PUBLICATIONS 1 Prosopography 2 History of Aquitaine 11th-12th centuries A General B Relations between England and Aquitaine C Duke William IX of Aquitaine “the troubadour” `1071-1126 3 The Crusades 4 Name Studies (Onomastics) A Personal Names B Country Names 5 The “Conventum” of Aquitaine: an early 11th century Latin narrative 6 The Bayeux Tapestry 7 History of literature and painting in 16th century Paris 8 Muslim Saragossa: c. e. 1018-1118 9 Eleanor of Aquitaine 10 Encyclopedia articles 11 Varia Books A Rural Society in Medieval France: The Gâtine of Poitou in the 11th and 12th Centuries, (Baltimore, 1964), 141 pp; French translation, Une Société rurale dans la France du Moyen Age: La Gâtine poitevine aux X1e et X11e siècles, trsl. Andrée-Jeanne Gilabert, (Parthenay, 1997), pp. 152. A World Unto Itself: Life in a Medieval Village, (New York, 1975) (school book). Le conventum d'Aquitaine (vers 1030); précurseur des premières épopées, Publications romanes et rançaises, T. CCX11, principle author with the collaboration of Yves Chauvin and Georges Pon (Genève: Droz, 1995), 190 pp. Was the Bayeux Tapestry made in France? The Case for St. Florent of Saumur, (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005), pp. 142. The brief eminence and doomed fall of Islamic Zaragoza: a great Center of Arabic and Jewish Learning in the Iberian Peninsula in the eleventh-century, Instituto Islamicos y del Oriente Proximo, Centro mixto entre las Cortes de Aragon, el Consejo Sujperior de Investigaciones Cientificas y la Universidad de Zaragoza, (Zaragoza 2008). 414 pp. Solving some Enigmas of the Middle Ages: the Historian as a Detective, (Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen press, 2011). Articles 1 Prosopography Co-founder and co-editor of Medieval Prosopography. "The Scope of Medieval Prosopography", in Medieval Prosopography, I, (1980), 3-7. "Prosopography", Medieval Studies: An Introduction, ed. J. M. Powell, (Syracuse, 2nd ed., 1992), 185-226. (First version of essay appeared in 1st edition of same title,1976), pp. 171-84. “Arab-Islamic Medieval Culture,” special issue of Medieval Prosopography, 23, (200 2), author of preface p. ix. 2 History of Aquitaine 11th – 12th Centuries A General "A privileged Peasantry in Medieval France: t he Peasants of the Gatine of Poitou in the 11th and 12th Centuries", in Studies in Medieval Culture, ed. J. Som merfeldt, (Kalamazoo, 1964), 31-38. "The Origins of the Family of the Viscount s of Thouars", in Ētudes de civilization médiévale: Mélanges E.-R. Labande, (Poitiers, 1974), 25-31. "Biography and the Study of 11th Century Society: Bishop Peter II of Poitiers (1087-1115)", in Francia: Forschungen zur Westeuropaischen Geschichte, VII, (1979), 101-121. (French translation) "Pierre II, évèque de Poitiers (1087-1115)", Le Pay Chauvinois. Société de Recherches archéologiques du Pays Chauvinois, 33, (1995), 67-82. B Relations between England and Aquitaine 10th – 12th centuries. "The Participation of Aquitanians in the Conquest of England", in Anglo-Norman Studies, IX. Proceedings of the Battle Conference 1986, (Wolfeboro, NH, 1987), 1-24. "Aquitanians and Flemings in the Refounding of Bardney Abbey, Linc. in the later 11th century", The Haskins Society Journal: Studies in Medieval History, I, (1989), 73-90. "England and Aquitaine in the Century before the Norman Conquest", Anglo-Saxon England, 19(1990), 81-101. "Queen Mathilda of England (1066-1083) and the Abbey of La Chaise-Dieu in the Auvergne", Fruhmittelalterliche Studien. Jahrbuch des Instituts fur Fruhmittelalterforschung der Universitat Munster, 27, (1993), 350-74. C Duke William IX of Aquitaine 1071-1126 (the troubadour). "Contemporary Views of William the Troubadour, 9th Duke of Aquitaine 1086-1126", in Medieval Lives and the Historian: Studies in Medieval Prosopography, Proceedings of the First International Interdisciplinary Conference on Medieval Prosopography, University of Bielefeld, 3-5 Dec., 1982), (Kalamazoo, 1986), 73-89. "L'attribution des poêmes du comte de Poitiers à Guillaume IX d'Aquitaine", Cahiers de Civilisation Médiévale, XXX1, (1988), 3-16. "The Eleanor of Aquitaine Vase, William IX of Aquitaine, and Muslim Spain," Gesta. The International Center of Medieval Art, XXX11, (1993), 3-10. "Troubadour Contacts with Muslim Spain and Knowledge of Arabic: New Evidence concerning William IX of Aquitaine," Romania, t. 113, 1992-95, 14-42. "Did William IX (the Troubadour) know Virgil?, published in Wege der Erinnerung im und an das Mittelalter. Festschrift fur Joachim Wollasch zum 80. Geburtstag, ed. A. Sohn, (Bochum, 2011), 95-102. "William the Troubadour: his childhood, and his first years as Duke of Aquitaine, 1971-86", De Christine de Pizan a Hans Robert Jauss. Etudes offertes a Earl Jeffrey Richards par ses colleques et amis a l'occasion de son soixante-cinquieme anniversaire, Textes recueillis par Danielle Buschinger et Roy Rosenstein, Presses du Centre dEtudes Medievales de Picardie, Amiens 2017, pp. 160-73. 