Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 6-17-1961 The Ledger and Times, June 17, 1961 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, June 17, 1961" (1961). The Ledger & Times. 5088. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/5088 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ti • ft I Selected Am A Best All ROund Kentucky Community Newspargo e- s The Newspaper Largest One Circulation In With The The City Crown in arri- Largest une Circulation Circulation In r a 2nd The County tate and S smateur IN OUR 82nd YEAR United Press International Murray, Ky., Saturday Afternoon, June 17, 1961 MURRAY POPULATION 10,100 elected Vol. LXXXII No. 142 Funeral Centucky I Salem. °tin. ird od, were (1:11) MU air- ACTION TAKEN ( Thurs. AIRPORT, DISPOSAL PLAN to the Darrell Accepts Offer Of Boy Unhurt As Sprit 7. City Council Bonfires Hail Car Strikes Train Action Taken On New Proposed ended a i. anegi• NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UP11 patiek Government On Airport Funds -- An Determination automobile containing nine women Garbage Disposal System Here and children drove past flashing A Youth Council last night 'ac- be constructed. The Federal Gov- signal lights at a grade crossing glee, at The City The newly proposed city garbage in the morning and 2:00 to 4:00 cepted the offer of the Federal ernment added funds, which with Of here Friday and struck a passen- 'I Scouts Berliners collection and disposal system mov- in the afternoon. local and state funds provided ger train. Four persons were kill- .ky, will Government of $82,549 to be used ed forward last night at the regu- Supervised play, story telling construction Murray sufficient capital with-. -lehich to ed and five others injured. Layne at in the of the - lar meeting of the Murray City hour, etc. would be included in the construct the paved air strip. A seven-year-old boy, only ence will Calloway County Airport. T h e Council when it was decided that planned program which would con- Acceptance by t h e city and .BERLIN tun — Bonfires blazing slightly shaken up in the accident, lay. Fiscal Court will also pass on the a proposed or4inance be drawn up tinue from June 15 to August 15. county of the funds will assure •n Berlin's Iron Curtain border tried to tell officers how' the ac- over before it becomes binding. regulating:1EO administration of The council indicated varied reac- immediate construction. 1t1 ay symbolized the determina- cident which took the lives of his Appearing before the council the systeni. tion to the suggestion. The age t1(4 Council also passed a V n of the city's Western sectors mother, brother and two others were Ed LaFontaine of the State The City 'Councilman Maurice Crass, Jr., limit was a point of difference. It setting forth remain free. happened. a. partment of Aeranautics, Al resolution last night committee chairman, urged that was suggested that possibly ages The fires were The victims were Mrs. Frances Gear of th e Federal Aviation the policy .of the city on paving lighted to set off some action be taken on the pro- six to ten would be more realistic. n daylong demonstration nyder, 31; her son. Mike 11; Jua- n earth- Agency, and Mr. Hayworth of the of streets this year. It is the same against posed improvement. He reported The proposal was turned over to Soviet efforts nita Pierce, 20; and Raymond Ja- ." a Lon• engineering firm of Clye E. Wil- policy used last year and involves to force the Western to the council that approval of the the park corrunitte, Marvis Harris Allies out of Berlin, cob Withers, 18 months. nday ex- liams and Associates. the city paying one third of the which was to proposal had been received from chairman for study and report back be Injured were Tony nyder, 7; oot earth The offer of the government cost of paving on new streets and climaxed by a mass meeting practically all civic clubs and' that to the council. at David, his brother, 9; Buddy Wi-' !lassifica- was read and accepted by resolu- the resident on each side paying city hall. little opposition had been register- Bids were taken on a new thers, an infant; Peggy Withers, mow- t be tion of the council. This money one third. Today was a holiday, "German ed. er for the cemetery. The only bid seen 3; and Mrs. Ann Withers, 20. Mrs. with local and state funds will Tt-i possibility of a blacktop Unity Day", but many West Ber- The new system which was