Oil Mill Gazetteer OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE NATIONAL OIL MILL SUPERINTENDENTS’ ASSOCIATION AND TRI-STATES OIL MILL SUPERINTENDENTS’ ASSOCIATION e s t i i ■ ■ ■■■=■-■■■■- ■ — is foi Vol. 56; No. 2______ Wharton, Texas, August, 1951 Price 25 Cents enses ~ — ............. Thesf npanj to tllf heavj r p sen Bedinj orker PULLEY PRODUCTS d u rin g o f 'ating and < h e l i c o i d scr conveying „ eeds s a wareh•ouse distrihu Ra m s e y Wo r t h , TEXAS Better Solvents mean Better Products Recipes that Build Reputations! DOC MacGEE SAYS: Skellysolve’s Vital, too, you can depend on this “recipe” delivers all the qualities source of supply. R ecords prove we SKELLYSOLVE FOR ANIMAL AND can ship the quality solvent you VEGETABLE OIL EXTRACTION you look for in a solvent! Check these “ingredients” . Close boil­ need, when you want it, and in the Applications ing ranges. Low order of toxicity. volume you need. Skelly Oil Com SKELLYSO LV E B. Making edible oils and Sweet odor. Low sulphur content. pany has the raw materials, the man1 meals from soybeans, corn germs, co- coanuts, peanuts, cottonseed and the ufacturing organization it takes to like. What's more, Skellysolve has a min­ assure you r continuous supply for SKELLYSOLVE C> Making both edible imum of unsaturates and pyrogenic years to come. and inedible oils and meals, particu­ decomposition products. Minimum larly where lower volatility than that Special solvent problem? Consult of Skellysolve B is desired because of of excessively volatile compounds. warm condenser water. Fast vaporization from oils and the Skelly Technical Laboratories SKELLYSOLVE D. Quality solvent at com­ meals. Low end points. Freedom and Skellysolve Technical Field petitive prices. For degreasing meat from greasy residues. And low sol­ men. Write for complete informs scraps, extracting oil-saturated fuller's earth, general extraction uses. vent losses are assured. tion about Skellysolve now! SKELLYSOLVE F. Extracting cottonseed meals and other products in laboratory analytical work. Originally made to conform to A.O.C.S. specifications for petroleum ether, and for pharmaceuti­ cal extractions where finest quality sol­ vent is desired. SKELLYSOLVE H. Making edible and in­ edible oils and meals where greater Skellysolve volatility is desired than that of Skelly­ solve C or D. SOLVENTS DIVISION, SKELLY OIL COMPANY, KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI August, 1951_________________ OIL MILL GAZETTEER Page 3 Oil Mill Gazetteer Do You Need Increased Volume 56 August, 1951 Number 2 Published monthly by the Oil Mill Gazetteer Unloading Capacity Wharton, Texas Official Organ of the National Oil Mill Superintendents Association THE LARGE PHELPS and the Tri-States Oil Mill Superintendents PNEUMATIC UNLOADER Association WILL UNLOAD AS MUCH AS ONE TON PER MINUTE Hubert Phelps Machinery Co. P. O. BOX 1093 PHONE 2-1314 LITTLE ROCK, ARK. OFFICERS AND EDITORIAL STAFF H. E. Wilson, Wharton, Texas Editor Jane Inez Gordon, 1921 Lamar Ave., Apt. 4, More and More Oil Mills Memphis, Tenn__________________ Associate Editor Burns H. Hamlett, West Coast Representative, are using 2301 East 52nd St., Los Angeles 58, Calif. Floyd Carpenter, Southwest Reporter, P. O. Box 742, Waxahachie, Texas CEN TEX BELTING W HY? Experience has proven where continuous per­ Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at formance; Long Life; Low Maintenance and Up­ Wharton, Texas, under Act of Congress of keep Expense is desired. March, 1879 CEN-TEX BELTING "Steps Ahead" — ARE YOU planning individual motordrives for your The Oil Mill Gazetteer does not necessarily endorse linters? Then check results users are getting from all the opinions expressed in contributions appearing "CONTINUOUS WOUND" herein. As the official organ of the National Oil Mill CEN-TEX Endless belts made especially for these Superintendents Association and Tri-States Oil Mill difficult drives; the only belts engineered and "Pre- Superintendents Association, this journal carries of­ Stretched" to eliminate "Take-up" replacement— CEN-TEX BELTS with our exclusive method can ficial communications and articles concerning the easily be made ENDLESS on drive without dis­ activities of the association, but in all other respects turbing pulleys; bearings, couplings, machine or the associations are not responsible for what appears shafting adjustment— in these pages, including opinions to which expres­ CEN-TEX BELTS, of course, can be made Endless sion is given. by using the conventional type of lacing. CEN -TEX guarantees longer belt life; more efficient service at less cost. Subscription, $2.00 a year in advance. Engineering data cheerfully furnished. All Foreign Subscriptions $4.00 per year. Advertising rates furnished upon application. "A COMPLETE BELTING SERVICE1' Including Vee Sheaves and Vee Belts— "All multiple Vee Belts Executive and Editorial