S lavic Slavic WINTER 2018 R eview Review Interdisciplinary Quarterly of Russian, Eurasian, and East European Studies 77 Volume Number 4 Winter 2018 000376779_77-4.indd0376779_77-4.indd 11-3-3 331/01/191/01/19 44:43:43 PPMM EDITOR Harriet L. Murav Managing Editor, Dmitry Tartakovsky All issues of Slavic Review are available online through Cambridge Core for institutional sub- Editorial Assistants scribers and ASEEES members. For more information, please visit https://www.cambridge. org/core/journals/slavic-review/subscribe or contact: [email protected] if you are in the Marina Filipovic Anca Maria Mandru Nadia G. Hoppe Americas or [email protected] for the rest of the world. EDITORIAL BOARD Institutional subscriptions can be purchased direct from Cambridge University Press or History through any major subscription agent. 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(continued on inside back cover) 000376779_77-4.indd0376779_77-4.indd 44-6-6 331/01/191/01/19 44:43:43 PPMM INTERDISCIPLINARY QUARTERLY OF RUSSIAN, EURASIAN, AND EAST EUROPEAN STUDIES Volume 77 Number 4 • WiNter 2018 CONTRIBUTORS vii ABSTRACTS x CRITICAL DISCUSSION FORUM: 1968 Making a Long Story Longer: Eastern Europe and 1968 as a Global Moment, Fifty Years Later Judit bodNár 873 Let’s Turn Hegel from His Head onto His Feet: Hopes, Myths, and Memories of the 1960s in Tamás Cseh’s Musical Album “A Letter to My Sister” Anna Szemere 881 Utopias and “Normality”: 1968 Revisited Fifty Years On JAcqueS rupNik 890 Postmodernity’s Unexpected Arrival: 1968 as Breakdown in Geoculture GeorGi m. derluGuian 897 Occupy College Street: Student Radicalism in Kolkata in the Sixties Ranabir SAmAddAr 904 MANAGING REGIONAL DIVERSITY Andrey Makarychev and Alexandra Yatsyk, Cluster Guest Editors Russian “Federalism”: Illiberal? Imperial? Exceptionalist? ANdrey MakArycheV ANd AlexANdrA
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