Public Document Pack MEETING: Full Council DATE: Thursday, 28 July 2016 TIME: 10.30 am VENUE: Council Chamber, Barnsley Town Hall AGENDA 1. Declarations of Interests To receive any declarations of interest of a pecuniary or non-pecuniary nature from Members in respect of the items on this agenda. 2. Minutes (Pages 5 - 24) To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meetings of the Council held on 20th May, 2016 (Annual Council), 26th May, 2016 (Ordinary meeting) and 7th June, 2016 (Honorary Freeman meeting). 3. Communications To consider any communications to be submitted by the Mayor or the Chief Executive. 4. Questions by Elected Members To consider any questions which may have been received from Elected Members and which are asked pursuant to Standing Order No. 11. 5. Questions relating to Joint Authority, Police and Crime Panel and Combined Authority Business Minutes of the South Yorkshire Pensions Authority, South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority, Sheffield City Region Combined Authority, and Police and Crime Panel Any Member of the Council shall have the opportunity to comment on any matters referred to in the following minutes. The relevant representatives shall then be given the opportunity to respond to any comments made by Members on those minutes. 6. Sheffield City Region Combined Authority - 9th May, 2016 (Pages 25 - 32) 7. Sheffield City Region Combined Authority - 20th June, 2016 (Pages 33 - 42) 8. Sheffield City Region Combined Authority - 27th June, 2016 (Draft) (Pages 43 - 46) 9. South Yorkshire Pensions Authority - 26th May, 2016 (Draft) (Pages 47 - 50) 10. South Yorkshire Pensions Authority - 9th June, 2016 (Annual Meeting) (Draft) (Pages 51 - 54) 11. South Yorkshire Pensions Authority - 9th June, 2016 (Ordinary Meeting) (Draft) (Pages 55 - 62) 12. South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority - 27th June, 2016 (Annual Meeting) (Draft) (Pages 63 - 70) 13. South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Authority - 27th June, 2016 (Ordinary Meeting) (Draft) (Pages 71 - 84) Minutes of the Regulatory Boards 14. Planning Regulatory Board - 31st May, 2016 (Pages 85 - 86) 15. Audit Committee - 15th June, 2016 (Pages 87 - 92) 16. Planning Regulatory Board - 28th June, 2016 (Pages 93 - 96) 17. General Licensing Regulatory Board - 29th June, 2016 (Pages 97 - 100) 18. Statutory Licensing Regulatory Board - 29th June, 2016 (Pages 101 - 102) 19. General Licensing Panel - Various (Pages 103 - 104) 20. Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee - 12th June, 2016 (Pages 105 - 106) 21. Appeals, Awards and Standards - Various (Pages 107 - 110) Minutes of the Health and Wellbeing Board 22. Health and Wellbeing Board - 7th June, 2016 (Pages 111 - 116) Minutes of the Scrutiny Committees 23. Overview and Scrutiny Committee - 7th June, 2016 (Pages 117 - 126) 24. Overview & Scrutiny Committee - 12th June, 2016 (to follow) Minutes of the Area Councils 25. Dearne Area Council - 6th June, 2016 (Pages 127 - 130) 26. North Area Council - 6th June, 2016 (Pages 131 - 136) 27. North East Area Council - 9th June, 2016 (Pages 137 - 140) 28. Penistone Area Council - 16th June, 2016 (Pages 141 - 146) 29. South Area Council - 17th June, 2016 (Pages 147 - 152) 30. Central Area Council - 4th July, 2016 (Pages 153 - 158) Item for Consideration 31. Planning Regulatory Board - Change of Membership To determine the following proposed changes in Membership of the Planning Regulatory Board: Proposed: Delete – Councillor Saunders Add – Councillor Tattersall Recommendations to Council All reports detailed below are subject to recommendation by the Statutory Licensing Regulatory Board and by Cabinet and are available to download from the Council’s website. The Chair of the Regulatory Board and Cabinet Spokesperson for the Service in question (as appropriate) will respond to any comments or amendments concerning these minutes. 32. Gambling Act 2005 - Statement of Licensing Policy (Stat Lic 29.6.2016/3) (Pages 159 - 226) RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL that the Gambling Act Statement of Licensing Policy 2016 be approved and adopted. 33. Appointment of Representative to the Penistone School Trust (Cab.13.7.2016/7) (Pages 227 - 228) RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL that approval be given to the re-appointment of Councillor Barnard to the Penistone School Trust for a further 4 year term. 34. Council Representation on Barnsley and Rotherham Chamber of Commerce and Barnsley Community Safety Partnership (Cab.13.7.2016/7.1) (Pages 229 - 230) RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL (i) that Councillor Miller be appointed as the Council’s representative on the Barnsley and Rotherham Representative Council to replace Councillor Leech; and (ii) that a Police and Crime Panel representative be appointed as a Council representative on the