VOL UME VII, NUMBER 4 WINTER SOLSTICE 1998 INDEX 10th International Conference… 111 acid hydrolysis 10 ALLEN, J.W. 63, 64, 82 1,2,3,4-butanetetrol 11 acidhead 107 allies 89, 93, 95 1,3-butanediol 11 ACLU 79 ally 34, 89, 95, 119 1,4-butanediol 11, 12 Acorus calamus 16, 53, 83, 116, 117 Alpine arc 35 2001: A Space Odyssey 58 Acorus gramineus 16, 117 Altar Rock 34, 35 2C-B 4, 67, 68, 93 Acremonium 101, 102, 103, 104 alternative lifestyle 106 2C-T-2 68 Acremonium loliade 101 Amanita 35 3-methoxytyramine 96, 98, 99 Adansonia digitata 83 Amanita muscaria 3,4-dihydroxy 5-methoxyphenylethylamine 96 addiction interrupter 25 22, 33, 34, 35, 36, 60, 61, 63 3,4-dimethoxyphenethylamine 99 adorant 36 Amanita muscaria v. flavivolvata 117 3A4 7 after-effect 28, 93 Amanita pantherina 33 4-hydroxy 10 AGHAJANIAN, G.K. 32 Amanitas 33 4-hydroxyindoleacetic acid 7 AGUIRRE, ANA MARIA 44, 111 AMARINGO, PABLO 80, 86, 109 5-HT 11, 32 AGURELL, S. 18, 71, 96, 98 amatoxin 33 5-hydroxytryptophan 7 Ajna Chakra 31 Amazon 15, 85 5-MeO-DMT 59, 68, 77, 78 Albizia julibrissin 53 AMAZON JAUNT 15 Alchornea floribunda 50 Amazonian 44, 85, 111 A alcohol American Journal of Pharmaceutical Ed. 96 5, 10, 29, 31, 32, 33, 74, 78, 100, 104, American Mother 91 AARDVARK, DAVID 111 AMERICAN VISIONARY ART MUSEUM 105 1, 66, 69, 70, 74, 89, 93, 101, 104 alcohol, denatured 100 ammonia 65, 66 Abandoning the Ship 59 alcohol, rubbing 104 ammonium 78, 96 absinthe 15, 53 ALDRICH 12 ammonium nitrate 77 Acacia baileyana 53 alien-like 110 ammonium sulfate 77 Acacia maidenii 53 alkaline 8 AMPEX CORPORATION 41 acetone 5, 85, 100, 101 ALLART GMBH 81 amphetamine 4, 8, 31, 73, 97 acid (also see LSD) 2, 42, 108 Herbal-Shaman Dispensers of forbidden knowledge… …purveyors of forbidden fruits. Healthy plants and seeds, fresh bulk herbs, potent teas and extracts, herbal smokes, incense and other gift items available for immediate delivery. FREE CATALOG HERBAL-SHAMAN POB 8892 (Dept. ER) Wichita, KS 67208 (316) 685-9199 Internet archives of unique information on almost 300 species of ethnobotanicals, emphasizing visionary herbs, cacti and fungi. http://www.herbal-shaman.com THE ENTHEOGEN REVIEW, 564 MISSION STREET, BOX 808, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105-2918 37 VOL UME VII, NUMBER 4 WINTER SOLSTICE 1998 amphetamine (antagonist) 29 ayahuasca analogue 68, 76, 78 BOIRE, RICHARD GLEN 14, 46, 47, 114 Amsterdam Fame (Cannabis seed) 82 Ayahuasca Analogues 52 bong 3, 57 Anadenanthera colubrina 16, 53 Ayahuasca and Ayahuasca Alkaloids 76 BONSON, KIT 32 Anadenanthera colubrina variety cebil 44 ayahuasca, mushroom 7 Borametz 11, 12 anaesthetic 29 Ayahuasca Visions 80 BORG, JOHN 69 analgesic 29 ayahuasqueros 85 BOSCH, HIERONYMUS 109 ANATI, E. 36 azeotrope 100 BOSKEY, LOGAN 20 “Andy” 4 BOSSCHART, JOHFRA 109 angel 2, 94 B BOTANIC ART 81 ANGELIDIS, GEORGE 11, 12 BOTANICAL PRESERVATION CORPS 27, 44, B. GREEN 65 angel’s trumpet 116 45, 118, 119 B.K. 69, 72, 73, 95 animal(s) 32, 73, 74, 93, 94, 103 Botany and Chemistry of Hallucinogens 89 B.M. 67 animals studies 28 bovidae 35 baby Hawai’ian woodrose 49, 53, 116 ankhs 93 BRADY, L.R. 64 BACKEBERG, CURT 6, 21, 69, 71 ANONYMOUS 59, 92 brain 32, 33, 41, 106 BACON, FRANCIS 