3 The Crusades "A Norman-Italian Adventurer in the East: Richard of Salerno 1097-1112", Anglo-Norman Studies, XV, (1993), 25-40. "The Ventures of the Dukes of Aquitaine into Spain and the Crusader East in the Early Twelfth Century", The Haskins Society Journal: Studies in Medieval History, 5 (1993), 61-75. "The Crusader Lordship of Marash in Armenian Cilicia, 1104-1149", Viator, 27, (1996), 35-52. "Urban II, the Abbey of Saint-Florent of Saumur, and the First Crusade", Autour de la première croisade, Actes du Colloque de la Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East, (Clermont-Ferrand, 22-25 juin 1995), ed. M. Balard, (Paris, 1996), 57-70. "A little known Armenian historian of the Crusading period: Gregory the Priest (1136-62)", in Truth as Gift: Studies in medieval Cistercian history in honor of John R. Sommerfeldt, ed. Marsha Dutton, D. M. La Corte, Paul Lockey, (Kalamazoo, Cistercian Publications, 2004), 119-43. 4 Names Studies (Onomastics) A Personal Names Les noms de personne poitevins du 9e au 12e siècle:, in Revue Internationale d'Onomastique, 1974, 81-100. (with E. Krawutschke), "Le choix du nom d'enfant en Poitou X1e-X11e sieèles: l'importance des noms famillaux", Genèse médiévale de l'anthroponymie moderne. Vol. III. Enquêtes généalogiques et données prosopographiques, ed. M. Bourin et P.Chareille, (Tours, 1995), 143-54. "La dévolution des noms et la structure de la famille: l'exemple Poitevin", L'anthroponymie : document de l'histoire sociale des mondes méditerranéens médiévaux. Actes du colloque international organisé par l'Ēcole française de Rome avec le concours du GDR 955 du C.N.R.S. Genèse médiévale de l'anthroponymie moderne (Rome, 6-8 Oct. 1994), (Rome, 1996), 401-411. Co-editor with Monique Bourin, and Pascal Chareille of Personal Name Studies of Medieval Europe. Social Identity and Familial Structures, (Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications, 2002); author of Preface, ix-xvi B Country Names "How England got its Name, (1014-1035)”, History Today, Oct. 2007, 32-38. “How Angleterre came to be the French country name for England in the eleventh century”, Beitrage zur Namenforschung, 43/3 (2008), 289-99. “How England got its Name, (1014-1030)”, Nouvelle Revue d` Onomastique, No. 51 (2009), 17-52. “Egbert’s England”, History Today, Feb. 2013, 38-43, “Did King Egbert of Wessex rename Britain as England at Winchester in 828?”, Nouvelle Revue d’Onomastique, No. 55 (2013), 99-142. 5 The Conventum of Aquitaine : An early eleventh century Latin narrative. "A Feudal Document of Early 11th Century Poitou", in Mélanges René Crozet, (Poitiers, 1966), I, 203-13. "Hugh of Lusignan: Agreement Between Lord and Vassal", in Readings in Medieval History, ed. P. Geary, (Lewiston, NY, 1989), 405-11, (English translation of the text). “Love and Complaints in Angouleme: Agreements between Count William of the Aquitanians and Hugh of Lusignan (1028)”, in Reading the Middle Ages: Sources from Europe, Byzantium, and the Islamic World, Vol. 2, From c.300 to c.1150, ed. B. Rosenwein, (Peterborough, CA, 2007), 213-19, (English translation of the text). Le Conventum d’Aquitaine, 1995, book cited above. "The Lord/Dependant (vassal) Relationship: a case study from Aquitaine c. 1030", Journal of Medieval History, 24 , (1998), 1-30, translated into Hungarian in the journal Aetas, (University of Szeged), 2000(3), 36-61. "Narrative Structures and Techniques in the Conventum of Aquitaine ca. 1030", in Latin Culture in the Eleventh Century, Proceedings of the third International Conference on Medieval Studies, Cambridge, Sept. 9-12, 1998, ed. M. W. Herren, C. J. McDonough, and Ross G. Arthur, (Tournhout: Brepols, 2002), 39-56. "The Contribution of Diplomatics to the Identification of an Early-Eleventh-Century Aquitanian Narrative", in Charters, Cartularies, and Archives: The Preservation and Transmission of Documents in the Medieval West, Proceedings of a Colloquium of the Commission Internationale de Diplomatique, Princeton, New York, 16-18 Sept. 1999), ed. A. J. Kosto and A. Winroth, (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2002), 61-79. "The Biblical David as Role Model in the early 11th century latin narrative the Conventum of Aquitaine", Foi chrétienne et églises dans la société politique de l’Occident du Haut Môyen Age (IVe-XIIe siècles), ed. J. Hoareau-Dodinau and P. Texier, (Limoges, 2004), 253-69. 6 The Bayeux Tapestry Was the Bayeux Tapestry made in France? 2005, Book cited above. “Could Duke Phillip the Good of Burgundy have owned the Bayeux Tapestry in 1430”, Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire, 83/1, (2005), 355-65. “An ‘old’ Conquest of England Tapestry (possibly The Bayeux) owned by the Rulers of France, England and Burgundy (1396-1430”, Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire, 83/2, (2005), 1017-27. “Saint-Florent of Saumur and the Origin of the ‘Bayeux’ Tapestry”, Francia: Forschungen zur westeuropaischen Geschichte, Bd. 33/1 (2006), 17-32. “Noms de personne, noms de lieux et noms de peoples dans la Tapisserie de Bayeux: une perspective francaise”, Cahiers de Civilisations Médiévales, 51 (2008), 201-12. “The alternation between Present and Past Time in the ‘telling of the Bayeux Tapestry Story”, Annales de Normandie, 58, 1,2(2008), 7-23.
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