concordia’s independent newspaper cocainiacs since 1980 Our president on tuition HOW TO MAKE YOUR JUDY MASK: After getting parental permission, cut carefully around dotted lines. Don’t run with scissors. Glue popsicle stick to back of chin. See world through Judy’s eyes. Is Judith Woodsworth mean or misunderstood? • News 5 volume 31, issue 2 • tuesday, august 24, 2010 • thelinknewspaper.ca volume 31, issue 2 • tuesday, CLASSIFIED MONTREAL THERAPY CENTRE. Professional DRIVING EXAM CAR RENTAL. $22 Henri- counselling services for individuals, couples Bourassa / $27 Longueil/Langelier. Taxes 7 D AY S included. Practice available. (514) 744-5623. N and families. Sliding-fee scale rates, E 1 w P 1 w ADS insurance receipts. Services available in Dimitri O A w M English, French and Spanish. 514 244-1290 or . www.printhousemontreal.com l www. montreal therapy.com - e $3.50+tax for Concordia CUSTOM PRINTING - books - business cards g 1 undergraduate students. o A PARKING. 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Montréal, QC H3H 1P8 Web Design graduate 10 FRINGE ARTS 12 FEATURES 13LITERARY ARTS 14 SPORTS 18 OPINIONS ORIENTATION: KʼNAAN HEADLINES LOYOLA QUAD PARTY CSU president resigns VP Services Heather Lucas appointed to finish term (Left to right): Former VP Services Heather Lucas is ready to ‘step up to the plate.’ Prince Ralph loosens his tie after his last council meeting as CSU President. PHOTO CHRISTOPHER CURTIS • CHRISTOPHER CURTIS do whatever it takes to advocate Campus—a heated bus shelter awarded a full scholarship to at- Heather Lucas was elected as Concordia Student Union for students. was constructed for students, the tend university in the Nether- the Arts and Science Federation President Prince Ralph Osei has “Your drive for this is encour- G Lounge underwent a series of lands,” said Osei. “The of Associations’ VP Internal in resigned. aging and inspiring. We’re all sad renovations and the campus opportunity of the scholarship, 2009. During her time with “I am announcing this resigna- but we’re also happy you are mov- hosted a series of cultural events combined with family pressure ASFA, the Federation developed tion with a heavy heart,” Osei told ing on with your life, finally,” she at The Hive. made it difficult to say no. I took a more transparent set of ac- The Link before formally notify- said during a tear filled session of In March, Osei swept the CSU a decision and I wasn’t happy with counting practices to rectify ing the CSU Council on Aug. 23 of council. general elections, taking the pres- it but honestly, tonight, some of her predecessors’ finan- his resignation. “This is it for stu- In 2009, Prince Ralph Osei idency with an overwhelming ma- it felt good to get it off cial irregularities. dent politics for me.” was elected CSU VP Services and jority while leading a campaign to my chest.” During the 2010 CSU general By the end of the week, Osei Loyola. defederate from the Canadian Later that month, Osei sat elections, Lucas ran alongside will be headed to Europe to pur- During his mandate, the Federation of Students, a national Lucas down and informed her of Osei in a campaign that had her sue a Masters degree in Psychol- charismatic VP fought to make lobby group that had clashed with his pending resignation. visiting classrooms in both of ogy with a full scholarship. Loyola Campus a priority at CSU the CSU for months. “She was happy for me,” he Concordia’s campuses while On Aug. 26, CSU VP Services Council meetings and for students The CSU president helped mo- said. “But she also cried and said canvassing the university for Heather Lucas will take over as at large. Osei’s tireless efforts gave bilize Concordia students in the ‘damn you Prince.’” nearly 12 hours a day. president, having been appointed way to a transformation of the fight against tuition increases, Lucas said she didn’t initially “We’re all very sad today but by the council unanimously. Loyola Campus that many have often leading his peers into believe Osei. someone needed to step up to “Prince, you are an incredible dubbed the “Loyola Renaissance.” protests in Montreal and Quebec “I thought it was a sick joke,” the plate,” said Lucas. “I’ll fight leader at this school,” said an Under Osei’s leadership, the City. she said. “I was like ‘nice try it the university in tuition in- emotional Lucas. “You are one of CSU re-established the Loyola In July, Osei received a phone isn’t gonna happen.’ And then he creases wherever I can and I the very few people who is so pas- Luncheon—a five-day-a-week free call that would change his life. said ‘No I’m serious.’ And it just promise we will leave the CFS as sionate for students, that would vegetarian meal served on Loyola “I found out I had been hit me.” quickly as we can.” 04 news the link • august 24, 2010 • thelinknewspaper.ca/news G20 protesters in court 300 appear to face charges in Toronto • CHRISTOPHER CURTIS the G20 boarded a pair of yellow rassed, [and] there was a minor Franc Lévesque-Nichol woke school buses outside Concordia’s with us who the police kept call- up in the middle of a police raid. Hall building. The group headed ing faggot and queer and weak.” Like so many other G20 protest- for Toronto where they would Lévesque-Nichol was never ers, Lévesque-Nichol spent the appear before a judge to face formally charged with anything early hours of June 28 sleeping charges related to their involve- prior to his arrest. He was only in a University of Toronto Gym- ment in June’s protests. The trip allowed to speak to a lawyer 36 nasium. was organized by the Anti-Capi- hours into his detention and was “I was barely awake and [the talist Convergence of Montreal. given his conditional release police] had their weapons drawn, “We came to Toronto today after 61 hours in a holding cell. yelling for us to stay down or be hoping all of the charges would His identification, glasses and shot,” he said. “As I was being ar- be dropped because so many of other personal possessions were rested, one of my colleagues was the charges were trumped up returned to him over a month getting his face smashed against and lacked evidence,” said Robyn later. a brick wall and the whole time Maynard, a spokesperson for the In all, about 300 people the police were also ransacking ACCM. “But some of the charges packed into a small Toronto the UofT’s student union offices. have actually been augmented.” Courthouse on Aug. 23. Many A student union representative The ACCM organized the bus among the group will have their was also badly beaten and ar- trip to Toronto for its members court dates postponed until Oc- rested even though he had noth- and any Montrealer facing G20 tober. ing to do with the protests. related charges. During the G20 “We don’t know what expect “It was awful.” over 1,000 people were incarcer- with any of these court proceed- Within minutes, Lévesque- ated in what became the largest ings because there is no histori- Nichol was handcuffed and mass arrest in Canadian history.
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