offices: Wharton, Texas Matched and Sealed" P. O. Box 1180 "CEN TEX SERVICE" Published in the interest of Cottonseed Oil Mills and all other Vegetable Oil Processors. D. E. SHIPP BELTING CO. P. O. BOX 951 WACO, TEXAS PATRONIZE YOUR ADVERTISERS Page 4 O IL MILL GAZETTEER August, 13| For the elevation of materials by vertical screw one name stands out eminently . t h a t n o m a x a ROTOR-LIFT J'ViAi an d J'DhomDAi S i n a i 1 9 2 5 Southwestern Supply & Machine Works Local & Long Distance 3-8314 and 3-8315 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma P. O. Box 1217 ■141 ■■■■■■llllllllll .........I ....................M D.............................................................................. 176-SflLJ I l l ................................................................I CHHI1GE-0VER I I I I I I I M I I H i m i i m ..................IIIIIIIIH IIIlm m ilM£QUIPm£l1T im illllim illl ..........■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■minimum BUTTERS IMPROVED AUTOMATIC LINTER SAW SHARPENING MACHINES FOR 141 OR 176 SAWS PnJuceS fticre £iht Cut pet ▼ LINTER SAWS STEEL RAKE HEADS SAW MANDRELS DROP-FORGED STEEL RIB GRATE FALLS BALL BEARINGS ALUMINUM SPACE BLOCKS FLOATS PERMANENT MAGNET BOARDS BUTTERS MANUFACTURING CO. ATLANTA, GEORGIA PATRONIZE YOUR ADVERTISERS Oil Mill Gazetteer OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE NATIONAL OIL MILL SUPERINTENDENTS’ ASSOCIATION and TRI-STATES OIL MILL SUPERINTENDENTS' ASSOCIATION COTTONSEED PROCESSING RESEARCH AT be unrealistic. Probably no single research organiza­ THE TEXAS ENGINEERING tion anywhere, however, has either the diversified EXPERIMENT STATION staff and facilities or the ample funds necessary to do justice to all aspects of the cotton and cotton A paper for presentation at the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Cotton Research Congress, July 26-28, 1951 seed problem. Limitations of research emphasis and interests are usually influenced by such things as Prepared by ARTHUR W. MELLOH, Vice-Director Texas Engineering Experiment Station policy statements written by governing boards, the College Station, Texas qualifications of staff, the nature of available facili­ ties, and the sources of supporting funds. In our Introduction own case, that portion of the research program of The principal purpose of this paper is to describe the Texas Engineering Experiment Station devoted briefly the program of research in cottonseed proc­ to cotton seed is concerned primarily with processing essing now being conducted by the Texas Engineer­ and utilization, though every attempt is made to ing Experiment Station. In order to have a basis for maintain an active interest in the agronomic and evaluating the present program, you should know economic features of the whole problem as well. something of the history of our cottonseed research Research in cottonseed processing on this campus activity, what the objectives of our program are, and has been underway at least since 1924.1 Most re­ what facilities are available for carrying out re­ search programs of this number of years standing search in this technological field. have passed through several stages of development, A program of research designed to serve all of and bear the distinct imprint of many individuals the groups interested in the products that are, or and organizations that have cooperated to make the can be, obtained from cottonseed would indeed be program possible. Some of those who have been in­ comprehensive. Included in such a program would be strumental in furthering this work here at Texas studies of everything, intentional and unintentional, A. and M. will be mentioned at appropriate times. that happens to the seed after it is separated from The contributions of those who, for reasons of space the lint cotton at the gin. Specific problems would limitation, are not named are no less significant, be seed handling and storage; cleaning, delinting, no less surely recognized, and no less sincerely ap­ hulling, separating, rolling, cooking, and other pre­ preciated. liminary operations appropriate to each of the sev­ Since 1945 the major portion of this program has eral types of oil extraction process; the extraction been coordinated through the Texas Engineering processes themselves— hydraulic, solvent, and screw- Experiment Station. It is our current research, to­ press either singly or in combination; and utilization gether with that of the past few years, that will of the end products— oil, cake, hulls, and linters. undoubtedly be of most interest to you, and it is Specific projects established within the framework that portion of our work which will be described in of such a program would have an economic as well some detail. Those of us on this program from Texas as a technical flavor, and would range all the way A. and M.
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