Barnsley Community Safety Partnership. Minutes of the Cabinet Meetings 35. Cabinet Meeting - 18th May, 2016 (Pages 231 - 236) 36. Cabinet Meeting - 1st June, 2016 (Pages 237 - 238) 37. Cabinet Meeting - 15th June, 2016 (Pages 239 - 242) 38. Cabinet - 13th July, 2016 (Pages 243 - 246) (NB. No Cabinet decisions have been called in from these meetings) Schedule of Declarations - copy attached Diana Terris Chief Executive Wednesday, 20 July 2016 Item 2 MEETING: Full Council DATE: Friday, 20 May 2016 TIME: 6.00 pm VENUE: Council Chamber, Barnsley Town Hall MINUTES Present The Mayor (Councillor Burgess) Central Ward - Councillors D. Birkinshaw and Bruff Cudworth Ward - Councillors Houghton CBE and C. Wraith MBE Darfield Ward - Councillors Markham and Saunders Darton East Ward - Councillors Charlesworth, Miller and Spence Darton West Ward - Councillors Cave and Howard Dearne North Ward - Councillors Gardiner, Gollick and Philips Dearne South Ward - Councillors Johnson and Noble Dodworth Ward - Councillors P. Birkinshaw, J. Carr and Riggs Hoyland Milton Ward - Councillors Shepherd and Stowe Kingstone Ward - Councillors D. Green and Williams Monk Bretton Ward - Councillors Richardson and Sheard North East Ward - Councillors Ennis, Hampson and Higginbottom Old Town Ward - Councillors Grundy and Lofts Penistone East Ward - Councillors Barnard, Hand-Davis and Wilson Penistone West Ward - Councillors David Griffin and Unsworth Rockingham Ward - Councillors Andrews BEM and Lamb Royston Ward - Councillors Clements and Makinson St. Helen’s Ward - Councillors Leech, Platts and Tattersall Stairfoot Ward - Councillors Mathers and W. Johnson Wombwell Ward - Councillors Daniel Griffin Worsbrough Ward - Councillors G. Carr, Clarke and Pourali Page 5 1 1. Election of Mayor for the Municipal Year 2016/17 Moved by Councillor Howard – Seconded by Councillor Cave; and RESOLVED that Councillor L. Burgess be and is hereby elected Mayor of the Borough for the ensuing Municipal Year (2016/17). 2. Mayor's Declaration Councillor L. Burgess, having first made and subscribed the declaration prescribed by law, took her seat as Mayor accordingly and returned thanks for her election. 3. Thanks to the Retiring Mayor and Mayoress Moved by Councillor W Johnson – Seconded by Councillor Clarke RESOLVED that the best of thanks of the Council be given to Councillor B. Mathers for the manner in which he has discharged his duties appertaining to the Office of Mayor and also to Mrs M. Mathers for her services as Mayoress. 4. Presentations to the Retiring Mayor and Mayoress The Mayor presented to Councillor B. Mathers and to Mrs M. Mathers replicas of the medallions attached to their respective Chains of Office as Mayor and Mayoress for the year 2015/16 in recognition of the Council’s appreciation of the services rendered by them to the Borough during this period. 5. Election of Deputy Mayor for the Municipal Year 2016/17 Moved by Councillor W Johnson – Seconded by Councillor Clarke RESOLVED that Councillor B. Mathers be and is hereby elected Deputy Mayor of the Borough for the ensuing municipal year (2016/17). 6. Deputy Mayor's Declaration Councillor B. Mathers having first made and subscribed the declaration prescribed by law, took his seat as Deputy Mayor accordingly and returned thanks for his election. 7. Appointment of Mayor Elect Moved by Councillor Higginbottom – Seconded by Councillor Hampson; and RESOLVED that Councillor Ennis be and is hereby appointed Mayor Elect of the Borough. 8. Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 Appointment of Cabinet Members, Cabinet Support Members and Member Community Cohesion Champion RESOLVED that the appointment by the Leader, in accordance with the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007, of the following Cabinet Page 6 2 Members, Cabinet Support Members and Member Community Cohesion Champion be noted:- Deputy Leader of the Council (including Public Health) - Councillor Andrews BEM Cabinet Spokesperson without Portfolio - Councillor Howard Corporate Services Spokesperson - Councillor Gardiner Communities Spokesperson - Councillor Platts Place Spokesperson - Councillor Miller People (Safeguarding)Spokesperson - Councillor Bruff People (Achieving Potential) Spokesperson - Councillor Cheetham Cabinet Support Member without Portfolio - Councillor Dave Griffin Cabinet Support Member for Corporate Services - Councillor Franklin Cabinet Support Member for Communities - Councillor Lamb Cabinet Support Member for Place - Councillor Mitchell Cabinet Support Member for People (Safeguarding) - Councillor Saunders Cabinet Support Member for People (Achieving Potential) - Councillor Cherryholme Member Community Cohesion Champion – Councillor K. Dyson 9. Appointment of Chair Persons of Area Councils RESOLVED that the appointment by the Leader of the following Members
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