FEDERAL VOLUME NUMBER 66 ^ a /i t e d Washington, Thursday, April 6, 1950 ~ —-3 » 1 Sec. CONTENTS n "title 7— agriculture 998.54 Notification of regulation. Safeguards. Chapter IX— Production and Mar­ 998.55 Agriculture Department Pag8 keting Administration (Marketing INSPECTION See • Production and Marketing Administration. Agreements and Orders), Depart­ 998.62 Inspection and certification. Air Force Department ment of Agriculture EXEMPTIONS Notices: Procedure. P art 998— H and ling of I rish P otatoes 998.67 Contracts containing Renego-» Granting exemptions. 998.68 tiation Article entered into, G r o w n in N e w Jersey 998.69 Appeal. 998.70 Records and reports. by, or on behalf of, Depart­ ORDER REGULATING HANDLING ment of Defense, exclusive of Sec. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS those previously reported (see 998.0 Findings and determinations. 998.75 Reports. Military Renegotiation Policy DEFINITIONS 998.76 Compliance. and Review Board). 998.77 Right of the Secretary. 998.1 Secretary. 998.78 Effective time. Alien Property, Office of 998.2 Act. 998.79 Termination. Notices: 998.3 Person. 998.80 Proceedings after termination. Vesting orders, etc.: 998.4 Production area. 998.81 Effect of termination or amendment. Bartels, Otto, and Sophie 998.5 Potatoes. 998.82 Duration of immunities. Bartels_____________________ 1964 998.6 Handler. 998.83 Agents. Borne, A., & Cia. S. A— ------- 1964 998.7 Ship. 998.84 Derogation. De La Feld, Joseph Hubert, 998.8 Producer. 998.85 Personal liability. et al________ 1968 998.-9 Fiscal year. 998.86 Separability. 998.10 Committee. 998.87 Amendments. Dietrich, Emil, and Helen 998.11 District. Dietrich____________________ 1964 A u t h o r it y : §§ 998.0 to 998.87 issued under Varieties. Eppelsheimer, Philip------------ 1962 998.12 sec. 5, 49 Stat. 753, as amended; 7 U. S. O. 998.13 Seed potatoes. and Sup., 608c. Groh, Clara__________________ 1963 998.14 Table stock potatoes. Hauptmann, Heinrich----------- 1965 998.15 Wholesale pack. § 998.0 Findings and determina­ Hermann, Edward___________ 1965 998.16 Consumer pack. tions— (a) Findings upon the basis of the Isaac, Miriam_________________ 1968 Grade. 998.17 hearirfa record. Pursuant to Public Act Jusseit, Otto Heinrich, and 998.18 Export. No. 10, 73d Congress (May 12, 1933), as Minnie Schwarz—•.------------ 1965 ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE amended and as reenacted and amended Maart, Meta__________________ 1963 998.22 Establishment and membership. by the Agricultural Marketing Agree­ Miesch, Adolph K ---------;------- 1966 998.23 Term of office. ment Act of 1937, as amended (7 U. S. C, Nakagawa, T., & Co_.------------ 1966 998.24 Selection. 601 et seq.; 62 Stat. 1247; 63 Stat 1051), Nather, Otto, and Elizabeth 998.25 Nomination. and the rules of practice and procedure . Naether____ ____________ 1967 998.26 Failure to nominate. governing proceedings to formulate Nishimura, Yasuke_____________ 1967 998.27 Acceptance. marketing agreements and marketing Oelsner, A. Alfred______ _____ 1967 998.28 Vacancies. orders (7 CFR, Part 900); a public hear­ Spielmann, Robert Ernst------ 1967 998.29 Alternate members. ing was held at Hightstown, New Jersey, 998.30 Procedure. Yawata, Ren------------ 1963 998.31 Expenses and compensation. on October 24-26, 1949, upon a proposed Yokota, Haruko_______ ______ 1963 998.32 Powers. marketing agreement and a proposed Army Department marketing order regulating the handling 998.33 Duties. - Notices : of Irish potatoes grown in New Jersey. BUDGET, EXPENSES AND ASSESSMENTS Contracts containing Renego­ Upon the basis of evidence introduced at tiation Article entered into, 998.38 Budget. such hearing, and the record thereof, it by, or on behalf of, Depart­ 998.39' Expenses. is found that: ment of Defense, exclusive of 998.40 Rate of assessment. (1) The terms and provisions of this Increasing rate of assessment. those previously reported 998.41 order prescribe, so far as practicable, 998.42 Refunds. (see Military Renegotiation such different terms, applicable to dif­ 998.43 Accounting. Policy and Review Board). 998.44 CoUection of funds. ferent production areas, as are neces­ sary in order to give due recognition to Civil Aeronautics Board REGULATION the difference in production and mar­ Notices: 998.48 Marketing policy preparation. keting of such Irish potatoes; American Airline^, Inc., et al.; 998.49 Marketing policy reports. (2) This order is limited in its appli­ service to Springfield, Mass., 998.50 Recommendation for regulation. cation to the smallest regional produc­ case; hearing---------------------- 1953 998.51 Issuance of regulations. tion area that is practicable, consistent 998.52 Modification, suspension, or termi­ Defense Department with carrying out the declared policy of nation. See Military Renegotiation Policy 998.53 Minimum quantity regulation. (Continued on next page) and Review Board. 