ori- received was from McKeel Equip- Withers, the driver, and her son provide the city and county with curb in the center of Sunset Drive liners decided .to forgo the lake- ginally sponsored by the Murray ment on a six horsepower, SWEAR IN TEXAS GOP SENATOR — Taking over the Senate were reported in critical condition 25 a paved air strip at the airport was discussed. This will be given side beaches, woods and sidewalk Rotary Club has been developing inch cut "Slapping Turtle" for seat of Vice President Johnson who swore him into at a local hospital. war Penny. further consideration. Bids on office, Sen. cafes "to give Khrushchev his an- for the past year. Under the lead- 6369.50. This was accepted. John G. Tower Tony Nyder, tears streaming .The originally blacktop will be requested. is congratulated by the Vice Presideni- as he re- swer." ership of Crass and Mayor Holmes The south curb city and county lo‘wn his cheeks, at Seventh and Streets under consideration for ceives a standing ovation from the jammed Senate galleries. told officers. Ellis a firm, workable system has Maple had planned to build a sod strip, Mayor Willy Brandt had sum e -streets will be moved back repaving the city are as fol- Tower is the first GOP Senator from his state ran right into it. When I been evolved which but it developed that with some by since reconstruc- moned them to gather at City. includes three in line with the curb on that tion (1.0's ..Ehw it coming, I just shut my more money, lows: compaction type pickup trucks, for side of the street. a distance the paved strip could Hali "to show the world anevat eyes, that's all I did. of Street Number feet pickup of garbage, and a bulldozer about three feet_ what the German people wanj "My brother David said "Stop". South 2436 for use in a sanitary land fill me- William B. Hodges, City Fireman. and where Berlin stands." -- Then we hit it right in the mid- Vine, 11th to 12th. 584 thod of disposal. tendered his resignation to the It was a fitting day to demon- dle." Irvan . 200 A public meeting will be held council. A new fireman will be Fiscal Court strate for freedom — the anniver- The fleet Louisville and Nash- Beale 187 before the ordinance is passed in hired to replace Hodges. Anyone sary of the East German "revolt" ville train bound for Atlanta car- S. 11th. SOO order that the public may give ex- wishing to apply should make ap- Passage School of 1953. ried the automobile about 75 feet Olive 700 pression to their views in the sub- plication with the Accepts Offer down the tracks city clerk. New streets under consideration Eight years ago today 300,000 ject. to be paved are as follows: Soviet occupation troops crushed A hearing was also held last Street Number feet an unorganized, unplanned revolt night on proposed changes in the that threatened Brittle Bone Baby Sabre On Airport Broach 400 Communist power Zoning Ordinance. No one was Armed Aid In every Bill city present Dim in for the Hickory Drive 500 the Soviet zone. To Be "Rodded hearing and the Sunset Drive 2000 At least 8 rebels were killed council passed the first reading of South 13th. 200 By VINCENT J. BURKE ure on racial grounds. outright, 71 were sentenced to the ordinance on the changes. The Police Hold The Calloway Fiscal Court met Mayor Ellis will serve on a United Press International Smith's statement charged that death and 25.000 were arrested. Cl CAGO (UPS) — Doctors plan- changes are minor and include this mornIng in special session to Statewide Development Board WASHINGTON (UPt — Prospects the program would -aid the NAA More than 100 are said to be still ned six 'rodding up" operations certain areas on the south and west tin consider the offer of the Federal headed by Lt. Gov. Wilson Wyatt. for congressional passage of Presi- UP" bring southern schools un- prison. during the next six months to which were changed from Resi- Down Riot Government of 882.540 strengthen to be used A meeting .of this board will be dent Kennedy's school aid bill look- der Washington control. He said West Berliners converted the the brittle bones of dence I to Residence II; a section in construction 18 the of the Murray-. held in Frankfort June 29-30. ed dimmer today than in many federal grants would be withheld usual holiday.- observance into an -month-old Peter Lollar id Lit- in the genefal area of the housing alloway County tle Rock.
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