PEKING REVIEW SUEJECT !NDEX - Nos. 27 -52, 1969 Issue Page I. Our' Great Leader No, .Alo. Chairman Mao and and not merely a fer',' Palty mernbers: it is necessary to have the masses outside the Mao Tsetung Thought Party attend the meetings and give com- ments. 27 l. Choirmon Moo ond His Close In the Gleat Proietar.ian Cultural Revoiution, Comrode-in-Arms Vice-Choirmon some tasks have not yei been fulfilled and they should now be carried on. for instance, Lin Pioo: Recepfions ond Other the tasks o{ siruggle-c.riticism-transforma- : Activities tion. z7 Istue Page Without the efforts of the Chinese Communist . No. A,o. Party, n,ithout the Chinese Communists as \farmly Celebrate Thtd Anniversary of Chair- the n:ainstay of the Chinese people, China man Mao's Swim in the Yangtze 30 : 3 can. rrever.achieve independence and libera- Chairman Mao and Vice-Ctrairman Lin .{p- tion, ol industr:ialization and the ;noderniza- " tion of hei agricuiiule. 28 . on Sun Yu-kuo and Nine Other Comrades 39 : 12 Arrred urith Marxist-Leninist theory and ideo- Chairman Mao and Vice-Chairman Lin Receive logy. the Communist Party of China has ' Representatives Flom Ail Over China At- blought a neiv st-v-le of work to the Chinese tending, the National. Day Celebrations in peoplc.. a st5rle of work which essentially entails integrating practice, Peking 42 : 7 theory with fcrging close. liliks urith thr. masses and Chairman Mao and Vice-Chairman Lin Piao practising self-cr.iticis;r-r , 28 Receive P.L..A. Commanders and Fighters People of the whcle n,olld. unite mor:e ii-r Peking 42 : B still elosely and launcli a su.si.aineci and vigorous offer-r,sive . against our c{)rrrmon enemy, U.S. 2. From Chcrirmcn fv4so Quototions imperiali,sm, and ag;rinst its accomplic,es! It (On Tsetung lnside Front Cover) can be sa,id w-ith certainty that the compiete The force,at.the core leading our cause for- coll.opse' of colonialisin, irr,pe::ialism an,C all rvard is the Chinese Communist Party. -systems of exploitation. anC the coinplete The theoretical b-asi.q guiding our thinking is eni.ancifation of all the cpp::essed peoples and Marxism-I,eninism. 21 : 5 nations of the '*rorld are not far off. 28 2 The Chinese Communist.Party is the cor:e of Unjie to win still greater victories. 29 2 leadership of the whole Chinese people.. *Z , Y,iithout this core, the caqse of so':iaiism can- The erremlr rots with errer1,, passing day, 'w,hi1e not be victorious. 27 : 5 --fol us things are getiing Letter d"aily. 29 2 Tire Party organization should be composed of 46 ., advanced eiements of the ploleialiat; it the It is manis social being tha.t deterr,rines his should be a vigorous vanguar-d organization thinking. Once the correct icieas characteris- capabie leading the proletariat and the of tic of the advanced ciass are grasped by the revolutionary masses in the fight against the masses, thse ideas turn into a material force class enemy- 27 : 5 which ehanges society and changes the world. 2S , Every Par.ty branch m.ust recorisolidate iiself - . ;-' - 42 , in the midst of the rrrasses; This.must be . .-..:_.-. 45 2 .4t I done with the participatioh: of.:ttre-masies .. December 26, 1969 49 Issue Page No. l\o. 'ff}:'#g: They tdie-hardsl al.rr;ays get the opposite of I arn for the slogan "fear neither hardship what they want. They invariably start by nor death." 32 3 do:ag oihers harm but end by ruining them- Ort ? selves. 29 35 Political work is the life-blood o{ all eronomic Work met,iculou-sly. Meticulous care is neces- work. 30 2 sary; to be careless will not do for that often 44 z leads to el'rors. 32 Peoplesay the Yangtze is a very big river, but The raging tide of the people of the world actualiy, bigness is nothing to be afraid of. against the U.S. aggressors is irresistible. fsn't U.S. iinperialisrr verv big? But there Their struggle against U.S. imperialism and wasn't much to U.S. imperialism onee rve its lackeys will assuredly win still greater victolies. stood up to it. So there are big things in the &3 2 wor'ld 43 2 t. which are actually not to be feared. 30 I 47 2 Working hand in glove, Soviet revisionism and t The Chinese peopl€ regard victory in the anti- U.S. imperialism have done so many foul and imperialist struggle of the people Asia, evil things that the revol.ulionary people the of Africa and Latin America as vic- world over rrill not let them go unpunished. their.ov/n t<lry and give warrn sympathy and support The pe.ople of all countriqs are rising. A to all their anti-imperialist and anti-colo- aew historical period of struggle against U.S. nialist struggles. 