109 antelope horn 52 brain disorder 99 bacteria 10, 71 anthropologist 85 bread 62 baeocystin 64 anthropology 49, 85 breathing, irregular 28 banana peels 6 anthropomorphic 35 BREITENBUSH HOT SPRINGS 45, 117, 118 BANERJEE, P.K. 67, 68 anticoagulant 8 BRENNEISEN, R. 96 Banisteriopsis caapi 7, 50, 52, 53, 70 antidepressant(s) 31, 32 bridgesigenin A 70 BARLOW, PATRICIA 101 antioxidant 7, 8, 10 bridgesigenin B 70 BARNES, R.F. 76, 78 antipsychotic 32 BRIGGS, HARVEY 111 BASEMENT SHAMAN, THE 15, 53 Apocynaceae 29 BRINK, V.C. 76, 77, 78 BASU, N. 74 APPLESEED, JOHNNY 3, 68, 77, 78 BRITISH PARLIAMENT 79 bat guano 71 aquarium 33 BRITTON, N.L. 6, 17, 21, 68, 69, 98 BAUDELAIRE, CHARLES 22 ARCAMONE 63 bromelain 7 BAUMANN, H. 60 archaeological 35, 44, 60 Bronze age 35 BEAR & COMPANY PUBLISHING 94 archaeologist 36 BROOKHEISER, RICHARD 79 beer 5, 6 archaic 112 BROTHERS GRIMM 84 Bego, Mount 34, 35, 36 archetypal 108 Browningia candelaris 73 BEIFUSS, WILL archetype(s), the 41 Brugmansia 52, 82, 95, 116 5, 15, 16, 49, 53, 54, 81, 85, 116, 117 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 53 BRUHN, J.G. 96, 98 beings 93 Areca catechu 52, 83, 116, 117 Bubbleberry (Cannabis seed) 83 belladonna (also see Atropa belladonna) 7 arecoline hydrobromide 117 Budapest 89, 103 benzene 10 areole(s) 6, 17, 19, 21, 68, 70 buddha 105, 108 BERESFORD, JOHN 111 Argemone mexicana 83 Buddhist 41, 79 BERNARDINI, E. 35 Argyreia nervosa 16, 74, 75, 82 Buddhist, Tantric 94 BERT, M. 27, 29 Ariocarpi 72 Buddhist, Tibetan Dzogchen 106 betel nut 52, 116 Ariocarpus 66, 72, 73, 83 buffalo horn 52 BHATTACHARYA, S.K. 68 Ariocarpus fissuratus 53, 72, 84 bufotenine 59, 78 BIEMANN, K. 30 Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus 72 BURNING MAN 45 Big Brother 109 ARISTA RECORDS 104 Bursera fagaroides 83 Big Bud (Cannabis seed) 82, 83 Armatocereus laetus 73, 74, 83 Bursera hindsiana 83 BIG SUR TAPES 43 armchair psychologist 66 Bursera microphylla 83 BIGWOOD, J. 10, 62 arrow 36 Bushman 81 biochemistry 49 Art in America 106 butyrolactone 51, 52 BIOGENESIS LABORATORIES 81 Art News 106 buzz 33, 57 BIOSEARCH TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 5 Artemisia absinthium 82, 83, 116 Bwiti 27, 46 Birth 110 Artforum 106 BZRK 104 bis-noryangonin 64 artificial paradise 22 blade 36 Arundo donax 117 C BLAIN, A. 35 ascorbic acid 11, 65 BLAKE, W. 22, 106, 109 Ca/Mg 8 Ashaninca 85 BLANPIN, O. 28, 29 Cactaceae 17, 68 ashwagandha 53 BLASCHKO, H. 74 Cacti 64 asphyxia 28 blindfold 91 cacti 6, 17, 18, 19, 21, 36, 37, 38, 50, 52, Astrophytum 73 bliss 90 53, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 82, 96, Astrophytum myriostigma 73 blood pressure, low 28 98 Atacama 44 BLOSSER, BRET 44, 45, 118, 119 cactus Ati-Buddha 105 Blueberry (Cannabis seed) 83 6, 17, 18, 19, 21, 36, 37, 38, 64, 67, ATKINS, ELLIOT 112 blueing 8 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 95, 96, 97, Atropa belladonna 16, 53, 82 boa constrictors 85 98 atropine 33 “Bob” 4 Cactus and Succulent Journal 73 auto-oxidize 30 BOCK, M. 79 CACTUS GEMS 70 ayahuasca BOCKS, SHELIA M. 9, 10 Cactus Lexicon 6, 21 4, 7, 15, 27, 33, 49, 50, 53, 79, 85, 111 body temperature 29 CACTUS UNLIMITED 19 Ayahuasca Analogs (ER Monograph) 