- *S UUuaieU Betty Brenneman; Alpha Xi Del- " o". and Prof. Leon Fauley. tendant are Marjorie Fristoe, Wo- j teaching in, Nancy Hutchinson; Alpha Tau A new plan of atur ent Masque and Mantle Symbolize Omega, Ralph Klein; Beta Gamma f^ mm . men's Building. Barbara GusUve- ig ^aig prepared for the 1944-46 son, Alpha Xi DelU; Beverly AasignmenU will be Upsilon, Bob Crowell; Five" Broth- VsCaHipUS VOT68 Khool yttT ers, Jim Violand; Delta Gamma, g-*. ■»-. Millns. Gamma Phi Beta; Eva made on a "block" basis involv- Actors Everywhere—Even Here Marie Saint, Delta Gamma; Vir- , period free of Mary Helen Jaynes; Gamma Phi VJn DoqpatcherS ing an eignt week Beta, Margaret LeFevre; Las Ami- ginia Schwinn, Las Amigas; and classes. Each student will The masque and the mantle—age old symbols of actors CBmpuB gas, Lois Perrin; Phratra, Wildn The candidates so far selected to Gloria Wissler, Alpha Phi. be assigned to a supervising teach- everywhere. On our campus they mean even more than that. Berndt; Pi Kappa Alpha, Lcic compete for the title of Daisy Mae Freshman candidates are Peggy er with whom she win work each These symbols are incorporated in the name of the honorary Baldouf Baker, Alpha Phi; Nancy Rice, day for the entire period. dramatics society, Masque and Mantle. - and Li'l Abner in the election Fri- Representative. from the larg- „„. „„„. Women's Building; Marita Snyder, This will provide experience in The organization was founded in 1939 by dramatic stu- day Dai Kathleeri er dormitories include Johnston ... ... Z, _ „ _ ,. Las Amigas; Gloria Stocker, Gam- all subject areas on a particular dents who wished to further that activity in Bowling Green. A 1 1 X De ta; Hall. Elizabeth Renz; Shatzel Hall, I""'' l ! "' ' ' *™$? ma Phi Beta; Patricia Underhill, grade level. It will also provide The sponsor was Prof. Upton Re,m A pha Ph Mar T omlin either acting or technical. Martha Ritzhaupt, Dorothy Reins. "', ' '' y „ - opportunity to study pupil reac-Palmer, now a lieutenant in the Jean Newman, and Ann Antypa.; "on' Alph" <hl "mega;. Bo""ie tion8 und,r v ried Air Corps. After an individual has attained Q Betai V mr,J T"^»T*/-HM"0 * conditions. Women's Building, Jean Watt and ?7%11 "T D „ . IVlOaem J_/anCerS students who plan to do student Since 1939 a lot of water has the required 60 points, he is voted Lucille Pope. K""a Hillard, Donna Brown, Delta on by Masque and Mantle. ,, ,„ ... „ , , Gamma; Janet Hart, independent. Gla*a>a> H) «**««! 4-«1 teaching during the next school gone under the bridge and a lot of V-12 representatives arc Ralph IV© rveCltai ,.„ ,hould conUct Dr. Herschel Students who have passed these y r things have been accomplished by Hendricks, Al U'Ren, and Dick The candidates from Shatzel _. „ , _ __. .„ Litherland, director of student requirements and will be initiated Masque and Mantle. Each year Herrig. George H o f f n a g I e . """' *"'' Alp'm EP"ilon /ororlty The Modern Dance Club will tcachingi t0 gecure tM explana- members have given an assembly soon are: Doreen Stouffer, Bettc have not yet been selected. present a Spring recital in the , .. lock" assignment t on of the b program. Lart year it was a Root, Patricia Cloos, Olan Dunlap, Candidates for the title of Li'l Auditorium Friday evening at 8 plan A number of re8ervations conglomeration of the three Uni- Leila Brock, Barbara Burridge, Abner are: Charles Ball, Alpha p m University - - , „ ..... have been made for the first period versity productions, the script be- Patricia Howell, Ralph Klein, and «* ._■ _ _ Tau'"'< Omega;'-nil,,i, Washii.in Hotsko,iiuiBKU, Fiverive Dances from all periods of his- a„i(rnment, Sept 6 to Oct. 31. ing written by Joe Nerdmann. A/S George McClain. Br tory, highlighted by colorful cos- „ p, ,n i the second .rlailS WorkSnOP °ther; Bud Forrest, Pi Kappa Tnis period wi r e The year before that a one acter, Present members of the organi- •> Alpha; John Jensen, Beta Gamma tumes will be featured. They 8ummer „eMion of eight weeks. "Evening Dress Indispensable" will include dunces of primitive . ..... , ._.. zation are: Virginia F a I k n o r , Dean Clyde Hissong has circu- Upsilon; and Brenton Kirk and Ed ,, ... A few additional assignments went on the boards. Another one Dorothy Main, Dick HerriiiK, Mar- man, nuthentic dances of the six- ., .. lated folders seeking information Karpowitz, Kohl Hall, .. _ . „ . are available to student teachersk act play will be presented some jorie Fitkin, Miss Margaret Hill/, tccnth century, a French ballet. .. , ... ,,_ ... „_, from prospective student, which Each candidate may be Intro- .-.j;.; i »„iC \i > .u„ r..,. >" the elemenury field for the first time in June this year Mary Helen Jaynes, Patricia will enable completion of plans duccd once at each of the campus traditional folk dances of the Gay period. Students following; • the Schweitzer, Joanne Jones, Vir- Nineties, peasant dances, square J~ u Also on the list of "worthy ser- in the very near future for dormitories, but only verbal cam- ur >nd three proBrBmi wi vices" is the initiation of the ginia Keller, Mary Jane Lloyd, dances, and modern jazz numbers. preferences during the thc summer workshop which is paigning will be permitted. Pic- campus movies, which later was Patricia Meil, Philip Miles, Pvt. being offered for the first time this tures will appear in the Well to- Under the direction of Miss Mr, Q{ JJ. year studenU taken over by the student activity David Thompson, and M. E. year. jay. Emilie Hartman. director and g for teaching on the sec- reparin committee. Williams. The workshop will provide solu- Official election results will be choreographer, club member, are: ond schoo| ,eve, ,hou,d inve,ti. Then on the other side of the tions for specific problems arising announced in the Bee Gee News, Barbara Burridge, president, te the possibility 0f a first per- fence—the fun side—there is a out of the experience of partici- Wednesday, May 24. P0™'^ l°*' ,L'slie Ga'r'"' P^'" iod assignment now . hs Gold, I'.thrl Grover, Manna Mc- ,, ,, , . «, , ■■■ long list of happenings. Long ses- pants, group participation in the . Ginn, Beverly Milns, Lucille Pope. Application, must be filed with sions of debates, Nordmann on one Here Are Some planning of a program designed to T.
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