to - MANCHESTER HERALD, Monday, Dec. 15, 1986 MANCHESTER SPORTS 2 - MA HOMES OFFICE/RETAL FOR RENT EQUIPMENT BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY Flood worry Bears beat Lions 2 bedroom Ranch, conve­ Typewriter - Remington nient location, stove and portable. Good condition, clouds proposal on late field goal retrloerator, 2 months se­ $35.00. Call 649-1819.0 curity plus utilities. $400. CARPENTRY/ HEATING/ MISCELLANEOUS ... page 4 ... page 15 644-1933. IBAa Compatable Compu­ REMODELING SERVICES ter for home or business. CHILD CARE ( PLUMBING Extra Clean Ranch style Zenith TC with 10 meg duplex. Ideal for In-law hard disk, 640K memory, Licensed loving mother- Fogarty Brothers — Ba­ Odd lobs, Trucking. Home situation. "Complete pri­ modem and much soR- immediate openings, Carpentry ■ Ramodallng throom remodeling; In­ repairs. You name It, we vacy" tor both parties. ware. WIN proyide cus­ Manchester home. Reaso­ Services - Complete stallation water heaters, do It. Free estimates. Convenient locotlon In tom programming for In- nable rotes. 643-1713. home repairs and remo­ garbage disposals; faucet Insured. 643-0304. nice area. Each unit In­ ventory, customer deling. Small scale com­ repairs. 649-4539. Vlsa/M- cludes country kitchen, control, etc. Bob, 646-7530. CLEANING mercial work. Registered, asterCard accepted. Your local handyman I formal dining room, se­ Insured, references 046- Call John at 643-4353 and parate bosement, ample RECREATIONAL SERVICES 8165. please leave message. storage, washer/dryer EQUIPMENT MMCELLANEOUB hook-up and garage. 3 8ERVICE8 Art's Light Trucking - bedroom with tow firepla­ HOLIDAY CLEANING Paras Carpentry-All Cellars, attics, garages ces. $850 plus utilities. 1 For Sale. Rowing Ma­ Planning to entertain dur­ types of home remodeling chine, fully assembled, 1 cleaned. Junk hauled. HanrliPHlrr Hcralh bedroom $525 plus utili­ ing the holidays but don't by experienced carpen­ Furniture and appliances ) Manchester — A City o( Village Charm ties. Possible long term year old, excellent condi­ have time to prepare? We ter. Call Dan at 646-3793 or tion. $75. Call 646-3245 can help I We are a profes­ moved. Odd lobs. Very lease. No pets. Call L lifo r honest dependable details, 646-7709. after 5;30pm. sional cleonlng service Tune Up Time - Chain 50 with 10 yrs. exp. In tho­ IMKAMTING/ sows, snow blowers. Also worker. 25 years expe Man's bicycle. 26 Inch rough, dependable clean­ offering a complete shar­ rience In moving. 646-9669 Manchester - For Rent - ing. We do all phases of 1 ^ 1 PAPERING anytime. Tuesday, Dec. 16,1986 30 Cents Unlaue free standing unit. wheel,$35.00. Good condi­ pening service. Duality cleaning plus party set­ Sharpening, 104 Hilliard I One year old condomi­ tion. Call 649-1680.O ups, and clean-ups. Our I L o v Street 649-2111. nium. Fireplace, 1 bed­ service Is also avail, Name your own price — Cut baking time In half room, bath, fully ap- Hart skis - 175 cm with wkiv, biwkiv, or monthly. Father and son. Fast, next time you fix meat Tei loaf by baking In muffin TOWN OF MANCHE$TER, CONNECTICUT pllanced kitchen, washer Solomon step-in bindings. Commercial cleaning Is dependable service. NOTICE OF and dryer, central air. No Good condition. $50.00. also avail. Call: Painting, Paperhanging 8, tins rather than the con­ ADOPTION OF AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE Call anytime 649-1794.a Removal. Call 872-8237. ventional loaf. Saves fuel White House pets. $700.00 per month 649-0858 D 8, D L a n d s ca p e - and makes attractive indi­ In accordance with the provliloni of Chapter 3, Sectlani 1 Magic plus utilities. Security dep­ Complete landscape se- vidual servings. Use a and 9 of the Town Charter, notice Isherebv given of the adop­ osit and references re- tion by the Board of Directors of the Town of Manchester, aulred.James R. McCava- BOATS/MARINE ELECTRICAL ylce, leaf and brush re­ low-cost ad in Classified CARPENTRY/ moved. Call David Connecticut, on December 9 ,19M. nogh , Real Estate, EQUIPMENT for quick response next AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE 649-3800.n REMODELING 659-2436. time you have something Dumas Electric — Having to sell. 643-2711. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Directors of the Town of asks immunity goes to Sh< Hove you read today’s 16 toot Mod River canoe, Electrical Problems? Hawkes Tree Service- Manchester that Section 13-41(e)(1) of The Code of O ^ln- paddles Included. Used Ceilings and walls re­ ances be deleted and the followina be substituted therefor: Classified section? If con­ Need a large or a small Bucket Truck 8< Chipper. Sm art shoppers shop four times. Excellent con­ paired, doors and win­ (e) Retirement by policemen tains hundreds of Interest­ Repair? We Specialize In Stump removal. Free esti­ Classified! They find E dition. $800. Please call dows repaired, extra ing otters. 