75c A Y ear in Advance . ST. JOHNS^MICHIGAN, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 3. 1890. Number 44 our kind teewl.ow Th e two Henr ys of our un mb er bare- ----------- If iw Gents hy whom we have been instructed through ­ beconie famous in the world of letters, os Good Prints only 5 cents i>er 3’ard.. out our entir»‘ course. poets of the first order* The one, who Good Shirting only 5 cents jht yard. , Ami then the excellent use we have was sometimes called Stephen, is the true Mens Good heavy hose .’> cents per pair. made of numerous eveninga for class poet of nature. The skill with whkh he Good cotton 5c i>er yard at J. Hicks. SEVEN YOUNG GENTLEMEN AND FIVE meetings for our own enjoyment, and if depicts chaioicterH is truly marvelous. Kendrick ’s Prices nii uiro< ‘erles tills week. LADIES they have not ls“en si)ent os much for Although the other Henry is of i>olished 14 lbs. Oranuluted Sugar..................f 1.00 our own benefit as we might wish it is ncfiuii-eiiMuits, he la<*ks that ease of ex ­ 15 ItiH. A Sugar..................................... l.CMl owing to the general good humor preva ­ prefelon W'hich so distmguislM's Stephen 10 ft)H. White C Sugur........................ 1.00 Are GnMliiKtrd ft'oiii Nt. JohiiM Hli;li School lent in the <*ntire class. -■— and which'wins for him the hearts of the 17 lbs. Light Yellow Sugar............... 1.00 TliU .Yciir. In the winter of IHDO we organized asn I>eople. 4 Itis. Best Bice......................................... 25 The cMfanion whu-h Ih frunjcht with so theatrical company, under the managt'- The two dark-buired .vontlis who wrote 4 tt)S. Ih'stStareh .................................... 25 mneh iuterwt to the high whool scholar mentof-our able Principal. The well fllh'd sncii brilliant essa.vs while in the High 4 lbs. Bfet Saleratus................... ^ .25 Now, see here, when I semi .yon down and parents has come and gone/and os shelf in the High School Ivibrary is an School, have b«!come iiot«Hl members of 1 tb Coff»*e.................... 25 tow 11 again I want you to distinctly un ­ usual Newton hall was fllh*d to suffoca­ evidence of this undertaking. Gongress. The fame of the one named 1 11) Good Chewing TobatHX) ................. 25 derstand NOW AND FOR ALL TIME tion last Tliursday oviating to list4!n to But time Ims iiH>ved along at a raiud HherrHl Bet* in his bring the means of hav ­ (This is a Bargain.) the high scoool commenct'ment exei*cises. puce and this .June evening finds us seated ing the “wonp^n suffrage’’ bill passtsl. 1 It) Good (’hewing Tobae<*o ................ 35 —(An good aim'iiy 40c in Si. Jolintr) The stage was decorated by the .luniors anxiously awaiting our turn when we He alwa^'s bad a warm spot in his hc'art Our 35c Tea beats nil conqs'tition. with wild ferns, which gave it a charm ­ shall discharge this last of the pleasant for the gentler sex, and siiiwi his electtnl Butter and Eggs wanted in exchange at ing api>earance. The chiss motto, “Dili­ duties connecte<l with a course in the St. to C«)ngrefe, he has shown his resi>e<!t for highest market price. Butt<>r bought on gence insimw success,” rested on an easel Johns High School. The historian, com­ them b^ ’ iduciiig them on an <Hinal foop its mei'its. at the west sitle of the stage. Master mits to the care of the prophet for com- lag with man. The fame of the other is Is4be plw'e to get the BESj GOODS for an«i i‘ari%si»Is licon Wheat and Miss Florence Blizzard pletion, the gilt edgwl volume concern ­ due to his grertt powers as an orator. I^irge lin«* —cheap at J. Hicks. the LEAST MONEY. distributed the flowers sent to the gradu­ ing the past and future of theclufeof ’90. His arguments are short but decisive ates. Lemuki . G. Holurook , and so very sarenstic that his oppon<*nts Hear rooms to rent over Clark &Hn!8e ’8 The first exercise on the program was a ‘Tauses of Poverty. ” All progression in are quickly silenced by his Hui)erior tal­ store. 43w2. A.'F. ('owele . JUST LOOK AT THIS! chorus by high scoool sj.diolars, followed the arts and sciences has originab'd from ents. He hfis of late thought seriously Carpets and Window liiiades. by prayer by Hev. G. S. Nortlirup. Then the wants of man, and the world has bren qi running for Pn'sidcnt and, if once nom ­ Call and get onr prii^es. We have the came the graduating exendst ’s proper. made better for it, but the physical wants inated, he will probably* be elected. largerstock and sell the «!heais*st. of man, or rather the fanciwl wants has The 3’oung ladies whom we knew as J. Hicks . Edwauu L. Doouxo in too man3' iastunces brcnight degrado- Anna and May are now pleasantly ’ situ­ Grocery Department! led off with “Exp<H;tations. ” The expec ­ Li^rge Stock t-ion and ruin. Go to the dram shoj^s, ated nsteachers in a seminary