S P R I N G e 2 0 1 2 GennadeionGennadeion NewsNews A SPECIAL INSERT TO THE NEWSLETTER OF THE AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES AT ATHENS Niarchos Grant to Showcase Gennadeion Treasures he Niarchos Foundation The islands of Lesbos and awarded the Gennadius Tenedos in the manuscript Library a new grant to T isolario by C. Buondelmonti. create online presentations of thirty of its most iconic hold- ings. Among these treasures are a historical commentary. Three manuscript isolario by Cristoforo separate large touch-screen Buondelmonti of c. 1420, the computers will be available paintings illustrating General for browsing. The software to Makrygiannis’s Memoirs, the be used is the award-winning great Charta of Greece of Rigas Turning-the-Pages developed for Pheraios, and Rumpf’s collection the British Library and the effort of costume drawings. will be completed in June 2013. The digitized materials will Historian Anna Tsokani is work- be presented as books that can ing on the documentation of the be browsed online along with materials. e FROM THE ARCHIVES and proofs with corrections by was Marie de Brumes in 1982, the author; translations; news- “a true tour de force,” in Elytis’s “Z” Author Donates Papers paper clippings about the work own words. and life of the author; personal In addition to extensive cor- hanks to the initiative and been deposited at the Vovolinis photographs (about 3,000); and respondence between Elytis and encouragement of newly Archives in 2003. audiovisual material. Bordes (1981–1995), the collec- elected Gennadius Li- Born in Kavala in 1935, nov- The American School is most tion also contains photographs T thankful to Vasilis Vasilikos for of Elytis, audiotapes, and some brary Board Member Alexandra elist Vasilis Vasilikos gained in- e Vovolini, author Vasilis Vasilikos ternational fame when his novel his generous gift. press clippings. donated his personal papers to “Z” became a successful film in the Archives of the Gennadius 1969, directed by Costas Gavras. ddd Library. The Vasilikos papers had “Z” was also translated into 32 Xavier Bordes Papers languages. Vasilikos has written Acquired more than 90 books (novels, short stories, theater) and also Xavier Bordes, French poet and served as Greece’s Ambassador translator, made an important to UNESCO (1996–2004). His gift to the Archives of the Genna- early papers have been deposited dius Library in December 2011. at the Mugar Library of Boston In 1979 Bordes undertook the University. translation of Odysseus Elytis’s The Vasilikos Papers at the poetry in collaboration with R. Gennadius Library contain Longueville. Educated in music correspondence (about 2,000 and classics, Bordes had a career incoming letters from such as a teacher and literary critic. important figures as Mikis The- He also collaborated with Gal- odorakis, Manos Hatzidakis, limard and other major publish- Poet Odysseus Elytis with Marguerite Duras, Mario Vitti, ing houses in France. The first handwritten dedication to Vasilis Vasilikos in the 1960s and James Merrill); manuscripts translated work to be published Xavier Bordes G2 G E N N A D E I O N N E W S FROM THE ARCHIVES Vovolini Joins Alexandra Vovolini Donates Father’s Papers Overseers he American School is n February 2012 the Board of most grateful to Alex- Overseers elected Alexandra andra Vovolini for her IC. Vovolini, a lawyer and a T publisher, to its ranks. Trained generous decision to donate her father’s papers to the Archives of as a lawyer at the University of the Gennadius Library. Athens and University College Journalist and politician London (LL.M.), Ms. Vovolini Constantine A. Vovolinis is currently CEO of Kerkyra (1913–1970) was the creator Publications and the Economia of the Great Greek Biographi- Group. In addition to publishing cal Dictionary. The 2,656 files books on economics, business of the archive contain data that history, and culture, the Econo- Vovolinis collected with the mia Group produces the peri- intention to write biographical odical Οικονομική Επιθεώρηση essays on people active in Greek (Economic Review, first published public life in the late nineteenth in 1934 by Spyros Vovolinis as and the majority of the twen- Βιομηχανική Επιθεώρηση), and the English-language Business tieth century. The Great Greek Constantine Vovolinis (1913–1970) Biographical Dictionary was File. It also organizes confer- published in five volumes from ences, seminars, and a variety of 1958 to 1962. Vovolinis contin- cal Dictionary’s catalogue (Το (http://www.ascsa.edu.gr/index. events relating to the economy of ued, however, to collect material Αρχείο Κωνσταντίνου Αντ. php/archives/konstantinos- Greece and beyond. until his death; this last part was Βοβολίνη, Athens 1997). The vovolinis-catalogue) and the Ms. Vovolini is a member of never published. full catalogue of the Archive site of Economia Publishing. the Executive Committee of the In 1997, Margarita Dritsa, (processed and catalogued by Researchers