643-2711. Residential Work. Joseph mates. Special considera­ that s a good way to tight ( 1) Any provisions of this orticle to the controry notwith­ NAl 643-4942 after 6pm or 647- shelving Installed. Call Dumas. Fully Licensed. tion for elderly and handi­ standing, the policemen and officers of the police de­ 9946 8:30 - 5:30. Ask for Bernie at 646-3172. partment may retire and receive pension povments school for \ Free Estimates. 646-5253. capped. 647-7553. 641271?'’ for top aides ••■STORE AND Bob. provided they shall have completed at least twenfv-five (25) years of service In the police department and hove area o I OFFICE SPACE met the age requirement on the upproprlote effective CAMERA8/PH0T0 dates listed below; By John Mitchell Manchester - 3 rooms a. Effective July 1, 1974 attained age fifty-five (55). Herald Reporter WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi­ In relaying Reagan’s call to the containing 400 square feet EQUIPMENT b. Effective July 1, 1975attained age fifty-three (53). dent Reagan today called on the Congress, Speakes said the presi­ TRUCK8/VAN8 MI8CELLANE0U8 INVITATION TO BID on Center Street. Call MI8CELLANE0U8 c. Effective July 1, 1974 and thereafter attained age "You will not believe what is Senate Intelligence Committee to dent does not intend to summon 6464)042. F0R8AIE AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE Sealed bids will be received Poindexter and North to the Oval 35mm Canon - AE-1 Ca­ I In the General Services' of­ fifty (50). about to happen,” old-time magi­ grant limited immunity to former C mera. Body only, perfect fice, 41 Center St., Manches­ Policemen and officers mov retire and receive a pen­ cian Richard Potter gleefully told White House aides John Poindexter Office and demand that they tell condition. $95.(X). Call 643- < Poir H-78-14 Doral snow 4 X 14 X 17 Corvette Rally ter, CT until December 31, sion commencing the first day of the month followtng about 400 modern-day students, and Oliver North to compel the m to him what they knew. " I think the A I ROOMMATES 9797 after 7 pm.o 19M at 11:00 a.m. for the fol­ the completion of the above requirements. Effective WANTED tires on rims. Excellent Wheels - Centers and lowing: July 1,1975, each policeman and officer wlllberequired parents and teachers in the Buckley testify in the investigation into the president would subject himself to condltlon.$50.00. Call 643- rings. $225. Negotiable. FURNISH & INSTALL to take a physical examination, as determined by the School gymnasium this morning. Iran-contra scandal. criticism if he followed that course MI8CELLANE0U8 For Sale-1974 Ford Van In 1228.0 647-9869. general manager, once he attains his fifty-third (53rd) of action.” Speakes said without Vernon-House to share, NEW FUEL DISPENSING birthday. Beginning July t, 1974, such physical exami­ Then with one quick gesture, he White House spokesman Larry good condition. $1S(W or SYSTEM (REBID) Speakes. in a hastily called but elaboration. professional M /F , non- E l F0R8ALE best offer. Call after 1981 Ford Granada en­ nation will be required after each policeman's and of- passed a coin from a small wooden Snow tires - F78 x 15, Snow The Town of Monchester Is flcer'sflftleth (50th) birthday. Onceapollcemanandof- box into a twisted cloth that a nationally televised briefing for smoker. Unusual loca­ 4:30pm . 875-6344.D gine, transmission and on equal opoortunity em­ flcer attains his fifty-fifth (55th) birthday^ he must, by Speakes’ announcement came as tion. Plenty of room and Box Spring and Mattress Biters, Firestone. Excel­ body parts. Sold Individu­ ployer, and requires on affir­ written application, request that the general manager fifth-grader held tightly on the reporters, read a statement from White House Chief of Staff Donald privacy. $350/month plus for double bed, $150 or lent condition. $80.00 a ally. Call 646-6168. mative action policy for oil of extend his period of employment on a year to year basis stage. Reagan declaring that limited Regan was testifying under oath 1978 Ford F-150 Supercab,' pair. Call Ray at 649-8447.0 Its Contractors and Vendors beyond such policeman's and officer’s fiftv-titth (55th) one third utilities. Call best offer. Apartment size 6 cylinder, new valve lob Megan Lavatori, the girl who immunity is “ not amnesty or before the Senate Intelligence evenings. 646-3419. os o condition of doing busi­ birthday, and. If such appllcatlan Is approved by said white stove-needs new and corborator, new bat­ VW Bug - 1971 engine ness with the Town, os per general manager, said general manager shall notify participated in the hocus-pocus, clemency.” Committee. The White House has coll. $30. 646-5160 otter needs minor work. Has Federal Order 11246. the pension board. In writing, of such approval; how­ Both Poindexter. Reagan’s tery, bed liner, radial Firestone - snow tires.
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