1925 1926 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Federal Communications Com- Pase Justice Department Pase FEDERAL^REGISTER mission— Continued See Alien Property, Office of. \ '»3« > f (¿unto 4 Notices— Continued Labor Department Class B PM broadcast stations; See Wage and Hour Division. Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, revised tentative allocation Military Renegotiation Policy and days following official Federal holidays, plan------------ ----------------------- 1957 by the Division of the Federal Register, and Review Board Delegations of authority; order National Archives and Records Service, Gen­ Notices: eral Services Administration, pursuant to the amending interim order____ 1 1958 Contracts containing Renego­ authority contained in the Federal Register Hearings, etc.: tiation Article entered into, Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Argus Press Co. (W O A P )_ 1956 by, or on behalf of, Depart­ amended; 44 TJ. S. C., ch. 8B) , under regula­ Buttrey Broadcast, Inc., and ment of Defense, exclusive of tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Prank E. Hurt & Son, Inc. those previously reported____ 1932 mittee of the Federal Register, approved by (K F X D )__________________... 1955 Navy Department the President. Distribution is made only by City of Jacksonville, Pia_ 1953 the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Notices: ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Haddican, George P _____ 1953 Contracts containing Renego­ KCRA, Inc____________________ 1954 The regulatory material appearing herein tiation Article entered into, is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Southeastern Broadcasting by, or on behalf of, Depart­ which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant System_________ 1954 ment of Defense, exclusive of to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Tower Realty Co. (WCUM)__ 1953 amended June 19, 1937. those previously reported (see T ri-Cities Broadcasting Co. Military Renegotiation Policy The F ederal R egister will be furnished by (WJIG)___________________ 1954 mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 and Review Board). Valley Broadcasting Co. per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Production and Marketing Ad­ advance. The charge for individual copies (KLOK)___________ 1955 (minimum 15<i) varies in proportion to the Wolpert, Newton Z. and Twin ministration sizejp t the issue. Remit check or money City Radio Dispatch, Inc__1956 Rules and regulations: order, made payable to the Superintendent Proposed rule making: ■ Potatoes, Irish, in New Jersey__1925 of Documents, directly to the Government Aural and visual transmitters of Printing Office, Washington' 25, D. C. Securities and Exchange Com­ television stations; separate mission There are no restrictions on the republica­ operation _______ 1932 tion of material appearing in the F ed e r a l Notices: R e g is t e r . Federal Power Commission Hearings, etc.: Notices : Aldred Investment Trust____ 1962 Hearings, etc.: Northern Natural Gas Co____ 1961 1949 Edition American Smelting and Re­ Ohio Edison Co. and Ohio fining Co. and Border Pipe Public Service Co_____ ,____ 1961 CODE OF FEDERAL Line Co____________________ 1958 Wage and Hour Division Commonwealth Natural Gas Notices: REGULATIONS Corp. et al_________________ 1959 Employment of learners, special The following books are now available: Georgia Power Co____________ 1959 certificates; issuance to vari­ Indiana & Michigan Electric ous industries_______________ 1944 Title 43 ($4.25) Co. and Public Service Co. Titles 47-48 ($4.50) of Indiana, Inc____________ 1958 CODIFICATION GUIDE Piedmont Natural Gas Corp_ 1959 Public Utility District No. 1, A numerical list of the parts of the Code Previously announced: Title 3, 1948 Supp. of Federal Regulations affected by documents ($2.75); Titles 4-5 ($2.25); Title 6 ($3.00); Pend Öreille County______ 1959 published in this issue. Proposed rules, as Title 7: Parts 1-201 ($4.25); Parts 210- South Carolina Power Co. and opposed to final actions, are Identified as 874 ($2.75); Parts 900 to end ($3.50); South Carolina Electric .& such. Title 8 ($2.75); Title 9 ($2.50); Titles Gas Co_________________ __ 1958 10-13 ($2.125); Title 14: Parts 1-399 Title 7 Page ($3.50); Parts 400 to end ($2.25); Title Federal Trade Commission Chapter IX: 15 ($2.50); Title 16 ($3.50); Title 17 Notices: Part 998—_________________ 1925 ($2.75); Title 18 ($2.75); Title 19 ($3.25); Hearings, etc.: Title 24 Title 20 ($2.75); Title 21 ($2.50); Titles Coradio, Inc., et al___________ 1959 22-23 ($2.25); Title 24 ($2.75); Title 25 Chapter VIII: Zitserman, Esther, and J. M. Part 825__________________ 1931 ($2.75); Title 26: Parts 1-79 ($4.00); Howard Co_____
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