34 imperialism and Soviet revisionlsm has a begun. 30 We ',r,ill not attack unless 'vrre are attacked; if ., DD r,r'e \ are attacked, we will certainly counter- 34 2 attack. 34 [. 51_52 , t One of our current important tasks on the The woiking class must exerrise leadership ideological front ie to unfold criticism of iri everyl.hing. , 31 revlslonrgm. 35 z 36 Z The proletariat exe'rrcise rnust all-rround dic- 44 2 tator:ship over the bourgtroisie in the rr*ainr, 50 2 of the superstructule, including the various spheres of culture. B1 Make trouble, tbil, ma(e trouble again,'fail again... till their doom; that is the logic To accomplish the proletarian ' revolution in of the imperialists and all reactionariqs the educatinn, it is essential to have u,or-king u,orld over in dealing with the people's class leadership; the mass€s of vr'orkers must cause, and they will never go against this take part. in this revolutien and, in co- logic. This is a Marxist law. 35 2 operation with Liber:ation Army fighters. 44 2 fcrm a revolutionary three-in-one combina- By persevering protracted tion with the aetivists among the students, in war the Viet- namese people surely drive the U.S. teachers ancl workers in schools and colleges, will aggressors out of their 36 who are deter'nrined to carry the proletarian counfry, . revnlutinn in education through to ihe end. Marxism can develop only through struggle, The workers' propaganda teams shor-rld stay and not only is this true of the past and the perrnanently in the schools and colleges, take present, it is necessariiy true of the future part in all the tasks of struggle-cr.iticistn- as rvell. 36 transfonriation there and will always lead Going ali out, aiming high and achieving these institutions. Bl :2 greater, faster. better and more economical This arrrry is pou,erful brranse all its member.s results in building socialism. DO have a conscious discipline; they have conte With regard to the question of world war, thene together and they fight not for the private are but trvo possibilities: One is that the interests of a few iaciividuais or a narrow war will give rise to revolution and the other clique, but for the interests of the broad is that revolution will prevent the war. 38 masses and of i;he whole nation. The sole '- purpo,se of ihis ai'm5, is ro s{;rnd firmly u'ith Socialist society covers a considerably long -. thr: Chinesr,: people and to serve them whole- historical period. In the historical period of heartrdly. 32 : B socialism, there are still classes, class con- w Peking Ret:ic.w, Nos. 51.52 lssue Page lssue PqgA No. No. ivo. No. trad-ictions and class struggle, there is the total collapse, the irnperialists have fallen struggle between the soeialist road and the inextricably into crisis... 42 capitalist. road, and there is the danger of The 700 milIion Chinese people are powerful capitalist restoration. We must recognize backing of the Vietnamese people; the vast the protracted and complex nature of this expanse of China's ten.itory is tireir reliable struggle. We must heighten our vigilance. 'must rear area. 48 2 We conduct socialist education. We 51-52 2 must correctly understand and handle class contradictions and class struggle, distinguish Revoluti<;n means liber,ating the pr.oductive the contradictions between ourselves and forces and promoting their growth. 4Z the enerny from those among the people Poiitics is the commander. the soul in every: 'and handle them correctly. Otherwise a thing. 44 socialist country like ours will turn into its opposite and degenerate, and a capitalist Class contradiction, the class struggle between the proletariat restoration will take place. From now on and the bourgeoisie and the stluggle we must remind ourselves of this every between the socialist road and the year, every month every eapitalist road. exist throughout the transi- and day so that rve period. can retain a rather sober understanding of tional We shall go astray if we forget this problem and have a Marxist-Leninist this fundamental theory and practice of our Party over the dozen years line. 39 last or so. 45 All reactionary forces on the verge of extinc- The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution is tion invariably conduct desperate struggles. a- powerful motive force for the development They are bound to resort to militar5r ad- of the social prgductive forces in our venture and political deception in all their country. 39 forms in older to save themseh,es from ex- We Chinese tincticn.
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