for yourg ted time has arrived nnd we are met here Of sun umbrellas and parasols just re- visit the crowded portions of cities, and ladies. They have overcome their aver­ 35681129986570 to celebrate the close of another year. ceiveii at H. L. Kendrick ’s. r there you will find that ignorance, intem- sion for this kind of occui)atiou and seem Our expectations arc not always realized S. A. Sturgis p«*rance and vice i)revails. The r<*sults to tuke a real interest in the welfare of See what you can buy* for and there are cause's. There is faulty Tniies and reunirs pianos and organs. of (lesolation can be traced to individuals their pupils. They even go so far as to building, the foundation is not right, the themsrives. Ignorance and intemperance lecturesomey ’ouugladies for inattention.' materials are rmcr. Every day we meet are the great cuuseH oi |M)vert.V. Make I'ndoubtolly, they have forgotten lUrir men who have failed. Every one has his Law. You that the most of lib* and lielj* elevate the mass own sidiooldays or they would not be so elalin rights under It or any other elninis ideal, but he only is truly successful who ngaliiNt the Oovernnient, do not let any one es; be not easily discouraged. mercih*H8. has a clear conscience. iiilMlead you and get your claimH in thenands Si'ven pounds of Rolled Oats for..........25c' k nvo n We now see the fair-haired damsel, Ella of attorneys away, where they will be no H. I.,onKTTA K . , earthl.v use to .von, but call on V\*.W, N. Seven iKiUiids Oat Meal for................. 25c Hk .vuy T. Ginn.vun, “rnseeii Powers.” We take long drnughtp presidingovertlmfHmily circle of an hon S'foKKlt, w'ho devotes his whole time in he- 1 pound Ping Tobacco ...........................25c “ Reflected Light. ” Light is one of tl>e lialf of IiIh ooniradeM. Kn«|iilre at Wni. I.**- 1 pound Fine (’ut Tobacco ....................25c without knowing the source of the sup ­ orable farmer. Aspiring net for things land's grocery store, St. Jo Iiiih , Midi 44w4 great pli.vsical agents, but itonl.v reflects Four pounds of Starcli...........................25c ply, and how little we appreinate the great out of her nmeh, but simjily pei^orming Four pounds of Soda.............................. 25c the object coming within its vision. The blessings of life. Nature is ever mdive the duty* nearest, she, by so doirg has Five poiinds of Crackers........................ 25c object before the mind must lie capable and ever changing. The higher theplnne made life worth living. TOPBIHL PflILOB. Seven pounds of Rie.e (broken) ............ 25c of ij^thig the light of knowle<lge. The the more extCndfHl the horizon. All arr The other two dark-haired maidens Foiir pounds of Rice (Is'st)....................25c minds of men are the lights which reveal Thi*eeCaiis of i’orn .................................. 25c parts of one stufujiidous whole. who belongeil to the class of ’90 are now Informs his aId_custoniers that lie has re- Th m* Cans Tom at oes.............................. 25c the ]'>Hychological Vsnims. The ligl»t re­ She HILL M. Hoi/r, seiicrated from us by the cruel sea. It moveil to tlie second door east of the corner Thret? Iiounds of Raisins ................ 25c flects! by the mind is kiiowle;lgc, then is uud lavltea liia patromt tu rememtuu* tim ^Styh*. ” He characterized stylcaH n bul^ was but two years after leaving the High change. .Mr. Tillmiin of IJattle Creek, a first- Ten bars of soap .......................................25c it not well to tuke lieed how we build up Ictin board of the past. It is constantly School that Loretta was engageil as star class workman, has been engaged. 1-pound |»ackiige “Our Own ’’ (.’off«*«*...2.5c the mind. 5 pounds of ('offee................................$1.00 chuiiging its forms. The seasons changt oiieru singer in a celebrated troupe,which Arbiiekle, +-N, and Lyon Coffee, N. May MofiKLAXu, no more regularly than style. It is i>er- was just starting on a five years tour I»er jinckage ................ 2Tc * ‘rinss History Jowl Baft 8 I|0P. ’ Honifit'd as the queen of fashion, prevudes through Enrols'. She is so delightol Best Tea Dus-t in town for.....................15c In order that events in the world ’s his- society and holds despotic sway over the with Coutiuoutal costumes that she has I am pleased to announce to my numerous New clietw;..................................................10c toiy may be understood itisiireessarythat eiistomers that I have leased the room, corn ­ Cull for the “Winner ” Tobacco; ' human family, following them even to the now Issiii travelling nearly fifteen years er of (’linton Ave, nnd Walker street nnd a few be recorded regarding tl»e lives of newly fitted it up, making m.v shop one of gruve.
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