who have already European Business Press, and with the collaboration of Geor- G. Panselina), with more than used the archive assert that it is is active in various commercial, gia M. Panselina, published the 10,000 entries, is currently “an invaluable tool for historical environmental, and cultural first volume of the Biographi- available at the School’s web site research.” e organizations in Greece and internationally. e News From The Library Joannes Gennadius went to school some twenty years later; and a 1932 book recounting the New Acquisitions Three books were won at life and adventures of Konstan- auction: a seventeenth-century tinos Gerakis (1647–1688), an Several new rare and early Venetian book on the Pelopon- adventurer from Cephalonia, titles were recently added to nesus, L’origine della Morea, dove who achieved the position of the Gennadius Library collec- si descrivono tutte le Provincie, l’ governor of Siam in the seven- tion. Among the additions was Origine d’ essa, le Citta, il Sito, i teenth century. a book, bought in January, on Costumi di quei Popoli, & altre Two recent gifts highlight the the history of the American navy belissime curiosita, con tutti gl’ Ac- significant role of diaspora com- containing an account on the quisti fatti di tempo in tempo dalla munities in publishing. Georges battle of Navarino: A general Serenissima Republica di Venetia Kiourtzian of the Byzantine view of the rise, progress, and bril- dall’ Anno 1684 sino per tutto l’ Library of the Collège de France liant achievements of the American anno 1686, divisa in due parti…, offered the Gennadius Library an navy, down to the present time: Il- printed in Venice by Marc’ Anto- Armenian Bible printed in Istan- Armenian Bible printed in lustrated by biographical sketches, nio Pandolfo Malatesta in 1686; bul in 1895. The bible, a testa- Istanbul, 1895. official reports, and interesting a nineteenth-century children’s ment to the cultural presence views of American commerce, to geography book in Greek (Των of the Armenian community of which is affixed a succinct account παίδων η Γεωγραφία: με επτά Istanbul in the late nineteenth ματα, published in Alexandria by of the origin and progress of the γεωγραφικούς πίνακας και εβδο- century, was bought in Yerevan Stephanos Pargas (1911–1921). Greek revolution, terminating with μήκοντα τρεις εικονογραφίας), in 1996. Historian Thanos Ver- The journal brought together the glorious victory of Navarino, printed by the American Typog- emis donated six volumes of the an active group of intellectuals October 20, 1827. raphy in 1832 in Malta, where Greek philological journal Γράμ- Continued on next page G E N N A D E I O N N E W S G3 Lecture Series Attracts Large Crowds In Cotsen Hall he Cotsen lecture series shared her research on the ar- On April 3, an expert on continued for its sixth chives of Mt. Athos that offer medieval ceramics from the Tyear thanks to the gener- valuable information on wom- Eastern Mediterranean, Joanita osity of Lloyd and Margit Cot- en’s legal and economic status. Vroom of Leiden University, sen. On November 29, author Working closely from ar- described the wining and din- Vasilis Vassilikos reflected on chival sources and court docu- ing habits at the Ottoman court technology and literature dur- ments, Stathis Kalyvas of the in Constantinople/Istanbul as ing a lively presentation. He Political Science Department seen through the eyes of Dutch demonstrated that the advent of at Yale University explored in ambassador Cornelis Calkoen digital technology has changed a March 13 lecture aspects of (1696–1764). Special emphasis radically the very reality of life the relationship of resistance was placed on the kitchen uten- and creation for the litterateur; and civil war in the 1940s. His sils and dining equipment used it remains to be proven whether lecture emphasized the choices in the imperial kitchens of the this is for better or for worse. and experiences of ordinary Topkapi Palace. e On February 14, Alice-Mary people as demonstrated through Alice-Mary Talbot during her Talbot of Dumbarton Oaks archival material. lecture. Photo: G. Meleti Library News (continued from previous page) chance to work on them closely. Cross Aegean Exchange Program in Greece in the last two centu- The seminar was put together Fellow, presented his work on ries. Along with his students, he and literary figures including C. with the help of book historian “The Functional Organization of mounted the exhibition Exhibit- P. Cavafy, and demonstrates the and bookbinder Vangelio Tzane- Early Byzantine Constantinople, ing Byzantium in the Basil Room, significance of the Greek dias- tatou. The main objective was according to the Notitia Urbis featuring icons and manuscripts pora on the formation of modern to improve European citizens’ Constantinopolitanae” (January from the collections of the Gen- Greek thought. access to a substantial part of 12, 2012).
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