96 body-cavity searches 22 caffeine (antagonist) 29 38 THE ENTHEOGEN REVIEW , 564 MISSION STREET , BO X 808, SAN FRANCISCO , CA 94105-2918 VOL UME VII, NUMBER 4 WINTER SOLSTICE 1998 Cajonari 85 cerebral 59 Clavicipitaceae 63 calamus (also see Acorus calamus) 116 Cereus peruvianus 6, 17 CLAY, KEITH 101, 104 Calamus Root (also see Acorus calamus) 64 Cereus peruvianus f. monstrosus 84 clean white dog 26 Calea zacatechichi 15, 53, 83, 117 ceruloplasmin 10 CLEAR SPRINGS 100 California Toxic Fungi 9 CHANGES RADIO 43 Clement, Francesco 109 CALLAWAY, J. 49, 70 CHANGES WEB PAGE 43 clerodane 118 CAMILLA, G. 60 CHAPEL OF SACRED MIRRORS 110 CLIMAX 49 Camuns 35 CHARLIE THE TUNA 92 CNS stimulant 29 cancer 72, 99 CHEMICAL RESALE OF SANTA BARBARA 14 CNS stimulating 28 cancerous 22 chemotaxonomy 74 CO2 67 canine 31 chicha 74 CO2 distillation 13 Cannabis chicken-gizzard skin 52 cobra 57 5, 6, 13, 25, 26, 45, 47, 52, 66, 67, Chief of the Tribe 34, 35 coca leaves 47 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, CHILTON, J.S. 67 cocaine 47 111, 115, 118 chloroform 5, 100 Coffea arabica 82 CANNABIS CUP 79, 83 cholorphylls 100 coffee 14, 100 Cannabis indica 84 Christian 49 coffeeshops 45 Cannabis ruderalis 83, 84 chromatographed 65 COHEN 43 Cannabis sativa 46, 82, 83, 84 chromatographic 66 cohoba 49 CANNAPEE 81 chromatography 67 Cola nitida 83 carbonate 66 cicada fungus 52 COLBERT 114, 115 cardiac stimulant 28, 29 cigarette 118 COLEMAN, JOE 109 cat 31 citric acid 65 collective consciousness 92 Catha edulis 16, 46, 52, 81, 116, 117 clairvoyance 45 collective unconscious 41 cathedral 34 clarity 3 Collective Vision 104 Catholic 5 CLARK, K.W. 76, 79 colorimetric 8 Catholicism 109 Claviceps 62 coma 28 cattle 102, 103 Claviceps nigricans 62 communist 41 Celastrus paniculatus 117 Claviceps paspali 62, 63 computer 31 celestial pharmaceutics 22 Claviceps purpurea 62, 63 computer animation 107 centaurs 49 Claviceps pusilla 62 Conocybe cyanopus 50 Pure Land Amanita pantherina, Ethnobotanicals Trichocereus, 15+ rare Offering the most Daturas, Mandragora, extensive selection of sacred and visionary Psychotrias, Mimosas, botanicals available. Sceletium… The finest Specializing in the seldom offered, with over 350 strains of S. divinorum species and varieties. Seeds and live plants for leaf & 5x Salvia Extracts propagation. Experimental dried plant material and Send $3 for extensive catalogue to: extracts for non- PLE consumptive research. 3655 Sequoia Trail (Dept. ER) Verona, WI 53593 THE ENTHEOGEN REVIEW, 564 MISSION STREET, BOX 808, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105-2918 39 VOL UME VII, NUMBER 4 WINTER SOLSTICE 1998 conopharyngine 29 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE 26 EASTWEST RETREATS 79 CONRAD, CHRIS 79 depression 32 ecgonine 47 CONSCIOUS DREAMS 45 DER MARDEROSIAN, A.H. 33 Echinocereus triglochidiatus 53 consciousness desiccant 8 Echinocystis lobata 6 33, 49, 75, 91, 92, 93, 105, 106 DE SMET, PETER 45 Echinopsis 70 CONTINENTAL AIRLINES 14 Desmanthus illinoensis 16, 53, 117 Echinopsis Pachanoi (BRITTON & ROSE) controlled substance 14, 46, 47, 114 Desmanthus leptolobus Torrey & A.
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