OKLAHOMA State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers Twenty-Seventh Annual Report 1962 Copy of Registration Law and A Roster of Registered Professional Engineers Semco Color Press — Oklahoma Citv NAMES AND TERMS OF OFFICE OF FORMER BOARD MEMBERS OF THE STATE BOARD OF REGISTRATION FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS Geo. J. Stein, P.E., Miami 1935-1936 Boyd S. Myers, P.E., Houston Tex 1935-1937 J. F. Brooks, P.E., Norman 1935-1938 T. P. Clonts, P.E., Muskogee (Deceased) 1935-1939 W. C. Roads, P.E., Tulsa 1935-1940 O. C. Wemhaner, P.E., Miami (Deceased) 1936-1942 Philip S. Donnell, P.E., Sheepscott, Maine 1937-1942 W. H. Stueve, P.E., Oklahoma City (Deceased). 1938-1951 Guy B. Treat, P.E., Oklahoma City 1939-1951 Chas. D. Watson, P.E., Tulsa 1940-1945 R. V. James, P.E., Norman . 1942-1951 E. C. Baker, P.E., Stillwater (Deceased) 1942-1947 C. V. Millikan, P.E., Tulsa 1945-1951 J. S. Clark, P.E., Newkirk 1948-1953 F. Edgar Rice, P.E., Bartlesville 1951-1955 F. J. Meyer, P.E., Oklahoma City 1951-1957 H. E. Bailey, P.E., Oklahoma City 1956-1957 Jack H. Abernathy, P.E., Oklahoma City 1953-1958 Edward R. Stapley, P.E., Stillwater 1951-1959 Roy J. Thompson, P.E., Oklahoma City 1955-1960 Harris Bateman, P.E., Bartlesville 1957-1961 David E. Fields, P.E., Tulsa 1951-1956 and 1957-1962 DAVID B. BENHAM, P.E. WILLIAM J. FELL, P.E. Senior Partner Fell & Wheeler Benham Engineering Company Engineers and Affiliates Bachelor of Science 1941 B.S. in E.E. 1931 United States Naval Academy University of Oklahoma Annapolis, Maryland J. RAY MATLOCK, P.E. Chairman Professor of Civil Engineering University of Oklahoma B.S. in C.E., 1925 University of Oklahoma JAMES E. CURRY, P.E. Partner — Director EDWARD J. CROSSLAND, P.E. Curry Engineering Company Seismograph Service Corp. B.S. in Physical Science 1944 B.S. in Physics, 1954 B.S. in Civil Engineering 1946 University of Tulsa Oklahoma State University FOREWORD This is the annual Roster prepared each November as re­ quired by the Statutes. It contains the names of all Registered Professional Engineers and Engineers-in-Training of Oklahoma who are in good standing. Additional information, including a copy of the Statutes, is added to make the booklet complete. The members and officials of the Registration Board have sought to interpret and carry out the provisions of the Registra­ tion Act in a conscientious manner. The Oklahoma Board is a member of the National Council of State Boards of Engineering Examiners. This is an organization of fifty-four state and ter­ ritorial examining boards. The members, by active participation in Council meetings, help the Board move toward more uniform re­ quirements and procedures in the registration of Professional Engineers. Interest in registration continues at a high rate compared to earlier years. This is appropriate in view of the increasing and ex­ panding demands upon the Engineering Profession through ad­ vances in science and technology. Many of the applicants, whose work does not require registration, seek it because they recognize the prestige and esteem that would be brought to them by being a registered Professional Engineer. The successful administration of the Registration Law is possible only through the wholehearted support of the members of the Engineering Profession. This cooperation is sincerely ap­ preciated. STATE BOARD OF REGISTRATION FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS By: J. Ray Matlock, P.E., Chairman November 30, 1962 INDEX Page Board Personnel 1 Digest of Board's Activities 4 National Council of State Boards 6 Address of State Boards 7 Oklahoma Society of Professional Engineers ._ 9 Oklahoma Registration Statute 10 Roster of Active Registrants 19 Certificates of Registration Issued on November 16, 1962 88 Roster of Engineers-in-Training 89 In Memoriam 100 STATE BOARD OF REGISTRATION FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS 516 Sequoyah Building Oklahoma City 5, Oklahoma J. RAY MATLOCK, P.E., Norman Chairman Term expires June 27, 1963 DAVID B. BENHAM, P.E., Oklahoma City Member Term expires June 28, 1964 WILLIAM J. FELL, P.E., Tulsa Member Term expires July 25, 1965 JAMES E. CURRY, P.E., Muskogee Member Term expires June 28, 1966 EDWARD J. CROSSLAND, P.E., Tulsa Member Term expires June 29, 1967 LENORE J. SIMMONS Administrative Secretary TELEPHONE JAckson 4-2305 BOARD ADDRESS—All requests for information, Application Blanks, etc., to —STATE BOARD OF REGISTRATION FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, 516 Sequoyah Building, Oklahoma City 5, Oklahoma. CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please send changes of address and business connection to the office of the Board in order to protect your Certificate of Registration — and to have accurate information for the Roster. POSTDATED CHECKS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE [8] DIGEST OF ACTIVITIES DURING YEAR DECEMBER 1, 1961 TO NOVEMBER 30, 1962 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS Number of Board Meetings 5 Written examinations 19 Applications rejected 47 Registered on qualifications, Sec. 13 281 Registered by reciprocity, Sec. 18 38 Reregistered 1 Total registered 320 Reinstatements 22 Licenses expired 50 Deceased 28 Total active Registrants as of November 30, 1962 4710 ENGINEERS-IN-TRAINING Written examinations 163 Certificates issued 109 Reinstatements 11 Applications rejected 41 Certificates expired 44 Deceased 1 Total active Engineers-in-Training as of November 30,1962 706 There were Forty-two Engineers-in-Training registered as Professional Engineers during the current year. [4] NUMBER OF REGISTRANTS IN EACH STATE AS OF 30 JUNE, 1962 E-I-T Engineers Non- Since and Land Land Total Resident June, State Engineers Surveyors Surveyors Registrants Engineers 1961 Alabama 2,980 680 401 4,061 1,376 Alaska 516 76 592 323 21 Arizona 2,073 54 175 2,302 857 32 Arkansas 1,402 1,402 773 81 California 30,357 250 918 31,525 3,071 1,640 Canal Zone 141 141 52 Colorado 3,139 377 243 3,759 1,276 "Tod Connecticut 3,336 509 301 4,146 ? 140 Delaware 2,004 85 48 2,137 1,013 10 District of Columbia 4,001 0 0 4,001 1 28 Florida 2,787 378 527 3,692 1,121 136 Georgia 3,288 408 474 4,170 1,346 243 Guam 13 2 15 5 0 Hawaii 837 50 78 965 253 40 Idaho 986 54 1,040 498 55 Illinois 16,456 907 17,363 1 390 Indiana 6,605 49 182 6,836 2,660 500 Iowa 2,312 527 90 2,929 1,343 102 Kansas 4,277 4,277 1,800 246 Kentucky 3,709 3,709 1,590 95 .Louisiana 6,543 213 6,756 2,180 0 Maine 1,451 1,451 560 43 Maryand 2,947 285 235 3,467 1,022 81 Massachusetts __ 14,616 540 1,245 16,401 1 146 Michigan 6,918 444 325 7,687 1,584 416 Minnesota 3,886 347 124 4,357 1,103 165 Mississippi 2,144 0 0 2,144 1,040 104 Missouri 8,247 921 9,168 2,292 727 Montana 762 303 107 1,172 396 66 Nebraska 1,709 1,709 702 92 Nevada 1,105 171 70 1,346 765 5 New Hampshire _ 1,183 1,183 668 23 New Jersey 8,500 8,500 1 161 New Mexico 2,034 751 189 2,974 1,212 50 New York 23,295 2,106 1,223 26,624 8,153 881 North Carolina _ 2,067 663 2,730 600 160 North Dakota _ 620 -"121 121 862 403 149 Ohio 18,259 2,434 730 21,423 6,767 657 Oklahoma 4,600 4,600 1,536 113 Oregon 3,098 28 454 3,575 1,354 184 Pennsylvania 17,164 939 18,103 4,464 833 Puerto Rico 2,513 336 2,849 243 106 Rhode Island 1,772 137 1,909 857 376 South Carolina _ 1,470 236 296 2,002 835 165 South Dakota __ 358 130 62 550 302 75 Tennessee 3,035 0 0 3,035 1,007 57 Texas 17,464 17,464 4,076 262 Utah 1,291 "878 213 1,877 656 85 Vermont 1,040 1,040 698 0 Virginia 2,955 135 397 3,487 1,339 138 Washington 4,637 538 326 5,501 1,434 143 West Virginia __ 2,959 2,959 1,399 112 Wisconsin 5,191 324 381 5,896 1,429 377 Wyoming 476 420 198 1,094 465 92 Total 267,528 13,048 14,381 294,957 70,898 10,903 [5] NATIONAL COUNCIL OF STATE BOARDS OF ENGINEERING EXAMINERS (Taken from Report of Executive Secretary) General: With the admission of the Guam Board to member­ ship last year, the National Council now has a membership of 54 boards and thirteen participating organizations. The registration boards have a total of 317 members. Fourteen of these are joint boards for the registration of both engineers and architects and forty-one boards also register land surveyors. Last year the National Council authorized the Executive Secretary to procure pins for the use of the members. After ne­ gotiating with several firms the order was placed this spring and these are now available through the Executive Secretary's office as a lapel button, a tie tack pin or as a watch charm. Legal registration or professional license in any one state, or certification by the National Bureau of Engineering Registra­ tion, does not authorize the practice of engineering in other states. Most states, however, grant registration to registrants of other states, or temporary permits to practice, provided they have the required qualifications and comply with the regulations of those states.
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